Chapter 225 Betrayal!

"The coup finally happened."

Shangguan Wan'er sighed secretly, forced herself to cheer up and said with a smile.

"His Royal Highness, Prince Liang, is serious. This official is just a member of the Zhongshu House who serves His Majesty in his daily life. He can't do anything to help you."

Unexpectedly, Wu Sansi smiled and waved his hand.

"Miss Shangguan is too modest. Who doesn't know that you are the emperor's most trusted female official in the palace. If you can deliver the news for me, you will be even more powerful."

"How do you agree to this king's invitation?"

Faced with Wu Sansi's questioning, Shangguan Wan'er showed a sign of emotion.

In fact, he was thinking quickly about how to survive. Judging from the scene in the palace today, it was obvious that Wu Sansi had taken control of the Yulin Guards.

I'm afraid it won't take long for the imperial court to undergo a major change of blood, and by then no one in the entire imperial court will be his opponent.

So she didn't have much choice. She could only give in to him temporarily and wait for Fan Xin's return.

After thinking about this, Shangguan Wan'er nodded.

"Since His Highness Prince Liang sincerely invites you, Wan'er will definitely live up to expectations."

After saying the blessing, he turned around and left.

Looking at her back, the smile on Wu Sansi's face gradually faded.

"My lord, can you believe her words?"

Several killers carrying knives came out and said grimly.

"Shangguan Wan'er is a smart person and knows the consequences of deceiving this king. It's time for Wei Yuanzhong and his gang to deal with it."

Wu Sansixu narrowed his eyes and said calmly.


Luoyang camp, inside the handsome tent.

"Old Tu, what day is it today? Why did you think of inviting us to drink?"

Cao Wei threw the armor on the table and asked curiously.

"Yes, Lao Tu, you are as frugal as General Fan. Have you made a fortune?"

Jiang Ji joked.

As more than a dozen generals took their seats, Tu Xiong smiled bitterly.

"To be honest, I invite all brothers to come here this time. I have good news to tell you."


The generals looked at each other, somewhat curious about what the good news was.

Cao Wei coughed.

"We are all brothers. If there is any good news, tell me directly. Is there any news from Prime Minister Fan?"

"Let me tell you, Fan Xiang is a legendary figure with great military exploits. How could he fall to his death in Fengshi Village? That idiot Ge Hong must have made a mistake."

Surprisingly, Tu Xiong shook his head.

"It's not about Prime Minister Fan, but His Highness Prince Liang is preparing to ascend the throne."

As soon as these words came out, the generals were shocked and many people stood up.

"Old Tu, what are you saying, Wu Sansi wants to ascend the throne and become emperor?"

Under the gaze of the generals, Tu Xiong nodded.

"Everyone, as the saying goes, good birds choose trees to roost in. When Prime Minister Fan was alive in the past, we naturally didn't have to worry about our future."

"But now that he is dead, if we want to make a future, we can only join another Ming Dynasty."

"Today, Your Majesty is getting old, and the Crown Prince hates us people. Only Prince Liang is the most suitable person to ascend the throne."

"What do you think? Come with me and join His Highness Prince Liang."

"He promised that after the event is completed, all the generals who participated in the great cause will be given the title of Meng Yin descendants."

It was deathly quiet in the handsome tent, and the expressions of all the generals were constantly changing.

To be honest, they would refuse without hesitation when Fan Xin was around.

But now his whereabouts are unknown. If he misses this opportunity, won't he regret it for the rest of his life?
a long time.

Cao Wei sneered.

"Old Tu, you used to be a clerk in Nanya and joined the army. It was Prime Minister Fan who promoted you to the position of general."

"What, now that something happened to him, you are going to change his family?" "Humph, we are so blind that we regard you as a brother."

Others followed angrily.

They are all confidants promoted by Fan Xin personally, and they recognize no one except Fan Xin.

Hearing this, Tu Xiong's face turned blue and white, and he didn't know what to say.

Because the other party was right, he betrayed Fan Xin's trust.

At this moment, the curtain opened and Liao Yaoxiang walked in with a smile.

"General Cao's words are wrong. Now His Highness Prince Liang is about to take control of the entire divine capital."

"General Tu is just a talented person who knows the current affairs. Don't you want to be a minister who obeys the dragon?"

It has to be said that Liao Yaoxiang's words were very confusing, and his words from "Long Zhichen" instantly caused many generals to waver in their stance.

It's true that they are Fan Xin's confidants, but in the final analysis, they still have to put their interests first.

They are all people who tie their heads to their belts, just for the sake of promotion.

Seeing that the generals' stance was shaken, Jiang Ji slammed the table.

"Liao Yaoxiang, don't use sweet words. Believe it or not, I will kill you!"

After finishing his words, he drew out his sword and shouted.

"Come here, capture Liao Yaoxiang for me!"

However, no matter how he shouted, no sergeant came in from outside the handsome tent.

"Brother Jiang, you don't have to shout, all the sentries in the camp are my people."

"For the sake of the past, you should hand over the fish talisman and the big seal. Don't make it difficult for your brothers."

Zhou Yan, who had been sitting silently in the corner, suddenly spoke.

This surprise was no small matter, and all the generals panicked. No wonder the camp was silent.

It turned out that they had all been replaced.

"Zhou Yan, I didn't expect that even you would betray Prime Minister Fan."

Jiang Ji said in disbelief.

Zhou Yan sighed softly, stood up with a guilty look on his face, and hugged everyone with fists.

"I'm sorry brothers, Zhou is from Longyou, and the family behind him has to rely on me to support him, so I can only make this decision."

"Nowadays, His Royal Highness Prince Liang's people are everywhere inside and outside the city of God. I hope you will not make any unnecessary resistance."

After hearing these words, the generals looked at each other and handed over their general orders one after another.

In the end, only Jiang Ji and Cao Wei were left.

Seeing that there were still people who were unwilling to surrender, a coldness flashed in Liao Yaoxiang's eyes.

"Come here, arrest these stubborn guys!"


With an order, dozens of sergeants rushed into the commander's tent, bound Jiang Jiyigan and others' hands and feet and took them out.

When everyone had dispersed, Tu Xiong said with a smile.

"Xiang Liao, these generals are all brothers of the last general, can you spare their lives?"

Glancing at him, Liao Yaoxiang sneered.

"Don't worry, General Tu. Laba is the day when His Royal Highness Prince Liang ascends the throne. They and Wei Yuanzhong's gang still have to keep it to offer sacrifices to heaven."

"It's Fan Xin's lair. I need to trouble you to go there."

"After all, only Youzhou has the largest garrison in the entire Great Zhou Dynasty. If we don't recruit them, it will really make people sleepless and sleepless."

Tu Xiong and Zhou Yan clasped their fists together.

"Don't worry, Mr. Liao, we know the generals there. It won't be difficult to recruit them as long as the benefits are there."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you two."

After bidding farewell to Liao Yaoxiang, Tu Xiong immediately sent his eldest son to lead an army towards Youzhou.

In their opinion, as long as the news of Fan Xin's death was told to the garrison general, the other party would definitely choose to support Wu Sansi on the throne like them.


(End of this chapter)

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