Chapter 241 Hundreds of officials kneel down to remonstrate!

Luoyang, Neiweifu.

A gray pigeon slowly landed on the pigeon coop in the Neiwei Mansion.

The inner guard stationed here removed the secret message tied to the pigeon's leg and walked towards the lobby.

"A letter from the Grand Pavilion Leader from Yingzhou!"

"Bring it."

Taking the secret letter from the inner guard, Liu Da took a look at the contents and smiled with satisfaction.

"This Peng Laishun is quite efficient in his work. He got Di Renjie's evidence of guilt so quickly."

"This time, I want to see how Di Renjie explains!"

Speaking of the last wave.

"Come on, let me put Di Renjie's house under surveillance. No one is allowed to enter or leave without permission!"

"Follow your orders!"

The inner guard clasped his fists and said doubtfully: "Master, since the case is ironclad, why don't you just arrest Di Renjie?"

Liu Da shook his head and looked in the direction of Guanfeng Hall.

"You don't understand. As an internal historian, Di Renjie is very influential in the court. If you want to touch him, you must obtain His Majesty's consent."

"Peng Laishun said in his letter that he not only captured Di Guangyuan, who was having an affair with Khitan general Li Kaigu, but also a scholar named Fan Renyan."

"This person is Di Renjie's disciple. As long as he insists that Di Renjie is secretly cultivating power, it is related to Li Jinzhong's old department."

"No matter how much your Majesty trusts him, he will not reuse him."

"That's when our inner defenders can truly shine!"


The next day, Guanfeng Hall.

Wu Zetian sat behind the major case and reviewed the memorial with a serious face.

After half a month of investigation, she did not expect that there were more than 2000 ministers involved in the rebellion.

Everyone from the cabinet to the states, counties, and the military participated in the coup.

This discovery made Wu Zetian shocked and angry. It had been half a year since the establishment of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

She didn't expect that there were so many people opposed to her becoming emperor!

Slapping a palm on the big case, Wu Zetian's face turned pale.

"Do you really think that I don't dare to kill these gangs of traitors?"

"Here comes someone, give it to me..."

"Your Majesty, please wait!" Shangguan Wan'er came to the case and bowed.

"Your Majesty, the internal guards always like to catch rumors when doing things. I think there must be an unjust, false or wrong case."

"You are like Tian Maogong, the magistrate of Chongzhou County. Just because he said that chivalrous people use force to break the ban, the internal guards regarded it as a major treason case. Isn't it a bit too much?"

Wu Zetian sneered and walked to the Guanfeng Hall with her hands behind her back.

"Cao Cao once said in the past that he would rather kill three thousand by mistake than let one go."

"This sentence is the same even now. I want everyone in the world to see it clearly. Anyone who opposes me will die!"

As soon as the words fell, the palace door was knocked open, and a chamberlain ran into the palace in panic.

"Your Majesty, it's not good. More than 200 civil and military officials gathered outside the main hall and asked you to remove the chief of the cabinet for investigation and let Mr. Di Ge go."

Wu Zetian was startled and her eyebrows wrinkled slightly.

"Isn't Di Renjie recuperating at home? What does the major rebellion have to do with him?"

"Come here, go and fetch Liu Da."


Not long after the chamberlain left, Liu Da walked into the hall wearing a cloak.

"Your Majesty, Liu Da, pays homage to your Majesty. Long live my emperor!"

"Get up."

Wu Zetian looked at Liu Da a little and said calmly.

"All the civil and military officials impeached you for monitoring the Di Mansion, and even the doctor was not allowed in. What's going on?" "Didn't I tell you not to involve innocent people?"

If it were anyone else, Wu Zetian might have trusted Neiwei, but Di Renjie lay in bed sick for three months.

I absolutely do not believe that he participated in the conspiracy against Wu Zetian.

Liu Da trembled all over and fell to his knees in the tunnel.

"Your Majesty, I don't want to risk offending hundreds of officials by surrounding the Di Mansion."

"However, the people below came to report that his son Di Guangyuan secretly had a close relationship with the Khitan general Li Kaigu and was caught on the spot."

"And this Li Kaigu is Li Jinzhong's old general. He led his troops into the Turkic garrison privately not long ago and did not return overnight."

"Deputy General Tao Jie exposed him for deliberately betraying Zhou Dynasty, but he killed him instead."

Speaking of this, Liu Da suddenly raised his voice.

"Your Majesty, if you are not of my race, your heart must be different. There is Li Jinzhong before you, and Li Kaigu after you. I am worried that someone is trying to kill you!"

Looking at Liu Da who looked aggrieved, Wu Zetian's expression was uncertain.

After being a monarch for many years, she believed that Di Renjie would not betray her.

But this may not be the case for his son. Even his own son cannot be relied on these days, let alone an outsider.

At this thought, Wu Zetianxu narrowed her eyes and said in a dark voice.

"As prime minister, Di Renjie has been imprisoned and worried for many years. It is impossible for me to convict him just because his son has a close relationship with Li Kaigu."

"Do you have any other evidence?"

"Back to Your Majesty, I also caught a witness. It is said that he is Di Renjie's student."

"I witnessed with my own eyes how Di Renjie conspired with Li Tang to restore the Tang Dynasty."

"Now that I have been taken to the capital of God, I will be able to give my confession in the palace soon!"

Seeing that Liu Dalian had found witnesses, although Wu Zetian still didn't believe it, she had nothing to say and could only wait until the trial was over.

"That's all, I believe you again, but Di Renjie is seriously ill in bed and urgently needs medical treatment. Go back and tell the internal guards not to stop him at will!"

"Wei Chen obeys!"

A flash of joy flashed in Liu Da's eyes. He got up from the ground and was about to leave when he suddenly remembered something.

"By the way, Your Majesty, what should we do with the ministers outside the palace?"

"Let them all go back. When the rebellion case is investigated, they will come out again."

"Wei minister leads the order!"

Liu Dayi cupped his fists and walked out of Guanfeng Hall majestically.

Outside the palace, hundreds of officials in court uniforms were kneeling on the ground.

He stared at the door of the hall with sorrow and anger.

Previously, the emperor arrested officials on a large scale in the name of hunting down traitors, and they thought they would be over soon.

As a result, the violence got worse and worse. In just half a month, thousands of people in various prefectures and counties throughout the Zhou Dynasty were imprisoned.

It is said that in order to accommodate these prisoners, Liu Da deliberately restored Lijingmen Prison.

It was filled with various instruments of torture, and it was announced that any official who entered Lijingmen would end up worse than before.

If this continues, I'm afraid it won't be long before the officials present will end up with the same fate.

"Prince of the Pavilion, what did your Majesty say?" Zhang Jianzhi stood up and stared at Liu Dadao.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Zhang?"

Liu Dapi dusted off his sleeves with a smile.

"Your Majesty has a decree that all ministers are not allowed to enter or leave the palace until the witnesses and evidence arrive in Luoyang. Anyone who disobeys the decree will be punished as treason!"

"Everyone, please come back?"

The ministers brushed their sleeves with sullen expressions.

"Liu Da, don't think that we don't know your thoughts."

"When Wei Sui's advice came to Junchen, although you were not mentioned, don't think that no one knows about your participation in compiling the Luo Zhi Jing."

"If you have some sense, release the innocent officials in jail immediately, or we will jointly impeach you!"

(End of this chapter)

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