Chapter 244 Didn't expect you to be this kind of person!

Li Dongxun said flatteringly.

"Go back to Liu Pavilion. All the imprisoned ministers have been taken away by His Highness the Prime Minister. I haven't had time to tell you yet."

"What did you say, that the Prime Minister took him away?"

Liu Da's expression changed, he slapped Li Dongxun on the face, and said angrily.

"I have given you three orders not to let people go. Who asked you to let people go?"

Li Dongxun covered his face and said aggrievedly.

"Leader Liu Ge doesn't know. His Highness the Prime Minister has come with a decree. I dare not disobey him despite my humble position."

Liu Daqia's hands were trembling, and he pointed at Li Dongxun and said with a trembling voice.

"It's in vain that you have followed me for so many years. Li Dan has been exiled to Xiangzhou for many years. How dare he come to the capital of God without His Majesty's order?"

"This old face of my leader has brought shame to you all!"

At this moment, Li Dongxun also reacted and said in disbelief.

"Master of the Grand Pavilion, do you mean that the Prime Minister is falsely passing on the imperial edict?"

"No way, this is too bold!"

Liu Da sneered again and again.

"Nothing is impossible. Back then, Fan Xin had no problem even allowing his subordinates to falsely pass on imperial edicts, let alone the Prime Minister."

"You go and keep an eye on the remaining officials first, and wait for Queen Qiu to ask and kill them."

"I will go to Shangyang Palace to ask Your Majesty what the crime is for falsely spreading the imperial edict!"


Shangyang Palace, main hall.

"Your Majesty, please see me, long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

After a few months, the emperor and his ministers gathered together again in the main hall of Shangyang Palace.

But compared to the peaceful atmosphere of the past, there is undoubtedly a bit more solemnity today.

Looking at the scarred looks of His Highness and his ministers, Wu Zetian frowned.

She just asked Liu Da to drive the ministers home, but she didn't expect this guy to be so serious.

I wanted to summon Liu Da and give him a scolding, but then I thought about it.

Teach the ministers a lesson, let them understand that there is only one sky above Zhou's head, and that is Wu Zetian.

"Your Majesty, I have something to do!"

Liu Da walked out of the queue and pointed at Li Dan.

"Your Majesty, yesterday His Highness the Prime Minister took away all the ministers awaiting trial from Lijingmen under the guise of an imperial edict."

"I sincerely request your Majesty to punish him for falsely preaching imperial edicts!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole palace was in an uproar, and everyone looked at the leader Li Dan.

There was a look of gratitude in his eyes.

At first they thought that King Xiang was coming to save them with an imperial edict.

Unexpectedly, he ran the risk of falsely preaching the saint.

Surprisingly, Wu Zetian was not angry at all and looked at her son calmly.

"Prince Xiang, is there any reason why Liu Da impeached you for falsely passing the imperial edict?"

"After returning to my mother, I never passed on the imperial edict. I just let the inner guards take a look at the edict you gave me."

"This shouldn't be a false edict."

Li Dan and Li Xian had discussed it before coming. No matter how the emperor asked, he insisted that what he was holding was the imperial edict given to him by the imperial court.

What kind of person Wu Zetian was, how could he not see through his son's little thoughts?

I'm just too lazy to pursue it.

"If you just gave the inner guard a look, it's not really a fake transmission of the imperial edict. Come on, collect the imperial edict."

Seeing a shocking case being resolved by the Prime Minister, Liu Da was filled with unwillingness.

"Your Majesty, according to the internal security investigation, there are [-] officials involved in the rebellion case and [-] family members, including Mr. Di Ge."

"Can the case be closed?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the ministers changed.

If the inner guards succeed, no one in the court will be able to check and balance these executioners in the future.

Therefore, they must do whatever it takes to thwart the Qiuhou Judgment.

Feeling the looks from the ministers, Li Dan stood up and said.

"Mother, since Yao and Shun, the most powerful people in all dynasties have always administered benevolent government and avoided cruelty." "My son, I kindly request that this case be jointly interrogated by Dali Temple, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Yushitai!"

Looking at Liu Da and Li Dan, Wu Zetian hesitated.

"There is no rush to close the case. Let's wait until the witnesses from Yingzhou arrive. Retreat from the court!"

After the dynasty dispersed, Li Dan comforted the ministers and came to the Prince's Mansion with a solemn expression.

"Brother Imperial, after this setback, the inner guards have become murderous. The only way to stop them is to save Mr. Di Ge. Is there anything you can do?"

Li Dan put the teacup on the table and asked.

"This is easier said than done. The key lies in the witness."

"It is said that this person is a student of Mr. Di Ge and witnessed his participation in the restoration of the Tang Dynasty artifact."

"If he is bribed by the internal guards, he will insist that Di Renjie is involved in the rebellion."

"I'm afraid this case can only be closed."

Li Xian said worriedly.

"Unless we find that witness and make him change his story!"

Li Dan was startled, then overjoyed.

"Yes, as long as the witness changes his story, your Majesty will not believe it no matter what the inner guard says!"

"I will send someone to find out the whereabouts of the prison car right now!"

Just when the two brothers were planning to target the witness, Liu Da was not idle either.

"Tell Peng Laishun that no matter what method he uses, he must make sure that witnesses confirm that Di Renjie was involved in the rebellion!"


The inner guard clasped his fists and left the inner guard's mansion towards Shendu Street.


The carriage slowly stopped in a dilapidated manor.

"Fan Renyan, we have arrived at the capital of God, let's get off the car."

Peng Laishun said with an arrogant expression.

The curtain opened, and Fan Xin and Liu Zi stepped out of the carriage.

He glanced at Di Guangyuan, his wife and Li Kaigu who were being escorted into the manor, and said calmly.

"This is where?"

"Of course this is our inner guard's territory, let's go."

Peng Laishun took Fan Xin and Liuzi to a bright room.

"Before you go to the court to testify, you will stay here first. Remember not to run around, otherwise you will not blame me for being unkind!"

After warning the two of them, Peng Laishun tossed his sleeves and left.

"Sir, what should we do next? Should we directly send troops to take down these internal guards?"

Liu Zi asked in a low voice.

"Don't be anxious. Some things can only be seen more carefully when you stand in the dark. Just be patient."

That night, Peng Laishun came to the manor again. What was different from the last time was that this time he brought a large box and a woman with her hands and feet tied.

"Little brother, our chief minister has said that as long as you insist that Di Renjie participated in the rebellion, these two thousand copper coins and the little girl will be yours."

"How about it, do you agree or not?"


The woman in palace clothes shook her head desperately, signaling Fan Xin not to agree.

Glancing at the woman, Fan Xin smiled.

"Tell the chief of the cabinet that I will identify Di Renjie verbatim according to his wishes."

Peng Laishun was overjoyed.

"Okay, you are indeed a talented person who knows the current affairs. With your words, I will feel at ease."

He said with a smile that only a man could understand.

"It's a long night, little brother, slowly enjoy Di Guangyuan's wife, I won't disturb you."

"No delivery."

After closing the door, Fan Xin walked towards the struggling woman in palace clothes.

In the woman's frightened eyes, she stretched out her hand towards her skirt...

(End of this chapter)

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