Chapter 247 Gentle Betrayal

One thing Webster didn't tell Li Xian was that she had seen a man in Tai Le Fang when she was having an affair with Wu Sansi.

As long as you get the handle on this person, you don't have to worry about him not listening to you.

After ordering the servants to tidy up the hall, Webster put on the gauze dress and left the East Palace. Looking in the direction, it was the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Prime Minister.

"Taiping, we're home." Fan Xin said, holding Princess Taiping's arm.

"Yes, hurry up and hurry up and finally come back." Princess Taiping touched her belly with a smile on her face.

Although the child was not born yet, she already felt the strong blood connection.

At this time, Wei Peng came over and clasped his fists and said, "Your Highness, the palace has been tidied up. You can go in and rest."

"Thank you, General Wei." Nodding to Wei Peng, Princess Taiping took Fan Xin's arm and walked into the palace.

Looking at the backs of the two of them, Wei Peng smiled and turned around and walked out of the house.

After traveling so long, he could finally have a good drink.

All the way to Tai Feng Tower, Wei Peng threw half a bunch of copper coins to the waiter.

"Serve all the good wine and food you have here, so you don't have to save money for me."

Seeing the big deal, the store clerk put a towel on his shoulders and greeted him warmly.

"Sir, please sit down for a while, and I will serve you some food."

Wei Peng laughed, randomly found a seat by the window and looked towards the street.

Just when he was stunned, a big, round man walked up to the table and clenched his fists.

"May I ask if you are General Wei Peng?"

"you are?"

"I'm Wei Si, my master wants to see you in the private room on the second floor."


Seeing the person in front of him making an inviting gesture, Wei Peng hesitated and finally followed him to the second floor.

Those who can tell their identity at once are obviously people with a good background.

The two of them followed the wooden ladder to the corridor on the second floor, and the man said to Wei Peng.

"My master is inside, you can go in on your own."

Hearing this, Wei Peng took a deep breath and strode in.

The imagined danger did not appear. Instead, a plump woman in imperial attire was sitting at the wine table, looking at him with a smile.

After seeing the woman's appearance clearly, Wei Peng's expression changed slightly and he hurriedly clasped his fists and saluted.

"The general has seen the Crown Princess!" At the same time, he secretly wondered why the Crown Princess came to him.

Webster seemed to know what he was thinking and said with a smile: "General Wei, there is no need to be formal. I just want to buy you a drink."

Wei Peng naturally didn't believe that the Crown Princess invited one of his guards to drink for no reason. There must be something fishy in it.

So he said with an apologetic expression: "I'm sorry, Crown Princess, I'm afraid I can't stay here much longer because I have a mission." Then he turned around and left.

Seeing that he was about to leave, Wei Shi said calmly: "General Wei, why would you refuse someone thousands of miles away? I think you were very carefree in Tailefang back then."

Wei Peng's face suddenly darkened when he heard the words "Tai Le Fang", and he touched the weapon on his lower back with his palm.

Seeing this, Webster smiled and waved his hand, took out a stack of contracts from his sleeve and put it on the table.

"General Wei, don't be nervous. The fact that you stole the princess's property and went to Tailefang to have fun is only known to me."

"If I wanted to harm you, I would have reported it a long time ago. Why come here?"

Wei Peng was startled, and the killing intent in his eyes gradually dissipated.

"What exactly do you want?"

"Nothing, I just want to ask the general to help me pour this stuff into Princess Taiping's food."

Seeing Webster take out a packet of white powder and put it on the table, Wei Peng suddenly raised his head and stared at Webster.

"You want me to poison Her Royal Highness the Princess!" He didn't expect this woman to be so vicious that she would poison her own relatives. Wei Shi said disapprovingly: "General Wei's words are wrong. Poisoning the princess is a serious crime and the whole family will be executed. How can I let you take this risk?"

"Don't worry, this pack of medicine is only used to relieve the fetus, it won't kill anyone."

Wei Peng refused without even thinking: "Your Highness the Princess is kind to me, you'd better put it aside."

Webster opened the account book and clicked his tongue with regret.

"General Wei is indeed kind and righteous, but I wonder if Taiping would be the same as you if he knew that you stole more than three thousand copper coins from her."

"If I remember correctly, you must be executed for treason and execution, right?"

As soon as he said these words, Wei Peng's whole body trembled and his hand holding the handle of the knife slowly loosened his grip.

The Crown Princess is right. The crime of stealing royal property will be increased to one level. Once exposed, the whole family will suffer.

Seeing Wei Peng's pale face, Wei's lips curved into a smile of success, and he personally picked up the horn cup and fed it into his mouth.

"How about General Wei, have you thought about it?"

"As long as you complete this matter, I will not only give you the evidence, but also give you great wealth."

Feeling the body fragrance emanating from Wei's body, Wei Peng's expression kept changing.

Sometimes hesitant.

Sometimes fearful.

Finally, he gritted his teeth, tore off Webster's gown and carried her to bed.

Soon a seductive gasping sound could be heard from inside the gauze tent...

After an unknown amount of time, the room became quiet again.

Wei Shixiang lay in Wei Peng's arms dripping with sweat and said with a smile.

"As expected of the first and second master in the palace, this strength is much stronger than that loser Li Xian."

Wei Peng was so upset that he had no intention of talking about it. After confirming the efficacy of the white powder, he put on his clothes and left.

All the way back to the Prime Minister's Mansion, the maid came over and said as soon as he entered the door.

"General Wei, His Highness has been looking for you for a long time. Please go to the backyard."

"Okay, I'll be there right away." After thanking him, Wei Peng walked quickly to the palace.

Seeing him coming, Fan Xin put down his porridge bowl and said, "Where have you been after looking for you for a long time?"

Wei Peng's heart trembled and he pretended to be calm and said: "Go back, Prince Consort, I just went to inspect the sentry outside the mansion. I wonder what your orders are."

"It's okay, it's just that the new year is approaching and the princess wants to give some rice and meat oil to you guards."

"You find a time to notify us and let everyone go to the accounting room to collect it on their own."

"Thank you for your concern, Your Highness. I will inform the guards immediately."

Wei Peng clasped his fists and turned around to walk out of the palace, looking at Fan Xin's back thoughtfully.

"what happened?"

Noticing that Fan Xin looked strange, Princess Taiping sat up from the bed.

Fan Xin shook his head: "Nothing, I just feel something is wrong with Wei Peng."

"There were lip marks on his neck and a faint smell of alcohol. It was clear that he had just returned from drinking."

"But he said he went to patrol the sentry post, obviously he didn't tell us the truth."

Princess Taiping didn't take it seriously and said: "I thought it was a big deal. Wei Peng has been with me for more than ten years and has never had any problems."

"I'm guessing he's afraid that you'll punish him if he says it. Okay, give me a tap on your right leg."

Fan Xin did not continue to dwell on this topic and began to concentrate on helping his wife beat her legs.

There was just one question that lingered in his mind.

That's why Wei Peng lied about such a trivial matter...

(End of this chapter)

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