Chapter 26: The Imperial Court Comes!

"I will obey your orders!"

After shouting like a tsunami, the ministers left the main hall of Shangyang Palace one after another. When they left the palace gate, Wu Chengsi's expression changed and he said anxiously.

"Quick, send someone immediately to inform Qiu Shenji, asking him to get the blood-killing list first before Xiao Shude arrives."

"Lest I be killed and silenced by the kings surnamed Li, and the evidence destroyed!"

The matter was so important that Wu Sansi did not dare to delay, and quickly ordered several guards to ride fast horses to the official road to chase Qiu Shenji.

Twenty miles outside Bozhou City.

On the winding official road, a team carrying the flag of the Tang Dynasty was walking slowly forward.

"Damn, these golden crops are so tempting." A lean man at the head of the team said with envy.

The accompanying general smiled slightly: "The general manager does not know that the ten thousand acres of fertile land in Wushui County are the private property of Prince Langya's palace."

Hearing that these fertile lands belonged to Li Chong, Qiu Shenji's smile gradually disappeared and he sneered.

"Hmph, the private property of the Langya Palace was clearly taken from the common people. The majestic king surnamed Li occupied the common people's land without fear of retribution!"

"After sending the order to wipe out the rebels, immediately hand over the land deeds to these fields and let me keep them on your behalf!"

"General Manager, do these confiscated land deeds still need to be registered?" the general asked.

"What do you think?" Qiu Shenji gave him a meaningful look.

The military general slapped his head: "I made a mistake. These fields are kept by the general manager and naturally belong to your private property. How can they be registered?"

Qiu Shenji laughed with satisfaction and pointed forward with his riding crop.

"Let's go to Wushui County Station to have a good meal!"

"Damn, I've been on the road for so many days and haven't eaten anything. I haven't even seen a trace of meat. Let's have a good time when we get there."

"After you have eaten and drank enough, go and deal with Li Chong's gang of shrimp soldiers and crab generals."

"The General Manager is mighty!" The soldiers of the three armies laughed and accelerated their marching speed.

Soon the army arrived at the Wushui County Post Station. After hearing the news, the Post Master stepped forward and clasped his fists.

"May I ask you generals, which army are you from? I am a humble person and can receive you according to the rules."

One of the accompanying military generals scolded him with a serious look on his face: "You're blind, this is Qiu Shenji, the general manager of Qingping Road March, why don't you hurry up and prepare some good wine and food!"

Upon hearing that the other party had such a big background, Yi Cheng was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat.

"It turns out to be General Manager Qiu. Please sit inside first. I'll take someone to prepare a meal for you."

"Go." Qiu Shenji waved his hand impatiently, jumped off his horse and walked straight towards the inn. After marching for so long, he almost felt like a bird was out of his mouth.

The group of people came to the inn, found the best room and walked in.

After sitting down, Qiu Shenji frowned and said, "It's strange. When I was in Luoyang, I heard that Li Chong led an army of nearly ten thousand to attack Wushui County. Why didn't he even smell the flames of war along the way?"

"Yes, the general is also surprised. The peasant women passing by are harvesting crops like no one else. Could it be that Li Chong went to Puzhou?"

"If this is the case, wouldn't we still have to go to Puzhou?"

Yi Cheng, who was responsible for waiting on the side, heard this and said with a smile.

"General Manager, several generals, you don't need to go to Puzhou. My Ming Dynasty has defeated the rebels and captured King Langya alive."

"What did you say! Li Chong's army of nearly ten thousand was defeated?"

Qiu Shenji's surprise was no small matter. Knowing that Li Chong's army numbered nearly ten thousand people, even he had to put some thought into it.

However, it is a bit ridiculous no matter how you hear it, such a close friend was captured by a seventh-grade county magistrate.

"Nonsense. There are only a hundred or so officials in your county. How can they be a match for an army of nearly ten thousand?" the deputy general asked.Seeing that several people didn't believe it, Yi Cheng walked to the window and pointed at the farmers harvesting their fields outside.

"Generals, if you don't believe me, ask them if they dare to go to the fields to harvest crops if the rebels are not defeated?"

Seeing that Yi Cheng's attitude didn't look like he was lying, the relief on Qiu Shenji's face completely disappeared, and the palms hidden under the table were tightly clenched into fists.

Four years ago, he was ordered to go to Bazhou to force Prince Zhang Huai to death. Although he was protected by the Queen Mother, he was still demoted three levels in a row.

For so many years, he had been looking forward to the stars and the moon, and finally hoped for an opportunity to establish meritorious deeds, but was ruined by a small county magistrate.

How can this make him happy?

Several generals noticed that the general manager's expression was wrong and asked cautiously.

"General Manager, are you okay?"

Qiu Shenji was a thoughtful person, so he knew that this was not the time to have an attack, so he said with a straight face: "It's okay, let's go and serve food and drinks."

"It's okay." The deputy general breathed a sigh of relief and glared at Yi Cheng: "Hurry up and bring the food and wine!"

Yi Cheng realized that he seemed to be in trouble, so he smiled and turned around to enter the kitchen.

Not long after, he and several postmen walked into the room carrying ten dishes and one soup.

"General manager, this is because we don't have enough food in this county to have food."

During the steaming heat, a few soft cabbages stood out.

Looking at this table of "clear soup but little water" food, Qiu Shenji's chopsticks froze in mid-air, then his whole body trembled, and his face turned pale.

"Is this the delicacy your county prepared for me?"

"Yes, our county magistrate said that senior officials above the third rank must serve ten dishes and one soup, without any..."


Qiu Shenji overturned the table, grabbed Yi Cheng's collar and said with a ferocious expression.

"This table of food only costs [-] coins at best. Even my dog ​​won't eat it. You actually call it delicious food?"

"Go, immediately prepare a table of delicacies for me, and call a few singers. If you still can't satisfy me, all of you at the inn will die!"

After saying that, he pushed Yi Cheng away and sat down on the chair angrily.

Yi Cheng was just a humble official. He had never seen such a scene before. He was so frightened that he backed away while apologizing.

When he got outside, he took a breather at his subordinate postman.

"Go and tell Mingfu that General Manager Qingping will come in person and ask him to prepare for the ceremony as soon as possible,"

“Our county cannot afford to offend such a big shot!”

"Young man, I understand!" The postman clasped his fist at Zheng Kang, got on his horse and headed towards the county government office.

When he arrived at the place, the postman jumped off his horse, handed the reins to the guard, and walked into the back office.

Seeing Fan Xin sorting out the complaint, he knelt down and clasped his fists.

"Report to the Ming Dynasty! A man has come to the station who claims to be the general manager of Qingping Road March. Zheng Yicheng asks you to hurry up and prepare for the welcome ceremony so as not to offend these important people!"

"Has the imperial court finally sent someone? I don't know if Li Chong has thought about it." Fan Xin put down the complaint, shook his head, and said to the postman.

"You go back first and tell Zheng Yicheng to prepare the bill for the meal. When I see the chief manager, I will ask him for the meal money."

"What are you talking about, Mingfu, asking the chief manager for food money?" the Yamen servant opened his mouth and asked in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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