Chapter 277 The traitorous treaty!

Glancing at Cao Wei, Fan Xin said calmly.

"We live and die to benefit the country, how can we avoid it because of misfortunes and blessings? We Han people are born with the responsibility of guarding the land and protecting the country. How can we be short-sighted because of political opinions!"

"Instruct the officers and soldiers of the three armies to arrive at Shanzhou within half a month. Anyone who delays the military flight will be killed!"


Cao Wei shook his horse's reins and ran towards the rear of the army. The thick sound echoed through the rain curtain along the way.

"The general of the Hussars has an order, and the whole army is to attack. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed!"

Just as 20,000 Tang cavalry were pouring into Shanzhou like a torrent, Yao Chong, who stayed at the Luoyang Inn, tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

Finally, I simply put on my clothes and washed my face.

"Yao Xiangguo, there is still an hour before dawn, please sleep for a while." Zhang Zhang walked into the room holding an oil lamp and asked with concern.

"I can't sleep. The war is raging on the front line. The Tibetans may attack Shanzhou at any time. Once it falls, where will the dignity of the Tang Dynasty go?"

"Let's go to the Prime Minister's Mansion again. I don't believe that Fan Xin can really watch Tang Erlang die tragically at the hands of the enemy."

The two simply cleaned up and got on the sedan to the Prime Minister's Mansion. In view of their dissatisfaction with the imperial court, the guard guarding the door said calmly.

"Isn't this Prime Minister Yao? What's the point of coming to the Prime Minister's mansion before dawn?"

Zhang Zhang's expression changed, he took a step forward and yelled loudly.

"How dare you, Prime Minister Yao is here to meet the Duke of Yan, how dare you and other mere guards to be rude, why don't you call Fan Xin out quickly!"

The guards had long disliked Yao Chong. What the hell, the Duke of Guo worked hard for the imperial court and went through life and death several times. It was just a matter of not being promoted to an official position, but he was actually dismissed from his official position.

What were you doing when you came here to ask for help?

"Hey, Prime Minister Yao's great official power has been shaken by our Prime Minister's Mansion." A mocking voice came from inside the door.

Then Princess Taiping appeared at the door with several servants.

Seeing the arrival of the rightful master, Yao Chong stroked his beard and said: Your Highness, you were born in a royal family and were named the princess of the country by the imperial court. You should know that important matters for the family and the country cannot be delayed.

"Go back and tell Duke Yan that if he doesn't agree to lead the expedition, I will stand here waiting for him until he agrees."

Princess Taiping looked at Yao Chong calmly and said calmly: "You important ministers of the imperial court, when you have nothing to do, go out of your way to exclude dissidents, for fear of affecting your own rights."

"When something happened, he would come to the door and force the prince-in-law to go to the battlefield and die."

"No wonder the prince-in-law doesn't want to stay in the court, let alone a place like this." After saying that, he turned around and walked towards the mansion.

Before the door closed, Princess Taiping paused and said without turning her head.

"The prince-in-law has set off at the Yin hour. Prime Minister Yao can go back and resume his life this time."


Looking at the closed door, Zhang Zhang's face turned livid with anger.

"Too arrogant, simply too arrogant! Mr. Yao, you must write a letter from Fan!"

However, what surprised him was that Yao Chong said nothing, bowed respectfully to the Prime Minister's Mansion, then resolutely boarded the carriage and left Tianjie.

On the way back, Zhang Zhang was puzzled and asked: "Prime Minister Yao, Fan Xin was so rude to you, without even showing his face, why do you still give gifts to the prime minister's palace?"

Yao Chong glanced at him, looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Everyone in the world says that a prime minister's heart can hold a boat, but they don't know that a higher level than this is to have a heart for the people of the world. In terms of heart, I am not as good as his Fan Xin!"


Ever since Li Qingyuan was defeated and captured and lost the important town of Heyuan, Shanzhou has become the isolated land of the Tang Dynasty in the western border. It was surrounded by tens of thousands of feudal soldiers and not even a bird could fly out.


A hurried report sounded across the sky and resounded above the General Office. Dozens of civil and military officials stopped talking and looked at the sergeant who came to report.

"Report to Manager Wu, Governor of Qin, and envoys from the feudal vassals outside the city asking for an audience!"

"not see!"

Wu Liang frowned and looked at the civil and military officials on both sides.

"Everyone, you must be very aware of the current situation in Shanzhou. Although there are 60,000 defenders in the city, they are tens of thousands behind the Tibetans. I wonder if you have any good plans to retreat from the enemy?"

All the officials looked at each other in confusion, not knowing what Wu Liang meant by what he said. A garrison general replied tentatively.

"Deputy General Wu, although we are at a disadvantage right now, the main force of the Tufan is taking over Heyuan and Dafeichuan, Fuqi City, and there are only 10,000 troops surrounding Shanzhou."

"If we take the initiative at this time, we will probably give the feudal clan a heavy blow. When the time comes."

"Okay!" Wu Liang snorted impatiently and said with an unhappy expression: "Even you know that the main force of the Tufan is at the source of the river, Dafeichuan, how can I not know?"

"What if the 10,000 enemies outside the city are used as bait? Chita's military ability is no worse than that of Lun Qinling. Once the 60,000-strong army is annihilated, what shall we explain to the court?"

Qin Shu on the side nodded in agreement.

"Deputy General Wu is right. If we do more at this time, we will make more mistakes. If we do less, we will make more mistakes. If we don't do anything, it's good. As long as we stay firmly in the city, there will be nothing the Tufan people can do to us."

Several generals who advocated an attack immediately understood the meaning of the two men's attitudes and immediately shut up and stopped talking.

At this time, an official with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks stood up from his seat and cupped his hands towards Wu Lianggong.

"Deputy Manager Wu, I believe that the Tufan people are too powerful to confront them head-on. If they want to preserve their strength and make a comeback, they can only implement a curved strategy to save the country."

"Pretend to surrender to the feudal lords, and then give them a fatal blow when the strength is sufficient in the future."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Liang's eyes suddenly lit up, as he had already had this intention in his heart. He moved forward for a moment and said with interest.

"According to what you said, we didn't surrender, but we saved the country by taking a detour?"

"Of course, Gu's heart was with Cao's camp and his heart was with the Han. We only temporarily took refuge with the Tubo people to save the lives of the soldiers. We will still return to the Tang Dynasty in the future."

Wu Liang touched his chin with a thoughtful look on his face, but being cautious by nature, he did not make a decision on the spot, but asked the civil and military officials to go back first.

When only Qin Shu, the sharp-mouthed monkey, was left in the hall, Wu Liang hesitated and spoke.

"Brother Qin, what do you think of joining the Tubo people?"

Qin Governor smiled and nodded.

"I think this curve is feasible to save the country. We have 60,000 troops in our hands. If we join the Tibetan people, we should get a lot of benefits."

"In this case, I will send someone to contact the feudal envoys to see what benefits they can give us."

"It's hard to sell it once, but it will cost two more."

The subordinates on the side were extremely happy when they saw that the two chief managers agreed to their proposal, and reminded them.

"Both Shang Xian and Xia Guan are willing to negotiate with the feudal envoys, but before that, the main battle generals in the army must be eliminated."

Wu Liang's eyes flashed fiercely, and he sneered: "Don't worry, I have made preparations, and I promise not to let them ruin my good deeds."

At the same time, in various residences in Shanzhou, a general named Tongbing was tricked into entering the camp by someone from the General Administration. Then he was imprisoned in Shanzhou Prison, and it was claimed that these people were suspected of secretly collaborating with the enemy.

After taking care of the main fighting faction in the city, Wu Liang and Qin Shu put on their casual clothes and took advantage of the night to come to Yan Lai Tower in the city.

Here a covered Tibetan woman sat on a chair, waiting for their arrival.

"Ms. Lunge, these two are Manager Wu and Governor Qin respectively. You can talk to them about anything."

After closing the door, Zhou Qi said to the Tibetan envoy with a smile on his face.

The latter raised his head and looked at the two people, then slowly lifted the veil, revealing a beautiful face, which looked like a girl.

"I am the envoy sent by General Chita. I have been ordered to come to discuss surrender with you two. You can tell me what conditions you have."

Wu Liang seemed a little disgusted by the word surrender, and frowned while sitting on the chair.

"After all, the two of us are general managers with tens of thousands of troops, and we have secretly helped you Tubo. It would be too insincere for your country to send a woman here. Also, we are just cooperating, how can we say it is surrender. "

The girl seemed to have expected it. She took out a piece of black cowhide representing the royal family from her sleeve and placed it on the table, smiling and saying.

"General Manager Wu is right. It was the little girl who was rude. On behalf of General Chita, I would like to apologize to you and the Qin Governor."

Seeing the girl's submission, the Qin governor on the side laughed.

"Okay, we will inevitably have to work together in the future, so let's get down to business."

When Wu Liang mentioned the purpose of his trip, his face became solemn and he spoke.

"I believe your country is very aware of the current situation. If you want to conquer a city guarded by 60,000 troops, you will have to spend at least 100,000 troops here. Together with food, grass and losses, you will not be able to recover in ten years."

"And there are Turks who are eyeing you behind you. If they take advantage of you, the consequences can be imagined."

After saying this, Wu Liang paused.

"So our conditions are that Shanzhou and Heyuan will still be managed by us. Your country will distribute 400,000 gu of money and grain to us every year, and appoint us two as the great lords of this place, with the power of life and death. How about that?"

Facing the two lions, the female envoy from Tufan smiled and shook her head.

"Sorry you two, our country cannot agree to this request. As a sign of sincerity, our country can make you two great lords, reward you with a fief, and each of you can have three thousand guards."

"Other than this, we cannot agree to other requests. After all, you know that even if you don't cooperate, we can still get the land in Shanzhou."

"I'm not afraid to tell you that General Chita has completed the takeover of Heyuan and Fuai City, and an army of 120,000 will arrive in Shanzhou in less than a month."

"You don't have much time left."

When the female messenger said this, her tone was full of strong confidence, and she didn't seem to care much whether Wu Liang or the others surrendered.

Seeing this, Wu Liang and Qin Shu looked a little ugly. According to their original intention, even if they surrendered to the Tufan people, they had to become a prince.

But at present, this situation is probably difficult to achieve.

The two looked at each other and saw the embarrassment in each other's eyes. Zhou Qi, who had been silent at the critical moment, spoke.

"Your Majesty the Envoy, our two generals are high-ranking officials of the third rank in the Tang Dynasty. We can't let their treatment in Tubo be worse than that in the Tang Dynasty, right?"

"Are you going to add more?"

"Is this it?" The Tufan female envoy hesitated. What the Han officials said made sense. If the treatment given by Tubo was not enough, the other party would have no reason to surrender to them.

Compared to occupying the city and recovering an army of 60,000 in vain, the necessary effort is worth it.

After thinking about this, the female envoy from Tufan gritted her teeth and said.

"Well, for the sake of your sincerity in cooperating with our country, as long as you lead your army to surrender, I, the Tubo royal family, can choose two women to be your wives, so that you can become a Tufan royal family, have the rights of a great lord, and have Qualified to enjoy the most fertile land and serfs.”

As soon as this condition came out, Wu Liang and Qin Shu were overjoyed. As we all know, the real power in Tubo was the royal family, the descendants of the Songtsan family.

If they join the royal family, they will instantly have real power, far more powerful than ordinary lords.

Therefore, the two agreed without hesitation.

The next thing was simple. The two sides signed a treason treaty as evidence and discussed a date for surrender.

It was finally decided to meet in the Wild Wolf Valley outside Shanzhou City in the evening three days later.

After seeing off the female envoy from Tufan, Wu Liang became energetic and patted Zhou Qi on the shoulder with satisfaction.

"You have done a good job in this matter. You can take on the position of chief bodyguard of the General Manager's Mansion."

Just as Shanzhou City was waiting in an orderly manner for the Tibetans to take over, a cavalry force of 20,000 people came near Yelangpo.

Look at the flag and see that it is Fan Xin's army who came to rescue.

"General, Shanzhou City is twenty miles ahead. Should we go there now?" Zhang Huan opened the sheepskin map, took a look, pointed ahead and said.

"Don't worry, we are new here and are not familiar with the situation here. Let's get a feel for the situation first and wait for the arrival of the Shenji Battalion."

Fan Xin looked at the surrounding terrain and was about to order the army to rest where they were, when suddenly a report came.

"Reporting to the general, a Tufan infantry was found three miles ahead, running towards us!"

"What! Did the Tubo people discover us so quickly?"

Fan's confidence sank, and he hurriedly ordered 20,000 cavalry to mount their horses and prepare for battle. The distance was already very close, and it was obviously too late to hide.


Under the gaze of 20,000 cavalry, a Tibetan army of about 10,000 people slowly walked forward. Surprisingly, this Tibetan army did not have any hostility.

In the dim night, a woman rode forward and looked at Fan Xin and the generals behind her, frowning slightly.

It seems that they did not expect that the Tang Dynasty would have such a huge cavalry team.

Finally, his eyes fell on Fan Xin again.

"You should be the leading general of this cavalry. Tell them that they can dismount and accept their surrender. Afterwards, I will discuss their merits and reward them one by one."


Fan Xin was startled, thinking he heard wrongly, and asked in disbelief.

"You mean to ask me to dismount and surrender?"

"Of course, these horses will be handed over to us for safekeeping. Do you have any objections?" the Tibetan woman said with an unhappy expression.

I secretly thought that these Han people were really hypocritical. They all decided to surrender and pretended to know nothing on the surface.

"So that's it, I understand."

Fan Xin glanced at the Tufan woman meaningfully, a cold smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said.

"All troops obey orders."

(End of this chapter)

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