Chapter 28: Soldiers surround the Governor’s Mansion!
"Qiu Shenji is a man who is determined to retaliate against others. What happened today will definitely make him feel secretly resentful."

"Take these six pieces of money and go back to the countryside to hide. Come back after he leaves."

Taking advantage of civilian girls is a big crime. With Qiu Shenji's character, he will definitely kill someone and silence her. For safety reasons, Fan Xin decided to let Xiao Fengxian go out and hide first.

Xiao Fengxian also knew that the matter was serious. After putting on her dress, she bowed to Fan Xinfu and expressed her gratitude.

"The Ming Dynasty's great kindness will never be forgotten by my little girl. Please take care of yourself. My little girl is gone."

Watching Xiao Fengxian disappear into the night, Fan Xin breathed a sigh of relief and felt a wave of fear in his heart.

The level difference between the two sides was too great. If Qiu Shenji killed him regardless of public opinion, he might be in trouble right now.

Liuzi, who came after hearing the news, saw that his young master was still alive, his eyes were red.

"Master, are you okay?"

"It's okay, everything has been resolved." After giving a few words to Zheng Yichen, Fan Xin returned to the county office and wrote a memorial to impeach Qiu Shenji overnight.

At the moment, he is only a seventh-grade petty official. Apart from going to Beijing to file a petition, this is the only way.

One night passed, when Fan Xin was lying on the table ready to sleep for a while, Liu Zi opened the door and walked in quickly.

"The young master is not good. This morning, some people found Xiao Fengxian hanging to death upstairs in Yanlai. Zhou Dianjiu has already led people to rush over."


Fan Xin smashed the tea cup in his hand, his bloodshot eyes stared at Liu Zi, a surge of anger burning in his chest.

Last night, Xiao Fengxian had just promised him to go back to the countryside to hide, but today he was hanged in Yan Lai Tower.

This is a blatant disregard for human life!Contempt the royal law!

a long time.

Fan Xin took a deep breath and said in a deep voice: "Go and notify Lin Tie and ask him to gather at Yan Lai Building immediately!"

Hua Luo opened the door and strode towards Yanlai Tower. It started to rain lightly outside at some point. Chang Sui wanted to hold an umbrella for him, but he threw it into the puddle.

Xiao Fengxian is the brand name of Yan Lai Tower and is very popular among the local people. After hearing the news that she was hanged, they all went to Yan Lai Tower to watch.

Seeing Fan Xin coming, Zhou Dianyuan stepped forward and pointed at the female corpse on the flagpole.

"Mingfu, take a look, Xiao Fengxian died so tragically that her bones were broken into pieces!"

Looking at the little Fengxian hanging in the air with her eyes closed, Fan Xin's eyes showed a trace of sadness. Just the day before yesterday, she was a well-educated and sensible girl, but now she died in such a miserable way.

In the final analysis, he was the county magistrate who was incompetent and failed to protect the people under his rule.

Thinking of this, he walked to the flagpole, climbed up the ladder step by step, and untied Xiao Fengxian's body with his own hands.

The corpse was like a cold, soft flesh in the arms, not a single bone was intact.

"I'm sorry, Miss Fengxian, I couldn't let you be harmed by a traitor!"

"Don't worry, there is a wrongdoer and a debtor, and I must let the people behind the scenes pay with blood!" Fan Xin said with a firm expression as he took off his official uniform and wrapped it around the body.

Seeing this, Zhou Dianyuan's expression changed greatly and he said hurriedly: "Not in the Ming Dynasty. Official uniforms are a symbol of power. They must not be contaminated by corpses. If it spreads to the imperial court, it will be detrimental to your career!"

Fan Xin turned his head, glanced at him, and sneered.

"Is there anything dirtier than official uniforms in this world?"


Seeing that Zhou Dianyu had nothing to say, Fan Xin stood up and looked at the frightened old madam.

"I'm asking you, when Xiao Fengxian came back from the inn last night, who was there?"

The old bustard's eyes flashed with fear, and he forced a smile on his face.

"Back to Ming Mansion, Xiao Fengxian came back last night to pack her things and said she was going to stay in the countryside for a few days. No one came during the period, and I don't know who killed her."

Fan Xin's eyes lingered on her face for a while, then looked at the women huddled together.

"what about you?"

"We haven't seen it before either!" All the girls shook their heads and said.

Just when Fan Xin was disappointed, a timid voice sounded from the crowd. "Magistrate Fan, do you really want to seek justice for Sister Fengxian?"

The speaker was a boy in his teens. Judging from his clothes and appearance, he should be the boy who served tea and water at Yan Lailou.

Seeing him speaking, the old madam scolded him quickly.

"Tieniu, shut up and stop talking nonsense..."


A sword was unsheathed and placed on the old bustard's neck.

"If you dare to obstruct me for even a moment, I will definitely kill you!"

After restraining the madam, Fan Xin looked at the waiter and his expression softened a bit.

"I promised Xiao Fengxian that I would seek justice for him. Why, have you seen the murderer?"

Tieniu hesitated and nodded heavily: "I've seen it before. Just last night, several armored soldiers broke into the building and killed Sister Fengxian. They also said that it would be useless to sue the government."

"They are the chief steward, and no one can do anything to them."

Fan Xin ordered someone to write down Tie Niu's confession and said happily: "After meeting, can you recognize these people?"


After receiving Tieniu's affirmative answer, Fan Xin put the sword back into its scabbard and faced the crowd standing in the rain.

"The emperor broke the law and committed the same crimes as the common people. Now someone actually relies on his power to kill the people of our county. This criminal will not be punished until he is removed!"

"Lin Tie, gather the troops and follow me to the Grand Controller's residence!"

"The last will obey!"

Seeing that Fan Xin was getting angry with his book business, Zhou Dianjiu was so frightened that he knelt on the ground with a thud and begged.

"Ming Mansion, you must not do this! The chief steward is a minister sent by the imperial court. If you offend him, your future will be over!"

"Yes, Xiaofengxian is just a mortal woman. She is definitely not worthy of risking your life like this. Why bother." Chang Sui said in a playful tone.

However, Fan Yi had made up his mind and would not care about the two people's persuasion. He immediately picked up Xiao Fengxian's body and walked to the chief steward's chamber.

The common people followed silently along the way, looking at the lonely figure in front of them with reverence.

Soon, a group of people arrived at the camp. The guard guarding the gate was furious when he saw so many sergeants coming.

"Fan Xin, you are so brave. You dare to lead troops to surround the marching manager's house, why don't you retreat quickly!"

Fan Xin raised his head and wiped the rain off his face, looked at the guards with stern expressions, and said calmly.

"Go in and tell the chief manager that I will give him a quarter of an hour to hand over the murderer, otherwise my subordinates will attack immediately!"

Several guards wanted to say something, but Liu Zi impatiently hit the ground with a hammer.

"If you don't hurry up and report, you don't have much time left!"

"You're being cruel, just wait for me!" The guard glared at several people fiercely, turned around and ran towards the cabin.


In the office hall, Qiu Shenji was sitting behind the big case, stroking his beard with a smile on his face.

"You two have done a good job. Killing Xiao Fengxian not only eliminates future troubles, but also discredits Fan Xin. You will go back soon to receive ten gold rewards each."

Hearing that there was a reward, several soldiers looked at each other with joy, and then said hesitantly.

"General Manager, Wushui County won't send people to arrest us if we kill people in public, right?"

Qiu Shenji laughed and waved his hands indifferently.

"Don't worry, I am the general manager appointed by the imperial court. Even if Fan Xin had a hundred courage, he would not dare to lead people up to the prison to arrest you!"

"Enjoy your life. As long as I'm here, no one in Wushui County dares to touch a hair on your head!"

(End of this chapter)

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