On the city wall, the faces of all the soldiers were extremely solemn.

According to the pre-war plan, they would spend 100,000 Tibetan troops in Fuqi City, and let Li Tong lead the main force of the Tang Army and the Shenji Battalion's Heavy Artillery Battalion to recover the occupied lands such as Heyuan, Chiling, and Dafeichuan.

What they didn't expect was that although they successfully attracted the Tibetan army, the number was 80,000 more than before.

180,000 Tibetan troops attacked the city, could they really hold it? Everyone's heart is heavy.

At this time, a loud laugh sounded, and everyone looked sideways, only to see Fan Xin holding his sword and shouting loudly.

"Brothers, the 180,000 troops are already all the elites of Tibet. How can we let them go if they appear here now?"

"Remember, kill one to save your capital, kill two to earn money. After you return, everyone will be promoted to two levels and rewarded with a hundred copper coins! Three generations of Mengyin descendants!"

"Kill, kill, kill!"

Under Fan Xin's generous reward, nearly 20,000 Tang Dynasty iron troops raised their weapons and roared, and their strong morale once overwhelmed the Tibetan army outside the city.

"Shut up!"

Signaling the army to stop, Chita raised his head and looked up at the city, frowning slightly. He was a little surprised that the Tang army still had such high morale at this time.

"Prime Minister, I am willing to lead the forward army to charge forward. Please grant me your permission!" Han Jie said with clasped fists.

"There is no rush." ​​Chita Feng Qingyun said calmly: "The art of war has it that the first is to attack the enemy with the enemy, then the second is to attack the enemy, the second is to attack the enemy, and then the second is to attack the city."

"Therefore, those who are good at using troops do not seize the enemy's troops, and capture the enemy's city instead of attacking it."

"Bringing those Tang army prisoners and civilians to the front of the battle line, Fan Xin has a reputation of loving the people like his own son. The real truth depends on how he chooses!"

"As expected of the prime minister, his methods are indeed brilliant. General, go and bring the prisoners up right now!" Han Jie climbed on the horse and ran towards the rear.

Soon the Tibetan people's move attracted the attention of the Tang army in the city. When everyone saw hundreds of Han people being led to kneel in front of the formation, their eyes were red.

"Listen to the Tang troops in the city! Our Prime Minister has said that if we want these Han prisoners alive, we must immediately open the city gate and surrender, otherwise we will kill them all!"

As soon as these words came out, the Tang army was in an uproar, and everyone showed indignation. They killed prisoners and mutilated the people. The Tubo beasts were really inhumane.

"My lord, the general is willing to lead a group of light cavalry out of the city to rescue. Please agree!" The hot-tempered Cao Wei immediately knelt down on the ground and asked for help.

Not only him, Jiang Ji, Ma Chong, Zhang Huan and other leading generals all knelt on the ground and begged in unison.

"Please give me your permission!"

Facing the generals' invitation to fight, Fan Xiantian sighed.

"This battle is related to the fate of the Tang Dynasty. I will not open the city gate just for some prisoners." Fan Xin changed his subject when he saw the generals and wanted to say more.

"Of course, it's not that easy for the Tubo people to kill me, the people of the Tang Dynasty. Six sons, go and bring the Tubo prisoners up!"

"I will obey your orders!"

Under the gaze of all the generals, Qian Niuwei escorted hundreds of beautifully dressed Tibetans onto the city wall in order to let the enemy troops on the opposite side see clearly.

All of these people were pinned down at the crenel, with a steel knife on each person's neck.

"Listen to the Tubo people opposite, our Duke has said that as long as you dare to harm a prisoner's hair, all of your royal family will be killed!"

"If you have some sense, let them go!"

In order to put more pressure on the Tubo people, Liuzi slapped Chidu's shoulder and threatened.

"Tell your brother to release the prisoners immediately, or this general will split you in half!"

"General, spare your life, I say, I say!"

Chidu's whole face was distorted because of the pain. In order to survive, he endured the pain and lay down on the crenel and shouted down.

"Brother, I am Chidu, release the Han prisoners quickly, or they will kill people!"

As soon as this voice fell, the Tubo army suddenly became commotion. No one expected that among the people captured by the Tang army, there were actually brothers of Prime Minister Chita.

I didn't expect that he, who has always been famous, would be so greedy for life and afraid of death.

Chita's face turned blue and white for a while, and he was trembling with anger. He never dreamed that this brother would be so useless.

Not only was he captured by the Tang army, but he also did something to shake the morale of the army when the army was about to attack the city.

"Hmph, this piece of trash has completely disgraced our Gar family. Come on, bring me a giant bow. I want to shoot this useless thing myself."

Seeing that the Prime Minister wanted to kill his younger brother, several generals on the side quickly stopped him.

"My dear, General Chidu is your biological brother. Once you kill him, what will you explain to the Gar family?"

"What's more, there are many Zanbu royal families in Fuqi City. If they push out another one, can you kill them all?"

Chita was just pretending so as not to leave an excuse for others when he returned to the court in the future. He did not really want to kill his brother.

Hearing this, he said with a cold face.

"Then what do you guys think? I am responsible for the life of the King of Tubo. How can I delay the war because of personal affairs?"


All the Tubo generals looked at each other, and one of the bearded generals rolled his eyes and said.

"Prime Minister, General Yimo thinks it's better for us to exchange prisoners with the Tang army. After all, the prisoners we capture are all worthless civilians and soldiers."

"Yes, Prime Minister, the people captured on the city wall are all the family members of the ministers in the court, and there is even a relative of Trisong Zanbu. We can't lose the big for the small."

Seeing the generals trying to persuade each other, Chita's expression softened a bit.

"Forget it, since the generals think it is appropriate to exchange prisoners, please inform the Tang army in the city."

"It's not too late to attack the city after the exchange of prisoners!"


Several generals who were thinking about the Tubo royal family relaxed when they saw the Prime Minister, and hurriedly shouted to the Tang army on the wall, asking them to release all the Tubo royal family.

"My lord, the Tubo people want to exchange prisoners with us. Do you think we should exchange them?" Liuzi asked.

"Of course I have to change it, let's make preparations."

In fact, the process of exchanging prisoners between the two sides was very smooth. In order to prevent the Tibetan army from taking advantage of the exchange of prisoners to attack the city, Fan Xin specifically asked the other party to retreat three miles.

Then the two sides exchanged prisoners outside the city gate, and more than 2,700 prisoners were exchanged. Once these people entered the city, they were all imprisoned and screened one by one.

As the prisoner exchange came to an end, the atmosphere in Fuqi City became tense again, and everyone knew that the real war was about to begin.

There was a bang.

A huge fireball rose into the sky and landed on the Tubo army like a tide, and then hundreds of fireballs were thrown out of the city by trebuchets.

The violent explosion wave directly submerged hundreds of Tibetan people.

However, compared to the dense Tubo army, this number of wounded is obviously nothing.

"Reporting to the Duke, the enemy's army is less than twenty feet tall. Do you want to throw kerosene bombs?"

"Wait a minute, throw it away when you get closer!" Looking at the Tubo army like a tide, Fan Xin slowly pulled out the golden dragon sword.

In today's battle, the enemy is outnumbered and we are outnumbered. It is impossible to retreat unscathed. We can only rely on Fuqi City to consume all the Tibetan people here as much as possible.

Only in this way can long-term peace be brought to the border of Datang. So this time he didn't leave any escape route for himself!

There was a bang.

Thousands of burning jars were thrown under the city by the Tang army. In a blink of an eye, they burst into flames, swallowing up the Tibetan soldiers who were rushing in the front.

"Drive! Drive! Drive!"

In Luoyang, dozens of envoys with white cloth on their waists and command flags on their backs rushed into the city gate and split into two at the end of Tianjie.

All the way towards the Prime Minister's Mansion, all the way straight to the Emperor's Luoshui residence.


An urgent message pierced the sky and reached Luoshui Xingyuan. Manager Geng was so frightened that he suddenly woke up and raised his head to look out the door.

For some reason, he felt inexplicably panicked.

"What's so noisy?"

Wu Zetian woke up from her sleep and reluctantly opened her eyes to look out, but no matter how she looked, it was all blurry.

"Your Majesty, it's the voice of the urgent envoy from the front line. It seems that news has come back from Fan Xin." Manager Geng walked up to Wu Zetian and gently wiped the back of her hand.

The Emperor's health has been getting worse and worse recently. He spends most of his time in a coma and is only awake for a short period of time.

If this situation continues, I'm afraid he will die soon.

When she heard that the letter was from Fan Xin, Wu Zetian's eyes brightened a little, and she said happily: "It's Fan Qing. I haven't heard this boy's voice for a long time, and I don't know how his battle went."

"Tell the people below to let the emergency messenger in."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Manager Geng bowed, turned to the outside and said: "Your Majesty has a decree, and he is urgently required to pay an audience!"

As soon as he finished speaking, an urgent envoy walked into the hall.

"Your Majesty, I have a letter from the Duke of Yan to present to your Majesty!"


The urgent envoy bowed, opened the book and said faith.

"Your Majesty, please pay me your respects. In the battle of Qinghai, the enemy is outnumbered and we are outnumbered. If we want to annihilate the enemy, we must die and survive."

"Therefore, I used myself as bait to drag all the enemies to Fuqi City and annihilate them with the Shanzhou army."

"I only hope to bring decades of peace to the Tang Dynasty, so that I can die without regrets! The signature is Fan Xin's final signature!"


It was as quiet as death after falling into the water. Unexpectedly, the palace maids around them had burst into tears. They did not expect that the battle of Dafeichuan would deteriorate to this point.

What's more, I didn't expect that Duke Yan was ready to die with the enemy, and he felt sad and proud at the same time.

In the current national crisis, this legendary man once again stood in front of the enemy. The only difference is that this time he may not come back.

Wu Zetian gently closed her eyes, waved her hand, and said sadly.

"Send this final letter to Shangyang Palace and let the selfish ministers see how loyal I, Duke Yan of the Tang Dynasty, am!"

"I humble my duty and obey my decree!"

The frontline messenger carefully packed the pond newspaper and left Luoshui Xingyuan. Behind him, the emperor's sad cry could be faintly heard.

The main hall of Shangyang Palace.

The atmosphere here was solemn at this time. Two hundred ministers wearing red and purple official robes stood solemnly holding jade guis.

Everyone looked at the frontline envoy in the palace with complicated expressions.

When they heard that Fan Xin stayed in Fuai City to fight the Tibetan army in order to buy decades of peace for the Tang Dynasty, their hearts were filled with admiration.

Because not everyone can be like Fan Xin and fight for justice in front of the dignity of the country.

"Your Majesty, Wu Liang, the former deputy general of the army, Qin Shu, as a court minister, secretly defected to the Tubo people, causing the Tang Dynasty to lose nearly 100,000 troops. It is really a crime worthy of death."

"Now the Duke of Yan is surrounded by enemies several times his own in Fuqi City. There is absolutely no way to retreat. I think that Wu and Qin should be dismissed from office and seize titles, and their entire family should be executed! To appease the spirit of the loyal ones in heaven!" Wei Yuanzhong! said impassionedly.


Li Xian agreed to the proposal without thinking. He had always been kind-hearted and soft-hearted, and he had never thought about killing anyone.

This is the first time for Wu Liang and his ilk.

After dealing with these two traitors, Li Xian hesitated.

"If Duke Yan hadn't used his body to lure the enemy this time, we, the Tang Dynasty, would have lost much more territory."

"My dear friends, what do you think should be done?"

"Your Majesty, as the Duke of Yan, Fan Xin didn't have to take part in this troubled waters, but he still went to the front line without hesitation. I thought that the imperial court should give him a full reward."

The man was invited by Yao Chong, and now he is about to die for his country, so he must be given an explanation.

"I second the proposal!"

This time, none of the ministers in the court objected. Everyone was about to die. No matter how many rewards were given, it was of no use. It was better to be a favor and fulfill Fan Xin.

Seeing that all the ministers unanimously agreed to give Fan a letter of reward, Li Xian no longer hesitated and talked about the big case.

"Come here and draw up the decree!"

"The sky is clear and the earth is clear. In order to protect the interests of the Tang Dynasty, the Duke of Yan did not hesitate to sit in the dead city and lure the enemy. Throughout history, this is also rare."

"Therefore, he was promoted to King of Yan, all his family members were promoted to the second level, and his daughter Fan Qianyi was named Princess of Yan."

After the imperial edict was issued, all the ministers shouted long live in unison, secretly thinking that Fan Xin had deserved his death.

How many people could not even dream of being promoted from a seventh-grade official to King Yan, but they didn't expect that this guy would do it.

This time the Fan family will become a true royal family.

There is no airtight wall in the world. The news of Fan Xin's promotion to King of Yan soon spread throughout the streets and alleys. Thousands of people gathered at the door of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

They wanted to see with their own eyes whether the imperial court had really promoted Fan Qingtian.

After receiving the news, the Prime Minister's Mansion opened the middle door early. Hundreds of energetic servants lined up on both sides. Princess Taiping stood at the door with her two children.

He looked calmly at the oncoming official delivering the message.

In order to show the importance they attached to Fan Xin, the imperial court specially sent Zhang Jian, the internal historian, to convey the decree. As soon as they met, Zhang Gelao, who was respected as the prime minister, handed him over.

"The old minister saluted His Royal Highness the Princess, His Royal Highness the King of Jin, and His Royal Highness the Princess of Yan."

"There is no need to be polite, Mr. Zhang Ge, let's read out the decree." Princess Taiping was wearing a purple royal robe, showing off.


Straightening up, Zhang Jianzhi slowly opened the imperial edict and coughed.

"The sky is clear and the earth is clear. In order to protect the dignity of the Tang Dynasty, the Duke of Yan did not hesitate to sit in a dead city and lure the enemy. Throughout history, this is a rare cry."

"Therefore, he was promoted to King of Yan, and all his family members were promoted to the second level. His daughter Fan Qianyi was named the Princess of Yan. I admire this!" (End of this chapter)

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