"Your Highness, there is no need to be polite. The old man has a deep friendship with King Yan, so he naturally wants to ask for a glass of water and wine."

King Han laughed and took out a string of extraordinary dzi beads from the gift box.

Everyone couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw this, with incredible looks in their eyes.

"Oh my God, isn't this the ten-eyed dzi bead that the Supreme Emperor gave to the new King of Han when he ascended the throne?"

"It is said that anyone who wears this item can be protected by the Seven Buddhas and Eight Bodhisattvas. Wu Chengsi even offered a sky-high price of three thousand taels of gold for this."

"I didn't expect that King Han would give it to the little princess of the Fan family."

Princess Taiping was well-informed and had obviously heard about the preciousness of the Ten-Eyed Dzi Beads, so she immediately declined.

"King Han, please take it back quickly. My daughter is just a royal daughter. How can she deserve your great gift?"

A hint of sadness flashed in King Han's eyes, but it quickly passed away and he smiled.

"Take it, a mere string of ten-eyed dzi beads is nothing compared to the great achievements made by King Yan."

Seeing that she couldn't push it away, Princess Taiping had no choice but to give a gift and order someone to accept the gift.

After the King of Han, Shangguan Wan'er arrived in a plain dress.

"It turns out it was Miss Shangguan who arrived, but I haven't seen her for a while."

Shangguan Wan'er smiled as she looked at Princess Taiping a little.

"Some time ago, Wei Chen felt unwell and went home to recuperate for half a year. Today, when I saw His Highness, his appearance remained the same."

As he spoke, he took off a simple sign from his neck, with the word "福" vaguely engraved on it.

"This is a natal amulet given to me by Weichen's mother when she was a child. Later, her mother carved the word "福" on it."

"Now Wei Chen gives her to the little princess, hoping to bless her with a long life."

As soon as this object came out, a strange look suddenly flashed in the eyes of the princes and ministers present.

It seems a little weird that Shangguan Wan'er took out the amulet on such an occasion. The two of them probably don't have any friendship, right?

Princess Taiping took a deep look at Shangguan Wan'er and said gratefully.

"I would like to thank Miss Shangguan for your kindness on behalf of my little daughter. When King Yan comes back, my husband and I will go to the house to express our gratitude in person."

Looking at the happy woman in front of her, Shangguan Wan'er suppressed the jealousy in her heart and nodded.

Suddenly, a burst of laughter came.

"Even this girl Shangguan gave such an expensive gift. As Qian Yi's grandmother, how can I be so gentle?"

The crowd parted, and Wu Zetian walked in with the support of Manager Geng.

Behind him, several guards carried a huge painting. The content on it was exactly what Wu Zetian had originally inscribed by himself: serve the country with loyalty.

"My dearest minister, I see your Majesty, long live my emperor!"

"Everyone, get up. Today is Xiao Qianyi's birthday party, so there is no need to pay homage."

Wu Zetian seemed to be in a very good mood, and even her face turned rosy.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After everyone stood up, Princess Taiping stepped forward and took the initiative to hold Wu Zetian's left arm.

"Mother, how dare Qian Yi trouble you to come to the banquet? If the consort knew about it, he would say that he did not know the etiquette."

Wu Zetian laughed and waved her hands.

"Don't worry about Fan Xin, he can't change the world as long as I'm here!"

"Let's go see Xiao Qianyi!"

Wu Zetian didn't even look at the guests greeting her around, and walked towards the room.

Compared with the officials who have their own concerns, she prefers the pink and tender Xiao Qianyi.

The nanny was sitting on the bed feeding Fan Qianyi when she suddenly saw the Supreme Emperor coming in and quickly stood up to salute.

"This slave is here to see His Majesty the Supreme Emperor!"

"You must be King Jin's wet nurse, I've seen you before."

After looking at the nanny for a while, Wu Zetian nodded with satisfaction.

"That's right. His face is full of milk. He looks like a lucky person at first glance. Manager Geng, reward him!"

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Manager Geng bowed and took out a jade Ruyi from the gift box and handed it to the nanny.

"This is the hundred treasures that Turks presented to His Majesty back then. With it, everything you do will go smoothly. Keep it."

Princess Taiping quickly reminded.

"Ms. Zhou, this is a royal treasure, why don't you thank your mother quickly?"

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!" The wet nurse bowed and gave a salute.

"Get up." Wu Zetian laughed, looking at Fan Qianyi who was kicking her legs randomly on the bed, with a hint of smile in her eyes.

"Hey, whose doll is so beautiful? Come here, Grandma Huang, give it a hug."


The little guy didn't recognize life at all. He lay in Wu Zetian's arms and stared at the old lady in front of him with clear big eyes without blinking.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Fan family and Shangguan Wan'er all smiled knowingly.

Just as the girls were enjoying this rare time, Fan An ran in panting.

"The Supreme Emperor, Her Royal Highness the Princess, Your Majesty, the Six Ministries and Nine Ministers, as well as the civil and military ministers of the Manchu Dynasty are all here!"

"Hurry up and pick up the driver!"

"What! Your Majesty is here with all the civil and military personnel of the court?"

This surprise was no small matter, and a flash of panic flashed across Princess Taiping's expression.

You must know that this New Year's Eve banquet is just a family banquet held by the Fan family.

It stands to reason that it would be a great honor to have some old ministers who are not at the center of the imperial court.

Princess Taiping never dreamed that the emperor would come to the banquet with all the civil and military officials of the court.

This has never happened before in history.

Not only was she unable to figure it out, but Shangguan Wan'er, known as the heroine prime minister, was also unable to figure it out.

He looked at Wu Zetian with a puzzled look.

"Your Majesty, I don't understand that this is just an ordinary family banquet. Why is Your Majesty Li Xian bringing Princess Anle and the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty here for?"

"Could it be that Fan Xin made immortal military exploits on the front line?"

Hearing this, Wu Zetian said calmly while teasing Xiao Qianyi.

"No matter what happens, it is against common sense. Since ancient times, a king has been a king, and ministers have been ministers. No matter how good the personal relationship between the two is, the emperor will only come to the house in casual clothes at most."

"There is only one situation for leading civil and military officials to visit with such great fanfare, and that is..."

Speaking of this, Wu Zetian's heart skipped a beat, her face instantly turned pale, and her eyes revealed endless fear.

There is only one possibility for the emperor to come to visit with all his civil and military officials, and that is to pay homage to the deceased minister! Not a celebration for the kids at all!

"Your Majesty, what is the other situation? Please tell me!"

While the girls were listening curiously, the Emperor suddenly became silent, which made them very anxious.

"There is another situation where the minister has made immortal achievements, don't you think so, Your Majesty?"

At the critical moment, Manager Geng stood up and looked at Wu Zetian.

"Ah, yes, Fan Aiqing must have made great contributions on the front line, and the emperor personally came to reward him."

Suppressing the chaos in her heart, Wu Zetian forced a smile and said.

"So that's it." Princess Taiping breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at Wu Zetian.

"Mother, please sit here for a while while I go to greet the imperial brother and the princes of the court."

The emperor came with hundreds of civil and military officials, which surprised all the guests present and stood up to salute.

If it was understandable that the Supreme Emperor and a group of old ministers came to the banquet, then it was puzzling that the new emperor brought the civil and military ministers with him.

Didn't it mean that the imperial court was very dissatisfied with King Yan? Why did he come to the banquet at this time?

In the eyes of everyone who couldn't understand, Princess Taiping led everyone in the Fan family to bow respectfully.

"My dear sister, see your majesty!" "Haha, my dear sister, you don't have to be polite. I heard that my mother came to congratulate you in person, so I came to join in the fun."

With that said, Li Xian raised his head and waved his sleeves towards the guests present.

"Everyone, please get up. I'm just here to join in the fun today."

As the words fell, the guests at the scene suddenly realized that it turned out that the emperor came here for the Supreme Emperor and Princess Taiping.

That makes sense.

When the emperor came, he naturally had to sit in the most distinguished position. After everyone took their seats, the eunuch coughed and slowly unfolded the imperial edict.

"The loyal heart of King Yan can be seen from heaven and earth, and can be expressed by the sun and moon. He is actually the number one civil and military official of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Therefore, he was granted the title of General of the First Rank Tiance and Assistant Minister of the State of Shangzhu, and he walked in Fengge Luantai.

Fan was given a plaque "Zhonglie Mansion". Anyone who met him would be ordered to get off his sedan chair and his horse off his horse. Anyone who disobeyed him would be punished as treason! "

"Three generations of King Yan, regardless of gender, will be treated with the fourth grade of treatment!"

"I admire this...

After he finished speaking, the scene was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

No one expected that Fan Xin would be promoted to another rank just a few days after being promoted to King Yan.

This time it was even more shocking, he turned out to be a genuine first-grade Tiance general.

You must know that this official position is the unique title of Emperor Taizong.

Now that the imperial court has given this official position to Fan Xin, doesn't it mean that his achievements are comparable to the founding of the country?

Thinking of this, everyone looked at the Fan family differently.

Envy, jealousy, and shock!

At this time, Princess Taiping's heart was surging, and it could be said that it was rare in the world for her senses to be taken advantage of by her consort.

As his woman, my heart is full of pride and pride.

I wonder which man in the world can do this?

And the most important thing is that with these merits at the bottom, it will be enough for his son to ascend the throne in the future and win the support of all ministers.

After thinking about this, Princess Taiping took a deep breath and slowly took the imperial edict from the eunuch's hand.

"My sister, Fan Li, accepts the decree on behalf of the consort! Long live my emperor! Long live my emperor!"

"Your Majesty, please get up. I will go in to pay a visit to the Queen Mother, and you can have a feast by yourselves."

"My sister obeys the order!"

The banquet began, and amid the applause of the guests, the Liyuan's leading actress walked to the stage and began to sing.

And the track is none other than the famous Zhaojun Chusha!

"The imperial concubine is indeed knowledgeable and well-informed. The song "Zhaojun goes out of the fortress" brings tears to the eyes of those who listen to it."

Princess Anle wiped her eyes and said with emotion.

Princess Taiping smiled and said politely.

"If you like to hear it, wait until the consort comes back someday and ask him to invite Liyuan to sing at your house."

Looking at the happy aunt, Princess Anle hesitated to speak. She wanted to tell her that Fan Xin had jumped off a cliff and died for his country, and would never come back.

However, after all, he couldn't bear to say it, so he had to pretend not to know and smiled.

"In this case, there will be Aunt Lao Huang."

As the guests clapped and applauded, the banquet came to an end.

The emperor left first with all the civil and military officials, and the remaining guests followed him after saying hello.

Soon only the Fan family was left in the courtyard.

"Your Highness, what's wrong with you? You look so ugly?"

Returning to the room, Yingniang found that Princess Taiping's face was very pale, and she couldn't help asking worriedly.

"Your Highness, are you too tired from handling government affairs?"

The wet nurse said while holding the baby.

Facing the inquiries from her two confidants, Princess Taiping suppressed the sadness in her heart and shook her head.

"It's okay, just go back and take a nap."

Separating from the two of them, Princess Taiping walked all the way to the house where the memorial tablet was enshrined.

He knelt on the futon and clasped his hands together.

"Father, my daughter had a dream last night. She dreamed that Fan Xin was lying in the river covered in blood, and even his bones were broken."

"Even so, I'm still trying to comfort my daughter that she's fine and she'll be back in a few days."



"you're awake?

Looking at the young girl in front of him, Fan Xin's eyes were a little lost.

He remembered that after he jumped off the cliff, he was blocked by a crooked tree on the way down, and then fell into the cold river.

When I woke up again, I was already here.

"Where is this place?"

The girl wiped the sweat from her forehead, glanced at him, and said calmly.

"When I found you, you were lying by the river. I saw that you looked good and it would be a pity to let the wolves eat you, so I took you back to Lanzhou."

"You haven't eaten for several days. You must be hungry. Wait for me to prepare the meal."

Fan Xin touched his belly and nodded sheepishly.

"Thank you very much for saving my life, girl. I will repay you with thousands of dollars in the future."

Unexpectedly, these sincere words caused the girl to laugh.

"I'll talk about repaying you later. I don't care about my own moral character. I'm seriously injured and don't even have any decent clothes."

"Let me tell you, I don't have money to treat your illness and recuperate your injuries. Whether you can survive or not depends on your luck."

After the woman reminded him, Fan Xin realized that he was wearing a rag gown, and his whole body hurt terribly when he moved.

He laughed angrily and stopped talking. He lay on the bed and looked at the girl.

The girl is about twenty years old, wearing a plain gauze narrow skirt, a typical Tang Dynasty dress.

A pair of calloused little hands flipped the buckwheat pancakes in the pot from time to time.


It might have been too hot while taking it out, and the girl hissed in pain.

"Here, let's make do with it."

Looking at the steaming pancakes in front of him, Fan Xin, who had been hungry for several days, couldn't care less about etiquette.

She thanked him and grabbed the pancake and ate it hungrily.

Seeing how delicious his food was, the girl swallowed quietly and turned around.

Fan Xin swore that this pancake was the most fragrant pancake he had ever eaten in his life, even more fragrant than the bark pancake he ate when he first went to Wushui to be a county magistrate.

After filling his stomach, Fan was satisfied and was about to say thanks, but found that the pot was empty.

Suddenly I seemed to understand something.

"I'm sorry, girl, I haven't eaten for several days and I'm so hungry. I don't know I only have one piece..."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, this girl is not short of food."

The woman took a look at the sky and saw that the sun was setting. She stood up and walked outside, saying something in her mouth.

"You lie down and sleep for a while. I'll make porridge for you after I finish my work tomorrow morning."

Looking at her back, Fan Xin hesitated and asked.

"Dare I ask, girl, where are you working at this late hour? And what is your name?"

The woman paused in her steps, remained silent for a while and said calmly.

"My name is Xiao Shi, and I am a long-term worker who cleans the dung buckets of landlord Ma's house."

(End of this chapter)

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