Luoyang Chamber of Commerce, everyone thinks that this is the center of the world's shops.

In fact, this is the base for secret gatherings of the Intelligence Department.

Black Tiger Festival Hall.

At this time, the place was filled with men in civilian clothes. All of these people were strong-backed and had extraordinary bearing.

Although there were only a few dozen people, the momentum was calm and intimidating.

If the imperial officials here can definitely recognize them, most of these people are the commanders of the Youzhou Army.

Among them, Lin Tie and Huang Qi were the commanders of the Shenji Battalion and the Heavy Artillery Battalion.

"Hmph, who the hell said that His Highness King Yan died for his country? Isn't this a good return?"

"Old Lin, let's calm down for a while. We lost 20,000 brothers in the Fuqi battle. Do you still think His Highness, King Yan, is not angry enough?" Huang Qi said dissatisfied.

"Okay, please stop saying a few words, the prince is here."

Zhou Long coughed, and the generals who had been unruly just now stood up straight, holding their armors in their hands and looking at Fan Xin who was coming towards them.

"The last general, Youzhou Army, led Huang Banner and led thirty-two brothers to meet the prince!"

His eyes stayed on these people for a while, and sadness flashed in Fan Xin's eyes.

It seemed as if I saw Zhang Huan, Cao Wei, the sixth son Jiang Ji and their dead brothers.

for a long time.

Fan Xin put away his thoughts and shook his sleeves.

"Everyone, get up."

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After the generals stood up, all of them looked excited. Lin Tie touched his hair and said doubtfully.

"My lord, since you are still alive, why don't you tell the princesses so that they can also..."

"This is a long story. I will explain it later. I would like to ask you how the training of the Youzhou Army is going?"

Fan Xin was more concerned about the growth of the Youzhou Army than his personal affairs. After all, no matter how great an official he was, he would be dismissed by the court.

Only the army and money are the capital to settle down and live.

"Back to your lord, the Youzhou Army has completed its reorganization according to your instructions."

"A total of 200,000 people, divided into 100 battalions, each with 2,000 men."

"There are 100,000 infantry battalions, 50,000 cavalry battalions, and 50,000 heavy artillery and divine machine battalions. They are all well-trained elites!"

"In addition, in order to avoid arousing suspicion, the general stationed the main force of the Youzhou army in Khitan territory, leaving only 8,000 troops in Youzhou."

Hearing that Huang Qi had put the military affairs in order during his absence, Fan Xin showed a hint of approval on his face.

"Yes, I am not wrong about the person. You are indeed a handsome man. In a few days, Li Kaigu's Khitan army will be returned to your command and a Khitan cavalry battalion will be formed."

Huang Qi was overjoyed and immediately clasped his fists.

"The last general takes command!"

Indicating the generals to sit down, Fan Xin said calmly.

"Everyone must know that during the time when the king left the court, the court cleaned the Luoyang Camp."

"All generals loyal to the Supreme Emperor have been given sinecures."

"Even among the sixteen guards in the north and south yamen controlled by this king, there is only one Qianniu guard left."

Hearing this, all the generals snorted loudly and said with hatred.

"Your Majesty, you have tried hard to save the country from the turmoil many times. Instead of being ungrateful, the court is ostracizing us everywhere."

"The generals can no longer bear this bad breath!"

Seeing the faces of the generals turning red, Fan Xin smiled and knocked on the table.

"Okay, I know you have grievances, but now is not the time. We will wait until the court is ready to take action against us."

"What I want to tell you is something else."

The generals were puzzled.

"My lord, what prompted you to summon us all here?"

When talking about business, Fan Xin rarely looked serious.

"In the next period of time, a coup is likely to occur in Datang."

"I hope that you can gather your energy and prepare for war with all your strength, and keep a close eye on the imperial army stationed in Yingzhou!"

As soon as these words were spoken, excitement flashed in the eyes of the generals.

They are all old men who have experienced officialdom for a long time. The prince is obviously telling them that he is ready to send troops to suppress all rebels at any time!

The secret meeting lasted until late at night, and then the generals hid in the dung cart and left.

When only Fan Xin and Li Lang were left in the room, the latter hesitated and spoke.

"Your Majesty, the troops stationed in Yingzhou are the imperial army. Why do you ask the generals to keep an eye on them?"

Fan Xin glanced at him and explained.

"According to the laws of the Tang Dynasty, the number of troops stationed in a state cannot exceed 10,000."

"In order to increase his strength, Li Longji asked Chen Xuanli to secretly recruit 100,000 troops in the name of the court."

"On the surface, it looks like it's just a slight violation of the rules, but it's actually a powerful weapon."

"Once changes occur in Luoyang, we can quickly enter the capital to suppress it to the south, and eradicate the eight thousand troops we left in Youzhou to the north."

"Do you think Li Longji is great?"


Li Lang took a deep breath and looked very ugly.

If the Yingzhou army launches one day, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Okay, Li Longji won't take action for now. He will break up with Princess Taiping when she is involved in a scientific examination fraud case."

"Go and call Zhou Tong. I have something to tell him."

At the same time, a meeting was also held in Prince Yan's Mansion.

"Your Highness, after months of preparation, we have got through everything from the examination room guards to the marking ministers."

"In other words, whoever we want can pass the exam."

Prime Minister Dou Huaizhen stroked his beard and smiled.

"In the past, Emperor Taizong once said that all the scholars in the world should leave my house."

"Now His Highness's achievements have almost caught up with those of his ancestors."

Xiao Zhizhong echoed.

Faced with the joy of the ministers, Princess Taiping smiled and nodded.

"The two prime ministers are right when they say that making money through imperial examinations is only one aspect."

"The real purpose of this palace is to train a few scholars with real talents and knowledge to be used by the King of Jin."

"It's ridiculous that Li Longji and Princess Anle thought that I was just a woman who valued wealth as much as her life.

The atmosphere in the hall became a little more solemn when Li Longji was mentioned.

Dou Huaizhen cupped her hands and said.

"Your Highness, please do not underestimate this person. As far as I know, several ministers from the imperial court have taken refuge with him."

"We must not take this lightly."

Princess Taiping sneered.

"Prime Minister Dou is overly worried. I helped Prince Ning Li Chengqi in order to suppress Li Longji."

"Even if he really has some intentions, he can't make any waves when the Habayashi Guards are under our control."

"Instead of wasting your energy on a child with a yellow mouth, you should think about how to run the imperial examination that will be held in three days."

"I only obey the orders of Her Royal Highness the Princess!" All the ministers prostrated themselves.

Just when Princess Taiping was in high spirits and pointing out the country. In the dimly lit Prime Minister's Mansion, a trembling scholar knelt in front of Li Longji.

"Student Li Ci pays homage to the prince!"

"Don't be nervous, get up."

Li Longji smiled gently and personally helped Li Ci up.

"I called you here this time because I want you to help me get rid of the black sheep in the examination room."

"I wonder if you dare to break this corruption trend with me!"

It has to be said that Li Longji does have a strong personality charm, and just a few words made the panicked Li Ci angry.

No one hates corruption in the examination room more than he does.

So when I heard the prince summon me, I immediately spoke righteously.

"The prince summons me, why don't students dare! I have long disliked corrupt officials!" Li Longji laughed and patted Li Ci on the shoulder.

"As expected of the person of my choice, don't worry, after eradicating these bad apples, you will enter the Imperial College to study for three years and then become an official."

Li Ci was overjoyed and immediately fell to his knees.

"Your Majesty, the students will do their best to fulfill their duties."

"Okay, Mr. Li, you can't stay here for a long time. Go and give Cui Ti a gift."

After sending Li Ci away, the smile on Li Longji's face gradually disappeared.

"Gao Lishi, how is our plan going?"

"Back to your lord, Chen Xuanli's 100,000 troops have been assembled and can control Luoyang at any time!"

"As for the Yulin Guards, we have also successfully instigated rebellion. Now the only one left is Prince Ning."


A hint of disdain curled up at the corner of Li Longji's mouth.

"Bring me some clothes, I want to see Prince Ning!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Li Longji put on the black python dragon suit and sat on the sedan chair towards Prince Ning's Mansion.

He knew Li Chengqi very well. He was as timid and cowardly as his father.

As long as you know the pros and cons, you should know what to do.

"I am humble enough to meet you, the prince!"

"Well, brother, are you asleep?" Li Longji raised his head and glanced at the plaque, and said calmly.

"Back to your lord, His Highness Prince Ning is copying Buddhist scriptures for the Supreme Emperor."

A flash of surprise flashed in Li Longji's eyes, and then he smiled to welcome Li Chengqi who broke through the door.

"Third brother, see Brother Wang!"

"Haha, how can there be so much etiquette between brothers? Come in quickly, it's windy outside."

Li Chengqi grabbed Li Longji's hand and walked toward the hall.

Feeling the sincerity in his elder brother's words, Li Longji hesitated.

The two came to the study, and Li Chengqi ordered his servants to prepare some food and drinks.

"Third brother, Brother Wang heard that you eat something with clear soup and little water all day long. How can this be okay?"

"It just so happened that the emperor's aunt gave me a few jars of pickled salted fish. You can take them back when you leave."

Li Longji smiled slightly and cupped his hands.

"Thank you for taking care of me, brother Wang. You're welcome, third brother."

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Li Longji wiped his mouth and said with a wry smile.

"Your Majesty, I don't know. It's not that my brother has too much water, but that I've been too busy recently."

"You know, Governor Duan of Lanzhou, that he has teamed up with many ministers in the court to secretly sell officials and titles."

"It has reached an outrageous level, and those who went to arrest him have already set off."

Speaking of this, Li Longji slapped his forehead and seemed to think of something.

"By the way, I heard that one of the masterminds involved in this incident is the Minister of Civil Affairs. He seems to be Brother Wang's uncle-in-law, right?"

Li Chengqi shook his right hand and nodded sweating profusely.

"What the third brother said is true. This servant is indeed Concubine Li's uncle, but he has no contact with us."

"Of course my brother believes that he has no contact with Brother Wang, but the ministers don't believe it... Oh, it's really difficult to handle."

Li Longji shook his head, glanced at the moonlight and stood up.

"Brother, please take it easy. My younger brother, please go back and rest first."

Looking at his back, Princess Ning frowned slightly.

"Your Majesty, what does Li Longji mean?"

"Boil the beans and burn the beans, the beans are weeping in the cauldron. They were born from the same root, so why not fry them in a hurry!"

"The third child is forcing me to give up the future crown prince!"

At the end, Li Chengqi burst into tears.

Looking back at the plaque above Prince Ning's Mansion, Li Longji looked guilty.

"Since ancient times, the royal family has no family ties. I'm sorry, brother. I have no choice for the sake of the emperor's dominance!"

Gao Lishi on the side whispered.

"Your Majesty, we have obtained the evidence that Li Shilang sent money to Prince Ning. Do you want to give him..."

Gao Lishi's eyes flashed fiercely and he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Li Longji sighed secretly.

"Forget it, since he is willing to give up the future throne, let's spare his life."

"I don't want to be like Taizong, an emperor who forced his father to kill his brother."


As time passed, three days passed in a blink of an eye.

Thousands of heavily armed Habayashi guards stationed at the examination room early in the morning.

Followed closely were Luozhou officials who maintained order outside the Gongyuan.

The drums sounded, and thousands of candidates lined up outside the Gongyuan gate to wait for their names and identities to be verified.

"Fan Renyan, Shen Ci, Wang Wei, Li He, Du Fu, and Li Bai will be assigned to the Tianzihao examination room after entering Gongyuan."

"Remember to answer the questions well and report the grace of heaven, do you hear me?"

Today, Cui Ti changed her usual easy-going attitude and said with a straight face, her hands behind her back.

"Students remember the instructions!"

The candidates bowed and walked towards the Gongyuan carrying small baskets.

On the way, Li Ci came to Fan Xin and sneered.

"Fan Renyan, when I left home, my young master said, "Three years are east of Hedong, three years are west of Hexi. Don't bully young people into poverty!"

"I didn't expect that I, Li Ci, could also walk through the gate of Gongyuan."

"I wonder what you think?"

Glancing at Li Ci's face, Fan Xin saw a trace of regret in his eyes.

"Xiao Ci, for the sake of your sister, I would like to advise you to stop now before it's too late, otherwise no one will be able to save you when the ax comes."

Li Ci's face changed slightly and he gritted his teeth.

"As long as you bribe the examiner, why can't I? Stop talking nonsense, I am determined to be the number one scholar in the Tang Dynasty!"

Good words can never persuade a damned ghost. Seeing that Li Ci wanted to jump into a dead end, Fan Xin shook his head and walked into the Gongyuan.

"Humph, it's not certain who will live or die!" Li Ci sneered as he stared at Fan Xin's back.

When examinations were held since the Tang Dynasty, most of them were held simultaneously in Chang'an and Luoyang Gongyuan in the eastern capital.

Later, the imperial court continued this tradition and placed the main examination venue in Luoyang.

The Gongyuan examination room is divided into two major areas: heaven and earth. Each area has 1,900 examination rooms, arranged in a zigzag shape.

Fan Xin's exam room is in the second row of Tianzihao, a sunny and well-ventilated location.

The No. 1 examination room second only to Li Ci.

Fan Xin put the brush and inkstone on the table and cleaned the examination room.

In addition to a wooden bed for resting in the small dormitory, there is also a stove for heating and dry food for the candidates.

After packing his things, seeing that there was still some distance before the exam, Fan Xin took out a copy of "The Analects of Confucius" that he had prepared from the dark compartment of the blue brick.

Many places above have been marked with red lines and comments.

If the predictions are correct, these comments should be the answers to this exam.

As time passed, the Gongyuan bell rang leisurely.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of Habayashi guards poured into the examination room.

"Your Majesty has decreed that the exam will begin immediately, the doors will be locked and the test papers will be distributed!"

(End of this chapter)

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