When a person is about to die, his words are also sad. Wu Zetian has never asked for help in her life.

Even when he was sent to Ganye Temple, he didn't shed a single tear.

Now for the sake of my daughter, for the first time in my life, I showed my pleading expression.

Looking at the old man in front of him, Fan Xin suppressed his sadness and comforted him.

"Mother, my sons and I will take Princess Taiping and several children back to their hometown in Youzhou."

"Without my permission, no one can harm them in the slightest."

"You can feel at ease this time."

"Thank you, Fan Xin. I know you have always been a good boy who values ​​affection and justice."

Wu Zetian stretched out her pale palm and touched Fan Xin's face tremblingly.

A cold tear slipped down her cheek.

"I have bound your hands and feet. I will definitely...definitely renew...our friendship with you in the next life."

"Mother, you have been worrying about me all your life, and you can finally have a good sleep."

"I congratulate you!"

After changing into the dragon robe for Wu Zetian, Fan Xin placed the dragon body on the bed.

Then he knelt on the ground and kowtowed respectfully.

When he raised his head, his face was already filled with tears and he was sobbing.

This old man who was so kind to him finally left.

No matter how reluctant and uncomfortable my heart was, people still left him forever.

Fan Xin remembered someone saying that parents still have a place to come in life, and parents only have a way back in life.

For him, Wu Zetian was not an elder who protected the younger generation.

It's a pity that we will never see him again.

I don't know when Shangguan Wan'er knelt beside Fan Xin in mourning clothes.

He kowtowed three times to Wu Zetian.

"Originally, the imperial doctor said that Your Majesty can still live for a while. Ever since I dreamed that you died for your country in Fuqi City, the old man has never taken any decoction."

"I kept thinking that I shouldn't let you go to fight with the Tubo people..."

Seeing Fan Xin kneeling on the ground and choking, Shangguan Wan'er's beautiful eyes flashed with worry.

"Birth, old age, illness and death are all human beings. If your Majesty were alive in heaven, he wouldn't want to see you like this."

"Wipe your tears and go. According to the custom, the Emperor's funeral will take place on the day of the funeral. The palace should not be notified more than half an hour at the latest."

"Having them find you here might arouse suspicion."

Fan Xin nodded and took a deep look at Wu Zetian's dragon body hitting the palace door.

"I promised my mother that I will never rebel against the Tang Dynasty in this life. Once the mourning period is over, I will go back to my hometown in Youzhou with me. It's time for you mother and son to have their names."

After saying that, the heavy palace door closed again, leaving Shangguan Wan'er alone in the Guanfeng Palace.

Not long after, the big bell of Shangyang Palace rang out one hundred and eight times.

Hundreds of ministers with filial piety ropes tied around their waists came to Guanfeng Hall under the leadership of Li Xian.

They said their final farewells to the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, who had been in power for more than 20 years.

There was a long line of yellow paper, heavy snowfall, and amidst deafening cries.

Shangguan Wan'er read out the last will with the edict in hand.

"Haotian has a destiny. Emperor Daxing decreed: First there will be the prosperous era of Taizong Zhenguan, and then there will be the rule of Gaozong Yonghui."

"Although I am a female generation, I have also made great achievements in governing Hong Zhenguan."

"However, no one can make mistakes without being a sage. Every time I think of what I did before, I sigh with sadness."

"Therefore, instead of building an additional mausoleum alone, she was buried with Gaozong as Li's daughter-in-law."

"No words should be written on the tombstones erected. The merits and demerits of one's life are left for future generations to comment on. I appreciate this!"

As Shangguan Wan'er finished reciting, all the officials knelt on the ground and shouted like a tsunami.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Li Xian was a filial son, although he was dissatisfied with his mother.

But when he saw his mother lying in the coffin, he couldn't help but shed tears.

At the same time, the tiredness in my heart became even heavier.

"Geng Zhong, please read out my will."

"It's your Majesty!"

Geng Jingzhong faced the civil and military officials, shook off the dust and slowly unfolded the imperial edict.

"Your Majesty has decreed that Prince Ning Li Chengqi is too weak to take on the important task."

"Therefore, it is said that the East Palace is located in Linzi King Li Longji."

"And after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, a coronation ceremony will be held for him to comfort the ancestors of the Li family. I appreciate this!"

As soon as these words came out, the crying at the scene stopped.

Everyone stared blankly at Li Longji who was kneeling on the ground, with deep shock in their eyes.

It was just a matter of becoming the prince. Unexpectedly, the emperor even passed the throne to him.

Isn't this too fast?

Even Princess Taiping and Princess Anle, who had just arrived at Guanfeng Hall and were about to cry, were stunned.

A pair of beautiful eyes looked at the emperor in disbelief.

Yesterday, the two were discussing how to let Li Chengqi shoulder the heavy burden.

As a result, within a day, the emperor changed his mind and passed the position to Li Longji.

This is incredible!

However, no matter what everyone's mood is, the funeral of the Supreme Emperor cannot be delayed.

Three days after the coffin was laid in Guanfeng Hall, the funeral procession headed towards Qianling Mausoleum.

It was not until the Qianling Mausoleum was sealed that everyone returned to Luoyang.

As soon as they returned to the palace, Guo Yuanzhen, Wang Maozhong, Chen Xuanli, Gao Lishi and others started drinking and celebrating.

After three rounds of wine and five dishes, Li Longji was about to talk about the abolition of the internal guards.

A pale young man walked into the hall.

Seeing this person coming in, the expressions of everyone present changed slightly.

"Zhou Tong, if you don't stay at home, why are you here?"

Gao Lishi said with a look of disgust.

"Haha, of course I wish to congratulate the prince. Now that the imperial edict has been passed, no one will be able to challenge the prince's status."

"As a subordinate, how dare you hide at home and relax?"

Guo Yuanzhen shook his sleeves and robe heavily and said loudly.

"Does a person like you deserve to be the prince's subordinate?"

"If you hadn't leaked the information to His Majesty, why would the prince have lost his position as Minister of War in the scientific expedition case!"

"Yes, the prince just asked you to go to Gongyuan to arrest people. When did you say you would fight against Jinwu Guard?"

"Do you know that anyone who touches the emperor's feet with weapons will die!"

Facing the accusations from everyone, Zhou Tong sighed secretly.

When a tiger falls in Pingyang and is bullied by a dog, once the Supreme Emperor dies, the internal guards no longer have a protective umbrella.

Otherwise, how could we let these people point their noses and curse?

"Your Highness, I originally wanted to tell you something important, but I didn't expect you to be so unwelcome."

"That's alright, I'll leave."

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the door. Just as he was about to open the door, a faint voice came from behind.

"What's the matter? Tell me and I will listen."

"Yes, Your Highness!"

Zhou Tong's face lit up, he walked quickly to Li Longji and whispered a few words.

Hearing this, the latter suddenly stood up and said with a gloomy expression.

"Is this true?"

"Your Majesty, it's absolutely true, it's the night of the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month!"

"The Jinwu Guards are responsible for sealing off the palace and Luoyang, while Dou Huaizhen leads the Yulin Guards directly into your residence."

"I'll kill you for an unfounded crime!"

"Your Highness, this matter concerns the country and the country. You must come up with a solution as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, Daluo Jinxian won't be able to save us once the 30,000-strong army arrives."

Under the gaze of all the ministers, Li Longji's face turned blue and white.

Finally gritted his teeth.

"If you want to kill me, Li Longji, Princess Taiping and Princess Anle are just dreaming!"

"Come here, summon your subordinates to discuss matters together!" Linzi Palace, lobby.

The place, which was usually crowded, was now filled with important officials of the imperial court.

Everyone frowned and said nothing, as if they were thinking about something.

After a long time, Song Jing raised her head and stroked her beard and said.

"Your Highness, the main force of the Shendu Camp is currently on the front line of Qinghai and will not be able to come back in a short time."

"We can only order the Yingzhou army to rush to Luoyang and capture Princess Taiping, Princess Anle and other traitors in one fell swoop!"

"It's just that it may be difficult for us to survive until the army arrives."

Yao Chong nodded and agreed.

"Song Xiang's words are reasonable. At present, the imperial court is full of followers of the two princesses. It is absolutely impossible for us to mobilize the garrison."

"So we only have these 800 Yulin Guards available."

After listening to everyone's words one by one, Li Longji's eyes kept flashing.

Somewhat unwilling, some angry.

He never expected that his aunt and Anle would get ahead of him before he took action.

This was really hard for Li Longji, who had always been conceited, to accept.

At this time, a weak voice came from the corner.

"Your Highness, I have a plan I don't know if it's feasible or not."

"Oh? Gao Lishi, what do you think? Li Longji's eyes lit up, he raised his head and asked.

Under the gaze of everyone, Gao Lishi bowed and smiled.

"When I was in Luzhou, I heard that Fan Xin falsely conveyed imperial edicts several times and made those princes and ministers who were more powerful than him disgraced."

"If we follow the example of King Yan and deceive Dou Huaizhen and other core members, we can use the ambush to hang them."

"Then using the name of the imperial court to frighten the leaderless rebels, wouldn't it be like saving the day from danger?"

As soon as this plan came out, everyone, including Li Longji, showed approval.

"Yes, it's not easy for Eunuch Gao to come up with such a clever strategy."

"Your Highness, I think we can give it a try."

Song Jing said with satisfaction.

"Forget it, since all my dear friends unanimously agree with Gao Lishi's strategy, let's implement it."

"Call Dou Huaizhen and others to the Wanxiang Palace. I will personally kill these rebellious officials and traitors!"

"I will take your orders!"


Princess Mansion, back garden.

"Prime Minister Dou, what do you think of the current situation?" Princess Taiping said calmly, throwing a stone on the ice.

"Back to Your Highness, I see that the right time, place and people are on our side."

"As long as we take action, we are at least 90% sure to kill Li Longji in the mansion."

"Then support the puppet Li Chengqi to become emperor."

Dou Huaizhen said with confidence.

"Well, as long as nothing goes wrong." Princess Taiping nodded, looking at the white snow in the distance.

"I have wanted to be a person like my mother since I was a child, and today I am finally going to realize it."

Suddenly, a chamberlain came over.

"Your Highness, the father-in-law who conveys the imperial decree has arrived. He is in the front hall. Do you want to announce his entrance?"

"The emperor's will?"

Princess Taiping was startled and snorted heavily.

"Let him come in. I want to see what His Majesty's plans are!"

Not long after the chamberlain left, a chamberlain holding an imperial edict came over, escorted by two Yulin guards.

"Your Royal Highness, Your Majesty has summoned you to the Wanxiang Shrine to discuss matters. Please come with me, please?"

"Going to the Vientiane Palace?" Dou Huaizhen and Xiao Zhizhong looked at each other, both seeing the confusion in each other's eyes.

Li Longji is about to ascend the throne, what are you going to do with the princess now?

Do you want to compensate the princess?

"When we return to the Prime Minister's Kingdom, Your Majesty will summon not only the Princess, but you two as well. If nothing happens, let's set off."

The waiter smiled slightly and made a gesture of invitation.


Both of them looked at Princess Taiping with a questioning look in their eyes.

The latter snorted and turned his head.

"I want you to go, there is nothing in my palace, how can I care about His Majesty's small favors!"

Seeing that Her Royal Highness the Princess had made up her mind, Dou Huaizhen gave a wry smile, and she and Xiao Zhizhong got on the sedan chair and headed towards the Wanxiang Shrine.

When I arrived at the door, I found Chang Yuankai, Li Ci, and Li Qin also there.

I suddenly became curious.

These people are all the confidants of Princess Taiping. Why did Your Majesty summon them here?

Before Dou Huaizhen could ask, the palace door opened and a chamberlain came out.

He glanced at everyone and said with a smile.

"Prime Minister Dou, Prime Minister Xiao and all of you, His Majesty is waiting for you inside. Please come in."

"Thank you, father-in-law."

Nodding to the chamberlain, Dou Huaizhen led the ministers into the Wanxiang Shrine.

When they saw Li Longji sitting on the dragon throne, their expressions suddenly changed.

"Be bold!"


"The place where the dragon couch is is not suitable for a prince like you to sit on. Get up quickly!"

Li Longji laughed and looked down at everyone.

"In one month, I will be on the throne of Dabao. What's the harm in sitting on the dragon throne now?"

"It's you who dare to conspire to launch a mutiny and kill this king."

"Tell me, how many heads have you grown?"

Being scolded so loudly by Li Longji, the morale of several ministers instantly weakened by three points.

Seeing this, Dou Huaizhen took a step forward and spoke righteously.

"King Linzi, what evidence do you have that we launched a mutiny?"

"We are all important ministers of rank four or above. You must think clearly about the consequences of slander!"

"It's true that I can't cry until I see the coffin!" Li Longji mocked and coughed behind the curtain.

"Li Qing, come out and meet your father."

"Yes, Your Highness the Crown Prince."

As soon as he finished speaking, a young man with fine features came out from behind the screen.

The appearance is strikingly similar to Li Jin next to Dou Huaizhen.

"Li Yu, how dare you betray dad!"

Seeing his son walking out of it, Li Jin's face changed drastically and his body trembled with anger.

He never expected that his always obedient son would betray him.

"Dad, haven't you seen it clearly yet? Compared to Princess Taiping's luxury and corruption, His Highness the Crown Prince is the wise choice."

"You should always turn around and find the right place!"

"Shut up, you rebellious beast, I don't have a son like you!"

Scolding his son, Li Jin clasped his fists toward Dou Huaizhen.

"I'm sorry, Prime Minister Dou. Unfortunately, something bad happened to our family. I will definitely destroy my relatives later!"

"It doesn't matter. We have been preparing for the great cause of restoring the Tang Dynasty for a long time. It doesn't matter even if the other party finds out."

Dou Huaizhen smiled lightly, raised her head and looked at Li Longji.

"You think so, Your Highness?"

Facing Dou Huaizhen's provocation, Li Longji smiled slightly and narrowed his eyes.

"In the past, without conclusive evidence, Gu Huan really had nothing to do with you."

"But now... Gu is the prince of the country, and he has the power to deal with ministers who rebel and rebel!"

"Come here, kill all these rebellious officials and traitors, leaving no one behind!"

After speaking, hundreds of Yulin guards rushed out of the curtain and raised their butcher knives towards Dou Huaizhen and others...

(End of this chapter)

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