Seeing that the time was almost up, Li Longji knelt in front of Li Dan and said solemnly.

"Father, since ancient times, there is no immortal person who wants to achieve imperial hegemony."

"Since aunt doesn't care about family affection, don't blame the child for being unkind!"

Looking at his son in front of him, Li Dan looked complicated and didn't say a word for a long time.

Since ancient times, there has been no family affection in the royal family. Once power is involved, father and son will turn against each other, and brothers will be in trouble.

This is why he gave up the throne again and again.

He used to be a mother, but now he is a son, and a disheartened thought came to his mind.

a long time.

Li Dan stood up, looked up to the sky and sighed.

"That's all, you all have stiffened wings. My father can't control you anymore, so you can take care of yourself!"

After saying that, he walked away.

Looking at Li Dan's back, Gao Lishi hesitated.

"Your Majesty, should we still kill Princess Taiping and Princess Anle?"


Li Longji's eyes burst out with a strong murderous intent.

"Cut the grass without eradicating the roots, and the spring breeze will bring new growth. I will never allow a threat to live in this world!"

After saying this, a chamberlain hurriedly walked into the hall and bowed.

"Your Majesty, Guo Yuanzhen wants to see you urgently!"

"Didn't Guo Yuanzhen go to kill Princess Taiping? Why did he come back so soon?"

Li Longji rolled his eyes and waved his hands.

"Let him in."


Not long after the chamberlain left, Guo Yuanzhen walked into the hall in a panic.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince is in trouble! I have made a major discovery!"

Li Longji frowned and said displeased.

"You are also the minister of the imperial court after all. How can you behave in such a hurry?"

"I want to ask you, have you caught Princess Taiping?"

Guo Yuanzhen stamped his foot heavily and said angrily.

"What are you arresting? Fan Xin is blocking the gate of Qianling. I dare not enter."


Li Longji was about to scold Guo Yuanzhen when he suddenly stopped and said with wide eyes.

"Who do you think is blocking the Qianling Gate?"

"Who else could it be? Of course it is King Yan Xin. If it hadn't been for him, I would have led the five thousand feather forest guards to rush in."

Speaking of this matter, Guo Yuanzhen is still filled with hatred.

"Fan Xin!"

Li Longji's teeth clenched loudly, and there was a chill in his eyes.

No wonder Cui Ti spread her wings and flew in the Gongyuan surrounded by heavy soldiers.

No wonder Dali Temple refused to let itself intervene in the scientific examination fraud case.

It turned out that Fan Xin was secretly helping Princess Taiping.

It’s so deceiving!

"Okay, okay, since you don't take Gu in your eyes, then don't blame Gu for being rude!"

"Come here, immediately order the 100,000 troops stationed in Yingzhou to take over Youzhou."

"Anyone who resists will be punished as a rebel!"

After giving the order, Li Longji put on his armor and came to the courtyard with his sword in hand, and said to several generals.

"Immediately summon the three armies to go to Qianling to capture the traitors!"


The generals clasped their fists and quickly rode away. In about half an hour, a group of 20,000 soldiers and horses rushed out from the Shendu camp.

Follow Li Longji towards Qianling.


An urgent message pierced the sky and reached the thatched cottage, and then a Qianniu Guard broke in.

"Your Highness! An army composed of Zuo Yulin, Zuo Yingyang, and Zuo Weiwei was found sixty miles southeast."

"A rough estimate is that the number of people is around 20,000!"

Signaling the Qianniu Guards to retreat, Fan Xin looked around at the crowd and said calmly.

"It seems that Li Longji is planning to take action himself. Everyone, how are you preparing?"

Hearing this, Lin Tie clasped his fists.

"Going back to your lord, a few days ago our General Huang Banner led an army of 200,000 troops from Khitan territory to Yingzhou, encircling and annihilating the 100,000 troops stationed there."

"Except for Chen Xuanli who was unwilling to surrender, everyone else surrendered."

"We are currently gathering towards Guanzhong. I think we will be here in a few hours."

Zhou Qi followed closely and stood up and said.

"Before this, the nine thousand guards in Qianling City will defend the city with all their strength until reinforcements arrive!"

Fan Xin smiled lightly and walked out with his hands behind his back.

"The Master said, How wonderful it is to have friends come from afar."

"Taiping, let's go meet our old friends."

Qianling, a city modeled after Chang'an City, is divided into two layers of inner and outer walls.

The length and width are four to five hundred feet each. It is built according to Liangshan Mountain, making it an easy-to-defend but difficult-to-attack place.

When the 20,000 guards arrived at Qianling Mausoleum, they saw the city gates wide open and no one on the walls.

Seeing this scene, Gao Lishi suddenly grabbed the horse's rein and said in surprise.

"My lord, this place is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Fan Xin will never let us enter the city easily. Be careful of fraud!"

"That's right, Your Majesty, the man named Fan has always been cunning and cunning. We must not be fooled by him!"

Facing the generals' advice, Li Longji smiled disdainfully.

"Fan Xin really thinks of himself as Zhuge Liang, but it's a pity that Gu is the prince, not Sima Yi!"

"You are waiting here to meet him alone!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he whipped the horse on the buttocks and ran towards Qianling.

Soon he disappeared at the city gate.

In front of the tombstone, Fan Xin squatted on the ground and burned paper money, while Princess Taiping placed fruits in the fruit plate.

Today is the seventh day of Her Majesty Wu Zetian's first birthday. According to folk saying, it is the day when the soul returns to life.

Therefore, fruits and food must be placed so that the returning souls can have a feast.

At some point, there was a figure behind the two of them, standing there without saying a word.

It wasn't until the two of them finished paying homage that they walked up to the incense burner and inserted three sticks of incense.

"Fan Xin, I need an explanation, otherwise you know the consequences of offending a future emperor."

After kneeling on the ground and kowtowing three times, Li Longji stood up, patted the dust on his body and said.

"There is nothing to explain. Your Majesty was most concerned about Princess Taiping before her funeral. He wanted her to fulfill her filial piety for a few years in front of the mausoleum."

"This king is just following orders." Fan Xin smiled slightly and said without being humble or arrogant.

"The Emperor's will?" Li Longji was startled, and his expression softened a lot.

Although he knew that Fan Xin's words were flawed, the other party could give him a step down.

He was already very satisfied, so he looked surprised.

"Yes, this daughter was the one the Emperor loved most during his lifetime."

"Before he died, he made a special decree. While he was speaking, he took out a volume of imperial decree from his arms."

When Li Longji read the above content, he took a deep breath.

He turned around and said to Princess Taiping.

"Auntie, the imperial hegemony has always been a matter for the men of the Li family. The imperial grandmother was just an accident."

"For the sake of the Supreme Emperor and King Yan, I can stop worrying about the past."

"I hope you can really withdraw from the court, otherwise when Gu ascends the throne, you will never show favor a second time."

"Even if it means starting a war with King Yan, I will not hesitate to do so. Farewell!"

After taking a deep look at the two of them, Li Longji strode down the mountain.

Gao Lishi, who was waiting outside, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the prince coming back. "My lord, you are finally back. I am worried to death."

"It's okay. Help me get on the horse and let's go back."

Li Longji grabbed the saddle with his trembling right hand, jumped up on the horse's back, and ran away.

Just now, he felt the swordsman hiding in the darkness...

After returning from Qianling, Li Longji tried his best to surround and suppress Princess Anle's gang members on the charge of poisoning the emperor, and never mentioned the matter of dealing with Princess Taiping.

As time passed, the day finally came for the prince to ascend the throne.

On this morning, ministers headed by Song Jing, Yao Chong, and Zhang Jiuling came to the Wanxiang Shrine early to celebrate the new emperor's enthronement.

When they saw Li Longji sitting on the throne wearing a five-clawed golden dragon suit, they all bowed down and prostrated.

"I see your Majesty, long live my emperor, long live your Majesty!"

"Everyone is safe!"

Looking over the ministers, Li Longji's smile suddenly faded a bit.

As if he knew what he was thinking, Yao Chong walked out of the queue.

"Your Majesty, His Highness King Yan is guarding the mausoleum of the Supreme Emperor in the Qianling Mausoleum and did not attend today's court meeting."

"Since we are guarding the mausoleum of the Supreme Emperor, forget it. Gao Lishi will read out my decree."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Gao Lishi bowed, slowly unfolded the imperial edict and spoke in a sharp voice.

"The heaven and the earth are changing, and the country's destiny is prosperous. From now on, the country's name will be officially changed to Tang Dynasty, and the era name will be Kaiyuan."

"I hope that all the ministers can assist me in rebuilding the prosperous age of the Tang Dynasty. I appreciate this!"

"Your Majesty, long live, long live, long live!"

Amidst the roar of the ministers, Li Longji stepped down from the throne and looked across the hall towards the sun on the horizon.

It's a real hit.

"Sooner or later, I will establish a true Kaiyuan era just like Emperor Taizong's Zhenguan rule!"

Just as Li Longji stood in Shangyang Palace to read out the appointments of hundreds of officials, the Yellow River hundreds of miles away suddenly broke out with the largest river news in history.

Thousands of acres of farmland were swallowed up by the Yellow River, and for a time people were displaced and starved.

"Hmph! I want to jump over the wall and escape, but there's no way. Hurry up and pack your things and go build the city wall."

"Let me tell you that our Supreme Master said that when the new emperor ascends the throne, the city wall must have a new look!

Putting a scrawny old man on an iron chain, the official said proudly.

The arrested old man followed the official officer and walked out of the hospital as if he had been appointed.

At this time, the lame old woman hiding in the room suddenly rushed out and knelt in front of the official.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, I beg you, sir. The old woman's family of eight depends on the head of the household for their survival. If you take her away, the whole family will starve to death."

"Fuck you, get out of here!" He kicked the old woman away, and the officer rolled his eyes and said with a smile.

"If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten. There are eight more in the house. I just happened to catch them together to replenish the number."

After saying that, he ignored the old woman's forcible obstruction, opened the door curtain and looked inside.

I saw seven children, large and small, lying on the Tukang, and a half-dressed woman.

The officers looked at them and huddled in fear.

"It turned out to be a group of women and children. What a damn bad luck!"

After cursing, the official turned back to the courtyard and said impatiently.

"You came just in time. We still need a cook on the construction site. Let's take him with us!"

"Ah! Sir! The old woman's legs are lame."

Amid the woman's wails, several officials led a group of peasants toward the official road.

Tai Zun said that now is the time when the Yellow River is flooding. Instead of letting the people starve to death at home, it is better to let them use their remaining energy to repair the city wall.

Respond to the emperor’s call for a new atmosphere.

However, just when the officials were about to put the victims into prison cars, they found a man holding a purple gold hammer standing on the official road.

"Hey, boy, how dare you stop grandpa with your blind eyes..."

The giant hammer flashed past, and the heads of several officials fell to the ground. Their eyes were filled with disbelief.

Glancing at the shivering victims, the man with the hammer snorted.

Pointing to the dozens of sacks of food on the prison car.

"I'm telling you people in Shihao Village that Mr. Liu from Wagang Village has come to distribute food. Each person has twenty kilograms. Please hurry up and report!"

"Hey, kids, go right now."

The victims who had looked scared just now were overjoyed when they heard that Mr. Liu from Wagang Village was here to distribute food.

We all went home to get the basin.

Not long after, thousands of people who had heard the news rushed towards the grain truck.

Under the shock of the six sons, they queued up to receive the food.

"Everyone, slow down. We in Wagang Village have just robbed the grain depot in Anyang County. We will ensure that everyone is well fed!"

After leaving the job of scooping rice to his subordinates, the man came to Liu Zi's side, wiped his sweat and said.

"Sixth Brother, you said that you would leave the good Qianniuwei General and come to Wagang Village to raise the flag of righteousness. What are you doing?"

Glancing at Zhang Huan, Liu Zi sighed.

"Once the prince is dead, do you think Li Longji can still accommodate old generals like us?"

"It would be better to stay in Wagang Village to rob the rich and give to the poor."

Zhang Huan nodded and sighed.

"Yes, we have repaid the court's kindness by jumping off a cliff and dying for our country that day during the Fuqi battle."

"It's time for us to be at ease in the days to come."

While he was talking, Jiang Ji came on horseback and said sweating profusely.

"Don't wait any longer, Zhu Dafu from Anyang County is chasing here with five thousand officers and soldiers.

"We must return to Wagang Village immediately."

Seeing that the food was almost distributed, Liuzi jumped on his horse and whipped his whip to leave.

Unexpectedly, the victims fell to their knees with a thud.

"Dear heroes, we want to join Wagang Village and work with you to fight for heaven!"

Liu Zi and others looked at each other, and finally laughed.

"If you are willing to follow us, then let's go to Wagang Village together."

After saying that, he took the people and rode away.

Half an hour later, a fat official arrived at the scene.

Looking at the rice particles and the corpses of officials all over the ground, I was so angry that I almost fainted.

"These damn gangsters, I must kill them."

"Your Majesty, calm down. As far as I know, all the seventy-two leaders of Wagang Village are good at fighting."

"In just over a month, we have grown to three thousand people. We must be careful."

The warden in green official uniform advised.

It's a pity that Zhu Dafu was already blinded by anger and didn't take thousands of bandits into consideration at all.

He pushed his subordinate away and pointed at Wagangzhai.

"Listen to me. If you kill one, you will be rewarded with five swords. If you kill a pair, you will be rewarded with ten swords. Come on!"

Motivated by money, the officers and soldiers rushed to Wagang Station with howls and screams as if they had been given blood.


On the walled city, looking at the officers and soldiers coming like a tide, Liu Zi raised a sneer on his lips.

They are all veterans who have been in battle for a long time. They have never seen any scenes. They can deal with a mere five thousand stragglers.

"Tell the brothers to stay in the village while Mr. Liu goes to meet these officers and soldiers in person!"

Liuzi laughed and jumped down from the wall. Dozens of officials were cut off in the middle of his sword.

This horrifying scene immediately shocked the official.

On weekdays, the most they could do was catch a criminal. How could they ever see such a brave person?

However, before they could recover, dozens more men jumped down from the sky.

"How can we be left out in such an occasion? Brothers, let's have a good fight!"

Cao Wei laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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