Chapter 37 Your Fan Qingtian can’t come back!

"Then take a rest first and go down to post notices!" Chief Sun said a few words with a smile on his face, then turned around and walked out of the county government office.

"Bah! What the hell, isn't it just to accept Wu Sansi as your godfather? Look at how proud you will be!"

After spitting thick phlegm on the ground, Chief Sun led his subordinates to post notices.

Early the next morning, the people were shocked when they saw the notice.

"Oh my god, [-]% of the grain tax, this Zhang Bapi is trying to force us to death!"

"Let's go to the county government office to find Zhang Song!"

When the people of Wushui County spontaneously came to the county government office, they saw Zhang Song lying on the imperial chair, drinking a small drink leisurely.

Dozens of fierce-looking government officials stood on both sides of the door.

Seeing Mr. Wu leading the people, Zhang Song put down his wine cup.

"I said, Lao Wutou, if you don't pay the grain tax in broad daylight, why are you bringing people here?"

Mr. Wu slammed the crutch in his hand to the ground and said angrily.

"You still have the nerve to ask me why I'm here? If you hadn't increased the grain tax by [-]%, would everyone be able to come here?"

Zhang Song burped drunkenly and said with a smile.

"So that's what happened. Didn't I say it on the notice? The Queen Mother is going to build the main hall of Ziwei City, and all states and counties will have to increase taxes by [-]%."

Mr. Wu was already very angry, and he suddenly became excited when he heard this.

"You're farting! Since the founding of the Tang Dynasty, when did we ask the people for money to build the palace? It's obviously you who used it to enrich your own pockets!"

Being scolded by an old man again and again, the smile on Zhang Song's face gradually disappeared, and his eyes were cold.

"Don't be so shameless, old man. I am the magistrate of Wushui County, and what I say means what I mean!"

"Is a person like you worthy of being a county magistrate? No wonder Fan Qingtian put you in jail. In the old man's opinion, you deserve it!"

Zhang Song slapped Mr. Wu on the face and said with a ferocious expression.

"Old immortal, you are so impatient that you dare to contradict me in public!"

"What the hell is Fan Qingtian? He was taken to Luoyang and beaten to death!"

"Now I am your parent official!"

The days when Fan Xin was imprisoned were an indelible shadow in Zhang Song's heart for the rest of his life.

That's why he hated when others mentioned Fan Xin's name in front of him, even if the other person was an old man in his 90s.

Mr. Wu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Zhang Song with mocking eyes.

"Zhang Song, to tell you the truth, in our hearts only Fan Qingtian is the real magistrate of Wushui County."

"It is impossible for the court to wrongly accuse a good official like him."

"That's right! A dog official like you is not worthy of being our county magistrate!" the people shouted.

"Okay, okay, it looks like you unruly people are going to rebel!" Zhang Song laughed angrily, with malice flashing in his triangular eyes.

The next moment, he kicked the table violently and roared loudly.

"Come here, arrest these thugs who are leading the way!"


The government officials shouted loudly, rolled up their sleeves and stepped forward to push Mr. Wu and others to the ground. Just as they were about to tie up the ropes, a loud shout came from the distance.

"Wait a minute!"

"Zhou Xiancheng?" After seeing the person clearly, Zhang Song narrowed his eyes slightly: "What, are you in trouble?"

For this guy who took refuge in Fan Xin, he felt itchy with hatred.

Zhou Cang glanced at the people who were pinned to the ground and raised his hands to Zhang Songgong.

"County Magistrate Zhang, most of the people's fields have been forcibly purchased by King Langya in the past two years. Where do you want them to get an extra [-]% of the grain tax now?" "That is the people's business. I only need to collect taxes on time!" Zhang Song flicked his sleeves, pushed Zhou Cang away and said coldly.

"What are you still doing? Let me arrest these unscrupulous people!"


The government officials nodded, put Mr. Wu and others on hooks and pulled them up in the air.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Cang's face was very ugly, and he suppressed his anger.

"County Magistrate Zhang, if you treat the people of this county like this, aren't you afraid that Magistrate Fan will come back to punish you?"

"Come back?" Zhang Song sneered, blowing the dust on his fingertips lightly.

"I'm afraid your Magistrate Fan won't be able to come back. Just the day before yesterday, I received news that Li Chong set fire to himself on the road."

"Fan Xin was escorted into the palace by guards wearing eighty-pound shackles."

"I heard that even the prison clothes were stained with blood. Do you think he can come back alive after being so seriously injured?"

As soon as these words were spoken, the crying scene suddenly became quiet. Everyone looked at Zhang Song with disbelief in their eyes.

"What are you talking about? Magistrate Fan was sentenced to death?" Zhou Cang said tremblingly.

He had always thought that Fan Xin's arrest was just a misunderstanding, and he would release him when the court figured out the reason.

But he never expected that Fan Xin would be shackled with eighty kilograms of iron and tortured severely. Even his prison clothes were stained with blood. Could that man still live?
Zhou Cang didn't dare to think about it anymore.

As for Mr. Wu and others, they were even more shocked and stopped struggling.

Seeing the despair on everyone's faces, Zhang Song felt extremely happy.

Although the messenger just said that Fan Xin's blood was "splattered" in the court, even the Queen Mother was shocked.

But in his opinion, Fan Xin was bound to die. Even his blood was splashed on the court, and it was conceivable how many injuries he suffered.

Therefore, on the first day after taking office, he took revenge on the people who supported Fan Xin.

"Hmph, I heard with my own ears that the person who sent the message said that Fan Xin's blood was splashed in the court. How could it be false? Your Fan Qingtian will never come back!"

"Is Fan Qingtian coming back?" the people murmured with despair, and suddenly began to sob softly, and then everyone wiped away their tears.

Seeing this, Zhang Song waved his hands in a good mood.

"Come on, give me a whip and whip these unruly people hard, let them know who is the boss of Wushui County!"

Just as Zhang Song was sitting in front of the Yamen, proudly sipping wine, an ox cart slowly stopped at the door of the inn.

"Fan Changshi, we have arrived at the Wushui County Station." Zhang Huan turned around and said, reining in the horse.

"It's finally here."

Fan Xin jumped off the bullock cart and looked up at the inn in front of him, feeling filled with emotion in his heart.

He thought that when he was taken to Luoyang, the people waved goodbye to him here, but he didn't expect that he would come back alive.

Coming back from Luoyang this time, Fan Xin felt like he was in another world.

"I don't know how everyone is doing." Fan Xin thought to himself.

At this time, the door of the inn opened, and Zheng Yicheng walked out carrying a swill bucket.

Seeing Fan Xin standing in front of the bullock cart, the swill bucket in his hand fell to the ground with a clang, he rubbed his eyes vigorously and asked in disbelief.

"Are you Magistrate Fan?"

Fan Xin smiled and nodded: "Zheng Yicheng, you have lost a lot of weight."

After confirming that it was Fan Xin, Zheng Yicheng quickly ran over and cried with joy.

"Magistrate Fan, you are finally back!"

"Go to the city and take a look, that bastard Zhang Song is causing harm to the people again!
(End of this chapter)

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