Chapter 46 Jane is in the heart of the emperor!
The hall was eerily quiet, with only sonorous sounds echoing in the hall.

Both Shangguan Wan'er, who is good at strategizing, and Xiao Jing, who is decisive in killing, were extremely shocked by these words!

It is a great show of love to poke a big hole in the sky and issue orders and reprimands.

They never expected that when the imperial edict was delivered to the province,
In order to prevent Fan Xin from being wronged, Empress Dowager Wu tore up the imperial edict and drafted a resolute punishment edict.

What an honor this is!

What an honor!
Throughout a century of officialdom, nothing like this has ever happened!



At this moment, the hearts of the two women are filled. It is not difficult to imagine that Fan Xin in the Bozhou case has completely disappeared in the heart of the emperor!
As long as there are no accidents, the day when the dynasty changes will be the day when this person emerges from the abyss!

a long time.

Xiao Jing took a deep breath, knelt on one knee and clasped her fists with her hands.

"My lord, I will lead two thousand internal guards to Bozhou to capture Li Ai and other key criminals!"

Wu Zetian shook his sleeves and nodded majestically.

"If anyone resists, the entire clan will not be spared!"

"Sir, take the lead!"

Xiao Jing knelt down and kowtowed three times, stood up and walked out of the hall, flicking her cloak and saying loudly.

"The whole army obeys the order! Target Bozhou!"


Two thousand guards kowtowed in unison, jumped on their horses the next moment, and rushed out of the palace like a black flood toward Bozhou.
Looking back from outside the palace, Wu Zetian thought for a moment and took out a cotton coat from the box and handed it to Shangguan Wan'er.

"Last time Fan Xin came to Luoyang, I saw that he was wearing thin clothes and didn't even have thicker clothes. Seeing that winter is about to come, you asked Zhang Huan to send it to him."

"By the way, I stayed with him as a bodyguard. I have offended so many important officials in the imperial court and there is no one to protect me."

Shangguan Wan'er took the cotton robe and said with a smile: "If Wei Chen is not mistaken, you must have made this cotton robe for King Luling yourself."

Wu Zetian sighed: "Yeah, it's a pity that this unsatisfactory thing indulges in drinking and sex all day long, and he doesn't look fat."

"Just give it to Fan Xin, so as not to freeze the kid."

Seeing Wu Zetian's tired look, Shangguan Wan'er bowed and exited the hall holding the cotton robe in both hands.

After the palace door closed, Shangguan Wan'er turned around, let out a long sigh, and patted her chest with her small hands.

What happened today was such a shock to her that she still can't calm down in her heart for a long time.

"What a tough guy. Even this girl is a little interested in you."


Bozhou, Governor's Mansion.

At this time, there were bursts of vocal music, singing and dancing, and the fog was in the middle. Li Ai and others raised their wine glasses with spring breeze on their faces.

"Come, let's drink to relieve our worries!"


After putting down the wine glass, Butler Wu said with a smile: "Counting the days, the gold and silver jewelry we secretly transported to Luoyang should be home by now."

"There will be news in three or two days at most, and we can finally breathe a sigh of relief."

"Yes, if the prince hadn't assigned some heavy tasks to Fan Xin this time, it wouldn't have been that easy if we wanted to transport the gold, silver and jewelry away."

"Come on, let's all give the prince a drink!"

Facing everyone's toast, Li Ai smiled and waved her hands.

"Thank you for your reward. Transporting the gold, silver and jewelry is only the first step. The next thing we have to do is to get rid of Fan Xin's stumbling block!"

"To be honest, before the imperial memorial arrived, I wrote a letter to my colleagues in the imperial court, asking them to jointly impeach Fan Xin." "Only when this guy falls, our corruption of Li Chong's family property will not stop. Leak it out.”

Hearing these words, Fatty Wu and others were convinced.

"Your Majesty is right, if you want to keep this secret, only the dead are the most reliable."

"It's just that I heard that Fan Xin is highly regarded by Empress Dowager Wu. I'm afraid he won't be killed just by impeachment by the ministers, right?"

Li Ai stood up and walked to the window, holding her hands behind her back and saying coldly.

"Impeachment is just a prelude, the real killer move is later. Fan Xin has a reputation of loving the people like a son, so we will use our plan to give him a fatal blow!"

"Oh? What fatal blow?" Fatty Wu and others looked at each other and asked curiously.

Li Ai turned around and smiled strangely.

"The Li Chong case has come to an end. Based on my understanding of Empress Dowager Wu, these women and children who were arrested will undoubtedly die."

"Let's simply set up a law court in Bozhou, find some crimes at random, arrest some local people, and execute them together in three days!"

"Do you think if Fan Xin knew this news, would he go to the Tribulation Field to save people?"

Everyone's eyes lit up, and they clapped their hands in appreciation.

"The prince is indeed as wise as a mountain. Once Fan Xin learns that thousands of women and children are about to be killed, he will definitely stop it based on his temperament."

"When the time comes, we will arrest him for having an affair with a rebellious family member and hand him over to the imperial guards who came to arrest Fan Xin. It will be a seamless process."

"Even if Empress Dowager Wu appreciates Fan Xin, she will still have a gap in her heart because of his affair with a death row prisoner and leave him alone."


"It's really high. Without 20 years of wisdom, I would never have thought of such a clever strategy!"

"In this way, we will gain wealth, and Fan Xin will be eliminated. Later, he will be promoted to a higher position because he donated 50 yuan to the court."

"What good thing happened to us, hahaha..."

"Come, let's toast the prince again!" Under the leadership of Fatty Wu, everyone stood up and toasted to Li Ai.

After a few glasses of wine, the old butler walked into the hall and bowed.

"Your Majesty, Fan Xin asked to see you. He said that the household registration you asked him to check has some clues."

"Do you want the villain to drive him away?"

"No need, let Fan Xin go to the lobby to meet me. It just so happens that I have a big news to tell him."

Li Ai put on her official uniform and said to the crowd: "You guys drink first, I will go and set a trap for this kid!" After saying that, he left his seat and headed to the lobby.

When he walked in, he saw Fan Xin sitting on a chair leisurely sipping tea. He felt a little unhappy and suppressed his anger.

"Fan Changshi, do you still know some rules? Is this a place where you can sit? Go and stand in the hall!"

Sensing Li Ai's arrival, Fan Xin covered the teacup and stood up from his seat.

"Li Qishi, you asked your subordinates to sort out the Yongye fields, and I have already sorted them out."

"Can it be returned to the people who were occupied?"

Looking at the thick stack of registration books on the desk, Li Ai's eyes flashed with an imperceptible mockery.

The land deed has been secretly transported back to his home, but Fan Xin is still dreaming about it, which is simply ridiculous.

With a joking attitude, he said: "Well, since you insist on returning the land deeds to the people, then give them back."

"Don't worry about saying that I don't care about people's livelihood."

Fan Xingong cupped his hands and said with a smile: "I would like to express my gratitude to the people of Bozhou for the great kindness of the governor."

However, before he could finish thanking him, Li Ai pondered for a moment and said.

"There's no rush about the land deed. You go back and make a notice first. In three days, all the women and children surnamed Li will be escorted to the execution ground to serve as a warning!"

(End of this chapter)

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