Chapter 50 See you in Hajj!

"I just said that the imperial court issued a wrong decree. Fan Xin committed a heinous crime. How could the Queen Mother arrest me, a meritorious minister?"

"That's right, those wine sacks and rice sacks under my disciples must have misunderstood the holy meaning!"

Li Ai, who thought he had seen through the truth, suddenly raised his head and looked at Fan Xin, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

This time he wanted to see if Fan Xin could still have the last laugh.

Soon, Qian Niuwei reined in the reins, jumped off his horse and came to the execution ground.

"Bo Zhang Shi, where is Fan Xin?"

Fan Xin glared at the female prisoners who were covering their mouths and snickering, and quickly came to the court envoy.

"Wei Chen is here!"

The messenger glanced at Fan Xin, opened the imperial edict and said loudly.

"My sect, Haotian has a destiny, and the emperor accepts it. The cold winter is coming. I see that your robes are thin, so I specially ordered Qianniu Guards to come and give you a set of cotton robes. I appreciate this!"

Upon hearing these words, everyone present was stunned and confused.

Seeing the anxious attitude of the messenger just now, they thought the imperial court had announced some important decree.

The result is a set of clothes!
Is this worthy of a decree?
The most shocked person among everyone was Xiao Jing. Others didn't know her, but she knew it all.

The set of cotton robes in the hands of the envoy was exactly what the Queen Mother had personally sewn for King Li Xian of Luling.

What many famous ministers and generals dreamed of and couldn't get, they didn't expect to be given to Fan Xin, a low-ranking official from the fifth rank.

This shows how important this person is in the heart of the Queen Mother!
"This guy is going to rise to prominence. No wonder the Queen Mother does not hesitate to use thunderous means to punish Li Ai. This is to support Fan Xin."

Thinking of this, Xiao Jing looked at Li Ai, her eyes full of mockery.

At this time, Li Ai's face was pale and he walked towards the messenger with heavy steps.

The acquittal he imagined did not appear, but what awaited him was a decree to send him clothes.




One by one, Li Ai's mind emerged. As a noble member of the royal family surnamed Li, he could not accept this fact!

Just when he was about to question, another group of guards with flags on their backs came on horseback, and their loud voices resounded over the execution ground.

"The Queen Mother has a decree to summon the Governor of Bozhou, Shi Fanxin, to attend the Hajj!"

After hearing these words, Li Ai could no longer hold back the grief and anger in her heart and spurted out blood, and fell down on her back.

The messenger moved aside with a look of disgust on his face and handed the cotton robe to Fan Xin.

"Fan Changshi, it's getting late, let's get on the road quickly, right?"

"General, wait a moment, I have something to explain."

After confessing his crime to the messenger, Fan Xin came to Xiao Jing and politely bowed his hands.

"General Xiao, it's a long way to go to Lingnan Mountains. I hope your subordinates can take care of these female prisoners and deliver them safely."

After speaking, he took out three hundred coins from his sleeve.

This month's salary has not been paid by the court, so he only has so much left after excluding food money.

Xiao Jing glanced at the pitiful copper plate and said with a smile.

"I have been in the officialdom for many years and have seen thousands of gold, silver and jewels."

"But together they are not as heavy as the three hundred coins in your hand."

"That's all, I promise you!"

Putting the copper plate into her sleeve, Xiao Jing turned around and said coldly to her subordinates.

"Listen, if anyone dares to harm these female prisoners on the way, don't blame me for using torture!"

"I will obey the orders of the Grand Pavilion Leader!"

Two thousand internal guards clasped their fists and led the female prisoner out of the city.

Li Chaner stopped on the way, turned around and smiled at Fan Xin, and then disappeared into the street with the team.

"Fan Xin, the Queen Mother is still waiting in Luoyang, it's time for us to set off." Xiao Jing said calmly.

Fan Xin sighed secretly, withdrew his gaze and nodded: "Let's go." As the wheel slowly turned, the onlookers crowded forward, stuffed food in their hands to Fan Xin, and told him to take care of himself along the way.

By the time the convoy drove out of Bozhou, the carriage was already fully loaded, and Fan Xin had no choice but to sit on the shaft.

"I didn't expect you to be quite important in the hearts of the people. This really surprises me."

On the way, Xiao Jing came over and motioned to Zhang Huan and others to go to the front, and she sat on the opposite side of the car.

Fan Xin patted the cake residue on his hands and said with a smile.

"Xiao Ge is joking. I'm just doing some practical things for the people, so it doesn't have any weight."

Hearing this, Xiao Jing turned her head and glanced at him: "You are modest, but it's a pity that you are about to die."

Fan Xin frowned and said, "Does Xiaoge leader mean that King Fan Yang wants to take revenge on his subordinates?"

Although Li Ai was arrested and sent to Beijing, after all, he was a descendant of Emperor Gaozu and was deeply respected by Wu Zetian. He must have a way to take revenge.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Jing shook her head and looked at the vast flat beach in the distance.

"Li Ai is nothing. He is just a dog seeking glory. Even if you don't move him, the Queen Mother will find an opportunity to get rid of this scourge."

"What I'm talking about are the wealthy families whose interests have been damaged. 40 yuan is not a small amount."

"With such a huge loss, do you think those people will let you go?"

"You mean those people will take action against lower officials?" Fan Xin looked a little more serious.

When he submitted the secret message to Wu Zetian, he had thought that this day would happen, but he didn't expect it to come so quickly.

Xiao Jing nodded slightly.

"Yes, once you enter the Hajj, these people will immediately launch a fierce attack until you are killed!"

"I'm afraid even the Queen Mother won't be able to protect you by then. There's only one way to survive..."

However, what surprised her was that Fan Xin did not rush to ask for any solution, but said.

"The Chief of the Cabinet has said so much. Please mention your conditions and let me see if I can agree to it."

Who is Xiao Jing? He is a feared high-ranking minister who has the lives of many ministers in his hands.

How could he come to give me advice for no reason?There must be some purpose in it.

Sure enough, Xiao Jing sighed in praise.

"I haven't thought of the terms yet. I'll tell you when I think about it."

Seeing Fan Xin open his mouth, Xiao Jing said angrily: "Don't worry, my leader will not let you do anything difficult."

"Okay, now you can tell me the official method." Fan Xin agreed without hesitation.

A condition is nothing compared to a small life.

Seeing his agreement, Xiao Jing suddenly leaned closer and said.

"This method works very well, you just need to..."

a long time.

Fan Xin took a deep breath and nodded seriously: "Okay, I'll do as you say!"


Luoyang, Shangshu Mansion.

At this time, there were more than a dozen ministers sitting here, and everyone's face was extremely gloomy.

When they heard that gold, silver and jewelry had been transported into the treasury, they came to Shangshu's Mansion without even eating.

"Wu Shangshu, I have inquired about it, and the person who made the whistleblower this time is a man named Lu Kuishan."

"It was he who handed over the gold and silver jewelry that belonged to us to the treasury, causing Li Ai to be arrested by the internal guards." Zhang Guangfu said solemnly.

"Prime Minister Zhang, please calm down. The top priority is to rescue Li Ai from the inner prison first. We can't let him bite us out." Wu Sansi said.

"That's what I say, but how can I save someone from the hands of the inner guards?"

"Simple, just find a scapegoat to bear Li Ai's crime."

"Scapegoat?" Everyone was stunned.

"Exactly, what Lu Kuishan told the court is not credible. We can take advantage of the fact that the Queen Mother does not know the truth and blame Fan Xin for embezzling stolen money." Wu Sansi stroked his beard and said.

(End of this chapter)

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