Chapter 53 Three days away from court!

"What do you know? Fan Xin will be beaten to death with a hundred military sticks. Naturally, the inner guard cannot be beaten to death with one stick."

"On the contrary, although Gao Zhong only had thirty military sticks, he beat him to death with the sticks.

"The Queen Mother is venting her anger."

In fact, everyone had considered the consequences before the impeachment, but they did not expect that Fan Xin was so important in the Queen Mother's heart.

So much so that the dignified young minister of Dali Temple was given thirty military sticks just for making a sarcastic remark. This had never happened before.

While the ministers were anxiously waiting for the result, two internal guards walked into the hall carrying a corpse.

"Reporting to the Queen Mother, Gao Zhong, the young minister of Dali Temple, could not bear the severe punishment and has been killed with a cane!"

Wu Zetian glanced at Gao Zhong's body and said expressionlessly.

"Drag him out and expose him to the sun for three days, and he will not be allowed to be buried!"

"The end will follow the order!"

The inner guard clasped his fists, held Gao Zhong's body and turned around to leave.


"Queen Mother, do you have any other instructions?"

"How is Fan Xin?" Wu Zetian hesitated and asked.

The inner guard pondered for a while, and then clasped his fists while the emperor and ministers watched.

"Back to the Queen Mother, I have been in charge of punishment for many years. I have never seen a man as strong-willed as Fan Xin."

"A stick that can even break bones was swung at him without even begging for mercy."

"He just said that the overall situation should be the top priority and that the Queen Mother should not be embarrassed because of him."

Wu Zetian could no longer listen to what the inner guard said.

At this moment, all she could think about was the scene where Fan Xin took off his official uniform.

Others may not know it clearly, but she knows that Fan Xin is not retreating in order to advance, but he really wants to leave.

Once he leaves Luoyang today, I'm afraid this guy will never come back again.

Thinking of this, Wu Zetian's chest felt a little tight, as if she was back to the time when Li Zhi was punished for defending himself.

And he could only watch the years, unable to do anything.

next moment.

Wu Zetian's heart surged, her throat felt sweet, and bright red blood seeped out from the corners of her mouth.

Seeing this scene, the officials' expressions changed greatly, and they surrounded the platform with a roar.

"Queen Mother, what's wrong with you?"

"The queen mother?"

"Call the imperial doctor!"

Looking at the flustered ministers, Wu Zetian broke away from Shangguan Wan'er's support and looked at Wu Sansi and others.

"Fan Xin did not hesitate to receive a hundred heavy sticks in order to prevent the imperial court from falling into division."

"Are you, the princes, nobles, and frontier officials satisfied?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of all the officials in the palace changed, and they all knelt on the ground without even daring to take a breath.

No one expected that the Queen Mother would say such heart-wrenching words.

"Your Majesty, I just want to teach Fan Xin a lesson and let him calm down."

"Unexpectedly, he took off his official uniform and went to the Internal Guard Mansion to receive his crime and be punished. It has nothing to do with us."

Wu Sansi knelt on the ground and said carefully.

Wu Zetian glanced at her nephew, with indescribable disappointment in her eyes.

Ranked among the six ministers and nine ministers, there is no room for even Fan Xin.

In vain, I had even thought of making him a reserve. Now it seems that this person is not of much use.

After thinking this, Wu Zetian waved her sleeves and walked to the harem without any hesitation.

At the same time, a majestic voice sounded.

"If you are summoned, you will be out of court for three days from now on. If there is no special matter, no one from this palace will be seen!"


After that, he disappeared from the side door, leaving the ministers looking at each other.

"Wu Shangshu, what should we do? This situation has never happened before."

"Yeah, if you can't see the Queen Mother, do you still have to deal with the affairs of the court?" "The day before yesterday, the Ministry of War received a report from Tang that the army stationed on the Tubo frontline withdrew [-] miles to the rear due to serious loss of horses."

"General Wang Xiaojie personally rushed back to Luoyang to ask for a solution."

"If something goes wrong at this juncture, we cannot bear the responsibility of delaying the fighter plane."

Wu Sansi's face was uncertain, and he gritted his teeth and stood up from the ground.

"Go, go back and talk!"


Interior Guard House, lobby.

"Fan Changshi, the court meeting has ended, and it's time for us to end the torture with the cane."

"You see?"

The little leader of the inner guard asked with a smile on his face.

After glancing at him, Fan Xin threw away the toothpick and was about to go to jail for a few days.

A chamberlain hurriedly walked into the lobby, opened a yellow imperial edict and screamed.

"The Queen Mother has decreed that Fan Xin does not need to be imprisoned in the inner prison after being punished with the cane. He can wander around in Luoyang and he will be of great use after the court is over."

After reading the imperial edict, the chamberlain took the official uniform from the guard and smiled at Fan Xin.

"Fan Changshi, the Queen Mother said that the weather is cold and asks you to put on your clothes to avoid freezing."

"Go back and tell the Queen Mother that Fan Xin thanks her for thinking about her."

After putting on his clothes, Fan Xin handed over his hands to the chamberlain and walked out of the chamber of defense.

Seeing him coming out, Zhang Huan and Li Lang quietly sighed in relief and came up to him.

"Fan Changshi, are you okay?"

"It's okay. A mere hundred military sticks can't do anything to me. Come on, let's go to Luoyang for a walk."

Counting this time, he has been to Luoyang twice already, so he has to go shopping anyway.

A group of people came to the street in a carriage, and Fan Xin was immediately shocked by the prosperity in front of him.

I saw pedestrians everywhere on the bustling road. There were people of all kinds of clothes, and there were even a few black-skinned Kunlun slaves among them.

Just as Fan Xin was looking at Luoyang City, a shout suddenly came from the crowd in the distance.

"Trash, you can't even lead a horse, so what use are you!"

"Come on, break your legs for me!"

"Sir, please forgive me, the road is too slippery and it has nothing to do with us."

Hearing these words, Fan Xin frowned slightly and walked towards the scene.

It's just that the horse was not led properly, but this man actually wanted to break the servant's legs. He wanted to see who was so domineering.

in the crowd.

Wang Xiaojie stared at the servants on the ground with a livid face, wishing he could chop these guys into pieces and feed them to the dogs.

War horses are very important to the army, especially on the Tubo front line, where an elite cavalry must be stationed.

However, due to the frequent wars and the harsh environment, the horses were being depleted at an increasingly serious rate, so he had no choice but to order the army to retreat two hundred miles.

He led a team of guards and rushed back to Luoyang in person to ask for help from the court, hoping that the princes in the court could help him find a way to delay the consumption of his war horses.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered Luoyang City, a few useless servants damaged the war horse. You can imagine the anger in his heart.

"Hmph, you losers still dare to make excuses and beat me up!" Wang Xiaojie shouted with a fierce gleam in his eyes.


Several guards clasped their fists, walked up to the servant, raised their whips, and were about to whip them out.

At this time, a faint voice sounded.

"Wait a minute!"

"Who are you?" Wang Xiaojie asked with an unkind expression as he looked at the young man in front of him.

"I'm going down to Fan Xin again. I see my brother breaking the legs of several servants because their horses slipped. Isn't it too much?" Fan Xin stepped forward and said with a smile.

Hearing this, Wang Xiaojie sneered.

"It's okay if you want to be exempted from punishment, but unless you can make the horse stand up from the ice, there's no need to talk about it!
In his opinion, this problem has plagued the imperial court for decades, and many ministers and generals have been unable to do anything about it. How can a young man do something about it?

However, just when he thought Fan Xin would retreat in spite of the difficulties, he didn't expect the latter to speak.

"This question is not difficult, I agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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