Chapter 56 Promoted to governor!

Wu Zetian sat high on the dragon chair, quietly watching the ministers boasting and praising her, and then she spoke after they finished speaking.

"The person who created this thing is not some outsider, but one of you."

After hearing these words, the ministers immediately became interested and began to look at each other.

"Oh, among us, I wonder which minister made such a shocking achievement?"

Facing the inquiries from the ministers, Wu Zetian smiled slightly.

"You just finished the impeachment, and you don't know each other so soon?"

"What? Fan Xin!"

Someone screamed in surprise, and the praise in the hall suddenly stopped.

Everyone stared at Wu Zetian with wide eyes and disbelief.

"Queen Mother, are you saying that it was Fan Xin who used two iron pieces to help the court solve the problem?"

The ministers wished they could give themselves a slap. If they had known it was Fan Xin who did it, they would never have mentioned it.

Well now, isn’t this a slap in the face?

Wu Zetian didn't bother to look at the faces of these people anymore, and her smile faded.

"Okay, the war horse issue has been resolved, now it's time to discuss the candidate for the governor of Yingzhou."

"Not long ago, the internal guards came to report that after Qiao An, the governor of Yingzhou, had his spine broken in public, Yang Gao, the chief minister, was also brutally murdered."

"This incident has caused great panic in the local area. If the court cannot choose a suitable person to appease the people, it may trigger a popular uprising."

"I wonder if any of you are willing to go?"


The ministers looked at each other and lowered their heads one after another. Zhao Wenhui was in Yingzhou with one hand covering the sky. Isn't it just asking for death to send a governor there?

Seeing this, Wu Zetian's face suddenly darkened, and she slapped the dragon chair hard.

"If I ask you any more questions, will you all be mute?"

At the critical moment, Wu Chengsi strode out of the queue and said in a deep voice.

"Empress Dowager, Yingzhou is like a tiger's mouth. The ordinary governor is no match for Zhao Wenhui. The only way to check and balance him is to send a minister with outstanding ability and fear of life and death."

"Therefore, I recommend Shi Fanxin, governor of Bozhou, to be the governor of Yingzhou!

It was impossible to get rid of Fan Xin in the court, so he simply sent him to Yingzhou to borrow Zhao Wenhui's hand to kill this stumbling block.

The ministers who had come back to their senses saw that Wu Chengsi had spoken and quickly stood up and agreed.

"Your Majesty, what the Master Wu said makes sense. Fan Xin has made great achievements and can be promoted to the fifth rank!"

"Yes, young people should be sent to places like Yingzhou to gain experience."

Just when the ministers were strongly recommending Fan Xin, a majestic voice came from outside the palace.

"Since you ministers think so highly of me, what's the harm in my being the governor of Yingzhou?"

After saying this, in the surprised eyes of all the ministers, Fan Xin came to the emperor in official uniform.

Bow and salute.

"Your Majesty, Governor Shi Fanxin is willing to go to Longtan Tiger's Den!"

"To appease the people of the Tang Dynasty!"

The faces of the ministers were a little gloomy. They could not understand Fan Xin's behavior of going to die despite knowing the danger ahead.

Above the palace, Wu Zetian slowly stood up and looked at Fan Xin with complex eyes, wanting to say something, but couldn't.

At this time, her heart was filled with emotions and emotions.

It is said that a poor family misses a good wife, and a country misses a good talent. Unexpectedly, when all the ministers were afraid to move forward, only Fan Xin was willing to stand up.



And deep pride.

"Okay, okay, I am indeed right about you!"

The next moment, Wu Zetian shook her sleeves and shouted loudly. "In drafting the decree, Shi Fanxin, governor of Bozhou, was appointed when the army was defeated and was ordered to be in danger. This is a great act of loyalty."

"Therefore, I am specially promoted to the fifth rank of Yingzhou Governor, and will be rewarded with a pair of cotton velvet boots, a hundred taels of silver, and will be escorted by Qianniu Guards!"

"My lord, Fan Xin accepts the order!"

Taking the brand new red official uniform from the chamberlain, Fan Xin bowed to Wu Zetian and saluted. "

After the court was over, the monarch and his ministers came to the imperial garden and signaled the servant to pour a cup of tea for Fan Xin. Wu Zetian said worriedly.

"The situation in Yingzhou has reached a point where it is difficult to return. You must be more careful when you go this time. While appeasing the people, remember to stabilize Zhao Wenhui."

"Wait until the internal guards collect the evidence and then uproot him."

When Zhao Wenhui's name was mentioned, a murderous intent flashed in Wu Zetian's eyes.

She has been used to being strong in her life and will never allow a feudal lord to appear under her rule!

Fan Xin put down his tea cup and said hesitantly: "Queen Mother, Zhao Wenhui is in charge of the Dongyi Protectorate. He has more than 2 soldiers and horses under his command, and he is the boss of the ministers."

"If he wants to harm Wei Chen, how should he resolve it?"

"Don't worry about this. You are the one sent by me, and there are two hundred thousand cattle guards accompanying you. He won't touch you for the time being."

As he spoke, he took out half a golden fish charm from his sleeve and handed it to Fan Xin.

"This is my token. You can use it to mobilize nearby troops at critical moments. Remember, this talisman cannot make any mistakes!"

Feeling the importance of this half gold fish charm, Fan Xin took the fish charm with both hands and said solemnly with a serious expression.

"Don't worry, Queen Mother, I will definitely appease the people of Yingzhou!"

Wu Zetian nodded and said kindly: "It's time to take office without further delay."

"The minister obeys the order!"

After raising his hands to Wu Zetian, Fan Xin turned around and strode away.

Looking at his back, Wu Zetian said sadly.

"The trip to Yingzhou is full of murderous intent, and I don't know if Fan Xin can return safely..."


High mountains and ancient wilderness roads.

A group of Qianniu Guards riding tall horses moved forward slowly.

In the carriage, Fan Xin sat cross-legged at the small table and looked through the resume of the previous governor.

"Young Master, someone named Zhao dares to kill even the governor. When we take office, aren't we going to put ourselves in the tiger's mouth?" Liu Zi complained.

Hearing this, Fan Xin moved his resume and glanced at him: Didn't you see the two hundred thousand cattle guards sent by the Queen Mother to us?What are you afraid of when they are there? "

"Having said that, Zhao Wenhui has [-] troops under his command. We are not enough people to fill his teeth." Liuzi lowered the curtain, feeling a little discouraged.

"You little boy, you actually have the ambition of others and destroy your own prestige. Zhao Wenhui is very powerful, but we are not vegetarians!"

"If he wants to eat me, he's not afraid of breaking his teeth!"

The gold fish talisman was too important, so for the sake of safety, he did not tell Liu Zi that he could mobilize the garrison.

At this time, the carriage stopped and a Qianniu Guard stepped forward and said: Governor Fan, there is a funeral procession passing by in front, shall we wait a moment?

"Funeral procession?"

Fan Xin was startled. There were usually only a few dozen people in the funeral procession. How could it block the road for so long?

"Come on, let's go take a look."

Fan Xin jumped off the carriage and walked forward. As he approached, the harsh sound of the suona suddenly became clear.

Most of these funeral people were skinny and wore white hemp hats.

Seeing the officers and soldiers coming, the hunchbacked old woman who led the way came towards this side with two people and said with a smile.

"My lords, I'm really sorry. The coffin will be taken away immediately..."

The coffin lid was opened, and several "headless corpses" with strong skills came towards Fan Xin...

(End of this chapter)

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