Chapter 63 The truth in the memorial!

Early the next morning, Fan Xin put on his official uniform and came to Qiao Feiyan's room. He smiled and said, "How have you rested these past few days, Miss Qiao?"

Seeing that Fan Xin was coming, Qiao Feiyan put down her books and came over to give him a blessing.

"The little girl has met Governor Fan."

"Miss Qiao, please sit down without being polite."

Instructing Qiao Feiyan to sit down, Fan Xin muttered a little and said, "To be honest, I went to the Qiao Family Courtyard yesterday evening. Unfortunately, your mother and grandmother were killed by a killer."

"When the officer arrived, they were not breathing."

Suddenly hearing the bad news, Qiao Feiyan stood up suddenly and said with a trembling voice.

"May I ask Governor Fan, who killed my family?"

Fan Xin was startled for a moment, then returned to normal, frowning.

"According to the accounts of the captured prisoners, they were sent by the Dongyi Protectorate. They seem to be looking for the memorial left by your father during his lifetime."

When the word memorial was mentioned, Qiao Feiyan sighed with a pale face.

"As expected, Zhao Wenhui, this beast, came here to pay the memorial."

"Oh? Could it be that Miss Qiao knows the whereabouts of this memorial?" Fan Xin asked in surprise.

The memorial that made Zhao Wenhui so fearful must have recorded a lot of important content. If Qiao Feiyan knew the clues, it would undoubtedly save a lot of trouble.

To Fan Xin's surprise, Qiao Feiyan nodded, turned around, walked to the cabinet and took out a blood-stained booklet from it.

"President Fan, this is the impeachment memorial written by my father during his lifetime. It was because of it that Zhao Wenhui killed my father ruthlessly."

"I hope this memorial will be helpful to you in eradicating Zhao Wenhui!"

Fan Xin took the memorial and glanced at its contents, and was shocked. He never dreamed that Qiao An would discover the terrible truth.

If word spreads about the Dongyi Protectorate, the entire Tang Dynasty will be plunged into a whirlpool and storm.

a long time.

Fan Xin took a deep breath and said to Qiao Feiyan: "This case is too important. I must go to the Governor's Mansion in person to verify it before taking any action."

"During this period, you can stay in the Governor's Mansion with peace of mind to avoid being discovered by Zhao Wenhui."

"Don't worry, Governor Fan, the little girl won't go anywhere. She will be here waiting for you to come back."

"Okay, I will take the first step,"

Smiling at Qiao Feiyan, Fan Xin glanced at Ruhua, who was sitting at the foot of the bed with a resentful face, and strode away from the Governor's Mansion.

After getting on the carriage, Fan Xin tore up the memorial and threw it on the street without even looking at it, leaving Liu Zi looking at it a little confused.

"Master, this memorial is key evidence. Governor Qiao even died for it. Why did you tear it into pieces?"

Fan Xin looked out the window at the retreating street and smiled.

"Liuzi, don't you think this Miss Qiao is strange?"


"Yes." Fan Xin said with emotion: "After Qiao An died, the old lady and the woman were Qiao Feiyan's only remaining relatives. Ordinary people would definitely show sadness and solemnity when hearing that their relatives were killed."

"But if you look at this girl Qiao, her first reaction was to ask who the murderer was. She didn't feel sad at all."

"And when I was chatting with the old lady last night, the latter didn't mention Qiao Feiyan's name at all. What does this mean?"

Liu Zi thought for a while, his eyes lit up and he said loudly.

"This shows that Qiao Feiyan, who lives in the Governor's Mansion, is a fake. There is no such person in the Qiao family!"

Fan Xin shook his head: "No, there is indeed a person named Qiao Feiyan in Qiao Mansion, but she just hid with the memorial after Qiao An died."

"That's why the old lady and the woman don't have any worried expressions."

Liuzi was shocked by these words. He didn't expect that his young master could deduce the truth from just a few expressions.

"Master, what should we do next? Should we send someone to catch the fake Qiao Feiyan for interrogation?" "Don't alarm her for the time being. This person led us step by step from the barren mountains and ridges to investigate Zhao Wenhui. I want to see where she is. sacred."

Although Fan Xin concluded that Qiao Feiyan of the Governor's Office was fake, he could not be sure whether the contents of the memorial were true.
So he wanted to go to the Governor's Mansion in person to see if the Governor was fake!
Arriving at the Governor's Mansion, Fan Xin handed over his name card and said to the guards.

"I, Fan Xinte, have come to pay homage to the Governor. Please send a message."

"Just a moment, Governor Fan, I will come back as soon as I go." Not long after the guards left, Zhuge Xuanming came out holding a feather fan.

"I asked why magpies were chirping so early in the morning. It turns out that Governor Fan is here. Please come in quickly."

"Mr. Zhuge's words are serious, please!"


After the two of them walked into the Governor's Mansion together, they saw dozens of servants chasing chickens all over the yard before walking far.

There are also a few fat pigs humming and humming on the grass.

The bluestone roads are lined with fruits and vegetables, and there are even a few vendors selling them.

Seeing Fan Xin stop, Zhuge Xuanming coughed awkwardly.

"No need to be surprised, Governor Fan. Governor Zhao has liked the atmosphere of farmhouses since he was a child. I can't help but arrange this for him."

"Let's go in. The Governor is waiting for you in the Council Hall."

Fan Xin smiled calmly.

"What did Mr. Zhuge say? Why would Xiaguan be surprised if he comes from a poor family? Let's go."

The two of them walked through the "farm yard" and came to the council hall. Compared to the front court, it was much more formal. Dozens of guards in armor stood with swords in their hands. Zhao Wenhui sat behind the big case with his sword on his horse.

As soon as the two parties met, Fan Xin showed a solemn expression, showed the golden dragon sword, and looked at the person on the case with a smile.

Zhao Wenhui was stunned for a moment and subconsciously looked at Zhuge Xuanming, who walked up and whispered.

"Chief Fan is here on behalf of the Queen Mother, you should..."

After hearing what he said, Zhao Wenhui suddenly realized what he was saying. He quickly walked out of the case and knelt down in front of Fan Xin.

"Queen Mother Saint Ann?"

"Saint Boon."

After greetings, Fan Xin put away the golden dragon sword and bowed to Zhao Wenhui.

"Fan Xin, the governor of Xiaguan Ying Prefecture, meets with Governor Zhao!"

"Haha, Brother Fan, you're welcome. Please take a seat."

Returning to his seat, before Fan Xin could speak, Zhao Wenhui took a picture of the big case and shouted intimidatingly.

"Come here, bring the chicken stewed with mushrooms made by this governor himself, and get two jars of Sanle pulp!"

"Ahem..." Zhuge Xuanming coughed twice.

"Ah, no, it's a feast!"

Seeing the simple-minded Zhao Wenhui treating the lobby of the Governor's Mansion as a place to eat, Fan Xin's eyes flashed with strange color.

Zhao Wenhui has lived in Henan Road for many years, and his authentic Yingzhou accent is a bit too strong.

Could it be that what was said in the fake memorial was true and that Zhao Wenhui was a fake?

After suppressing his thoughts, Fan Xin raised his glass and said with a smile.

"I heard that when the governor was serving in the army, he could draw a bow of dozens of stones, which was comparable to that of General Li Guang of the Han Dynasty. I really admire him."

"Dozens of eggs?"

Zhao Wenhui frowned and said proudly: "With my arm strength, I can draw the bow string at any time, so why eat dozens of eggs."

"Also, which guard does Li Guang belong to? Bring him to us for a test!"

(End of this chapter)

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