Chapter 70 Wu Zetian’s shock!

Looking at the dense Khitan army, Fan Xin took a deep breath and clenched the golden dragon sword in his hand.

This Yingzhou battle had no strategy or tactics, it was just a bloody physical battle.

And his only task was to lead the Yingzhou garrison to persist until reinforcements arrived.

He didn't know whether he could survive to the end.

Soon, locust-like enemy troops climbed up the wall along the ladder and fought with the Tang army.

In an instant, screams and the sound of weapons clashing together sounded at the same time.

It has to be said that the combat power of these Khitan cavalry far exceeded Li Chong's miscellaneous army. The two sides almost broke through the defense line of the northern wall section as soon as the battle began.

Fortunately, Fang Bing's troops arrived in time and suppressed the Khitan soldiers.

"President Fan, the Khitan's arrow rain is too fierce. If it continues to develop, we can hold on until noon at most. What are your plans?"

After killing the two Khitans blocking the way, Fang Bing came over and said loudly.

Hearing this, Fan Xin glanced at the overwhelming arrows and said in a deep voice.

"Go down with the order and put the Khitans on the city wall to engage in hand-to-hand combat and destroy their arrow rain!"


After the order was conveyed, the Khitan vanguard immediately rushed to the wall and entangled with the defenders.

Although the fighting became more intense, the Khitan people's long-range suppression was also abolished.

When the time came to noon, the walls were already covered with corpses, without even a place to stay.

Wang Hua dragged his bloody body to Fan Xin, and with a pale face took out two taels of silver from his arms and handed it to him.

"Fan Governor, I'm afraid the general is dying. If you can return to Luoyang alive, give it to Jin Niang of Dou Fu Fang, and tell her that her husband can't come back, so let her find a man to marry."

Fan Xin nodded with red eyes: "Don't worry, if I can go back alive, I will definitely bring the message to you!"

"That's all... thank you..." After saying this, Wang Hua tilted his head and closed his eyes.

With no time to grieve, Fan Xin put on his battle helmet, held the golden dragon sword, and stabbed the nearest Khitan man.

Perhaps he did not expect Fan Xin to take the initiative to attack. By the time the soldier reacted, the sword had been drawn out of his body and stabbed the next Khitan man.

After killing four Khitans in this way, the enemies finally discovered Fan Xin's existence and swarmed towards him.

Yang Qing kicked the enemy away and shouted with blood on his face.

"Brothers, protect Governor Fan and kill him!"

The remaining Qianniu Guards shouted loudly and rushed forward with their swords in hand.

Qianniuwei was very powerful, but in front of several times more enemies, they only managed to kill a few more enemies before being overwhelmed.

"Yang Qing, Zhao Hu..."

Fan Xin stood up from the pile of corpses with his sword in his hand and looked at the enemies surrounding him staggeringly.

After such a long period of fighting, there were only a dozen injured sergeants left around him.

Apparently his life had come to an end and he did not wait for the reinforcements from Youzhou.

The crowd separated, Li Jinzhong stepped forward and looked at Fan Xin and said complexly.

"The thing that Khan respects most in his life is men. As long as you are willing to surrender, how about I make you the deputy leader of the Khitan and marry my daughter to you?"

Li Jinzhong is used to seeing people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, but this is the first time he sees a passionate young man like Fan Xin who is not afraid of death.

The Khitans respected people with blood the most, so he made an exception and ordered his subordinates to stop the attack.

After hearing these words, the expressions of the Khitan leaders present changed slightly.

Li Jinzhong wants to train Fan Xin to become the future Great Khan.

"Great Khan, is it inappropriate that Fan Xin is a Han?"

"Yes, he killed so many of our warriors."

However, Li Jinzhong was determined to cultivate a talent for the Khitan people and looked directly at Fan Xindao.

"Have you thought about what to do?"

Under everyone's gaze, Fan Xin laughed, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. "A man is determined to die. In the Tang Dynasty, we only have governors who died in battle, but no king of Nanyuan who surrendered!"

As he spoke, he tore off a piece of cloth with his teeth and wrapped it around the hand holding the knife to show his will.

Seeing this, Li Jinzhong nodded to express his understanding.

"Forget it, since you choose to be loyal to the Tang Dynasty, then the Khan can only send you on your way."

"Come here, send Governor Fan on his way!"


Dozens of ferocious-looking Khitan people rushed up with a loud shout.

Looking at the shimmering weapon, Fan Xiantian sighed and murmured.

"Empress Wu, I, Fan Xin, will never owe you anything after this battle."

The next moment, he held the sword tightly and rushed forward.



More than a dozen weapons pierced the armor. Fan Xin's body shook as he raised the sword, and a bright red blood trail flowed down the corner of his mouth.

Fan Xin lowered his head and glanced at the weapon on his body, his vision gradually blurred and he fell back.

Before losing consciousness, he vaguely heard the cries of Liu Zi and the roar of tens of thousands of Tang troops coming from the battlefield.

"Fortunately, I made life-saving preparations in advance, otherwise my life would have been lost."

Fan Xin smiled bitterly and fell into endless darkness.



Dazzling lightning flashed across the sky above Luoyang, illuminating the entire Guanfeng Hall.

Wu Zetian suddenly sat up from the bed and gasped for air, and lay down with beads of sweat as big as beans running down her cheeks.

Just now, she dreamed that Fan Xin came to say goodbye to her covered in blood, saying that he was leaving.

She didn't know where Fan Xin was going, but the bloody holes on his body were extremely scary.

At this time, Shangguan Wan'er, who heard the commotion and came over, saw Wu Zetian's frighteningly pale face and expressed concern.

"What's wrong with you, Queen Mother?"

After coming back to her senses, Wu Zetian looked at her and said worriedly.

"I had a dream just now. I dreamed that Fan Xin, covered in blood, came to Guanfeng Hall to say goodbye. I was so frightened that I sat up straight away."

"By the way, have you received any information from Yingzhou recently? Zhao Wenhui didn't attack Fan Xin, right?"

Shangguan Wan'er thought it was something, but it turned out that the Queen Mother had a nightmare and said with a smile.

"Queen Mother, people say that dreams are reverses. I guess Governor Fan will be enjoying his career right now. You don't have to worry about him."

Wu Zetian thought about it. No matter how many enemies Fan Xin had along the way, they couldn't do anything to him. How could it be possible for a mere Zhao Wenhui? She must have thought too much.

Thinking of this, Wu Zetian smiled bitterly, put on her shoes and came to the memorial tablet dedicated to Emperor Gaozong, wanting to put some incense on it to calm her mind.

But he didn't expect that the stone lion guarding the door of the palace suddenly shattered into powder, and the violent wind and rain knocked open the door and blew into the hall.

Seeing this scene, Wu Zetian's body trembled and her eyes turned red.

"The stone lions were shattered and the emperor's ministers were lost. No one in the Tang Dynasty can protect me from the wind and rain anymore."

"The dream turned out to be true..."

In the midst of the wind and rain, a embarrassed figure ran towards the Guanfeng Hall from afar, shouting as he ran.

"Queen Mother, something serious has happened!"

"An urgent report came from Yingzhou from [-] miles away. Khitan leader Li Jinzhong openly led troops to attack Yingzhou and officially declared war on the Tang Dynasty!"

(End of this chapter)

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