Chapter 90: Destroy the Emperor.

Zhang Huan said worriedly as he watched the people from the Ministry of Justice and Luozhou Mansion leave.

"Fan Shaoqing, Guo Shangshu has a close relationship with the Wu family. You should be careful after you offend him like this."

"Don't worry, there are not many knives in this world that can kill me. I am more worried about the truth hidden by Hanguang Temple than Xue Huaiyi."

Fan Xin looked back at his subordinates and walked towards the prison.

He made up his mind to destroy Fake Huineng's psychological defense as soon as possible and force him to tell the truth about Hanguang Temple.

For some reason, he had a bad feeling, as if something big was about to happen.

While Fan Xin was staying in prison and intensifying his interrogation of fake Huineng, Di Renjie was walking with Wu Zetian in the imperial garden.

"Your Majesty, the weather is very cold in the middle of winter, so you should take more care of your body."

Wu Zetian stopped, reached out and picked a plum blossom and said calmly.

"In the past few decades, I have not spent any day in the cold winter. If I had not been determined, I would have withered in the ice and snow like flowers."

"By the way, how is Fan Xin doing at Dali Temple? I heard that on the first day he took office, he was so angry that Xie Aiqing went home sick. I wonder if this is the case?"

Di Renjie stroked his beard and smiled bitterly: "Nothing can be hidden from the eyes of the Queen Mother. On the day Fan Xin took office, Xie Siqing did report illness and went home."

"It seems that Fan Xin wanted to catch the fake monk of Hanguang Temple. Xie Siqing didn't want to be involved, so he hid back home."

Wu Zetian smiled after hearing this.

"This old thief Xie is really living at a young age. If Fan Xin is not too young and needs some time to settle down, I really want him to be the Minister of Dali Temple directly."

Di Renjie reminded him after hearing these words.

"Your Majesty, you must not do it. If anything is as beautiful as the forest wind, it will be destroyed. Fan Xin is too young."

"If he is allowed to sit on an equal footing with the six ministers and nine ministers, I am afraid he will be attacked overwhelmingly, which will not be of any benefit to his future."

"When did you, old guy, learn to cherish talents? I am such a lucky star, how could I do something as simple as Mu Xiu Yu Lin?" Wu Zetian glanced at him and walked forward.

When passing by the Guanfeng Hall, Wu Zetian suddenly spoke.

"Huaiying, who do you think is more suitable to be the crown prince, Wu Sansi, Wu Chengsi, Li Xian or Li Dan?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly solidified. All the palace servants bowed and knelt in the snow, not daring to take a breath. They didn't dare to listen to a single word about royal secrets.

Di Renjie, who had been in the officialdom for a long time, naturally understood that the Queen Mother was going to ascend the throne and proclaim herself emperor. The reason why he asked himself about establishing a crown prince was just to think twice about whether to establish a prince.

After all, she prefers people from the Wu family to those with the Li bloodline.

At this thought, Di Renjie solemnly raised his hands and said: "Reporting to the Queen Mother, the Tang Dynasty has experienced several emperors since the founding of the country by Emperor Gaozu. Both Taizong and Gaozong are deeply loved by the people."

"If you abandon Li Tang's artifact rashly, it will inevitably make everyone in the world feel uneasy."

"I thought that after you ascended the throne, you could demote Li Dan to the title of Crown Prince to appease the wealthy and powerful people who support Li Tang's artifact."

Seeing that Di Renjie was leaning toward the royal family with the surname Li, Wu Zetian's expression turned a little ugly.

"Do you think Wu Sansi is not suitable to be a prince?"

"Not bad!"

Di Renjie said with a solemn expression: "This person is narrow-minded and short-sighted. Once he becomes the crown prince, he will definitely become a disaster for the country in the future."

"I hope the Queen Mother will stop thinking twice about becoming a prince for the sake of all the people in the world.

Wu Zetian did not answer Di Renjie, but her expression kept changing.

a long time.

She took a deep breath and said calmly: "There are still a few months before he ascends the throne. Let's wait until tomorrow when the incense is laid at Hanguang Temple." After that, she walked away.

Seeing that he had annoyed the Queen Mother, Di Renjie sighed worriedly.He knew that his advice would definitely offend Wu Zetian, but he had no choice but to speak out and give advice in order to keep Li Tang's artifact alive.

"Mr. Di Ge, the Queen Mother said that you will not be allowed to eat in the main hall for today's dinner. Please do it yourself." The chambermaid said with a smile.

"Thank you to the Queen Mother for me." Di Renjie smiled politely at the chamberlain, turned around and walked back the way he came.

At this time, a chamberlain wearing a purple palace robe walked up quickly and said with a smile.

"Slave Geng An has met Mr. Di Ge."

"You are?"

"This servant is His Majesty's personal servant, and I have been ordered to summon you to see you in the Palace of Serenity."

Di Renjie was stunned and then said with a smile: "It turns out that he is your Majesty's personal chamberlain. I'm sorry for my blindness."

"Don't dare, don't dare, let's set off now." The chamberlain moved out of the way and made a gesture of invitation.

Di Renjie hesitated for a moment and strode towards the Palace of Serenity. It was a matter of course for the emperor to summon his cabinet ministers. Even if people knew about it, they wouldn't be able to say anything.

He believed that Queen Mother Wu would understand his difficulties.

However, what Di Renjie didn't know was that as soon as he left, the two cleaning chamberlains dropped their brooms and said excitedly.

"Hurry up to the Senate and inform Mr. Lai Junchen that Di Renjie secretly met with the emperor and is suspected of trying to restore Li Tang and overthrow the Queen Mother!"

"Okay, you go keep an eye on Di Renjie, and I'll go back and report the good news to Mr. Lai!"


Di Renjie followed the chamberlain all the way to the Palace of Serenity and was about to enter, when the guards stationed at the palace gate blocked their way.

"I dare to ask Mr. Di Ge, if you have anything to do with His Majesty, I can report it on my behalf."

Di Renjie glanced at the heavily guarded hall and said in a deep voice.

"Whatever reason the emperor needs to summon his ministers, get out of the way!"

"This..." The guards looked at each other and didn't know what to do.

Seeing this, Di Renjie snorted angrily: "I have just left the Queen Mother. Do you need to invite her to come out and explain the reason to you personally?"

The guards' expressions changed slightly and they quickly stepped aside and said they didn't dare.

With everyone watching, Di Renjie pushed open the door and came to the hall. He saw spider webs everywhere in the hall, and among the calligraphy and paintings, an honest-looking man was standing in front of a major case, copying copybooks.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Di Ge is here to visit you." Geng An whispered.

The man who was concentrating on copying the copybook was suddenly shocked, and slowly raised his head, his eyes turned red.

"Mr. Di Ge."

Di Renjie sighed secretly and walked forward and bowed: "Your Majesty, Di Renjie, long live my emperor!"

Li Dan wiped the corners of his eyes and quickly walked around the big case to Di Renjie and helped him up.

"Mr. Di Ge, please get up quickly. I have something very important to do..."

Before he finished speaking, Di Renjie made a shushing gesture and said to the chamberlain in the hall.

"I have something to discuss with His Majesty in detail. You should go out first."

"Yes, Mr. Dige."

After the palace door closed, Di Renjie said with a smile: "Your Majesty, you can speak now."

Li Dan nodded and said with a panicked expression: "Recently, [-]% more guards have been added around the Quiet Hall. Does the Queen Mother want to depose me as the emperor?"

(End of this chapter)

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