Chapter 95 Wu Zetian fell into the trap.

"Bold Liu Xun, how dare you betray the Queen Mother and collude with assassins!"

The Tang Dynasty has never lacked tough ministers, especially when life and death were at stake.

Seeing an assassin emerging, several ministers who supported Wu Zetian immediately threw up their sleeves and shouted angrily.

"Betraying the Queen Mother?" Liu Xun sneered and asked with blood-red eyes.

"I ask you who founded the Tang Dynasty? Emperor Gaozu!"

"Who created the prosperous age of Zhenguan and Yonghui? It was Emperor Taizong and Emperor Gaozong!"

She, Wu Zetian, is a mere woman who usurped the country with the surname Li. Shouldn't she be killed? "

"That's nonsense! The Queen Mother's son is the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. How can we usurp the country if we are all members of the same family?"

"Yes, you are just a general. What qualifications do you have to discuss the government's affairs? Why don't you kneel down and die quickly!"

Liu Xun looked mockingly at the ministers who supported Wu Zetian, and his eyes flickered slightly when he passed by Li Yuanjia.

Finally, he looked towards Wu Zetian.

"Wu Zhao, you never thought that you would end up like this, right?"

"To tell you the truth, I have ambushed many top killers in Jinggong Tower. Even if Daluo Jinxian comes today, I will never be able to rescue you!"

What is surprising is that after hearing these words, Wu Zetian didn't look at all panicked and spoke.

"I have been in charge of the Tang Dynasty for decades. Anyone who wants to kill me is like a minister across the river. You still can't kill me."

Being despised by a woman in public would make Liu Xun angry no matter how good-hearted he was.

"Okay, okay, I will personally chop off your head and let everyone see if I can kill you!"

Before he finished speaking, Liu Xun pulled out the Thousand Ox Sword and killed Wu Zetian with a sudden sound.

Just when Fan Xin wanted to block the blow, the tower door burst open, and a sharp arrow shot into his neck as fast as lightning.

The moment the Thousand Ox Sword fell, it penetrated the throat.

Immediately afterwards Huang Shengyan, the leader of the inner guard small pavilion, rushed in with his people and said with a ferocious expression.

"The inner guard obeys the order, kill all assassins without mercy!"

After giving the order, hundreds of internal guards immediately raised their knives and rushed towards the assassin.

Soon, there was a fierce fighting in the tower, and blood flowed like a river.

In the chaos, Huang Shengyan came to Wu Zetian and said anxiously.

"Queen Mother, it is not appropriate to stay here for a long time. Please follow Wei Chen and leave Hanguang Temple as soon as possible!"

"Okay, as Huang Qing said, I will definitely reward you for your rescue efforts after you return to Shangyang Palace." He said and rushed down Sima Mountain under the protection of the inner guards.

There were fights everywhere along the way. During this period, many dead men in black were killed by the inner guards when they tried to come forward.

Finally, after paying a huge price, the monarch and his party were brought to the Shifuling Yuan near Hanguang Temple.

"Your Majesty, the journey back to the palace is no longer safe. Please stay here for a while and rest for now. The imperial rescue force should arrive before dark." Huang Shengyan gasped.

"Thanks to your internal guards this time, otherwise I can't imagine what happened next." Wu Zetian breathed a sigh of relief and said with a gentle expression.

"This is the duty of the internal guard. You need to rest first, while Wei Chen goes out to check the defense of Xingyuan."

After speaking, he turned around and clasped his fists at the crowd and said: "All ministers, please go out and wait with me, so that the Queen Mother can take a rest."

All the ministers expressed their agreement without doubting it. Before going out, Wu Zetian suddenly said: "Fan Xin, Master Xue, you two will stay with us."

Fan Xin glanced at Huang Shengyan, who hesitated and said: "Since the Queen Mother has a will, then you can stay for now."

After saying this, he led the ministers out of the hall, leaving Fan Xin with a thoughtful look on his face.

After leaving the main hall, Huang Shengyan led the ministers around the corridor to a desolate place in Shifuling. Seeing that the road was wrong, several martial arts ministers wondered.

"General Huang, if you don't take us to the wing to rest, why are we here in this overgrown place?"

"Yes, take me back quickly, we have to accompany the Queen Mother."

Huang Shengyan stopped and said without looking back: "I'm afraid you won't be able to go back." "What do you mean by that?"

Sensing something was wrong, a dozen martial arts ministers began to retreat, staring at Huang Shengyan warily.

"Of course I'm sending you on your way!" Huang Shengyan turned around and rushed forward with a cruel smile.

next moment.

Blood splattered everywhere, and a dozen heads with wide eyes rolled to the ground.

Rubbing the knife on the corpse, Huang Shengyan said calmly.

"Wu Zetian never dreamed that the internal guards who came to rescue her at the critical moment turned out to be the killers who took her life. I really want to see her wet her skirt in fear."

Li Yuanjia laughed, walked to Shifuling and looked at Xingyuan Zhi halfway up the mountain and said proudly.

"Yes, in order to gain the Demon Queen's trust, we did not hesitate to sacrifice a Qianniu Guard general and more than 900 dead soldiers."

"These people are killers that we have spent more than ten years training, and they are just wasted."

"But compared to getting rid of the Demon Queen, they died a worthy death."

"I believe that it won't be long before the great Tang Dynasty is back in the hands of our royal family surnamed Li."

Looking at the high-spirited Li Yuanjia, Huang Shengyan said calmly.

"Are you planning to replace Li Dan and become the emperor yourself?"

"Of course, Li Dan, a wimp like him, is not worthy of sitting on the dragon throne. Only I, the king, am the destined son of the Tang Dynasty."

"Don't worry, once I ascend the throne, the first thing I will do is make you the prince."

Huang Shengyan was silent for a while and changed the subject: "What about Wu Zetian and Fan Xin? Do you want to kill them now?"

Surprisingly, Li Yuanjia shook his head.

"Don't worry, Wu Zetian's hands have been stained with the blood of our royal family surnamed Li in the past 20 years. Wouldn't it be easier for her to kill her?"

"You lead people to surround the main hall. I will burn them alive so that bitch Wu Meiniang can experience what despair is!"

Thinking of the deaths of several brothers, Li Yuanjia gritted his teeth and said.

"Understood!" Huang Shengyan nodded and walked towards the camp halfway up the mountain.


Xingyuan, inside the room.

Wu Zetian found that after the inner guard left, Fan Xin kept looking thoughtful and asked with a smile.

"Fan Qing, what are you thinking about?"

Fan Xin recovered his thoughts and asked: "Queen Mother, may I dare to ask if there are internal guards stationed in Hanguang Temple?"

Wu Zetian would not have told anyone else, but Fan Xin was one of the few trusted ministers, so he admitted it.

"Yes, in a place like Hanguang Temple where people's hearts gather, the imperial court will send several internal guards to monitor it as usual to prevent inciting people's hearts."

"What's the matter, is there a problem?"

Fan Xin's frown deepened and he touched his chin.

"If Hanguang Temple has internal guards monitoring it, why didn't they report so many assassins sneaking in?"

"I also took a look at the boots of the inner guard. They were all covered with yellow mud. They must have just returned from a very far away place."

"Here's the problem. With such a big event happening in Hanguang Temple, there was no movement at all from the nearest inner guard mansion. Instead, the inner guards who came back from afar arrived at the scene first."

"How did they know and show up at Jinggong Tower just when Liu Xun wanted to kill you?"

"You must know that our entry into Jinggong Tower was planned by Liu Xun in advance, and it is impossible for outsiders to know."

As Fan Xin gradually analyzed, the smile on Wu Zetian's face gradually disappeared and she said in disbelief.

"You mean this group of internal guards..."

(End of this chapter)

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