Chapter 98 The Palace Coup



"King Han, you dare to stand in the position of the Queen Mother. Aren't you afraid of divine punishment?" The ministers shouted loudly.

They never expected that it was not the Empress Dowager Wu who rang the bell of Shangyang Palace, but the low-key King Han, and a bad premonition suddenly arose in their hearts.

Especially Wu Sansi and Wu Chengsi looked extremely embarrassed. Empress Dowager Wu Hanguang Temple was in danger and Li Yuanjia appeared in Shangyang Palace with great arrogance.

No matter how stupid they are, they still understand that Empress Dowager Wu is in danger.

Thinking of this, a huge fear spread in my heart...

Signaling the ministers to keep quiet, Di Renjie frowned and looked at Li Yuanjia.

"King Han, you broke into Shangyang Palace late at night to ring the bell without the permission of the Queen Mother and Fengge Luantai. What do you want?"

Although he loves the Li Tang clan, it does not mean that he supports this method of assassination to gain imperial power. "

If it were anyone else, Li Yuanjia would naturally disdain him, but Di Renjie was different. He was the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty and he needed his support if he wanted to secure his position.

Therefore, he said with a sad face: "Mr. Di Ge didn't know something. The internal guards just found several burnt corpses in the Shifuling camp not long ago."

"One of them is the corpse of Empress Dowager Wu of this dynasty!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole palace was in an uproar, and all the ministers looked shocked.

Wu Sansi and other ministers collapsed on the ground, their faces frighteningly pale.

No one thought that Empress Dowager Wu, who had been in power for more than ten years, would be burned to death in a fire!
After coming back to his senses, Wu Chengsi stood up from the ground with a splash, stared at Li Yuanjia and said fiercely.

"You're talking nonsense. The Queen Mother was escorted by guards. How could she die in Wofo Ridge?"

"You are clearly spreading false news in an attempt to shake the foundation of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Am I spreading false news?" Li Yuanjia sneered and ordered someone to bring some blackened clothes and accessories.

"Open your eyes and see if these two golden phoenix dresses and Tiangong jade pendants are the things the Queen Mother carries with her!"

When everyone saw the clothes and jade pendants on the tray, they were all stunned, their beards were trembling and they were speechless.

Li Yuanjia was right, these clothes were indeed the Queen Mother's belongings.

Now that the remaining clothes were left in the fire, how could the Queen Mother be spared?

Many ministers looked ashen at this thought. They were able to suppress the royal family surnamed Li when the Queen Mother was there, but are they still their opponents now?
For a moment, the entire hall was eerily quiet, with only the whistling of the north wind remaining.

Li Yuanjia stood on the platform and glanced at the ministers, sighing deliberately.

"Everyone, the Queen Mother's funeral is certainly sad, but the Tang Dynasty is at a critical moment. If no one comes to take charge of the world, there is no guarantee that it will not fall into turmoil."

"Why don't we welcome the emperor to preside over the government and bring peace to the Tang Dynasty?"

Before coming, he changed his mind. He first supported Li Dan as a puppet emperor and became Cao Cao who held the emperor in power to control the princes.

It will be much easier to replace Li Dan as emperor when the time comes.

Seeing Brother Wang speak, Li Lingkui echoed with his hands behind his back.

"His Royal Highness the King of Han is right. Li Dan is the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty. When Empress Wu is gone, he should step up to rule the dynasty!"

"I wonder what you guys think?"

As these words fell, hundreds of fully armed guards poured in from outside the hall, ready to kill all the opponents.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the officials present changed slightly, and they secretly thought that they were forcing themselves and others to take a stand.

After a long time, Censor Xiao Shuqin walked out of the queue and stood next to Li Lingkui, and then people followed him one after another.

As soon as Wu Zetian died, the pressure that hung over everyone disappeared, and everyone no longer needed to look at anyone's face.Seeing more and more people walking to the opposite side, Wu Sansi cursed with a livid face.

"You guys who are greedy for life and afraid of death, have you forgotten what you said in the first place?"

However, no matter how much he scolded him, the ministers still walked to Li Tang's side indifferently.

The facts have become very clear. In the future, there will be only one person in power in the Tang Dynasty, and that is Emperor Li Dan!
If you don't change the court now to leave a good impression, you will definitely be liquidated by the royal family surnamed Li in the future.

So there is no need to show off Wu Sansi’s face!

Soon, the main hall of Shangyang Palace turned into two distinct camps.

There were more than 30 people on one side headed by Wu Sansi, and more than 90 people on the other side standing behind Li Yuanjia.

Zhang Jianzhi took a look at the situation and was about to walk towards Li Yuanjia when he was held back by Di Renjie.

"Mr. Di Ge, what are you doing?"

"Jianzhi, look at the Queen Mother's clothes with only a few big holes in them, but the person wearing the clothes was burned into a corpse."

"Do you think this is common sense?" Di Renjie whispered with a smile.

Zhang Jianzhi was shocked and suddenly realized: "If the clothes are not burned, the person will not turn into a corpse. Do you mean that the Queen Mother is still alive?"

Di Renjie nodded: "I feel vaguely that the Queen Mother is not dead. She must have changed into guard clothes and escaped successfully."

"Maybe they are secretly observing our attitude somewhere here in Shangyang Palace."

"Supporting Li Yuanjia at this time is tantamount to digging your own grave."

After listening to these words, Zhang Jianzhi felt a chill running down his spine, and he broke into a cold sweat.

Yes, the Queen Mother returned to the palace alive but did not show up. She clearly wanted to see everyone's attitude.

After realizing the danger, Zhang Jianzhi said gratefully.

"Mr. Ge, you saved my official's life again."

Di Renjie smiled, stroking his beard and looked at the scene. After changing their positions, most of the officials came to Li Yuanjia's side, looking extremely powerful.

Li Yuanjia said proudly when he discovered that people like Di Renjie and Zhang Jianzhi had not come over.

"Mr. Di Ge, the situation is clear. Why would you rather cling to the sunken ship of the Wu family than be loyal to the royal family surnamed Li?"

"The words of the King of Han are wrong. Mencius once said that the people are more important to the people than the ruler."

"As the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty, I, Di Renjie, only want to do something that benefits the country and the people. I have no intention of being loyal to a certain family or name."

"His Royal Highness King Han, it is better not to speak casually in the future, as it may easily cause misunderstandings."

Being taught a lesson in public, Li Yuanjia had never been insulted like this before, and he sneered repeatedly.

"Okay, since you don't know how to praise me, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Come here, take Di Renjie and Zhang Jianzhi to me and lock them up!"


Several internal guards shouted and stepped forward to hold down the arms of Di Renjie and Zhang Jianzhi, preparing to escort them out.

At this time, a clanking sound came from outside the hall.

"His Royal Highness the King of Han is so majestic that he dares to imprison the prime minister of the dynasty. Do you really think that the laws of the Tang Dynasty are just decorations?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a young man wearing a scarlet official uniform strode in.

He held the golden dragon sword in his hand and walked steadily. Everywhere he passed, the guards moved out of the way in fear.

(End of this chapter)

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