The Peerless Tang Sect’s Tianxin Douluo

Chapter 17 Appointment of squad leader

Chapter 17 Appointment of squad leader
"I'm sorry, can you let me think about it again?" Huo Yuhao showed a slightly apologetic smile towards Zhou Yi.

Now that my goal has been accomplished, with such an appearance, it will be much easier to contact Fan Yu in the future, and there is no need to join the soul guidance system.

As for the ultimate individual soldier plan in the original work, I really don’t know who has the brains to come up with it. If you really have this kind of ability, wouldn’t it be better to build an ultimate Douluo?

One person decides a war?When Extreme Douluo takes action, except for those who are also Extreme Douluo or those who have mastered the level of spatial abilities, who else can stop him in this Douluo Continent?
Hiding, lurking, the training Huo Yuhao went through in Shrek Academy in the original book has almost no effect except a waste of time.

If Huo Yuhao didn't have enough luck and had enough luck when he encountered problems or fought against the Sun and Moon Empire, the Douluo Three Kingdoms would have been bulldozed long ago.

Zhou Yi could only nod her head when she saw this. Now that she had brought Huo Yuhao to the Soul Guidance Department, she no longer respected martial ethics.

We can't force Huo Yuhao to join the Soul Guidance Department, otherwise the Martial Soul Department will definitely not admit it.

"Okay, let's go back to the classroom first. The next class is in a quarter of an hour."

Although Fan Yu still wanted to say something, he finally looked at Zhou Yi and shook his head.

When Huo Yuhao and Zhou Yi returned to the martial arts department teaching building, a group of freshmen from Class [-] were lying on the ground lying on the playground.

Huo Yuhao saw Zhou Yi take out a small soul guide, and he could vaguely see some numbers on it.

When Zhou Yi brought Huo Yuhao to the playground, a group of freshmen hurriedly got up from the ground when they saw Zhou Yi coming back, and lined up crookedly.

Huo Yuhao also saw Wang Donger standing in the team and smiled slightly at her.

When Wang Dong saw Huo Yuhao's smile and the embarrassing sight of his body covered in sweat and dust, he suddenly felt bad.

Then came the final elimination session of Dian within Dian.

After Zhou Yi accurately reported the number of laps run by those nine people, the nine named students left in despair and went straight to the Academic Affairs Office to complain.

However, as the number one Shrek Academy in the mainland, it is not worth mentioning whether Zhou Yi has Fan Yu as a protective umbrella.

In fact, this right of expulsion was given by Shrek. Unless Zhou Yi went too far, any objection would be a provocation to Shrek and would naturally be suppressed by Shrek Academy.

As the nine students left, the class bell rang again.

Zhou Yi returned to the classroom with the 91 students who had been killed to scare the monkeys, and began a theoretical class on soul guides.

Zhou Yi is actually an out-and-out traditional soul master, and he doesn't like soul guidance devices.

If it weren't for Fan Yu, she would naturally not instill knowledge about soul tools into the students.

And an hour later, the morning class was over.

As Zhou Yi left the classroom.

The students were devastated.

"Damn it, I didn't expect this teacher to be serious."

"It's only the first class, and nine people have been expelled."

"That guy Tai Long's soul power is almost at level [-]. I didn't expect that even he was fired."

"It's so unlucky. I've heard my brother talk about Zhou Yi before, but I didn't expect to be assigned to her class."

The students around him were chirping.

Huo Yuhao looked at Wang Donger's seat and saw that she had gotten rid of the group of warblers and Yanyan as soon as get out of class was over and had gone somewhere.

Huo Yuhao walked out of the classroom directly and walked towards the cafeteria.

Nothing special happened along the way, but I met Tang Ya and Beibei, and they seemed to be very close.

After returning to the dormitory, I saw Wang Donger's hair was wet and she was sitting on the bed. It looked like she had just taken a shower.

"Ahem, why didn't you knock on the door?" Wang Dong'er was wiping her short hair and was startled when she saw Huo Yuhao entering. "?" Huo Yuhao rolled his eyes at her and let her figure it out.

Huo Yuhao sat on the bed and started practicing. With the past few days of practice, he felt that he was close to breaking through to the fourteenth level.

In fact, when Huo Yuhao absorbed the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm Soul Ring before, he could directly soar to level [-]. After all, the second martial soul, soul, was already at level [-].

His body could fully bear it, but he still suppressed it. After all, he had just met Tang Ya and Beibei, and in the blink of an eye, his soul power suddenly increased a lot, which was surprising to everyone who saw it.

Now you can break through normally.

As the last soul power flowed through his body and merged into the martial soul, Huo Yuhao broke through to the fourteenth level and opened his eyes. At this time, Wang Dong'er was leaning towards him.

Then Huo Yuhao slapped her face and pushed her aside: "What are you doing?"

"I, class is about to start, I came to call you." Wang Donger said a little aggrieved.

"Don't get so close to me next time I practice."

Huo Yuhao let go of his hand. He had kept the wall of heart in order to avoid accidents when he was creating his own skills. Now, after Wang Donger moved into the dormitory, the wall of heart was no longer open all the time.

After all, Wang Dong'er has Tang San's consciousness parasitized on him. Although this thing is not normally on but in energy-saving mode, who knows if he will come out to breathe. In order to avoid prematurely exposing his trump card, Huo Yuhao naturally did not turn on the wall of the heart. Open 24 hours a day.

"Okay, stop lying down and let's go."


Ten minutes before the afternoon bell rang, all 10 students were seated. The classroom was surprisingly quiet, and no student dared to make a loud noise.

It was obvious that everyone had been frightened by Zhou Yi before.

Although Huo Yuhao was not among them, in order not to appear out of place, Huo Yuhao also pretended to be serious and sat quietly.

Wang Donger on the side glanced at Huo Yuhao from time to time, as if she wanted to say something.

"Everyone, stand up and gather in the square." Zhou Yi said directly at the door without entering the classroom, then turned and left.

Everyone did not dare to neglect and ran towards the square in a swarm.

Everyone stood up neatly at Zhou Yi's request, with many armors woven with iron chains placed around them.

Needless to say, this has been Shrek's reserved event for thousands of years, running with heavy loads.

"Huo Yuhao, come out."

Huo Yuhao took a step forward and looked at Zhou Yi calmly without saying anything.

"You should all know that Wang Dong has a very strong physical fitness when you ran in the morning. His level 21 soul power is also the highest in the class, and some of you should also know that Wang Dong is a rare twin martial soul Hao. The owner of the Sky Hammer."

Zhou Yi said coldly.

"However, the day before the official class, Wang Dong and Huo Yuhao had a soul battle in the soul fighting arena."

Listening to Zhou Yi's words, Wang Dong'er remembered the unbearable past three days ago and couldn't help but lower her head deeply.

"Three moves, Huo Yuhao made Wang Dong use three moves, and then defeated Wang Dong with one blow. The capable ones will go up, the mediocre ones will give way, the mediocre ones will go down, and the inferior ones will be eliminated. I appoint Huo Yuhao as the squad leader. If any of you can defeat him , you are the new monitor."

Wang Donger clenched her fists tightly, feeling only aggrieved and even had the urge to cry. The most embarrassing thing about herself was told in front of more than 90 people.

At this time, Huo Yuhao turned his head slightly and winked at Wang Donger.

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(End of this chapter)

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