Chapter 20 The Flame Maniac
After Huo Yuhao left the demiplane of the undead, it was getting late.Huo Yuhao didn't waste any time and rushed back to the dormitory.

At this time, Wang Dong'er huddled on the bed, wrapping herself tightly like a hamster, with only one head exposed and looking at Huo Yuhao who came in.

"No, I won't eat you." [But I do know how to use you. 】

Hearing this, Wang Dong'er poked her head out a little, and then retracted when she saw Huo Yuhao casting his gaze over.

"Okay, okay. If you really can't get used to living here and feel embarrassed, just find a time to move out. Report it to the college and they should understand."

After Huo Yuhao finished speaking, he stopped talking to Wang Donger.

He sat cross-legged on the wooden bed and entered deep meditation.Now his soul power is only level fourteen, and because his soul power was suppressed by himself, it is not like Huo Yuhao in the original work who cultivated slowly due to his weak physique.

Even if he had a chance to obtain the Xuanshui Pill in the original work, it would probably be of little use to him. If the water-attributed soul power was mixed into his body, he would have to go through trouble to purify it again for a while.

Although he has the soul power of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm to refine, but now in Shrek, with Munn still watching outside, it is best to go step by step first.

Doing two things at once, controlling his body through spiritual incarnation to continue to run the heavenly heart and mind to cultivate his soul power, Huo Yuhao's own consciousness came to the sea of ​​spirit.

Open the blockade on the mental power of the Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, and then gradually absorb and refine it.

Previously, he separated part of Hei Yuhao's consciousness and refined a powerful undead puppet. Although the soul power of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm was consumed, a lot of his own mental power was also permanently lost.

It would still take too long to recover to the peak of the spiritual sea realm by oneself. It would be better to allocate part of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm's mental power to refine it first.

Although the original power of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm is a very important trump card, use it sparingly, but it would be funny if you have the opportunity to break through to the Lingyuan realm but because of insufficient mental power.

As time passed slowly, another night passed.

Huo Yuhao raised his spiritual power back to the peak of the spiritual sea realm by refining the spiritual power of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, and his soul power also increased a lot. He should be able to reach level [-] in a few days. After all, he is now equivalent to A great soul master can still practice at a faster speed than a person with full innate soul power to reach the level of a soul master.

Huo Yuhao opened his eyes and saw Wang Donger also woke up and getting up.

"Want to have breakfast together?" Wang Dong'er asked softly.

Huo Yuhao did not refuse, nodded, and calculated the time, it was almost time.

Because they got up relatively early, Huo Yuhao and Wang Donger went to the cafeteria to have breakfast and it would be quite a while before class started.

"Well, I'm so full. Do you want to go for a walk to Poseidon Lake and relax?" Wang Dong'er said with a slight blush on her face.

After all, generally speaking, except for couples, few people go to Poseidon Lake for a walk together, and most of them go there alone.

Moreover, there is a saying that Poseidon Lake is Shrek Academy’s Love Lake, but I don’t know if Huo Yuhao knows about it.

Huo Yuhao nodded, but he didn't expect that Wang Dong'er would speak up. He originally wanted to find a chance to go to Poseidon Lake.

After all, I am still very interested in the Evil Fire Phoenix.

"Okay, let's go for a walk together." Huo Yuhao strode forward.Wang Donger hurriedly followed: "Why are you walking so fast?" The two of them came to Poseidon Lake together. It must be said that as Shrek's landmark building, although it is a man-made building, it is better than other scenic spots in previous lives. Poseidon Lake Not bad at all.

There are slight ripples on the blue brocade-like lake surface, like the watery eyes of a little girl.The reflection of the blue sky and white clouds and the shady green trees on the lakeside are reflected, and a layer of mist covers the water in the distance.

As he approached Poseidon Lake, the second martial spirit in Huo Yuhao's chest seemed to be beating uncontrollably, as if he was excited.

[Strange, how could this happen? Forget it, let’s not delve into it for now. 】

Looking at the center of Poseidon Lake, although Huo Yuhao did not practice the so-called Purple Demon Eyes like in the original work, Huo Yuhao's eyesight now is much better than in the original work.

At this time, a red dot appeared in the mist of the lake, heading towards here rapidly.

【coming. ] Huo Yuhao thought to himself.

Huo Yuhao blocked Wang Donger behind him and said, "Run quickly, immediately."

"What's wrong?" Wang Dong'er asked doubtfully.

Wang Donger followed Huo Yuhao's eyes, but only saw a mist of water. The next moment, she also saw a red figure running on the water at an alarming speed, and it looked like it was rushing in their direction. of.

Wang Donger was a little strange and did not do as Huo Yuhao said. However, not long after, the figure in red rushed to a place less than a hundred meters away from the shore. A terrifying high temperature swept over instantly, and this figure in red The figure still carries an aura of madness.

Wang Dong'er's expression changed, and before she could react, Huo Yuhao used both hands to throw Wang Dong'er away. Then, the figure in red, carrying a huge wave of flames, rushed directly towards Huo Yuhao. .

"Yuhao! Run!" Although Huo Yuhao threw her some distance away, the scorching scorching waves still made her feel a fatal threat. At this time, all she could think about was throwing herself out first but she didn't have time to leave. Huo Yuhao.

For some reason, she felt full of regret. Huo Yuhao reminded her to run away from the beginning, but staying where she was delayed Huo Yuhao's time to escape. If Huo Yuhao ignored her, maybe he would have run away.

Facing the rolling heat wave, Wang Donger activated her martial spirit, flapped her wings, and flew towards Huo Yuhao [Yuhao, please don't get into trouble. 】

As the young master of the Haotian Sect, she naturally has life-saving means bestowed upon her by the sect, not to mention that she is also the split soul of the daughter of Poseidon Tang San.This method will be triggered whenever she is mortally threatened.

But although Wang Dong'er mustered up her soul power to get closer, the mere pressure of the other party's soul power caused Wang Dong'er's soul power to become disordered, causing backlash. She even retreated from the possessed state of the martial soul, looking at Huo Yuhao not far away. , Wang Donger reached out to him in despair. Could it be that Huo Yuhao is going to die here to protect me? Wang Donger thought in pain.

Following the impact of the soul power impact, Wang Donger spat out a mouthful of blood and passed out.

But at this moment, the red figure rushed in front of Huo Yuhao, struck with a palm, and the soul power turned into a huge flame palm and hit Huo Yuhao.

At this moment, Huo Yuhao emitted rays of golden light, but he remained motionless in front of this astonishingly powerful flame.

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(End of this chapter)

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