The Peerless Tang Sect’s Tianxin Douluo

Chapter 201: All came out in force and arrived at the Ryoma Galaxy!

At this time, the construction of the space fortress has come to an end, and most of the residents and soldiers of the Apocalypse Empire have moved to the space fortress.

And if this all-metal building that is both huge and bulky is viewed according to the modern physics of Huo Yuhao's previous life.

In any case, there is no possibility of flying. At best, it can be regarded as a spectacle created by a tyrant to show off his achievements. .

But these physical parameters from the previous life are no longer so important in this world of magic and supernatural power.

Under the influence of anti-gravity magic, this entire huge and heavy space fortress gradually left the ground at an extremely slow but steady speed.

And those energy-gathering arrays spread all over the outer layer of the space fortress are constantly absorbing the elements and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth floating in the air on Douluo Planet in the process to replenish their own energy losses.

Then it was converted into kinetic energy of the spacecraft. With the activation of anti-gravity magic, with the cooperation of kinetic energy and anti-gravity magic, the entire space fortress slowly lifted into the sky.

At this moment, in the various central nodes of the space fortress, those strong men who have reached around level 90 are mobilizing to the maximum extent with the help of the three amplifications of soul guide mecha, soul guide armor, and strong breeding armor. His own mental power and energy control this huge fortress.

In order to ensure that there would be no accidents in this control process, Huo Yuhao naturally had to check everything at all times.

In the center of the battle fortress is a huge structure composed of various undead creatures. These tireless, powerful, and emotionless undead creatures contain a piece of Huo Yuhao's spiritual power. .

Then with the assistance of the construct, Huo Yuhao used this spiritual power as the core to integrate, mobilize and rationally distribute the spiritual power and energy contributed by the powerful people who make up this huge space fortress, so as to maintain the space. Stability of the fortress.

Although Huo Yuhao's mental power was transmitted through many places, covering a very fast speed and a large range, this also caused a certain delay in the space fortress's ability to complete Huo Yuhao's every command.

Although this will expose the Battle Fortress in the battle with the strong and become a fatal weakness of the Battle Fortress, the Battle Fortress is not originally facing those top powers.

The fortress shell made of an automatically triggered soul shield and a special spiritual metal alloy is enough to resist the impact of most cosmic radiation and meteorites on the space fortress.

Even if there are around 100-level god-level warriors attacking, it will be difficult to break through this solid defense in a short time. If we want to destroy this war fortress head-on, at least a first-level god-level warrior will be required to fight.

But this time the army was dispatched, the entire Apocalypse Empire came out in full force. Except for Huo Yuhao, the angel gods and the gods of Apocalypse were all stationed on this space fortress.

Nowadays, the remaining residents of the Apocalypse Empire left on Douluo Planet are almost all the old, weak, sick and disabled, or people who were Tang San's legacy and scattered among the people, but have no threat.

Many conservative soul masters who had dissent from the Apocalypse Empire, but were unable to act due to the power and fervor of belief in the Apocalypse Empire, could not help but burst into tears when they looked at the space fortress far away from the earth.

They don't know whether they are suffering because the Apocalypse Empire actually created the Kingdom of God for those fanatical believers and led them to ascend, or whether they are happy that the Apocalypse Empire, a behemoth that pressed on them and made them unable to struggle, really left.

These are former students of Shrek, or believers of Poseidon and Shura God, etc.

Because if they had not given up their belief in Tang San, or the former Shrek, and others who did not belong to the Apocalypse Empire, they would be completely unable to match the strength of the current cultivators of the Apocalypse Empire.

Although Huo Yuhao could completely clean them up before leaving, Huo Yuhao did not do so in the end.

That's because the people of the Apocalypse Empire now practice a system constructed with Huo Yuhao's power of faith as the core, and practice with faith and faith.

The core of this system is that Huo Yuhao turns his own power of belief into seeds, giving those who believe in him the possibility of practicing their beliefs and will.

If the cultivators are not pious enough and cannot get Huo Yuhao's response, then even if they practice the same technique with the believers of God in the Apocalypse Empire.

The final results will be very different, plus now there are not only soul beasts in the ocean.

Ninety-nine percent of the soul beasts on Douluo Continent have been extinct, and the remaining ones are probably low-level soul beasts that have been cultivated for about ten years and are used as food or pets. Under this background, the soul beasts that once belonged to the soul master The era has completely come to an end.

As for the sea soul beasts in the sea, most of the sea soul beasts that are ten thousand years old and above are also under the influence and control of the Demon Emperor. Before the arrival of the God King, they followed the Demon Emperor and the Natural Disaster Sect and left Douluo. star.

The remaining sea soul beasts with the highest thousand-year level are not worth mentioning. Under the laws of Douluo Star, the soul rings of thousand-year soul beasts are inferior to those of ten-thousand-year soul beasts.

Although the current Douluo Star is revitalized by the divine power and divine blood of the incarnations of gods, this is also relative to the energy of the entire plane, but it is not so obvious for individual soul masters and soul beasts. .

To convert this energy into the average strength of creatures on this plane, the time required is at least calculated in units of ten thousand years.

In addition, Huo Yuhao's previous over-exploitation and plundering still left hidden dangers. At least the route of being a pure soul master is no longer feasible in a short time.

If those stubborn soul masters of the old school still want to use soul skills and soul power to regain their former glory, the difficulty will naturally be as high as the sky.

And these soul masters who are stubborn but want to cause trouble are just used to sharpen their teeth for the remaining old, weak, sick and disabled people in Douluo Star and Apocalypse Empire.

Maybe in the end Huo Yuhao can screen out a few more potential seeds among these believers of the Apocalypse Empire. This can be considered a good thing. Although he will no longer focus on Douluo Star, it is also a good thing to get more profits. .

Not long after, this space fortress finally got rid of the gravitational range of the Douluo Star, and the anti-gravity array that had been continuously operating also came to rest.

Huo Yuhao's mental power mobilized the runes that constituted the anti-gravity array to transform into the runes of the energy conversion array, and then linked the energy-gathering arrays that were originally on the outer shell of the space fortress, and began to pull and absorb the energy-gathering arrays floating in space. cosmic energy in it.

Although there is no will from the planet plane to condense, control, and sort it out, the free energy in space is very scattered and violent, unlike the energy on the planet that can be directly absorbed by people. But now Huo Yuhao is absorbing and transforming it through the metal body of the space fortress, and because space is vast enough, and no one has absorbed energy in space for a long time.

Therefore, when Huo Yuhao used the energy gathering array and energy transformation to imitate the will of the planet plane to filter, absorb and transform the free energy in space, the power transformed was even greater than the spiritual energy of heaven and earth absorbed on the Douluo Star. Much larger.

After all, on Douluo Planet, in order to avoid damaging the environment and not violating the previous agreement with the God Realm Committee, the full power of this space fortress was not even turned on.

At the moment of takeoff, even this empty space fortress lacking energy could only be regarded as a semi-finished product in Huo Yuhao's eyes.

But at this time, it is different in the uncontrolled space. By absorbing and transforming the free energy in space, countless pure energies are extracted, and evenly attached to the structures that make up the entire space fortress along the magic circle. on metal.

Unlike ordinary people's concept of a spaceship, this space fortress does not have a clear propulsion device and fuel engine.

In other words, what plays this role is the strong men in the entire space fortress and the spiritual metal alloys that make up the space fortress.

Fuel is energy. They are stored in every piece of spiritual metal alloy. When those strong ones control it, they will naturally be consumed to power the operations of the entire space fortress.

The strength of spiritual metal alloys directly affects the amount of energy that can be stored, but spiritual metal alloys can evolve. Under the nourishment of huge energy, the upper limit of spiritual metal alloys will be continuously increased.

Whether it is the propulsion device, attack device, or defense device of the entire space fortress, Huo Yuhao directly mobilized and linked the spirit of the powerful people on the entire space fortress through his mental power and computing power. Allocation of force and energy.

What kind of device is needed? Huo Yuhao's mental power located in the center of the battle fortress will modify the rune array and soul guidance core array in the battle fortress to make it what he needs.

After all, Huo Yuhao does not need to follow any physics. He only needs to believe that the power of his belief can do it. This space fortress can produce the effects he needs. Everything is premised on use.

Even if it doesn't work, this space fortress can still fly bricks with great force. After all, the weight of the entire space fortress and the potential energy it can exert under the push of kinetic energy are far higher than the so-called artifact.

So basically it can be said that the entire space fortress is basically a hard and difficult-to-gnaw lump. Except for the limited internal life-support devices and systems, the entire space fortress is designed for war.

And because the personnel carried in this space fortress are all strong men with a certain degree of strength, the requirements for the environment that these life-support devices and systems need to create have also been greatly reduced.

After all, even if these strong enough people lose oxygen, gravity, food, and water, as long as they have enough energy, they can convert it into the parts their bodies need to maintain their physiological activities, and even Sharpen your will and improve your strength in difficult circumstances.

Even if it's not good enough, there is undead magic in the end. Even if these strong men really die due to life span or other reasons, they can still directly transform the life form into the form of the undead through huge energy, and continue to work for this space fortress. Act for Huo Yuhao's will.

Feeling the space fortress gradually filling up and even starting to become stronger after absorbing those free cosmic energy particles, Huo Yuhao was very satisfied. Everything was almost as he expected.

After all, the energy absorbed from the Douluo Star was not enough to support his next actions.

With just that little energy, not to mention bombarding the Dragon Star and the Pegasus Star, the strong men of the Dragon Horse Galaxy felt fearful.

It can't even activate a space wormhole to cross the galaxy.

You must know that the distance between the Longma Galaxy and the galaxy where the Douluo Star is located is extremely far.

Although Huo Yuhao has their spatial coordinates, if he really flies over in a daze, the plot of the fourth part of Douluo Dalu will probably begin.

It's just that now that Tang San, the mastermind behind the scenes, is missing, even if the timeline really reaches that time, I'm afraid everything will be different.

In space where there is no flow of day and night, and even the concept of time is somewhat chaotic, after a period of time that can be considered a long time, the space fortress of the Apocalypse Empire finally accumulated enough power.

Abundant energy filled every part of the space fortress, causing its already powerful spiritual metal alloy to complete transformations again and again.

Under the dual effects of the rune array and the core soul array, the entire space fortress has completed its transformation.

Just like Electrolux's Tower of Eternity, the Battle Fortress at this time can even be called an artifact-like existence, a huge, artifact!

And it can naturally continue to evolve, but the time it will take is a hundred times, a thousand times, or ten thousand times, a time that no one can predict accurately.

Just like the generation of will on the planetary plane, in addition to the huge accumulation of energy, it also requires enough chance and coincidence, or essentially a little enlightenment.

However, Huo Yuhao no longer needs to continue to prepare. The current space fortress is already deterrent and threatening enough.

Huo Yuhao's mental power mobilized the power of the entire space fortress. A huge space wormhole beyond ordinary people's imagination appeared in front of the space fortress, followed by a space jump.

The huge space fortress disappeared in place, and then there were several space jumps, which were extremely smooth.

Huo Yuhao and the others successfully arrived at their destination, a completely unfamiliar galaxy, filled with the power of many unfamiliar laws, which faintly suppressed Huo Yuhao, others and the space fortress.

But under the influence of Huo Yuhao's strength and the artifact of the Space Fortress, these slight suppressions can almost be considered negligible.

Arrival, Ryoma Galaxy! (End of chapter)

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