The Peerless Tang Sect’s Tianxin Douluo

Chapter 22 The opening of the drama

Chapter 22 The opening of the drama

Huo Yuhao and Wang Donger walked all the way to the dormitory. Along the way, Wang Donger kept thinking angrily, but Huo Yuhao never responded and just walked quietly.

In front of the dormitory door, Moon, who was pretending to be asleep, opened his narrowed eyes slightly. After listening to what Wang Dong'er said about hurting people and the inaction of senior officials, he quietly disappeared from the place.

No one noticed his departure, except Huo Yuhao who had been paying attention to the corner.

[In this way, all the actors are here. Don’t let me down. 】

After returning to the dormitory, Wang Donger looked at Huo Yuhao who had been silent and said angrily: "Damn it, Yuhao, why don't you ask that old guy for an explanation!"

"What explanation do you want?" Huo Yuhao glanced at her lightly, then closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the bed: "You don't think that Shrek will explain his behavior to us young students. I would rather hold on tight than listen to his nonsense. Give it some more time to practice.”

After Huo Yuhao said this, he entered a deep state of meditation, which made Wang Dong'er jump in anger.

After all, if Huo Yuhao hadn't saved her life this time, who knows what would have happened. After all, Wang Dong'er didn't know that she had the insurance set up by Tang San.

Moreover, the moment he saw Huo Yuhao fall into the sea of ​​fire, he almost thought that he was going to lose him, and there seemed to be a piece of emptiness missing in his heart.

When Wang Dong'er was worrying about gains and losses, Huo Yuhao's body in the outside world started to move with the will of heaven. After his consciousness entered the sea of ​​​​spirits, he began to communicate with Huo Yuhao who was at the Gate of the Dead through the divine descending technique.

Although the Divine Descent Technique is a type of forbidden curse, it is an ability given by gods to mortals. It is called a forbidden curse only because this power is extremely strong and can even cause huge harm to mortals.

It is not named because it is too difficult to practice.

The divine descending technique itself is also a way for mortals to pray to gods. Through communication, Huo Yuhao roughly knows what Hei Yuhao is doing now.

The undead creatures that Electrolux places into the demiplane of the undead include skeletons, zombies, corpse witches, abominations, shadows, wraiths, lichs, crypt spiders, hellfires, undead knights, bone dragons, ghost dragons, and reapers.

He has now successfully controlled the zombies in the lower three levels of the Pyramid of the Undead through the body of the undead puppet.

There is simply no super Douluo undead monarch in this demiplane of the undead, and the strongest zombie at the bottom of the undead pyramid only has the highest level five headless iron corpse.

Only then could Hei Yuhao successfully bring most of the zombie gathering places under his control and use them as a place to experiment with Electrolux's various spells.

In order to cope with the possible temptations from the martial arts system, Hei Yuhao used the Divine Descent Technique to semi-permanently imprint the sacred purification technique in the form of runes into Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea to avoid being seen by Mu En or others. Something is wrong.

Afterwards, the night was spent by Huo Yuhao practicing and reading the knowledge he had previously copied from the library of the outer courtyard.

At this time, in a secret room on the island in the center of Poseidon Lake.

Ma Xiaotao woke up from a coma: "What's wrong with me?" She only remembered that she seemed to see a particularly warm light in a daze.

Yan Shaozhe's old voice came from the side: "Hey, Xiaotao, you almost made a big mistake this time."

"Teacher." Ma Xiaotao quickly stood up from the bed: "I remember I was practicing before, and then..."

"If it weren't for chance, you met a student who was close to the ultimate light level after going berserk."

"His power of light level is higher than mine, even higher than Mr. Mu, and your attack inspired his instinctive counterattack.

"This suppressed the evil fire in your body, otherwise I'm afraid your consciousness will be completely destroyed by the evil fire this time."

Ma Xiaotao was stunned for a moment, and found that the evil fire that had been with her since she awakened her martial spirit seemed to have completely disappeared, and she couldn't help but feel overjoyed. "Teacher, teacher, my evil fire has disappeared, can I continue to practice!"

Yan Shaozhe looked at her with a wry smile, and then said: "It's just temporary. Although the evil fire originally accumulated in your body has been completely removed this time, the essence of your martial soul is still the evil fire phoenix and has not been improved. .”

"As you continue to practice, the problem of evil fire will definitely arise again."

Yan Shaozhe sighed and said: "Although your evil fire has been eliminated now, the harder you suppress it, the stronger it will explode. If you continue to practice, it is very likely that the evil fire in your body will grow stronger than before. Faster and faster.”

"If you really get to that point, even Mr. Mu and I may not be able to help you."

"Then" Ma Xiaotao couldn't help but become anxious after hearing this. After finally experiencing the feeling of the evil fire disappearing, how could she not seize the time to continue practicing.

He is now a Soul Emperor. If he takes advantage of this opportunity, he will most likely break through to the Soul Saint level before the next continent-wide Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition and gain honor for the academy.

"By the way, teacher, you just mentioned that a student suppressed the evil fire in my body? Do you know who he is?" Ma Xiaotao's eyes lit up and she said to Yan Shaozhe: "We can invite him here Can you help me suppress it? I believe that as long as he can suppress the evil fire for me, I will be able to control it!"

"Okay, Shaozhe, Xiaotao, you two come to the Poseidon Pavilion to meet me." An old voice came into the ears of Yan Shaozhe and Ma Xiaotao.

"Yes, Mr. Mu" X2
In the Poseidon Pavilion, Mu En was half lying on the main seat, while Yan Shaozhe and Ma Xiaotao stood aside, a little nervous.

"How many times have I told you, Shaozhe, your biggest shortcoming is that you are not generous enough."

"Teacher" Yan Shaozhe lowered his head. He didn't know why news reached Munn's ears before he could process it.

"Explain to me exactly what happened, the cause and effect." Moon said with eyes closed.

"Xiao Tao failed to suppress the evil fire in her body during practice, which caused her to go berserk. I was not present at the time, and Xiao Tao rushed out of Poseidon Island."

"Then I met two disciples from the outer courtyard on the shore of Poseidon Lake. The two disciples passed out because of the rampage of evil fire."

"But fortunately, one of the disciples seemed to have a powerful force of light in his body, which was inspired by the danger."

"And it was this power of light that dispelled the evil fire in Xiaotao's body, and we were able to arrive in time."

"That power of light is purer and more powerful than mine, or even yours, teacher. It is infinitely close to the ultimate light. Only then can the evil fire in Xiaotao's body be suppressed."


"But you didn't give these two students a reasonable explanation, did you?"

Moon opened his eyes, and the originally cloudy eyeballs now became surprisingly sharp.

When Shaozhe saw the look in Moon's eyes, the explanation he had originally thought of suddenly got stuck in his throat and he couldn't say it out.

"No, Mr. Mu, this matter is all my fault and has nothing to do with the teacher. I will give that junior an explanation." Ma Xiaotao said.

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(End of this chapter)

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