The Peerless Tang Sect’s Tianxin Douluo

Chapter 26 Thoughts on Soul Beasts

Chapter 26 Thoughts on Soul Beasts
Through the soul power of Tianmeng Iceworm, this soul ring has now been upgraded to the year of about 2000, but this year has not improved Huo Yuhao's soul skills much.

However, Huo Yuhao's soul power directly reached level 2000 with the help of the 23 soul ring, but the second martial soul still had the original level [-] soul power.

Second Soul Ring: Fear Demonic Dragon

Soul ring age: original one thousand, six hundred years
Soul ring skills:
Fear Brand: Units defeated by Huo Yuhao will be planted with extreme fear of Huo Yuhao deep in their hearts.

Moreover, due to the distortion of the mind, this brand is no longer an influence on the other party's mental power, but a restriction on the other party's ideology.

Even if the opponent's mental power or soul power surpasses Huo Yuhao in the future, he will still be aroused in inner fear when he sees Huo Yuhao.In this Douluo world without a spiritual heart, almost no one can get rid of this mark (a few steps for a unique Douluo like Ji Juechen doesn't seem to be too many).

With the refining of the soul ring completed, Huo Yuhao's power of faith has also been consumed by most of it, and it will be difficult to recover in a short period of time.

Huo Yuhao took a month's leave during this trip, and it only took him ten days to complete his goal. Naturally, Huo Yuhao would not go back directly. After all, there was nothing he could do if he went back now.

It's better to try our luck first and see if we can find traces of the Mind-Taking Tiger and Nightmare, and control them and seal them into the demiplane of the undead. Then we don't have to risk the danger of coming to the Star Dou Forest to obtain the soul rings.

At this time, the corpse of the fear dragon on the ground has been torn apart by Hei Yuhao, and turned into a skeleton dragon. It can be regarded as a superior unit among skeleton creatures, but it is far away from the dragon corpse at the true dragon level. Bone Dragon is still much worse.

Hei Yuhao looked at Huo Yuhao who had absorbed the soul ring and said, "I found that there are some differences in these soul beasts from the monsters in Electrolux's memory inheritance. Now I have another idea."

"If a puppet has complete blood power, complete soul, complete vitality, and complete consciousness, then he can be regarded as a living creature."

"In the Holy Demon Continent, the body and soul consciousness are independent, but in the Douluo Continent, the soul and residual consciousness of the soul beast will be preserved in the soul ring and even the soul core, and even part of it will be included in the soul bone."

"If we use a soul bone as the core to nourish it, supplement its spirituality and complete its consciousness, can we use this to reconstruct a new life?"

"Even if its origin is man-made and not naturally occurring."

"When I was studying Electrolux's memory, I found that he had similar ideas, but he was unable to make a breakthrough due to the rules of the Holy Demon Continent."

"But the No. 13 undead creature in this demiplane of the undead, the God of Death is his semi-finished product."

"It is formed with pure soul power, cultivates a new consciousness, and sets its consciousness to what you want through magic."

"Although it has no physical body, it is just an undead creature like a wraith."

"But the root of its birth is that it has nothing to do with nature and is purely an artificial creature."

"Although its consciousness is set by magic, it can only act through the original setting and has no instinct of its own."

"If we can remove the consciousness from a soul bone and instill part of our own consciousness into it, can we create a new incarnation instead of my puppet corpse?"

"I can feel that although I can control it freely, it is always different from my own body, and there is an obvious gap."

Huo Yuhao nodded: "Yes, and I have thought about it before, the soul beast is also an extremely powerful force."

"Especially now, because the Silver Dragon King is seriously injured and asleep, all the spirit beasts and ferocious beasts in the Star Dou Forest have not made any obvious moves towards the human world."

"But if you can use this to stir up a beast tide, whether it's collecting souls or corpses to practice undead magic, or taking the opportunity to use up Tang San's trump card, it's all good." "And the beast tide really wants to fight, and there are gods standing by. In the case of the market, it is not something that can be contained by just closing it, it will give us more development time and opportunities to seize the fire."

"So now what do we do?"

Hei Yuhao put down the corpse of the fear dragon and clapped his hands. All the life force in it had disappeared and was turned into part of its power.

"Corpse, I need a large number of soul beast corpses and soul bones. If I want to complete my idea, I will need a lot of experiments."

"But there is no rush yet. Our strength is still too weak. If we can reach the Soul Emperor level, we will have many more methods at our disposal."

Huo Yuhao thought for a while and said, "Then I will go out first. The next step is to take one step at a time. But next I am going to find an opportunity to find the Ice Emperor. Are you ready here?"

Hei Yuhao nodded: "You can do it at any time."

Then the Gate of the Dead opened, and Huo Yuhao returned to the Star Forest. The colorful cat on the ground was only covered with blood. It seemed that other soul beasts took advantage of his weakness and attacked him and devoured him. .

Huo Yuhao immediately ran towards the outskirts of the mixed zone after turning on the true mimicry. He had gone too far in search of the fear dragon.

The fear dragon is a creature with a strong sense of group. After the death of a member, it may swarm around the territory to hunt them down. Although they are not afraid, it is still troublesome.

Along the way, Huo Yuhao used mental detection to search for the soul beast he needed in the mixed zone, but still found nothing.

After spending most of the power of faith, he no longer dared to use the power of faith to search, and he planned to save the rest to deal with emergencies.

Another ten days passed, and still nothing was found. Huo Yuhao had no choice but to leave. However, when he came to the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest, through mental detection, Huo Yuhao discovered a dark gold Terrorclaw Bear.

It has a cultivation level of almost 2000 years, and through mental observation, Huo Yuhao discovered that the soul power in the right palm of this Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear was obviously different from the concentration in other parts.

[Isn’t this the one Huo Yuhao and the others encountered in the original work? They were so lucky? ] Huo Yuhao thought secretly in his heart.

[However, even if the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear only has a thousand-year cultivation level, it can hunt ordinary ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts.It's a bit troublesome, but worth a try. 】

Ever since Hei Yuhao expressed his thoughts, Huo Yuhao had made a plan. If he could make a soul beast incarnation with strong bloodline potential and enter the Star Forest, he might have a chance to break into the power of the soul beast.

However, because of the spirit beast's style that has remained unchanged for millions of years, if it weren't for its extremely high bloodline and potential, it might not be able to get into the eyes of those ferocious beasts.

The Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear has golden blood with a good concentration of blood. If it can be cultivated based on this and then added with dragon blood to shape the avatar into an image of an ancestral dragon, in the Star Dou Forest where the True Dragon Clan is sparsely populated, It should attract the attention of Di Tian and others.

As for the consequences of failure being nothing more than the resources invested and a part of the consciousness given away, Huo Yuhao could still afford the gamble.

Moreover, Huo Yuhao also knew the place where the bones of the Ice and Fire Dragon King fell. If he could obtain the Dragon Pill from Munn, this idea would have a great success rate.

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(End of this chapter)

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