The Peerless Tang Sect’s Tianxin Douluo

Chapter 30 Freshman Assessment, I Refuse

Chapter 30 Freshman Assessment, I Refuse
The freshman assessment has started for three days, and today is the fourth day.

Previously, it was all freshmen assessment, and from now on, the knockout competition will no longer affect students' decision to stay.

There is not much to say about the first five games. Under the mental impact of the blessing of the heart, all the soul masters Huo Yuhao encountered fell down at once and were carried away directly. Moreover, because they did not encounter any valuable ones, Among the candidates, Huo Yuhao’s soul ring has not been opened.

There was no chance for Wang Donger and Xiao Xiao to perform.

At this time, Wang Yan stared at Huo Yuhao's team who came on stage with wide eyes. In the previous battle, Huo Yuhao's martial spirit had just possessed him, and then their enemy fell without any movement.

All tests showed that the person's mental power was shocked and he fainted, but no one felt a trace of mental fluctuations, and did not even arouse the soul power of the person being attacked to resist.

"What kind of ability is this little guy using? It's not logical." Wang Yan's eyes were a little red and swollen at this time, and he began to doubt what he had learned.

After Wang Yan saw the two teams on the stage, he said: "In the first game of the sixth round in District 33, Huo Yuhao's team from freshman class [-] and Huang Chutian's team from freshman class [-] will conduct the assessment."

Wang Yan took a deep look at Huo Yuhao [Sisters Lan Susu and Lan Luoluo have martial soul fusion skills. No matter how strong you are, with the combined efforts of the two of them, you must show off some tricks. 】

Wang Yan said in a deep voice: "The assessment begins!"

Huang Chutian's martial soul possessed him and rushed towards Huo Yuhao, while sisters Lan Susu and Lan Luoluo stood together from the moment they came on stage. As the game started, the two of them wanted to hug each other, but at this moment .

Huo Yuhao's eyes lit up with golden light. Different from before, the purple soul ring under his feet also began to flash. No matter how fast the three of them moved, how could they compare to the speed of their spirit?

The mental shock that carried the thoughts in their hearts hit their spiritual sea in a single thought, and they let out a scream. Because of the huge gap between their mental powers, the mental powers of the three of them were directly suppressed to the bottom, and they passed out. .

And unlike those who were defeated by Huo Yuhao before, at this time, in their hearts, Huo Yuhao's eyes shining with golden light, like a god on earth, were forever imprinted in the hearts of Lan Susu and Lan Luoluo, and they could not get rid of them. .

[The original martial soul may be some valuable materials. Leave a mark first and harvest it later when you have the opportunity. 】

"Teacher, it's time to announce the results." Huo Yuhao released his martial soul possession and walked directly to the audience with Wang Dong'er and Xiao Xiao.

Wang Yan looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief. He had indeed imagined that he might lose quickly, but what about the soul skills?Huo Yuhao had obviously used his second soul skill just now, but he couldn't even detect the slightest movement.

Could this be a true spiritual soul master?

"Monitor, what do you think those two sisters want to do? Why are they hugging each other directly on the ring?" Xiao Xiao looked at the scene just now and asked a little strangely.

"It's just a martial soul fusion skill, not worth mentioning." Huo Yuhao said casually.

After all, the real power of martial soul fusion skills is that one plus one is greater than two, but many people who have used martial soul fusion skills have difficulty reaching this level.

These are mainly caused by the compatibility between the martial souls. After all, not everyone has been tuned by Tang Fozu to have 100% compatible martial soul fusion skills.

"Wow, it's a martial soul fusion skill. It's a pity that I didn't see it." Wang Dong'er said with some regret, "I haven't seen it before."

"No, if you really want them to use it, it will be a big trouble." Xiao Xiao complained.

"Speaking of squad leader, do you think we will have martial soul fusion skills?" Xiao Xiao's eyes flashed with a different light.

Wang Donger also looked at Huo Yuhao after hearing this. "It's impossible. My martial spirit is the original martial soul and my eyes. You are all weapon martial spirits and beast martial spirits. You can't fight them together with eight poles."

"And if people have martial soul fusion skills, they usually have similar minds or are extremely close to each other. So it usually happens between husbands and wives, lovers, brothers, and sisters."

"I haven't touched you at all, and you should be able to feel it yourself." After Huo Yuhao finished speaking coldly, he sat down in the audience and entered the training mode without speaking, quietly waiting for the start of the second game.

Xiao Xiao was also a little discouraged when she heard this. She only paid attention to this powerful Huo Yuhao because she and other classmates were defeated by Huo Yuhao. After all, Mu Qiang is human nature.

Wang Donger's mood was a little complicated. Ever since she first met Huo Yuhao, she seemed to have an indescribable feeling in her heart. When she heard Huo Yuhao introduce the origin of the martial soul fusion skill, she still wondered whether she and Huo Yuhao could
Unexpectedly, he actually said directly that he was not touched at all. Damn it!Is there anything in this lady that doesn’t attract you?Wang Donger thought with some reluctance.

At the beginning of the next few rounds of competition, there was nothing worth paying attention to. Huo Yuhao rewarded one person with a Soul Shock and carried him away.

After the game, Wang Yang was about to ask Huo Yuhao directly about his martial arts status, but he found that Huo Yuhao had already slipped away.

Huo Yuhao is too lazy to explain his martial arts and soul skills to others. Does he have to announce his abilities to the whole world?
Then it will be easy for others to target your ability.

The battle strategy that Huo Yuhao believes in is to know yourself and the enemy and be victorious in every battle, and never fight a battle that you are not sure of.

What is the difference between having a winning rate lower than 99% and seeking death?

After returning to the dormitory, he practiced as usual. The original time traveler must not have been able to persist in the hard training for the past few years, but after coming to this world, the ubiquitous loneliness made him can only practice Find the true sense of your own existence.

Wang Donger looked at Huo Yuhao who was practicing. There was a voice in her heart that kept telling her to believe in herself. There must be a spiritual connection between herself and Huo Yuhao, and her martial soul could create a connection with Huo Yuhao.

Unconsciously, Wang Dong'er walked towards Huo Yuhao step by step, leaning down slightly and wrapping her arms around him.

But since the last time Huo Yuhao's practice was interfered with by Wang Dong'er, he has been keeping a secret eye and letting his spiritual avatar stand sentinel outside.

With the spiritual incarnation, it was discovered that Wang Donger's state was not quite right.

Huo Yuhao suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Wang Dong'er who was standing close to him.

"What are you doing?" The hot breath from Huo Yuhao's mouth gently blew onto Wang Dong'er's face. Wang Dong'er said with a slight blush on her pretty face: "I, I just want to try to see if we can fuse martial souls. Yuhao, give it a try."

Huo Yuhao frowned and looked at Wang Dong'er, whose eyes were full of determination. "It couldn't be that Tang San gave her another blow. It's really a ghost." 】

"No, I refuse. Don't think about whether these are available or not. You can go to bed early. There are still exams tomorrow."

Huo Yuhao directly pushed away Wang Donger who was hugging him.

Wang Donger felt a little disappointed, but she still nodded obediently after hearing Huo Yuhao's words.

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(End of this chapter)

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