The Peerless Tang Sect’s Tianxin Douluo

Chapter 35 God Bless Me Shrek

Chapter 35 God Bless Me Shrek
Xie Huanyue was seen striding towards Huo Yuhao. Huo Yuhao saw this and rushed towards the opponent because he had just sensed through his mental power that an old man seemed to have appeared in a place other than the viewing area, and the aura on the opponent's body was as if If there is nothing, it seems that they do not exist in this venue. Although I did not investigate carefully, there are not many such people in Shrek Academy.

So Huo Yuhao was going to show them some strength other than mental strength.

The wall of the heart was formed close to the body. Huo Yuhao used real mimicry and divine descending techniques to let his whole body bloom with shining light, turning into a golden light person. Looking at Xie Huan Yue opposite, he was shocked [This kid is not a spirit] Is it okay? I originally thought that my Pipixiang martial spirit could restrain his mental shock, but what is the situation? 】

Xie Huanyue originally thought that Huo Yuhao was just a wasted name, and that she could use the dual resistance of her skin and soul power to resist Huo Yuhao's spiritual offensive just like she restrained other spiritual soul masters, and thus defeat him.

But he never considered that there were actually countless ways for Huo Yuhao to use his mental power to kill him. It was just that Huo Yuhao wanted to show some other methods to attract the attention of Shrek Academy's senior officials.

But seeing this scene, Xie Huanyue directly activated her first soul skill, and her body expanded rapidly and hit Huo Yuhao directly. At this time, the arms of the two brothers Luo Tianlong and Luo Tianba behind him turned into two arm blades, one on the left and one on the left. The right hand came around from behind Xie Huan Yue and attacked Huo Yuhao from the side. With the blessing of soul skills, a sharp cold light flashed on the arm blade.

Huo Yuhao did not dodge, but pinched Luo Tianlong with both hands. The Luo Tianba brothers each had an arm blade, and they seemed to be unscathed. They received the impact of Xie Huan Yue head-on and remained motionless.

In fact, this is because of the defense of the wall of the heart, and Huo Yuhao asked Hei Yuhao to apply the fourth-level light magic, defense system, and sacred protection to himself through the divine descending technique. Although he only had the third-order magic under the consumption of the divine descending technique, level, but as a specialized defense and auxiliary, the light attribute is much stronger in defense than ordinary third-level defensive soul skills.

"What?" Xie Huanyue was shocked in her heart. Not to mention that Huo Yuhao was a great soul master. An ordinary soul master would have to spit out two mouthfuls of blood even if he was hit with his full strength. How could Huo Yuhao be like a normal person?

Huo Yuhao shouted loudly, grabbed the two brothers Luo Tianlong and Luo Tianba and started swinging them. Under the influence of the feather transformation and the blessing of spiritual power, although Huo Yuhao's soul power level is only level 25 now, his physical fitness is compared to Even ordinary soul sects at level [-] are no longer weak.

Luo Tianlong and Luo Tianba, the two great soul masters of the agility and attack system, were like toys in his hands, throwing them towards the bottom of the ring.

Only a scream was heard from the two of them, and then Huo Yuhao moved his arms forward to grab Xie Huanyue.

Seeing this, Xie Huanyue did not dare to hold back. He saw his second and third soul rings light up. As a burst of purple light erupted from his body, his right hand suddenly grew larger and struck at Huo Yuhao.

[What the hell, the art of doubling? ] Huo Yuhao couldn't help but complain in his heart, but his hand movements continued unabated.He took Xie Huan Yue's blow forcefully, and the golden light on his body spread out a little, but it did not cause any hindrance to Huo Yuhao himself.

As Huo Yuhao sprinted, Xie Huanyue's body fell back uncontrollably.

Xie Huanyue secretly cried out in her heart [What on earth is this kid, a thousand-year soul beast?Why are you so strong? 】

Xie Huanyue also wanted to use her strength to compete, but she couldn't use her strength at all, and she couldn't match Huo Yuhao's strength.

Although Huo Yuhao's basic physical fitness is compared to searching for a fighting soul master, he also has the effect of the wall of heart to isolate physical influences, which makes him more effective in wrestling with half the effort.

And at this time, through the divine descending technique, Hei Yuhao saw the right moment and threw several low-level strengthening magic to amplify Huo Yuhao's body.

With a sudden burst of force, Huo Yuhao actually lifted the huge mountain of flesh called Xie Huan Yue like an overlord lifting a cauldron.

In mid-air, Xie Huanyue had nowhere to exert his strength, and his hands and feet kept moving, which was extremely out of proportion to his fat body and looked extremely funny.

Then Huo Yuhao directly smashed it to the ground. Because of the characteristics of martial arts, Xie Huan Yue would bounce up suddenly like a rubber ball every time it was hit. However, Huo Yuhao stood motionless, adjusting his hands and tightening his posture. Hold Xie Huanyue's hand tightly.

Although Xie Huanyue's defense is extremely strong, it can also absorb shock and unload force through fat, skin and flesh.But with the prolonged blows, his internal organs gradually received considerable impact, and blood overflowed from his mouth.

"I, I, I admit defeat, don't, don't fight, eh." Xie Huanyue muttered indistinctly.

Seeing this, Huo Yuhao stopped tossing him and kicked him off the stage. The teachers watching around him were dumbfounded.

Later, Xie Huanyue, who was seriously injured and had multiple injuries to her bones and internal organs, was carried to the infirmary.

"The winner is Huo Yuhao's team!" the invigilator announced.

"Is this really a great spiritual soul master? Why do I feel like he is a power soul master, oh no, a soul sect?"

"This is really outrageous. His soul skills just now were useless."

"So what was he using just now, the second martial spirit? But what is his second martial spirit, is it glowing?"

Wang Yan in the audience looked at Huo Yuhao, whose light had shrunk, and shed tears with his eyes red. Of course, it was not because he was moved, but just because he had stared directly at the bright light for a long time. After all, his soul power cultivation was not strong.

[This, such a strong physical fitness, is also a twin martial spirit?What is his second martial spirit? 】Wang Yan’s heart was filled with endless doubts.

And in a position that no one except Huo Yuhao noticed.

Mu En looked at Huo Yuhao's performance with brilliant eyes [Is this the Son of Destiny? It is indeed extraordinary. At this time, his fighting power is not inferior to that of ordinary Soul Sects. He is only 12 years old.Poseidon, God bless me, Shrek. 】

In the eight-to-four battle in the afternoon, it was just a group of great soul masters. Huo Yuhao didn't even bother to show anything. He just casually used mental shock to carry them away to the infirmary. He didn't even have soul ring skills. Use.

After another day of training, Huo Yuhao felt that the soul power of the second martial soul was about to increase to the next level. He felt that the speed of training seemed to be slightly faster, but he still couldn't find out where it was.

After a night of practice, time came in the morning.

All the twelve freshmen who entered the semi-finals stood together, but today it was no longer Du Weilun, the dean of the Martial Soul Department of the Outer Academy, who was in charge of the lottery.

A woman who looked to be in her fifties but had a good face replaced him.

"Hello, young people. I am Cai Mei'er, the deputy dean of the Martial Arts Department of Shrek Academy." The woman said, and this person was Cai Mei'er, the deputy dean of the Martial Arts Department.

Huo Yuhao thought to himself in the audience, "What's going on? Isn't that old guy Yan Shaozhe here? Why has he been replaced?" 】

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(End of this chapter)

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