The Peerless Tang Sect’s Tianxin Douluo

Chapter 38 Arrangements for Freshman Assembly

Chapter 38 Arrangements for Freshman Assembly

Then everyone left the stage and left the assessment area.

When they returned to the dormitory, Tang Ya and Beibei were already waiting downstairs in the dormitory. Tang Ya came up and smiled: "Congratulations, Xiao Yuhao, for successfully winning the freshman assessment championship. Now you have to celebrate. .”

Beibei's eyes were full of admiration. Although he had to pay a sky-high price of 100 million gold soul coins per year to take Huo Yuhao into his sect, judging from the potential and performance he has shown so far, the money spent can even be said to be high. It was earned with blood.

Wang Dong'er echoed from the side: "Hmm, Yuhao must be the one to treat us! This time he was in the limelight, but Xiao Xiao and I were miserable. We didn't do anything. Some people said that we took it because we hugged Yuhao's lap. Where’s the champion? I’m so angry! I’m going to give Yuhao a good beating this time!”

Huo Yuhao nodded and said, "Okay, let's relax today. I'm treating you. Xiao Xiao, you can come too."

Xiao Xiao nodded happily when he heard this. Huo Yuhao paid for everyone to have a good meal in Shrek City, which made the already poor wallet even worse. Fortunately, Zhou Yi had prepared a meal for the first team in the round robin. The Thousand Gold Soul Coin can be regarded as a small way to make up for the vacancy in Huo Yuhao's wallet.

For the first time, Huo Yuhao did not spend this night practicing, but he watched Beibei, Tang Ya, Wang Dong'er, and Xiao Xiao talking and laughing.

For some reason, Huo Yuhao suddenly felt an extreme sense of loneliness in his heart and wanted to integrate himself into them.

But deep in the spiritual sea, the cold wall of the heart blocked this desire and suppressed the loneliness in his heart. From beginning to end, he thought that he was different from everyone in the Douluo world.

Fundamentally incompatible, be it thinking, logic, ideas, or even the essence of the soul.

They all clearly told Huo Yuhao one fact: you don’t belong here
Moreover, in Douluo World, Huo Yuhao could not find anyone who could understand him, and it was sometimes difficult for him to understand the thoughts of other people in Douluo World.

While Huo Yuhao was emo, Wang Dong'er had a blush on her face, as if she had drunk some wine, and wandered up to Huo Yuhao, holding Huo Yuhao's hand with her little hand, and her originally masculine voice became a little softer. , it was difficult to distinguish, and he said softly: "Yuhao, why don't you come and play together? What are you doing here in a daze?"

After saying that, without waiting for Huo Yuhao's rejection, he took Huo Yuhao's hand and came to the crowd.

There were ripples in Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea, and all kinds of emotions that had been forcibly suppressed by the wall of heart surged at this moment.

[Forget it, just this time, the last time, just say goodbye to your former self. 】

For the first time, Huo Yuhao put down his guard and merged into their laughter.

But after laughing, one has to return to reality, and for Huo Yuhao, the reality is that he is a lonely stranger.

This is his origin. It cannot be denied that there are many things that he cannot communicate with others. All he can do is to carry the unspeakable past and move forward alone.

But things are unpredictable, so who can say for sure?Maybe one day someone will be able to understand Huo Yuhao and break the wall of his heart

Maybe then he will truly integrate into the world and let go of the burden of the past.

But it is also possible that no one can do it at all. Who can say for sure what will happen in the future?

As the night passed, Huo Yuhao only had determination for his future goals in his heart.

In the early morning, the sun was shining brightly, and all the freshmen who had passed the examination gathered in Shrek Square, waiting for the upcoming class placement.

Unlike usual, Dean of Students Du Weilun stood inconspicuous among the teachers. The two people at the front of the crowd were Yan Shaozhe, the dean of the Martial Arts Department, and Xian Lin'er, the dean of the Soul Guidance Department.I couldn't help but wonder why these two deans came to the freshman assembly together.

As the freshmen arrived, Du Weilun walked up to the stage and said: "The freshman assessment knockout round has ended. Next, I will announce the top three teams in this knockout round, as well as their rewards."

"Freshman Assessment No. 3. Huang Chutian's team. The team members include Huang Chutian, Lan Susu, and Lan Luoluo."

The three of them came out, but their eyes unconsciously dodge when they saw Huo Yuhao in the audience.

"Freshman Assessment No. 2, Dai Huabin Team, the team members include Dai Huabin, Zhu Lu, and Cui Yajie."

After being treated by a senior soul master, Dai Huabin was now able to stand up and move, but his face was still a little pale, and the internal injuries he had suffered before were not easy to heal.

"The last one is No. 1 in this freshmen assessment, Huo Yuhao's team. The team members include Huo Yuhao, Wang Dong, and Xiao Xiao!"

"Let us welcome them to the stage with a warm round of applause!"

The whole audience burst into warm applause. As Huo Yuhao and the others came on stage, Huang Chutian, Lan Susu and Lan Luoluo unconsciously stepped aside.

Dai Huabin looked at Huo Yuhao in front of him, gritting his teeth, as if he was about to pounce at any time, while Zhu Lu on the side was trembling when she saw Huo Yuhao.

When Huo Yuhao and three others stood in the center, Du Weilun continued to announce: "Okay, now I will announce the rewards for the top three teams in the freshman assessment. The top three teams will all receive unified rewards from the college."

"Everyone can make a request to the academy when they need a soul ring, and the academy will help them obtain the soul ring that they can afford and that is most suitable for them."

"Because Huo Yuhao's team performed well in the knockout round this time, the college will issue a special award to them. After the placement class is over, you can come with me to receive it."

"Okay, you guys should return to the team first. Next, I will announce the quota of the outer courtyard disciples specially approved by the academy to become core disciples."

As the nine people returned to the team, Du Weilun spoke.

"Based on the freshmen's performance in the assessment, the core disciples who passed the final review are: Wang Dong, Xiao Xiao, Dai Huabin, Zhu Lu, Zhou Sichen, Cao Jinxuan, Lan Susu, Lan Luoluo, Ning Tian, ​​and Wu Feng."

Everyone was still stunned as to why they didn't hear Huo Yuhao's name from the list. Then, Du Weilun looked at the audience and bowed slowly. He saw Yan Shaozhe, Dean of the Martial Arts Department, and Xian Lin, Dean of the Soul Guidance Department. Er walked onto the stage.

Both of them looked at Huo Yuhao with smiles on their faces. Yan Shaozhe smiled slightly and said: "In this freshman assessment, Huo Yuhao from the first class of freshmen performed extremely well, so the decision was made after discussion by the senior management of the college."

"We have specially granted student Huo Yuhao the qualification to enter Poseidon Island to practice and study. Let us congratulate Huo Yuhao and hope that he will continue to work hard and be proactive in his future studies!"

Xian Lin'er on the side also said: "In view of Huo Yuhao's excellent talents in both martial arts and soul guidance tools, the senior management of the academy has decided to give Huo Yuhao the treatment of a core disciple in the martial arts department and soul guidance system. And you can decide the focus of your next coursework independently, and the college will not interfere."

"In addition, the top management of the academy has also prepared a special reward for you, which you can receive after you come to Poseidon Pavilion."

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(End of this chapter)

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