The Peerless Tang Sect’s Tianxin Douluo

Chapter 47 The Moment of Parting

Chapter 47 The Moment of Parting
Now Huo Yuhao's mental power level has reached the Lingyuan realm, and the target is the ordinary Titled Douluo level, and with the blessing of Tianmeng Iceworm's mental power, it is far stronger than the ordinary Titled Douluo. Although Fan Yu is a He is an eighth-level soul mentor and a strong man at the Contra level.

But since he was not wary of Huo Yuhao, and Huo Yuhao used the power of belief to influence him subtly, it was basically a certainty to steal his memory.

What's more, Huo Yuhao is currently focusing on the Soul Guidance Department because when Huo Yuhao goes to study in the Soul Guidance Department later, they try their best to make Huo Yuhao study in the Soul Guidance Department with peace of mind. How can they think about guarding against him?
Although Shrek Academy's soul guidance device research is far inferior to that of the Sun and Moon Empire, and Fan Yu is only a seventh-level soul mentor at the top of the Sun and Moon Empire, these are not actually important to Huo Yuhao. What is most needed is complete and extensive basic knowledge and underlying logic of soul tools.

Then find a way to combine it with the alchemy system in the memory inheritance of Electrolux. After all, the soul guidance core of the soul guidance device is much shallower than the runes in alchemical magic, but the advantage is that anyone can use it Its learning and use is no longer the prerogative of mages.

If the soul guidance array is not enough, then use the rune array to make up for it. What Huo Yuhao wants is to make his own soul guidance device or equipment that can achieve the final effect he wants. It must be whatever comes naturally.

As for the possible conflict between the soul guidance array and the rune array, Huo Yuhao is confident that he can overcome it with the coordination of his heart, mainly using the power of "I am thinking".

"That's it, Teacher Fanyu. Is there anything else? I'm going back to practice."

Fan Yu looked at Huo Yuhao, and he only had admiration in his heart. The 12-year-old soul master was still a twin martial soul, and he was a genius in soul guidance tools. He was willing to come to the soul guidance department to study. She could still hope that he would concentrate on becoming a Soul mentor? Even if I wanted to do this, the senior management of Shrek Academy would not allow it.

In the next month, Huo Yuhao was immersed in cultivation. Apart from the classroom, he would only go to the outer courtyard library to acquire knowledge.

With the help of the spiritual power of the Lingyuan realm, he copied most of the knowledge in the outer courtyard library into his mind, and slowly absorbed and transformed it into his own knowledge through spiritual incarnation.

However, there are still too few things recorded in the outer courtyard. The real core things are recorded in the confidential library in the inner courtyard.

Today is the last day of study for the first grade. Not long ago, Huo Yuhao also successfully broke through to level [-]. He only needs to obtain the third soul ring to officially become a soul master.

Huo Yuhao and Wang Donger came to the classroom early in the morning. Although it was only one day before the holiday, with the arrival of Zhou Yi and Wang Yan, everyone was still sitting upright and did not dare to slack off.

After all, it was approaching the holiday, and no one wanted to provoke Zhou Yi and make her go crazy again. The other students who were kicked out could learn from their mistakes.

Wang Yan walked up to the podium, while Zhou Yi walked to the back of the classroom and sat on an empty chair.

"Students, today is the last day of your first grade. The college has not assigned any teaching tasks. I just say a few words, and everyone can go back and pack their things."

Hearing Wang Yan's words, all the students felt relieved. After all, compared to Zhou Yi, Wang Yan was still easy to talk to.

However, no one dared to make any big moves. After all, Zhou Yi was still watching from behind, and because of Huo Yuhao, the atmosphere in Class [-] was not as relaxed as in the original work, more like a bow being tightened.

Wang Yan slowly told everyone about the assessment that was coming in the second grade.

In the final analysis, he didn't say anything valuable, and it always revolved around one word: strength.

When they heard that the requirements for the assessment were to reach at least the second level of strength and defeat a century-old spirit beast, most people exclaimed.

Although most people's first and second soul rings are both century-old, after all, not everyone's soul rings are hunted by themselves and they are capable of single-handedly defeating a century-old soul beast. These are two concepts. .

Most students' excitement about the holiday turned into nervousness and pain about facing the second-year exam next year.However, Huo Yuhao's mood did not fluctuate. After all, no matter what, he would not be eliminated because of this, so there was nothing to be nervous about.

"Okay, I won't say much more. get out of class is over. Go back and pack your things." Wang Yan waved his hand and announced that get out of class was over.

When they were about to arrive at the dormitory, because the entire college was on holiday, Beibei and Tang Ya also waited at the dormitory early.

"Xiao Yuhao, Wang Dong, it's going to be a holiday soon, and Beibei and I have to leave the college for a while. Let's have another dinner together before we leave." Tang Ya said with a smile: "This time, you, Senior Brother Beibei, will Pay for it."

Huo Yuhao shook his head when he heard this and said, "No, Teacher Xiaoya, there's no need. It's only one month, and there will be a lot of time after that."

Seeing this situation, Wang Donger, who originally wanted to agree, paused, and then rejected Tang Ya and Beibei's invitation.

Beibei looked at them and shook his head helplessly. In the end, he didn't say anything more and left alone with Tang Ya.

After returning to the dormitory, Wang Donger watched Huo Yuhao packing his few luggage and storing it in the storage soul guide alone. She pursed her red lips and said, "Yuhao, where are you planning to go during the holidays?"

"Go out to practice and have a look around." Huo Yuhao replied without raising his head.

In fact, this time he plans to go to the far north after absorbing the third spirit ring. Although he does not have a vacancy for the second spirit now, with his understanding of the original work, he is confident that he can convince the Ice Emperor to become his. The thugs, at worst, can escape and come back without any danger.

"Then, is that so?" Wang Dong'er nodded, her face slightly red, and she hesitated for a moment before speaking: "How about you come to my house as a guest? My house is quite big."

This was not Tang San's signal, but Wang Dong'er wanted to take Huo Yuhao back to meet Niu Tian and Tai Tan out of some feeling in his heart.

However, these words sounded like a talisman to Huo Yuhao's ears. He raised his brows and felt that someone was trying to harm him.

"No need, I have already thought of a place where I can gain experience. If I have a chance, I will definitely do it next time." Huo Yuhao directly refused three times in a row.

Seeing this, Wang Donger didn't say anything more. She just went back and packed her luggage silently. She turned her back to Huo Yuhao and asked with some reluctance: "If I leave, will you miss me?"

"Why, you can't bear to leave me?" Hearing Wang Dong'er's words, Huo Yuhao felt a slight fluctuation in his heart, but he still responded coldly: "It's only a month. We will meet again next year, so there is no need to be so pretentious."

Hearing this, Wang Dong'er felt a touch of sourness in her heart. The seven months before Huo Yuhao entered the inner courtyard were probably the most painful seven months she had spent in Shrek Academy. However, Huo Yuhao's shadow always lingered in her heart, occupying the a place.

"Well, see you next year." Wang Dong'er said dryly.

Then the two of them entered into practice again and were silent for a long time.

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(End of this chapter)

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