The Peerless Tang Sect’s Tianxin Douluo

Chapter 53 The Snow Emperor’s Weighing

Chapter 53 The Snow Emperor’s Weighing

[Oh no, if Xueer's current state is known to that human being, he will never let it go. Even if Xueer doesn't want to, that guy will definitely make the same choice as he did before. 】

[But before he left, he gave me another order using that master-slave contract, so I had no choice but to tell Xueer. 】The Ice Emperor froze on the spot, not knowing how to explain to the Snow Emperor.

Seeing the Ice Emperor freeze in place for a long time without speaking, the Snow Emperor was also a little confused: "What's wrong with Bing'er? By the way, why did you come to me this time?"

The Ice Emperor was silent for a while and then he said, "This time, eh." After thinking about it for a while, the Ice Emperor decided to tell the truth about the information that Huo Yuhao had delegated to him.

"Do you still remember that ice silkworm? After he escaped to the Star Dou Forest, he cultivated for a million years. However, he was caught by those ferocious beasts in the Star Dou Forest and absorbed a large amount of soul power. Because the oil was exhausted The lamp cannot pass the final hurdle."

"So after he escaped with the help of millions of years of transformation, he chose a human being as his host, retained his will through his powerful spiritual origin, and became that human's soul ring."

"He wants to use that human being to become a god, just like the three soul beasts ten thousand years ago, when he becomes a god, he will ascend to the divine world with him."

"I have to say that guy is really lucky, and some of them are even too perverted."

"I have to say that the Ice Silkworm's luck was really good. The human being he chose got the inheritance of a near-god-level powerhouse. I also fell into the trap due to their plot."

"Through some method passed down by that strong man, that human made me enter into a master-slave contract with him. I am now controlled by him." The Ice Emperor said helplessly.

Emperor Xue's face changed when he heard this, and he was a little unbelievable: "How could it be possible? Bing'er, what are you doing now?"

Ice Emperor said with some embarrassment: "If I didn't choose to make a contract with him at that time, he would kill me directly, and he could directly control me after death. He seemed to have some kind of sacred power that could control the corpse. , I didn’t even have a chance to blow myself up at that time, so I just..."

"Although I need to obey his orders now, he also brought me good news."

"He said that he knew the location of a Myriad Ice Cave. He hoped to use this information in exchange for your help, so I came to you in a hurry. After all, your 70-year catastrophe was about to come, but I didn't To think that, Xue'er, you actually chose the path of becoming an adult again, and you were actually bumped into by a human soul master."

The Snow Emperor pursed his lips tightly, and then sighed quietly: "If I had transformed one day earlier or one day later, maybe this kind of thing wouldn't have happened. Otherwise, at least I can still help you."

"So Xue'er, what are you going to do now?" Ice Emperor asked nervously. After all, Huo Yuhao's order was to contact Snow Emperor directly after he finished his answer.

And if Huo Yuhao discovers the Snow Emperor's current state, there is no doubt that the other party will never let the Snow Emperor leave like this.

Looking at the nervous Ice Emperor, Snow Emperor knew that maybe he had no chance to choose. If his answer was not so important, Ice Emperor would never show such a nervous attitude. Looking at the Ice Emperor in front of him, Snow Emperor's He said while gently stroking the hard armor of the Ice Emperor's forepaw.

"Now that Bing'er has concluded a contract with him, if his plan to become a god with that ice silkworm fails, Bing'er will not have a good ending." "Although I have rebuilt myself as a human being, I still have my origins. The Snow Pill can be used, and it may contribute to your plan to become a god."

"And if there is Wanzai Xuanbing, I don't have to go deep into human society like ordinary soul beasts to rebuild. I can quickly advance to the Soul Saint level. Even the Ultimate Douluo will not be able to see my true body."

"Although I heard that the person you said has some kind of powerful inheritance that is similar to the evil soul master but different from the evil soul master, but now that I have re-cultivated as an adult, and you are controlled by him, only Atai and Xiao are left in the far north. Bai’s words would not be able to support the scene that was originally one of the largest gathering places for soul beasts.”

"Bing'er, please go and reply to that person on my behalf. As long as I can do it without damaging the foundation of the Far North, I will agree."

"And I don't want you to face all this alone."

The Ice Emperor nodded and transmitted what happened here, the Snow Emperor's reconstruction and the Snow Emperor's reply to Huo Yuhao through the power of the contract. Through the reverse summoning technique, Huo Yuhao directly summoned his spiritual incarnation along the power of the contract. Arriving at the Ice Emperor.

After Huo Yuhao's spiritual incarnation appeared, he frowned when he saw the Ice Emperor, who had only the soul power of the soul warrior beside the Ice Emperor, and the snow pill sealed by the snow lotus in her hand.

[It seems that mental simulation can only make calculations based on known information. It still does not have the ability to predict things that are not mentioned in the original work such as the Snow Emperor's transformation. 】

[In general, it can only be regarded as a big data algorithm that uses mental power, and it requires sufficient underlying logic and information to support it. 】

Huo Yuhao said: "Is this the Snow Emperor? I don't know how well you have considered my previous suggestions, but with your current strength after reconstruction, can you really provide me with enough help?"

The Snow Emperor said coldly: "Although I have rebuilt myself as a human being, I am different from the 10-year-old soul beast. After I have sealed and preserved all my original power, although I only have the cultivation level of a soul warrior, if I use the original power , I can still take three shots with my original strength."

"I just hope that you can treat Bing'er well. If you really become a god, I hope that you can fulfill your promise. If you have no hope of becoming a god in the end, I also hope that you can finally let Bing'er be free."

After hearing the Snow Emperor's reply, Huo Yuhao nodded and said: "Okay, but even so, I still hope to sign a contract with the Snow Emperor equal to the Ice Emperor. The Ten Thousand Years Xuan Ice Cave is of great importance, and I don't dare to It rests on your credibility.”

If someone dared to talk to Snow Emperor like this on ordinary days, Snow Emperor would naturally not give that person a good look. This was a challenge to his majesty as the ruler of the Far North!
It's just that now that the Snow Emperor has been reborn as a human, she has limited opportunities to attack with all her strength, and Huo Yuhao has come in the form of spiritual incarnation, so even if she attacks him now, she can't kill him.

In addition, the Ice Emperor has also concluded a master-slave contract with the other party, and the Ice Emperor has no power to resist under the other party's order. It can be said that two of the three giants in the Far North have been eliminated at this time, and the remaining Ice Bear King Alone with the Titan Snow Demon.

Now that Huo Yuhao is willing to sign a contract with him instead of directly controlling the Ice Emperor to kill him, it at least shows that in Huo Yuhao's view, the value of his life is far higher than the soul rings and soul bones born after death.

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(End of this chapter)

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