Chapter 61 Double Illusion
When the referee teacher saw both parties on stage and finished their exchange, he looked at the two of them and asked, "Are you all ready? If you are ready, let both parties use their first names."

"Beibei, fifth grade, level 42 attack type soul sect."

"Huo Yuhao, second grade, level 32 attack type soul master."

"Battle begins!"

As Beibei was possessed by his martial spirit, a faint dragon power spread out. He, a member of the Four Ring Soul Sect, could turn four parts of his body into a dragon after possessing his blue electric Tyrannosaurus dragon martial spirit.

The physical strength far exceeds that of the soul masters of the same level. The physical fitness of ordinary beast fighting soul masters at the soul king level may be comparable to him at this time.

However, due to Huo Yuhao's spiritual power breaking through to the Spiritual Abyss realm, and the ability to evolve and transform brought by the attached soul bone, even if the martial soul is not possessed, his physical strength is still very terrifying, not much worse than the current Beibei.

After being possessed by the Spirit Eye Martial Spirit, Huo Yuhao's one yellow, one purple and one black soul ring seemed a bit shocking in Beibei's eyes. After all, his soul ring ratio was the normal two yellow and two purple, and he had not yet reached Huo Yuhao's third soul. The ring is the extent of ten thousand years.

The first soul ring and the second soul ring lit up at the same time, and the third soul ring also lit up under the guise of true mimicry of the soul bone technique.

Beibei secretly thought something was wrong, and the fury of thunder exploded with all his strength, and then a huge thunder dragon head condensed in front of him. He concentrated all the soul power in his brain as much as possible, trying to protect his spiritual sea.

His response was very standard, and it was also the response strategy of a normal fighting soul master facing a normal spiritual soul master. Unfortunately, Huo Yuhao was not normal.

To be honest, Beibei's mental power is not weak. When he was in the fourth ring, his mental power had already reached the peak of the psychic realm and was close to the spiritual sea realm.

Huo Yuhao's soul power level is far beyond his current level.

However, the spiritual link will not be blocked by soul power, and it will not be resisted because the other party's spiritual power level is too high.

Not to mention that with the blessing of the will of the heart and the spiritual power of the Lingyuan realm, Beibei's soul power and spiritual power cannot be higher than Huo Yuhao's current stage.

Before Beibei could react, he felt as if something had stabbed him in the sea of ​​​​spirit, but it did not affect the battle. Then he directly controlled the thunder dragon head to hit Huo Yuhao.

At the same time, the thunder and lightning on his claws condensed into two huge dragon claws and dragon heads that formed a triangle and struck towards Huo Yuhao. He himself followed the thunderous dragon head with the help of his second soul skill, Thunderbolt, and struck towards Huo Yuhao.

But in fact, the so-called sting of the sea of ​​spirit, or the soul power consumed by the release of soul skills, are all half-truths and half-falseness. Under the control of mental mimicry and spiritual incarnation, Beibei's every move now is under Huo Yuhao's control. middle.

In the eyes of others, Beibei began to attack the ring crazily with his soul power. Every move was out of order and looked extremely chaotic.

In the mental mimicry, Beibei had a few drops of cold sweat on his forehead. He found that all his attacks would be easily dodged by Huo Yuhao at a very weird angle before they hit him.

I couldn't predict how Huo Yuhao would take every step. [How could this happen? Could it be that this is the Ghost Hidden Mystery? But he would definitely not have practiced the Ghost Hidden Mystery for more than a year. How could he reach such a terrifying level? 】

Beibei used all her strength to activate the Controlling Crane to Capture the Dragon and the Purple Demon Eyes, trying to use the soul power and eye power to see through Huo Yuhao's body or capture him.

But Huo Yuhao seemed to have predicted his actions. Purple light flashed in his eyes, and the energy in his hands to control the crane and capture the dragon continued to surge, canceling out Beibei's soul power.

Always slipping and not holding back, Beibei's mentality gradually began to change.

Of course it was impossible to catch him, even though Huo Yuhao did not practice the so-called Controlling Cranes and Capturing Dragons, Purple Demon Eyes or Ghost Hidden Traces.But now Beibei is completely competing with the air, so how can he really catch Huo Yuhao?

Not long after, under Beibei's indiscriminate bombardment, he felt that his soul power was greatly consumed, but he still could not catch Huo Yuhao. Looking at Tang Ya in the audience, Beibei looked a little pale.

He stood there, holding his breath and concentrating. After a moment, he sighed and said, "Yu Hao, I give up. I must have been affected by your first soul skill from the beginning."

Huo Yuhao's spiritual incarnation said: "Elder brother, how did you tell?"

At this time, everyone in the outside world looked at Huo Yuhao and Beibei standing quietly on the ring, wondering what they were doing.

"Xiaoya, you don't know Xiaoya, and you can't completely reproduce a real Xiaoya. Even if they behave exactly the same, I understand after I see her that she is not my Xiaoya."

"." Huo Yuhao was completely speechless when he heard this explanation. There is infinite love in the Emotional Douluo Continent, right?

"Forget it, in that case, let me try this."

Huo Yuhao's spiritual incarnation closed his eyes. The spiritual incarnation in the second spiritual sea was originally connected to Beibei's spiritual sea through spiritual links. Through spiritual detection and spiritual mimicry, it created a world with the surroundings based on the second spiritual sea. The exact same mental mimicry field.

But at this time in this illusion, Huo Yuhao's spiritual incarnation rebuilt a second spiritual mimicry field based on Beibei's spiritual sea through spiritual mimicry and tangible and intangible spiritual power levels.

Moreover, by pulling in Beibei and his spiritual incarnation, and by intercepting Beibei's mental power, Huo Yuhao recalled Beibei's mental memory to the moment before Beibei looked at Tang Ya.

Then the battle continued. When Beibei saw Tang Ya, he saw the affection and worry in her eyes, and his heart couldn't help but feel warm. However, Huo Yuhao, who was helpless despite his many tricks, finally said with a helpless smile.

"Junior brother, I admit defeat, you win this time."

Huo Yuhao nodded, and then the second mental mimicry field dissipated, and Beibei's memory resurfaced in the first mental mimicry field.

However, because the first mental mimicry field was constructed based on Huo Yuhao's spiritual sea, all the memories of Beibei's original mimicry in it were re-cut and seamlessly connected by the memories of Huo Yuhao and the second mental mimicry field.

Huo Yuhao saw Beibei's memory returned to its original state, and then released the first mental mimicry field, causing Beibei's consciousness to break away from the spiritual link and return to the body.

Beibei was stunned for a moment, then looked at the chaotic ring that was bombarded around him, and realized that he must have been affected by Huo Yuhao's mental confusion. He smiled bitterly again before admitting defeat and leaving.

Although after the battle, everyone who was defeated by Huo Yuhao's first soul skill knew that Huo Yuhao's first soul skill affected their judgment and caused them to fail.

But this is completely different from being directly seen through the first soul skill. If it is seen through, it will only be temporarily unsolvable, but it does not mean that it cannot be solved later.

It is only a matter of time before what has been seen is cracked.

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(End of this chapter)

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