Chapter 67 Core Selection

Huo Yuhao spent three days in the secret library without being disturbed.

It wasn't until after class on the fourth day in the afternoon that Moon quietly came to the confidential library: "Son, the core disciples of the outer courtyard have held a selection competition. Do you want to try it?"

Huo Yuhao waved his hand gently, and dozens of soul-power palms returned all the original books. The golden light in his eyes dissipated, and he looked at Munn and said: "It seems that the teacher wants me to go, otherwise the teacher will not do anything in this situation." You won’t come to me.”

Moon nodded: "This core disciple selection includes second to fifth grade, which may give you some insights. After all, most of the people you have faced before are ordinary students and disciples, and if you pass the selection, there will be A lot of benefits.”

Huo Yuhao stood up and said, "Teacher Naxing, where is the trial? Is it the Soul Fighting Arena?"

Mu En nodded, and then Huo Yuhao left the confidential library directly. Mu En looked at Huo Yuhao's leaving figure and couldn't help but sigh.

"Hey, this child is still too independent, but he always carries the golden wooden box given by Lord Poseidon with him. With Lord Poseidon's comfort, he should be just a good boy with a cold face and a kind heart."

As Huo Yuhao arrived in the Soul Fighting Area, 26 core disciples from second to fifth grade besides him had already arrived.

In addition to Beibei and Xu Sanshi, Huo Yuhao also felt that the soul power of another girl was higher than his own. That girl had a gentle temperament, a slightly sad look on her eyebrows, and a stunning appearance.At the same time, a chattering Xu Sanshi appeared next to her, who should be Jiang Nannan.

The soul powers of the other core disciples were all around level [-] to level [-]. Huo Yuhao also saw a few unlucky ones who had been branded with fear by him.

Not long after, a shaky body slowly walked over from a distance. Judging from the way he wobbled three times with each step, it seemed as if he might fall down at any time.

Isn't this person Xuanzi who got himself drunk again?Mr. Xuan wandered up to the students, raised his head with drunken eyes and said, "Xiao Wang."

Wang Yan quickly stepped forward and saluted respectfully: "Mr. Xuan."

"Is everyone here?" Elder Xuan asked.

Wang Yandao: "It's all here. There are 26 core disciples from the second to fifth grades of the Wuhun Department, and only one person from the Soul Guidance Department."

Xuanzi then staggered towards the center of the Soul Fighting Area. Unlike usual, the usually bustling Soul Fighting Area was empty. Presumably it was vacated in advance for this trial.

Mr. Xuan burped and said, "You guys, listen up. The content of the core disciple assessment you are about to accept is very simple."

"I call it a collective brawl. Within the scope of this fighting spirit area, you can attack at will and fight however you want. There are no rules."

"Those who admit defeat or are rescued will be considered eliminated. The last seven people left will be the winners. Okay, teachers, please go out. When I say start, you can start the fight."

Naturally, the teachers would not disobey Elder Xuan's order and leave the spirit fighting area one after another.

Before the students in the fighting spirit area could react, Elder Xuan suddenly raised the wine gourd in his hand and shouted, "Start."

With a "whoosh", Elder Xuan's body disappeared.In the fighting spirit field, there are only 27 core disciples of the outer court left.

All these changes were so sudden that most of the students were temporarily stunned the moment after Mr. Xuan started chanting.

Huo Yuhao directly entered the state of martial soul possession. The first soul ring, the second soul ring, and the third soul ring under his feet instantly lit up at the same time.

It seemed that everyone was being stared at by a pair of huge eyes. Then, all the students fell into the spiritual illusion created by Huo Yuhao, and all the students had different reactions.In a fantasy world.

In a big brawl involving dozens of people, everyone's first reaction was to recruit allies first. After all, there were seven people promoted.

In the spiritual link, it is equivalent to everyone sharing a huge spiritual illusion, and naturally there will be no delay.

Beibei, Xu Sanshi, and Jiang Nannan, the three four-ring soul sects, immediately joined forces to form a triangle formation. At the same time, they also attracted Wang Dong'er, Xiao Xiao and 'Huo Yuhao'.

Other third- and fourth-year students also formed their own groups.Naturally, the sisters Lan Susu and Lan Luoluo from Grade [-] Class [-] are still with Huang Chutian.

Wu Feng and Ning Tian formed a five-person group with Xie Huanyue, Dai Huabin, and Zhu Lu.

And He Caitou launched an indiscriminate covering attack on the entire audience.

But in a real spirit fighting arena.

I saw Huo Yuhao standing alone in the center of the field, while the people around him first gathered in groups, and then each of them fired their soul skills at their teammates. Because they were unprepared, more than a dozen people fell down almost at once, and only a few of them fell. It took a soul master with strong enough defense to survive.

And He Caitou's soul-guiding shells were all blasted towards his position. If it weren't for the defensive soul-guiding device he carried, he might have died on the spot.

Only a few students who did not actively attack or were too close to the attackers were not seriously injured.

Xuanzi was enjoying eating the chicken drumsticks, but he was shocked when he saw this. He dropped the drumsticks in his hands. Then a white light flashed in his hand, covering the students who were under attack, and moved them to the audience.

Upon seeing this, Huo Yuhao pretended to have exhausted too much soul power and looked pale as he lifted the mental illusion.

At this time, only Beibei, Xu Sanshi, Jiang Nannan, Wang Dong, Ning Tian, ​​Xiao Xiao, and Huo Yuhao were left on the stage. Among them, the last four people stayed on the stage because they were not injured, and the three in front relied on the Soul Sect. Their physical fitness withstood each other's attacks.

Beibei, Xu Sanshi, and Jiang Nannan were all shocked when they felt the injuries on their bodies. They didn't know when they were attacked.

Xu Sanshi was thrown to the ground and his body was covered in bruises. Beibei's cheeks seemed to be hit hard with bruises. Jiang Nannan's clothes were also scorched black by the thunder. She was the most seriously injured among the three. .

Xuanzi first checked the status of these students and found that no one was dead, but all were seriously injured. He hurriedly called the other teachers in the audience and asked them to go to the healing soul master to heal them first.

Huo Yuhao felt the new brand of fear and nodded with satisfaction, then looked at the other people on the battlefield. When Ning Tian saw Huo Yuhao's eyes looking at her, her legs weakened and she fell to the ground.

The corner of Beibei's mouth twitched: "No, Yuhao, there are only seven of us left now, so we shouldn't need to fight anymore, and the consumption of your soul skills should not be light."

After Xu Sanshi and Jiang Nannan heard this, they realized that it was Huo Yuhao who had done something before. They also put aside their contempt for this second-year student and became vigilant in their hearts.

Huo Yuhao didn't care. After all, as long as he couldn't see through the essence of the mental illusion, no matter how vigilant he was, it was useless. What was true was false, what was false was true, what was true was false, and what was false was true.

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(End of this chapter)

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