The Peerless Tang Sect’s Tianxin Douluo

Chapter 80 The attempt of fear branding, the debugging of the messenger of death is completed (5000

Chapter 80 The attempt of fear branding, the debugging of the messenger of death is completed (5000 words)
Xuanzi directly interrupted his speech and said: "I came here this time for the Heart of the Ocean. It concerns His Majesty the Sea God. I want to take it away directly now. As for the 6000 million, my Shrek Academy will definitely I won’t default on my debt.”

"It's just that I don't have so many gold soul coins on hand at the moment. You can just send someone to Shrek City's Treasure Pavilion to get it for yourself."

Star Luo Emperor Xu Jiawei gave a helpless smile and said: "Junior understands, I will take senior to get it now."

Xu Jiawei then took Xuanzi to a secret room, where the Heart of the Ocean was stored. After observing closely, Xuanzi's eyes lit up, and he could clearly feel that the Heart of the Ocean was similar to the aura of Poseidon Lake. .

He was very sure that this object should be the legacy of Poseidon Tang San. He nodded with satisfaction, stretched out his big hand and grabbed it directly, put it into the storage soul guide, and then the whole figure disappeared into the secret room.

Star Luo Emperor Xu Jiawei sighed helplessly, but facing Xuanzi, who was a level 98 super Douluo, and who came to ask for him in the name of Shrek Academy, there was naturally nothing he could do.

After all, it wasn't for free, it was just that he took it away without giving him the money. However, with Shrek's reputation, he would not default on the money, but what this old guy Xuanzi did was really uncomfortable.

Early the next morning, Xingluo Square.

Today is the [-]-to-[-] knockout round after the round robin of the competition. There will be four games every day and will be played over four days.There is no doubt that Shrek Academy, as the previous champion, will be the first to appear.Facing their strong opponents in this round, Dou Ling Empire's first academy with five soul kings, Dou Ling Royal Senior Soul Master Academy.

The format of the knockout round of the top [-] is that the first two days are team competitions, the next two days are individual competitions, and today is the team competition between Shrek Academy and Battle Spirit Royal Academy.

Huo Yuhao led others to the rest area. Compared to before, the rest area now seemed particularly empty, but the smell of gunpowder in it was getting stronger and stronger. After all, each of the sixteen teams now was a strong enemy.

At this time, the referee announced loudly: "Sixteen advanced to eight, the first match, Shrek Advanced Soul Master Academy vs. Dou Ling Royal Advanced Soul Master Academy, the players from both sides entered the waiting area to prepare for the game!"

"Players from both sides, please come on the field." Huo Yuhao was the first to stand up, while the others were half a body behind him. After all, Huo Yuhao's performance in the previous round-robin matches was really amazing, and he also bought valuable rest time for everyone at Shrek. .

Moreover, as the official captain, Ma Xiaotao originally had very complicated emotions when facing Huo Yuhao, so she did not fight for power in this matter.

Seven people file on stage.

On the other side, the members of Dou Ling Royal Advanced Soul Master Academy also walked to the stage.

Huo Yuhao stood at the front, followed by Ma Xiaotao and Wang Donger, Jiang Nannan and Ling Luochen a little behind, and Ning Tian and He Caitou stood at the end.

Because of what Huo Yuhao said in the conference room before, He Caitou was too embarrassed to cheat by asking others to prepare cigars in advance.

In the Dou Ling Royal Academy of Advanced Soul Masters, the person standing in front is a young man of about 20 years old. He has a large frame but is very thin. He is the captain of the Dou Ling Royal Academy, Zihuang Bamboo Soul King, Lone Bamboo sword.

His cheeks were a little shriveled, but his eyes were bright. He walked a few steps forward to the referee's side and said to Shrek Academy: "It's an honor to play against Shrek Academy. Please give me your advice."

Huo Yuhao didn't say anything polite to the opponent. He looked at the referee and asked, "Can we start now?"

The referee nodded and said: "Both sides retreat and prepare for the game." Today's referee looks to be over 60 years old, but compared to the previous referees, he has a calm demeanor and is obviously more advanced.

When the two sides retreated to the prescribed area, Shrek's formation remained unchanged, and those on the other side were Terrorclaw Bear Soul King Qian Yuan and King Kong Giant Shield Soul King Chi Hengyu.

Han Ling'er, the agility and attack type soul king, was hiding behind the two of them. At the same time, the two control type soul masters in the team, Xiao Feng and Qing Feng, stood on the two wings, protecting the Lone Bamboo Sword in the core position at the back and the last one. Tang Niuniu, the auxiliary soul master.

Huo Yuhao felt the obvious mental fluctuations coming from the opponent's control system soul master Xiaofeng, and smiled slightly. The opponent's Guzhu Sword saw the smile on the corner of Huo Yuhao's mouth, and for some reason he felt a murmur in his heart.

Seeing that both sides were in place, the referee gestured to the captains of both sides and shouted: "The game begins." Before he could finish his words, the referee quickly left the playing field as if he had teleported.

The soul masters from both sides released their martial souls immediately. At this time, Huo Yuhao said coldly: "Just throw all your offensive abilities at the opponent's camp. There is no need to consider defense."

At this time, the audience in the audience were all marveling at Ma Xiaotao's Soul Emperor strength. Unexpectedly, they could see a powerful Soul Emperor under the age of 20 in the competition. Is this the foundation of Shrek Academy?

The Dou Ling Team seemed to be rushing for time. After the seven people released their martial souls, three of them actually used their soul skills immediately. Their soul rings flashed under their feet. On this wide competition stage, both sides There is a distance of [-] meters.

And soul skills that can span a hundred meters are rare at their level, and a large attack range generally means that the power is weakened.

Of course, people like Huo Yuhao who forcefully use their mental power to adjust their differences cannot be counted.

The three soul rings under Huo Yuhao's feet flashed, and he actually activated all his soul skills. Others in the audience watched this scene seriously. During this period, Huo Yuhao only revealed that the second soul skill was a mental one when he took action. means of attack.

And what are his first soul skill and second soul skill, and why can he actually activate three soul skills at the same time.

At this moment, everyone in Dou Ling Royal Academy seemed to be stunned on the spot.

With Ning Tian's blessing, Ma Xiaotao's soul ring flashed under her feet, and her third soul skill Phoenix Wings Sky Soaring, fourth soul skill Phoenix Sky Roaring Strike, and fifth soul skill Phoenix Piercing Cloud Strike were launched at the same time, turning into a meteor towards the opponent. Fly away quickly.

At the same time, He Caitou's soul guidance cannon also showed its ferocity for the first time, and a continuous barrage of soul guidance weapons was baptized towards the opponent.

However, the opponent has a soul king-level defensive soul mentor in the front row, and Chi Hengyu whose martial soul is a giant diamond shield. No one who is familiar with Dou Ling Royal Academy thinks that Shrek Academy's hasty attack can have any decisive impact. , looking expectantly.

But in the blink of an eye, Ma Xiaotao's fire phoenix had already rushed into the opponent's crowd, but Chi Hengyu, who had just used his soul skill, seemed to be stunned in place, and was kicked off the ring by Ma Xiaotao. And the effects of his soul skills were not activated.

"What's going on?" Upon seeing this, the instructor of Dou Ling Royal Academy slammed the table and stood up from his seat in the rest area.

And when Ma Xiaotao rushed into the opponent's crowd, the battle was over. This battle ended faster than anyone imagined, with the Phoenix Meteor Shower opening at full strength and the barrage of soul-guided cannonballs.

Before the referee could be shocked, he hurriedly stopped Ma Xiaotao's Phoenix Meteor Shower, directly preventing her from releasing her soul skills. At the same time, she blocked the barrage of soul guides. Shrek Academy won this team battle with an overwhelming advantage. victory.

The Douluo Royal Academy player who had been tricked was brought off the stage by the referee.

"What's going on?" Gu Zhujian, the captain of Dou Ling Royal Academy who was rescued from the stage, asked doubtfully, and then looked at his hand: "Where is the core of the thunder cannon? Didn't I remember taking it out? Why are we all on the stage? ???”

The other members of Dou Ling Royal Academy were also confused by Monk Zhang Er. Only Xiao Feng vaguely felt something and said, "I suspect that Huo Yuhao may have the same type of control method as me, but it is much stronger than mine."

"We may have fallen under his illusion from the beginning."

"What?" Gu Zhujian frowned: "He is just a soul king. We have five soul kings here. How did he do it? Ordinary soul emperors can't do it, right?"

Xiao Feng smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Then I don't know. Maybe it's Shrek Academy's secret method? Or something else. Anyway, I can confirm it now."

"Although that Huo Yuhao is said to be an attack-type soul master, and in the previous battles, he used powerful mental attacks to defeat his opponents, but I now know that compared to other attacks, his control ability is more powerful and invincible, at least I couldn’t see through it at all.”

The faces of several people in Dou Ling Royal Academy were extremely aggrieved. At this time, Lone Bamboo Sword frowned and said: "It seems that the spiritual defense soul guide we prepared before has not been triggered. Could it be that his control is not Will it be blocked like a spiritual attack?" "What kind of soul skill is this soul beast produced that is so powerful?"

Naturally, they didn't know that what Huo Yuhao showed was the result of the combination of four soul skills brought by the million-year-old soul beast Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, and it was also a dual illusion driven by the spiritual power of the Lingyuan realm.

Unless it is a soul guidance device that is completely targeted at any type of mental ability, such as a mental isolation helmet, it can be effective. A normal spiritual defense soul guidance device cannot recognize the mental link and mental detection as an attack on itself. Naturally, it will Will not trigger.

At this time, the spectators were completely silent. Such a game was really not enjoyable to watch. In just a moment, the people from Dou Ling Royal Academy were carried down without any resistance.

If everyone hadn't known that every college would go all out for this kind of competition for the sake of reputation, otherwise some people might have thought it was a fake match and shouted: "RNM, refund your money."

The teachers and students of the other participating teams frowned and began to analyze what methods Shrek Academy had used to achieve this effect. After finally analyzing it, they focused on Huo Yuhao, who seemed to consume the most. .

"Is this the trump card hidden by Shrek Academy? It's really interesting." Xiao Hongchen said in a deep voice in the rest area of ​​Sun Moon Royal Soul Guidance Academy. The original arrogance in his eyes had completely disappeared. He had already regarded Huo Yuhao as his younger brother. The year-old Soul Master has become his biggest opponent.

"Hey, hey, hey, Lao Lang, can you see what kind of abilities this kid is using?" Yu Tao asked the big-headed man beside him in a viewing area.

Lang Ya shook his head: "I feel that his ability must have used more than three soul skills. It is known that this kid's second soul skill is a spiritual attack, so this result must be caused by his first soul skill and his third soul skill." The cooperation of the three soul skills.”

"But two separate soul skills allow one soul master to control five soul kings and two soul sects. To be honest, I can't believe it. After all, no matter how powerful they are, they are only one hundred years and one ten thousand year soul ring."

"I suspect that he may have used some kind of secret technique or self-created soul skill, combined with the original soul skill to achieve this effect. At this stage of cultivation, I am far inferior to him now." Lang Ya said slowly He spoke.

Yu Tao's eyes lit up: "When will the sect master and the others arrive? This kid must be admitted to our noumenon sect, otherwise it would be such a waste to let him grow wild outside!"

Lang Ya said helplessly: "The sect master wanted to trace the whereabouts of the Ocean Heart, but in the end, the investigation revealed that it was actually people from Shrek Academy who took it away."

"I think the sect master may want to go to Shrek Academy, but I have already informed him, and he should come in the near future."

Two days later, the individual knockout competition started on time, because if you failed here, it would mean that you would not be able to qualify for the next competition. And since Shrek Academy had won the previous team battle, so in today's individual competition, as long as If you defeat three opponents, you will be considered as successfully qualifying for the quarterfinals.

This also means that Dou Ling Royal Academy must defeat seven people from Shrek Academy with three people to win the qualifying spot, so this time all of them are holding a breath in their hearts.

In the first individual knockout match, Huo Yuhao did not choose to play this time. Instead, Ma Xiaotao played, and the opponent was their captain Zihuang Bamboo Soul King and Lone Bamboo Sword.

Facing the Soul Emperor, Lone Bamboo Sword was defeated miserably and had no power to fight back.

The same is true for Qian Yuan and Chi Hengyu who will fight later.

In the audience, Huo Yuhao carefully observed the battle on the stage. Through the runes previously buried in Ma Xiaotao's body, he made Ma Xiaotao's shots a little heavier every time, beating all three people from the Dou Ling Royal Academy. seriously injured.

He did this not because of any sadism or anything like that, but he was trying to see if someone with his own fear brand defeated someone else, could he pass on the power of emotion by inducing the fear brand in his body? other people.

After these three rounds of attempts, except for the first failure due to lack of proficiency in the Lone Bamboo Sword, both Qian Yuan and Chi Hengyu were engraved with the fear of Huo Yuhao because they were defeated by Ma Xiaotao, and Huo Yuhao could feel it.

This kind of fear brand is the same as the fear brand planted in the subconscious. It will not be exposed until it is activated by soul skills, and the holder will remain as usual.

But subconsciously, it will also emit a steady stream of emotional power to supply itself.

In the past few days, Hei Yuhao has also come to the end of debugging the Death Messenger. In this way, he can directly imprint the fear mark on others through the Death Messenger, without having to activate the soul skills himself to induce it.

Security is even higher than before.

In the next eight-to-four match, Huo Yuhao and the others drew a team that was not very strong. It is said that they advanced because they met the Zhengtian team that Huo Yuhao had previously defeated.

In order to help Hei Yuhao debug the Death Messenger, Huo Yuhao did not participate in the individual or team competition this time. Now the Death Messenger has been basically debugged and can be released at any time.

But because of Ma Xiaotao, Huo Yuhao could feel a few more strands of fear connected to his fear brand.

After more than half a month of training, Huo Yuhao's spiritual eyes and soul power have been improved by another level, and now he is not particularly far away from the Soul Sect.

After these few games, the evil fire in Ma Xiaotao's body has increased a lot. However, due to the runes set by Huo Yuhao, it has not appeared for the time being, but it has almost reached a critical point.

Huo Yuhao didn't immediately go to look at it for her, because when Huo Yuhao saw the Heart of the Ocean in the auction house before, he couldn't help but feel a little vigilant in his heart. What exactly did Tang San want to do now? He always felt that Tang San seemed to have another problem now. Planning something.

Today's Shrek Academy has basically lost its greatest value to Huo Yuhao. Only the Golden Tree has some subtle influence on it. Huo Yuhao will use the Death Messenger to make a big splash in this competition.

So during this period, Huo Yuhao was thinking and deducing where it would be better to develop if he left Shrek Academy, so he didn't care about Ma Xiaotao's evil fire problem.

Time soon came to the morning of the semi-finals. Because Huo Yuhao was usually too withdrawn, except for Wang Donger who came to him from time to time, basically no one else came to him to discuss tactics or anything like that.

And because he seriously injured Dai Huabin before, others also had some estrangement towards him, but Huo Yuhao didn't care about this.

As soon as the Shrek Academy team appeared in Xingluo Square, it caused a roar of cheers.

From the beginning of the competition with more than a hundred teams, to the current top four.The competition has taken more than a month.

For the remaining four teams, each team only has two battles left at most. The moment of decisive victory has arrived, and the time of all-out fighting has also arrived.

The rest area has been remodeled, and there are only four areas left, and each team is far away from each other.

There was still nearly half an hour before the start of the game, and the members of the four teams had already arrived.

Occasional eye contact, sparks will burst out between the four teams. While the fighting spirit is high, the atmosphere in the rest area also becomes solemn, tense, and even a bit chilly.

On the first day of the semi-finals, team battles.

To everyone's surprise, a ten-meter-wide red carpet was laid from the direction of the Imperial City Gate to the front of the competition stage. With 10 minutes left before the draw, the Imperial City Palace Gate opened wide, and the Star Luo Empire Emperor Xu Jiawei strode out surrounded by palace guards and walked straight towards the competition stage.

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(End of this chapter)

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