The Peerless Tang Sect’s Tianxin Douluo

Chapter 86 The reaction of other forces after the competition (5000 words)

Chapter 86 The reaction of other forces after the competition (5000 words)
At this time, the Ice Emperor also got up and came to an ice lake in the core area of ​​​​the Far North. This place was the territory of the Snow Emperor. Unlike the outside world where dripping water turns into ice, the transparent water in this ice lake had ripples, but The temperature here is already at the level of extreme ice.

In the center of the ice lake is a small ice crystal island. The cold air exuding on it is a bit unbearable even for the Ice Emperor, who is the ultimate ice. After all, the ultimate ice also has layers. This place should be in the far north. The lowest temperature.

"Xue'er, Xue'er." The Ice Emperor gently called from the lake.

The Snow Emperor slowly walked out of the cave in the center of Iceland. At the same time, a beautiful girl who had a similar appearance to the Snow Emperor and the same cold temperament walked out of it.

Ice Emperor couldn't help but said with some doubts: "This Xue'er, who is this person? Why don't I feel the breath of the soul beast from her?"

The Snow Emperor sighed and began to speak slowly: "I was controlled by a human soul master when I transformed, so the Far North wanted to give birth to an ice and snow girl again to protect the Far North. peaceful."

"But because my original power still exists in my body and is still suppressed by the Conferred God Platform, there were some accidents in her birth and she was never able to take shape. In the end, the natural will of the far north transformed her into the form I had at that time. The appearance was used as a template, turning her into an existence similar to a transformed soul beast, but not a transformed soul beast."

"After she was born from the ice lotus, she named herself Su Tong. I only discovered her when I returned to Ice God Lake."

"Now because she and I each occupy a part of the Ice and Snow Girl's personality, half of my original power was divided when I came into contact with her. But fortunately, with the Ten Thousand Years of Mysterious Ice Essence, for It won’t have much impact on my future cultivation.”

When the Ice Emperor heard this, he froze on the spot and said in a panic: "Why, how could this happen? That boy Huo Yuhao came just now and said that he wanted us to be ready to take action at any time. He might summon us at any time. Xueer, will your current situation have any impact?"

"It doesn't matter. It won't be a big deal if it's just for a short time. And after I came back this time, I found that with the birth of Su Tong, an energy core condensed in the Ice God Lake. I named it the Ice God's Heart."

The Snow Emperor tapped his fingers, and a gem-like being floated in the air from the lake. It was only about the size of a dragon's eye, in the shape of a water drop, with countless small facets on it, and its entire body was ice blue.

"This should be the crystallization of the Far North for millions of years. As long as it is there, the original power that I originally consumed after returning to Ice God Lake can be replenished, so it doesn't matter. It's just because of the original power. I just share the power with Su Tong, so I can't return to my previous cultivation level."

Ice Emperor looked at the crystal, and a surge of extreme desire and reverence arose in her heart. She suppressed these emotions forcibly and said with some doubts: "Is this really such a coincidence? But will this affect the extreme situation?" The Origin of the Northern Land"

"It stands to reason that such super-standard things shouldn't appear in the world at all, right?"

The Snow Emperor shook his head and said, "I don't know either, but all the unique changes here started to happen after Huo Yuhao arrived."

“Whether it’s good or bad, we can only continue to walk with him, whether it’s because his fate has implicated us, or because the Far North felt threatened by him and spontaneously wanted to resist. "

"Now that both of us are loyal to him, the only one who is likely to resist is Su Tong. Artest and Xiaobai's strength and potential are not qualified."

"I decided to let Su Tong grow up and gain some strength before heading to the human world. In her current situation, even the Ultimate Douluo can't see her specialness."

"And after meeting that human soul master, I felt that the soul guide would be the place where humans could completely widen the gap with soul beasts. I was going to send her to the neighboring Sun and Moon Empire. I heard about the origin of that human soul master. It’s from the Sun and Moon Empire.”

The Snow Emperor touched Su Tong's head: "We have to find a way to leave one or two sparks of fire in the Far North. Hey, always prepare for the worst."

The Ice Emperor nodded: "Then I will go back first. I still can't stand the temperature here. Unlike you ice and snow girls, who can be favored by the far north, this cold air can only benefit you."

Watching the Ice Emperor's retreating figure, the Snow Emperor and Su Tong also returned to the cave in Iceland. At this time, a parallel lotus flower in the Ice God Lake was swaying slowly in the water.

At this time, let us pull back the time, one and a half months ago.

This time, the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition finally ended hastily. Shrek Academy lost two powerful players, Huo Yuhao and Ma Xiaotao, to participate in the finals after Xu Jiawei recovered.

The strong rise of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Tool Academy successfully defeated Shrek Academy and won the championship of this continent's advanced soul master academy soul fighting competition, which also severely pushed Shrek Academy into the quagmire.

After that, Wang Yan and Xuanzi naturally spoke and expressed the greatness of the Shrek Inner Court Supervisory Team as the mainland police. Even the students who were preparing to participate in the competition were killed and injured because of their dedication to the people, so they finally prepared. The team members lost to the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Tool Academy when they participated in the battle.

Naturally, they would not say that neither the casualties of the official team members nor the disappearances of Ma Xiaotao and Huo Yuhao were caused by the negligence of a certain Taotie Douluo.

Star Luo Emperor Xu Jiawei naturally expressed his deep condolences to him, and looked with some schadenfreude at the White Tiger Duke Dai Hao who looked very ugly but still managed to force a smile.

After all, his two direct sons have now been confirmed dead. Even though the evil-eyed white tiger and the ghost civet cat still secretly covet the throne of the Star Luo Empire, their biggest threat has been lost.

It is impossible for Dai Hao's other collateral descendants to integrate the power of the White Tiger Duke's Palace and the Netherworld Duke's Palace. At least for the past 20 years, his throne can rest easy.

Moreover, Dai Hao had to show a righteous and awe-inspiring attitude towards this, as if he, the White Tiger lineage, was born to sacrifice his life and blood for Shrek Academy. Everything was what his two sons should do, and he did not dare to pursue Shrek at all. Responsibilities of the College.

But the people actually didn't buy much of what Wang Yan and Xuanzi said. Most of them were not high-level soul masters. Naturally, they didn't know the value of Shrek Academy's Super Douluo and Ultimate Douluo, and most of them had almost no contact with them. Except for the evil soul masters in Xingluo City, this is the moment when they are closest to the evil soul masters.

All they knew was that Shrek Academy had lost. Their money to buy Shrek Academy's victory was in vain. They had suffered actual loss of profits, and Shrek Academy, which had won multiple championships in a row, had fallen from the altar.

All these, coupled with the fact that the evil soul master in Star Luo City acted wantonly and the level 98 powerhouse Taotie Douluo from Shrek Academy did nothing at all, resulted in the prestige of Shrek Academy that had been accumulated for thousands of years suddenly plummeting. .

At this time, Tang San, who was in the God Realm, due to the time gap between the mortal world and the God Realm, had not yet felt that the foundation stone of his divine throne, which was originally famous in the continent, was gradually beginning to show cracks. He was having a great time fighting with the God King of Destruction.

At this time, Shrek Academy, Poseidon Lake, Poseidon Pavilion.

Moon looked at Xuanzi with a gloomy expression.

Xuanzi lowered his head at this time. There were no other Su Lao present, only him and Mu En.

"So, you lost both Yuhao and Xiaotao to me? And you didn't do anything about the evil soul master's atrocities in Xingluo City?" A breath of Ultimate Douluo rushed towards his face, and even Xuanzi felt it. pressure.

"Uncle Master, I'm a member of the Noumenon Sect, but they don't follow martial ethics!" Xuanzi began to quibble. In fact, he didn't use his brain at first. Seeing that the poisonous man invited him to fight, he followed him directly.

Where do you remember to take care of everyone in Shrek?As for the evil soul master who followed, the explosions were all over after the war in his brain cooled down.

Moon snorted coldly: "Then don't you know how important Yuhao is to us Shrek? Do you know that he is the person appointed by the Seagod Crown and will also be the next god on earth! With him in our midst Shrek can at least continue to inherit the glory and glory for thousands of years!"

"Now that you have lost him to me, was he taken away by the Evil Soul Master's people, or by the Noumenon Sect's people, and where was he taken? How should we find him?"

"Xiao Tao is also a bloodline of the Phoenix God, and is a once-in-a-century genius from Shrek Academy besides Yu Hao. I lost both of them at once. How do you ask me to forgive you? Huh?"

The more he spoke, the stronger the anger in Moon's heart became, and finally his aura burst out unabashedly. Xuanzi's legs weakened and he collapsed to the ground.

As Mu En vented his anger, he sighed silently in his heart. Now the Poseidon Crown has given him the Heart of the Poseidon, but Huo Yuhao has disappeared. The Noumenon Sect has been secretive for generations. If they took Huo Yuhao away, he would not be able to do it. Know where to start.And if the evil soul master took him away, would that be a good thing?Moon thought silently about those two old friends.

"Okay, don't sit here paralyzed. What do you look like? You can immediately take the members of the supervision team to inspect various countries. No matter what, you have to bring Yuhao and Xiaotao back to me!"

Xuanzi stood up quickly, swallowed his saliva and said, "Yes, little uncle."

"Also, have the title and wanted order for the evil soul master been drawn up?"

Xuanzi nodded and said: "We have preliminarily defined the evil soul master's acting style. He should be the same evil soul master as the evil soul master in Dragon City last time, and this time he should just send someone with a strength close to that of a titled Douluo. The puppet himself still hasn’t appeared.”

"Besides, we don't have any information about him. The title we proposed for him is Death Tide, because both times he attacked, he attacked with large-scale low-level undead creatures like a tidal wave."

"As for the wanted order, we have also issued it to all countries in mainland China."

Moon nodded and said: "I need any information. I don't have many chances to make a move. Before I leave, I must uproot this evil soul master! Otherwise, Shrek will definitely be a confidant to me." Serious trouble."

"Okay, Xuanzi, go ahead."

Xuanzi then hurriedly walked out, but he was relieved in his heart, but he was also a little worried. This continent is so big, where should he find it?Forget it, that's it for now, let's go have a drink first.

Moon felt his body weakening day by day and sighed silently [Xuanzi, Xuanzi, my time is running out. 】

Then he silently came to the secret room at the top of the Poseidon Pavilion to pray.

However, after hearing that the Son of Destiny was missing and that the Shrek Academy had only won the runner-up in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition, Poseidon Tang San was furious and cut off his prayers. While waiting for his anger to subside, Munn had already He died because of the hidden wounds on his body.

In the second-year dormitory building in the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy, Wang Donger collected his things and carried his luggage.

Looking at the dormitory where she had spent a year and Huo Yuhao's empty bed, the sadness in Wang Donger's heart had disappeared, leaving only perseverance. In her opinion, Shrek without Yuhao had nothing left. It's necessary.

And now Shrek's previous actions in the competition have made her understand that the Shrek today is no longer the Shrek she yearned for.

She just said to herself silently: 'No matter they are the Noumenon Sect or anyone else, I will definitely find your Yuhao. '

Then she turned around and left here. She was going to return to Haotian Sect. The current Shrek Academy could not give her any help.

She might as well return to the sect. Niu Tian and Tai Tai had previously told her that the Clear Sky Sect had a set of inherited soul bones that matched the Clear Sky Hammer.

Before, she absorbed the most easily absorbed leg bone in order to see Huo Yuhao as soon as possible.

But now she needs to have the power as soon as possible so that she can be qualified to see Yuhao. She also understands that Yuhao must be a highly valuable training target for the Noumenon Sect.

And according to Huo Yuhao's character, maybe he really doesn't care if he was forcibly taken away by the Noumenon Sect.

But, she cares.She already understood what she meant, but regretted not having time to convey it to Huo Yuhao. She was unwilling to let Huo Yuhao be taken away by others.

The next time they meet, she must have the power to retain Huo Yuhao.

The Sun and Moon Empire, the Demonic Forest, and the Holy Spirit Sect’s Main Altar.

In a dark room, on an altar, a girl with a fiery figure and a dark red dress was tied up with chains. She was sitting on her knees with her eyes closed. The air around her was slightly distorted. Look carefully at her surroundings. Burning with dark flames, it was just not that obvious in the dark environment.

Crow Douluo saluted respectfully to Zhong Liwu and said: "Cult Master, the saint has been emotionally unstable since she was brought back, and the control methods used within the cult seem to be unable to control her dark fire."

Zhong Liwu frowned at this scene, a little dissatisfied, and then said: "The prophecies of the Holy Religion will never go wrong. Have you talked to her?"

Hearing this, Crow Douluo's face was full of embarrassment, although his subordinates thought that the Holy Emperor would live forever, and the Saint would remain immortal forever. 'This sentence is regarded as truth, but Crow Douluo is a strong man close to Super Douluo, and his martial soul only has dark attributes.

It was only because of the unknown symbol of the Crow Martial Spirit that he was persecuted by others, and was later sought out by the Holy Spirit Cult to take him into his care. He was not a real evil Martial Spirit or an Evil Spirit Master, so in his opinion, the so-called return of the Holy Maiden still had to take place. Some brainwashing methods, after all, how else could people give up their original power affiliation and be willing to join the Holy Spirit Religion?
Zhong Liwu frowned and stepped forward to observe Ma Xiaotao. His subordinates had told him before that they were using the control methods he had passed down, but they were still unable to penetrate into Ma Xiaotao's soul and transform it.

Zhongliwu untied the chain that controlled Ma Xiaotao. Ma Xiaotao's body suddenly burst into flames, and flames all over his body attacked Zhongliwu. However, they were blocked by Zhongliwu's soul power. Zhongliwu noticed that Ma Xiaotao's He spoke with some clarity in his eyes.

"Your Excellency seems to have woken up. How about we sit down and talk about it." Zhong Liwu forced a smile and said that as the leader of the Holy Spirit Church, he believed in that somewhat ridiculous prophecy.

Because he had really seen the Holy Emperor, and the blood-red sword energy turned into a nightmare that could never go away in his dreams, and made him believe every prediction of the Holy Emperor with great piety. He firmly believes that when the prophecy is completed, he will also be able to ascend to heaven.

Ma Xiaotao actually woke up when she was brought to the Sun and Moon Empire. It was not because she suppressed the madness in her martial soul, but because that madness was transformed by the runes left by Huo Yuhao and was infused with the brand of fear. , nourishing the fear brand and runes.

Therefore, apart from the violence inspired by Wuhun in Ma Xiaotao's heart, only Huo Yuhao occupied the rest.

She is now extremely eager to go to Noumenon Sect to find Huo Yuhao, and she doesn't want to worry about the so-called Holy Spirit Sect and Shrek Academy.

Just as she listened to Zhong Liwu's words and was ready to continue attacking, her body froze in place.

Because from the sea of ​​her spirit, there came a voice that made her extremely fanatical and occupied her entire mind. That was Huo Yuhao's voice.

With the help of the fear brand and runes, Huo Yuhao linked part of his spiritual power to Ma Xiaotao.

Now that Ma Xiaotao is present, some of his plans for the Holy Spirit Sect can be put into effect.

As Huo Yuhao comforted Ma Xiaotao, her mind gradually calmed down, and the fire of darkness around her gradually subsided. She said coldly: "What do you want to talk about?"

Hearing this, Zhong Liwu breathed a sigh of relief. Since the other party was willing to communicate and did not shout directly, it meant that there was much to be done in the future.

"Miss Ma Xiaotao, with your current martial spirit, you can be said to be the enemy of everyone on the mainland. I hope to tell you about our heavenly father and savior, the Holy Emperor."

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(End of this chapter)

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