The Peerless Tang Sect’s Tianxin Douluo

Chapter 94: Memory ends, practice begins (4000 words)

Chapter 94: Memory ends, practice begins (4000 words)
The wrangling in the God Realm is always endless. Now that Tang San has ascended to the throne of God for the first time, Destruction is taking great care of him as a newcomer, but he doesn't know that this is inviting the wolf into the house.

Moreover, how can a person who cannot ascend to the gods compare to a divine law enforcer? Is it really possible that Tang San should be forced to spend his own divine power?Then the damage to the God Realm would be even greater.

At this time in the mortal world, Wu Mu was already seriously injured. He took the master of the original body sect and rushed overseas to the Martial God Island. He opened the stone chamber that had not been there for decades and told his legacy. After killing him, he gathered all the essence, blood and remaining spiritual thoughts in his body and turned them into a drop of divine blood and gave it to the other party.

At this time, Huo Yuhao's spiritual incarnation heard the first-generation Noumenon Douluo speak for the first time. Even though he was seriously injured and dying, his voice was still calm and powerful: "Leave this as the inheritance seed of my Noumenon Sect and leave it to future generations." people."

"Also, fuck God Shura! If future generations can fully read my life experience, future generations who are expected to become gods should remember to be careful of God Shura! If you have a chance, kill him for me!"

"Then this body of me can also be used as a treasure of heaven and earth for my disciples to absorb and refine. If you don't accumulate enough in the last step, then use this body of me!"

The spiritual incarnation could feel the deep anger and helplessness in these words, but in the end, its remnants of reluctance slowly dissipated. After the spiritual illusion was lifted, the spiritual incarnation broke away and told what he saw and heard. Huo Yuhao.

Naturally, it also contains some insights and secret techniques gained from the first generation Douluo. Huo Yuhao sealed them all in his mind like Electrolux's memories and waited for them to be slowly absorbed.

After all, taking in such a huge memory all at once would cause big trouble.

Moreover, Huo Yuhao could feel that only [-]% of these memories were consistent with what Du Bushu said about the first generation Douluo. However, according to the other party's final intention, it is indeed unlikely that most people would be in the fourth and fifth rings. This stage absorbs its vast memory.

It is more likely that after only recording some vague memories, the character of the first-generation Douluo in these memories will be infected, affecting some of his own behavior style, but overall, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

Moreover, in addition to the secret skills and insights from nearly ten thousand years ago, Huo Yuhao also obtained information about a mysterious alien space from the memory of the first-generation Douluo. Different dimensions can be said to be self-explanatory.

And for Huo Yuhao, who has mastered the undead magic in Electrolux's memory, there is no reason to let go of the Dragon Valley. As for the remnant soul of the Dragon God in it, he naturally has a way to deal with it.

The insights gained from experiencing the life of the first-generation Douluo also told Huo Yuhao, which made him abandon the idea of ​​pursuing the unity of nature and man. He could not abandon the power of his soul for the so-called unity of nature and man. For him, How can the so-called unity of man and nature compare to the integrity of the self?
Thirty days had passed since he walked out of the stone chamber. With the help of the strong soul power emanating from the body of the first generation Douluo after his death in the secret room, he successfully completed the first and second stages of the secret method of the body under its nourishment. Practice.

Huo Yuhao stepped out of the stone door. Accompanied by the martial spirit, in addition to the faint blue light brought by the spiritual martial spirit, his body was also covered with a faint golden luster. It was obvious that he had successfully integrated part of the golden light and shadow.

At the same time, the colors of the four soul rings under his feet also changed to purple and black. With the help of the spiritual energy in the stone chamber, Huo Yuhao had completed the second stage of refining and amplifying the four soul rings.

Moreover, the current achievement does not use the original power of Tianmeng Ice Silkworm, and the saved original power can be used in other places.

When Du BuShu saw this, some relief flashed in his eyes, but he still spoke: "Damn it, why did it take you so long to come out? How about it? Do you feel any different from before?"

Huo Yuhao directly punched Du BuShui. Upon seeing this, Du BuShui's eyes narrowed. His green soul power covered his body, and he parried the attack. At the same time, a ray of Du BuShui's soul power bounced back from where he was attacked. But it fell into the void.

At the same time, Du Buushi felt that his spiritual sea was slightly shaken. At this time, Huo Yuhao's body did not show any abnormalities, whether it was soul power fluctuations or soul rings.

"I can feel that I can freely display some abilities that originally required fine control without the need to subjectively mobilize my power." Huo Yuhao said.

Then Huo Yuhao disappeared directly in front of Du Busui, came behind him and struck out with a whip kick, but Du Busui blocked it again, and then there were all the fist shadows and leg shadows in the sky hitting Du Bushui. Almost all of these attacks were Arriving at the same time, or in other words, attacking as soon as the thought comes.

Even the poisonous parry became more and more difficult to block all the attacks. He saw that his body was completely covered with a layer of turquoise soul power, and then he yelled: "Damn it, you are addicted to fighting, aren't you?" ?”

Upon seeing this, Huo Yuhao put away his martial spirit and stood in front of Du Bushit, pretending to be honest.

Seeing this, Du Bushu scratched his bald head and said: "Damn it, you boy is not much different from the soul saint who has the martial soul's true body now. I feel that the ordinary martial soul's true body may not be that different." Your strength is strong now, and maybe you can look forward to the third stage of training in the secret method after you possess the martial soul in your seventh ring."

"Okay, my good disciple, now that you have completed the first two stages of training." Du Bushu showed a dangerous smile and said: "It's time for us to start a new stage of training. After you reach level [-] Soul Saint I will send you to another continent."

"I will accompany you well in the past few years. You should also accompany me to hone your skills in this Martial God Island. Nowadays, the ordinary ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts may not pose a threat to you."

"I will give you a small task today. In the sea, you can only use physical strength to hunt down a sea soul beast that is more than ten thousand years old every day. Although I know that you are a spiritual soul master, your kid's mental ability has been developed. I don’t need to worry about it anymore, I just need to make sure that you don’t have any shortcomings in close combat.”

"And with your current physical fitness, it is not difficult to do this. I have actually tested everything." Huo Yuhao nodded, and then swam away from the underwater entrance of the cave. At this time, accompanied by In true mimicry, he has also simulated the appearance of an ordinary-looking soul master. His mental power spreads out like a network, filling the surrounding sea area. However, after searching for a long time in the offshore area, he could only find some thousand-year-old or century-old sea soul beasts. The ethnic group is active.

[Want to continue going deeper? ] Huo Yuhao was thoughtful, and then after taking a breath on the sea surface, he turned the mental detection network into a straight line, which went ten thousand meters deep into the sea. Then he directly turned his body into a spirit body, disintegrated himself, and projected it into the spirit The end of the probe is reconstructed.

However, after the huge water pressure suppressed Huo Yuhao's body, due to the characteristics of the spirit body, Huo Yuhao's energy, blood, spirit, and soul power were integrated without any defects, and did not have much impact on Huo Yuhao.

Later, as the mental detection network was rolled out again, Huo Yuhao discovered that the number of soul beasts around him was very few, but all of them exuded powerful auras. They were at least 5 years old. He even felt an extremely dangerous force in a certain direction. The aura may also be a ferocious beast that is more than 10 years old.

Huo Yuhao frowned and went upstream. Although Ten Thousand Meters was indeed a common habitat for ten-thousand-year-level sea soul beasts, for him who could only use his physical ability to fight, he felt that he had not been able to quickly solve these problems. A sea soul beast that is over 5 years old.

When Huo Yuhao floated to 6000 meters, Huo Yuhao could feel the aura of a large number of thousand-year soul beasts mixed with ten-thousand-year soul beasts in the surrounding sea area. The sea soul beasts at this water level were basically in groups. The population is different from the soul beasts that generally live alone in the ten thousand meters deep sea.

And because of the ecological problems here, Huo Yuhao couldn't find any ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts living alone after scanning the area. In this case, Huo Yuhao used his mental power to lock a group of 3-year-old bloodthirsty sharks and two ten-thousand-year-old sharks. The thousand-year soul beast shark group led by the soul beast swam directly towards them.

Because they did not cover their own aura, the group of sharks quickly discovered Huo Yuhao and felt the murderous intent on Huo Yuhao's body. This was considered to be the dominant group of sharks in this water area. A naked provocation.

Feeling the aura of soul power on Huo Yuhao's body that was close to that of a ten-thousand-year soul beast, the group of sharks also swam in the direction of Huo Yuhao. The first group of sharks was the three ten-thousand-year soul beasts.

As the two sides quickly approached, the three thousand-year soul beasts began to attack Huo Yuhao separately. The three of them were seen circling around Huo Yuhao. At the same time, as other thousand-year soul beast sharks joined, They gradually carried the ocean currents and formed a tornado.

This seaspout was mixed with attacks formed by the soul skills of various shark soul beasts, which would attack Huo Yuhao from time to time to harass him. Huo Yuhao made the most of his mental survey and attached his soul power to his body to deflect it again. After being penetrated into the seaspout, those uncontrollable soul skills continued to be wrapped up in the seaspout.

And as the three sharks controlled the seaspout to slowly compress, the area where Huo Yuhao could move became smaller and smaller.

But Huo Yuhao was unmoved. If he could use his mental power, this kind of seaspout would not be activated at all in front of him. But now he has figured out how to deal with them without using his mental power. Now He is just testing what he can do now.

I saw that the seaspout was compressed smaller and smaller, and its power became more and more powerful. Until the moving space in the middle was no longer less than one cubic meter, two thousand-year-old shark-like soul beasts were moving up and down towards Huo Yuhao at the upper and lower places in the center of the seaspout vortex. When he bit it, his teeth shone with a sea-blue luster, which was obviously a melee-type innate soul skill.

At the same time, behind Huo Yuhao, the 3-year-old bloodthirsty shark with the strongest cultivation level spat out a violent stream of blood. If you look carefully, it was densely packed with soul power composed of soul power like a small bloodthirsty shark. shark.

Huo Yuhao is now blocked from top to bottom, and his retreat is blocked by bloodthirsty sharks.

"Do you think you are the only one who can control the ocean currents?" Huo Yuhao's body glowed with a layer of golden light, and his soul power turned into thousands of threads and tentacles that spread out, as if they were extremely sticky, and then his body quickly became smooth. Rotating in the direction of the seaspout, the sea currents touched by its soul tentacles also began to be controlled by it on a large scale.

And those soul beast sharks in the seaspout were shocked to find that they could no longer interrupt the effect of the seaspout freely. They were also bound by the seaspout and were not allowed to leave, and the soul skills in the seaspout also began to follow Huo Yuhao's. The movement accelerated, rotated and pulled.

The soul skills played by the bloodthirsty shark were also 'glued' into the seaspout by Huo Yuhao's soul power. Because the soul beast sharks could not keep up with the increasingly faster seaspout, they were entangled by the soul skills and ocean currents. covered with bruises.

The same is true for the ten-thousand-year bloodthirsty sharks inside. Their blood dyed the seaspout exceptionally bright red, and they were seriously injured. The two ten-thousand-year soul beasts above and below were unable to escape from the cage transformed by the ocean current. , unable to continue swimming with the seaspout, was directly strangled to pieces by various soul skills in it.

After a while, the seaspout dissipated, and then there were only soul rings and bones left everywhere, proving that the shark swarm once existed.

During Huo Yuhao's mental detection, he also discovered that countless sea spirit beasts were attracted by the smell of blood here. There were about dozens of ten thousand year old spirit beasts, including a deep sea shark that was about 7 years old.

Huo Yuhao frowned slightly, and understood why Du Bushu set up this test. He wanted to quickly deal with a large number of enemies with different abilities, without causing too much noise, and he had just been addicted to it. He didn't pay attention to the combat skills he obtained from the memory of the original Douluo Wumu when experimenting.

But now he had to get out of this situation first. Compared to the group of sharks that had been strangled to pieces and inedible, whether it was their hatred for human soul masters or their covetousness for Huo Yuhao's body, these sea soul beasts immediately killed them. Huo Yuhao regarded him as his most hated enemy.

Upon seeing this, Huo Yuhao swam quickly towards the sea below. According to his observation, most of these spirit beasts can only live between 3000 meters and 6000 meters in the deep sea. After he dives to [-] meters in the deep sea, he can chase them down. It is estimated that there are only a few shark-like ten thousand year soul beasts.

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(End of this chapter)

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