The Peerless Tang Sect’s Tianxin Douluo

Chapter 96 Entering the Dragon Valley and preparing to plunder the Dragon Valley (4000 words)

Chapter 96 Entering the Dragon Valley and preparing to plunder the Dragon Valley (4000 words)
At this time, the soul sect was cultivating. After Huo Yuhao's spiritual incarnation entered, there was a mental shock, fear brand and three consecutive mental control attacks, and then he left here.

The soul sect turned into Huo Yuhao's lackey after being in a trance for a while. In the past half a month, such things were still happening in every corner of the city. The spiritual incarnation seemed to have turned into a ruthless mental shock machine. Anyone who has some potential to enter the Dragon Valley will be his target.

For more than half a month, thirty disciples sent by major forces were marked and controlled by Huo Yuhao. There were also fifty or sixty individual disciples who were discovered by Huo Yuhao that they were interested in Dragon Valley, and Huo Yuhao found opportunities to control them. .

Early in the morning, Huo Yuhao activated True Mimicry and took on the appearance of the soul sect and followed the team of this force to the location of Dragon Valley. The journey was uneventful. After all, the aboriginal people here are very familiar with it after thousands of years of experience. , there were no accidents, and almost [-]% of the people who could enter the Dragon Valley were controlled by Huo Yuhao.

As Huo Yuhao followed the mighty army to the Dragon Valley, he found that in addition to the 30 people holding the Dragon Balls, there were also many unaffiliated individuals who had no power affiliation and were coming to participate in the opening of the Dragon Valley. There were about a hundred people.

You must know that today's Dragon Valley is no different than during the Legend of the Dragon King. It has not experienced so much exploration and excavation. It is still full of dangers. Moreover, all major forces will hide the information they have explored, so the major forces will conceal the information. Individuals from all walks of life were also attracted to enter the Dragon Valley.

Without special means to escape, there is a high probability that the outcome waiting for these people is to die in the Dragon Valley after encountering danger. Of course, there will also be a few lucky people who accidentally break through the level [-] level.

Or when the space rift closed, he left this place with the opportunity obtained from the Dragon Valley and took advantage of the situation to rise, just like the current Contra City Lord.

Then a new legend was left on this continent, allowing uninformed people to talk about it and hope that they would become a person in this legend in the future. However, no one still remembers those who were buried in the Dragon Valley. The dead bones who will succeed in winning the battle with ten thousand dead bones.

Under the leadership of the city lord of this city called Watch City, the teams of the major forces stopped at the foot of the mountain, and the people who were preparing to enter Dragon Valley were taken to the top of a high mountain.

As the plants here began to decrease, the altitude was at least above 2000 meters, and there was faint snow on the ground, and the temperature also dropped significantly.

Then I saw the city lord named Long walking to the edge of the cliff at the top of the mountain. A surge of soul power suddenly burst out from his body, and circles of soul rings also climbed up.

Yellow, yellow, yellow, purple, purple, purple, black, black, the eight soul rings rose up and then shone at the same time. A circle of white halo of soul power waves was seen rippling from his body, faintly beneath his feet. Lines of light appeared quietly.

These light patterns are very complex and magnificent, a bit like the soul guidance array, but they look more primitive, giving people a feeling of simplicity and vicissitudes of life.

Huo Yuhao didn't know if it would be useful, so he immediately used his mental power to burn it down and prepare to study it later.

As these light patterns spread outward, they soon expanded to a hundred meters in diameter. The light patterns were filled with mist, and the aura became stronger and stronger. The fluctuations in the soul power of the city lord continued to increase. He seemed to be using Use your own soul power to activate the light patterns under your feet.

His face was flushed, as if he had used some special secret method to increase his soul power. Huo Yuhao felt that the energy and blood in his body seemed to be burning, and with every ripple of the white halo, the city lord's face turned pale. point.

Then I saw the city lord activated his martial spirit true form, and he transformed into a huge ten-meter-long crimson flying dragon. With a dragon roar of "Ang!" bursting out from his mouth, white light patterns rippled on the ground. Suddenly it becomes violent, white rises, and the halo flow transforms into seven colors.

It turned into a beam of light and soared into the sky. As the sky was torn apart by the beam of light, the seven-colored light spread outward, revealing a huge gap.

"When you encounter an irresistible crisis in the Dragon Valley, activate the dragon ball and you will be teleported out on its own and start entering!"

The city lord shouted loudly, and then everyone rushed in impatiently, and Huo Yuhao naturally became a member of the crowd.

Huo Yuhao felt his eyes go dark, and then the world began to spin. Everything around him became blurred, and there was a sense of space distortion. After Huo Yuhao opened the wall of heart, he felt that chaos and dizziness suddenly disappeared. Disappeared.

Not long afterward, he felt his eyes light up, and then he fell downwards like a free fall. Around him, he could also see dots of soul masters falling from the sky. It can be said that most of the first and second rings were wiped out in this level alone. A ring spirit master.

Huo Yuhao found that his soul power was not restricted by the laws of space here. Perhaps it was because the ability of the wall of the heart and the mind of the heart could still be used normally, which isolated him from contact with the outside space. Although it was different from what he had originally imagined. The deviation was just for the better. Originally, he had imagined that there was a high probability that the power of faith could be used normally but the soul power could not be used.

After landing, Huo Yuhao was not in a hurry to explore. Instead, he tried to use the power of faith instead of soul power to perform undead magic and convene a teleportation array.

In this space, although the space was not stable, Huo Yuhao still successfully opened the Door of the Dead, and then Huo Yuhao closed it again, feeling that the loss of the power of faith in his body was not too much.

And even in the Dragon Valley space, Huo Yuhao can feel that the fear emotions from the people outside who are branded by his fear are constantly feeding him to replenish his losses, and Huo Yuhao can feel the people in the secret realm who are under his control. Every move of the soul masters.

[Now that the soul power can be used, it will be much easier. 】

The space in Dragon Valley is not stable. Even soul power fluctuations above level [-] will cause this place to actively exclude them to avoid damaging the origin of the small world.

The Dragon Balls took advantage of this and used excessive soul power fluctuations to cause the space here to exclude the holder.

Huo Yuhao did not absorb Long Yun or challenge the dragon soul like others. He first gave an order to the soul masters controlled by him through mind control, directing them to hunt down all the souls that had not been controlled by Huo Yuhao's mind. division.

Then he began to use his footsteps to measure the size of the entire Dragon Valley boundary, and at the same time used the knowledge and magic about space in Electrolux's memory to block and erode the boundaries of the small world space here.

He came here this time to let this unstable small world be swallowed up by the demiplane of the undead, so as to help the demiplane of the undead evolve and plunder the treasures contained in it.You must know that for a necromancer, the dragon souls and dragon bones buried in the Dragon Valley are unparalleled top materials. No necromancer has ever fought such a rich battle. Huo Yuhao had already planned a shocking idea in his heart.

And after Huo Yuhao watched the memories of the first-generation Douluo and compared them with Huo Yuhao's own memories of his previous life, he probably understood that this place should be part of the former Dragon God Realm, and it was also the one that suffered the most serious damage during the war between the dragon clan and the gods. The place.

Originally, this place should have been a complete plane or part of the world. It was not until the end of the God War that it was shattered by the aftermath of the battle between the gods and the dragons and fell into the Douluo Star.

Even this continent may be the broken pieces, but they are more stable. Moreover, the formation of Dragon Valley here may also be because the souls and bones of the dragons in it were subconsciously gathered by the remnants of the Dragon God. , and was later surrounded by the bones of the Utilizing Mountain Dragon King and preserved here.

The true spirit of the Bright Dragon King is also hidden here. Although he can't go out and make any big moves, he should be able to restrain his aura and hide the small world.

What Huo Yuhao needs to do now is to sort out the space of this small world through magic, integrate and drain out the completely broken and extremely unstable space, and connect and sew the remaining intact parts with the demiplane of the undead as much as possible. , and then borrowed the power of the demiplane of the undead to gradually erode and devour it.

This is a big project that cannot be completed within a year and a half.

Huo Yuhao always activated the disguise of the wall of the heart and the true mimicry to prevent his whereabouts from being exposed to anyone here, as he gradually sorted out the space bit by bit.

Huo Yuhao began to control the soul masters under his control to cooperate in a planned way to seduce the dragon souls and dragon clouds with different attributes to the designated area he had set. As time passed, those people were all attracted to this space. Gradually they were excluded.

Until one day, Huo Yuhao felt that he was also rejected by the world. He knew that the Dragon Tomb was about to be closed. He saw Huo Yuhao's body being connected with formations one after another, and a piece of land turned into gray under the power of these formations. The dead place exudes bursts of deathly aura.

At this time, only four-fifths of the land in Dragon Valley was left, and one-fifth of the broken space was sorted out by Huo Yuhao through magical adjustments. The magic circle below has also successfully connected with the demiplane of the undead.

As this part of the area is eaten away by the demiplane of the undead, Huo Yuhao standing here will no longer be affected by the space laws of Dragon Valley itself, and the space power that originally rejected Huo Yuhao gradually disappeared as if it had lost its target. .

After waiting for the space fluctuation to pass, Huo Yuhao walked out of the gray area, feeling that there was no more movement in the space. He continued to walk alone on the land of Dragon Valley. This time Huo Yuhao wanted to walk all over the Dragon Valley. Every land.

Every land he passed through would be left with a subtle and hard-to-detect mark of a black formation node. It took Huo Yuhao a whole year just to walk through the entire Dragon Valley and burn the formation.

If there were not sufficient fear from the outside world to replenish the power Huo Yuhao spent setting up the formations, this time would have been countless times slower. After the formations were completed, Huo Yuhao did not activate these formations immediately, but relied on every The formation techniques all have the characteristics of the residual mental power of their own.

He used these formations to travel through every corner of the Dragon Valley, but all the dragon clouds and dragon souls that existed in the Dragon Valley would be engraved with a brand of fear using his mental power. Targeting these people without consciousness and self Long Yun and Dragon Soul, Huo Yuhao needs to exert the power of faith every time to imprint them.

And for these mindless beings, fear is an emotion they can never understand. It is difficult for Huo Yuhao to get any feedback of power from them, and it can only have a slight control effect on them.

But Huo Yuhao still did it because Long Yun and Dragon Soul were actually not Huo Yuhao's ultimate goals, and Huo Yuhao didn't like the so-called true dragon soul bone at all.

When Huo Yuhao came here, there were only two things he wanted to get from the beginning to the end. One was the huge space source power in the Dragon Valley space, and the other was the remnant soul of the Dragon God located in the core of the Dragon Valley.

The most noteworthy thing in the dragon tomb besides the remnant soul of the Dragon God is the true spirit of the Bright Dragon King. That guy is still well preserved under the nourishment of the dragon energy here, and is not on the same level as the Ice and Fire Dragon King.

However, Huo Yuhao used the will of his heart to isolate his aura, and he used magic that was completely different from the soul power. As long as he didn't absorb Long Yun, he wouldn't wake up that guy. After all, there were many human soul masters who came here in the past.

If he could attack and wake up unscrupulously, then as the Dragon King, he would definitely not be able to let human soul masters take away the remnants of the dragon clan's true dragons who died in battle so easily.

And if Huo Yuhao wanted to control the remnant soul of the Dragon God, he was neither a direct descendant of the Dragon Clan, nor Tang San's help to acquire the blood of the Golden Dragon King, nor was the Silver Dragon King born into the world, then Huo Yuhao would definitely need some extremely special means to do so. get.

In Huo Yuhao's view, although the dragons of the dragon clan all respect and believe in the leader and the only true god of their dragon clan, the Dragon God.

But Huo Yuhao could feel it from the moment he entered the Dragon Valley. Not all dragons were willing to die calmly without any resentment or regret. The dragon cloud was transformed by their pure power, and the dragon soul was their pride. Dragon Soul.

And their unwilling obsession and deep resentment have turned into every inch of land in this Dragon Valley, buried deep underground and never to see the light of day.

What Huo Yuhao has to do now is to use the control method of resentment in undead magic to mobilize them all.

It took another whole year for Huo Yuhao to carve the mark of fear on every dragon soul and dragon cloud in the Dragon Valley. Then Huo Yuhao carved ten huge marks on the ten space nodes at the border of the Dragon Valley. Array diagram.

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(End of this chapter)

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