The Peerless Tang Sect’s Tianxin Douluo

Chapter 99 Haotian Sect and Star Dou Forest (4000 words)

Chapter 99 Haotian Sect and Star Dou Forest (4000 words)
Sky Soul Empire, Clear Sky School.

Four years have passed since the last Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition. At this time, in the Haotian Castle, a girl with long straight pink-blue hair hanging down to her waist and a beautiful appearance was holding a huge Haotian Hammer. The martial spirit fell with a hammer, and several strong young men around him who also held hammer-like martial spirits were knocked to the ground by the powerful concussive force.

She saw six black soul rings flashing under her feet, and they were all ten-thousand-year-level soul rings.

This girl was Wang Donger who had left Shrek Academy and returned to the Haotian Sect. On the top of the Haotian Castle tower nearby, Niu Tian and Tai Tan both sighed when they saw this situation.

Tai Tan said anxiously: "Brother, are you really going to let Dong'er go down the mountain? She has now inherited five inherited soul bones from the Haotian Sect, and she has also passed that person's assessment. I'm afraid we can't find anyone to let her go. What’s her reason for staying in Haotian Sect?”

Niu Tian shook his head helplessly and said: "You know, this is not only what Dong'er means, but also what that person means. We can't stop it. The most we can do is to guard Dong'er silently, and these days That person's mood is getting more and more irritable, and you know that."

Suddenly, Tai Tan's eyes lit up and he said, "By the way, isn't there a continent-wide young advanced soul master elite competition recently held by the Sun and Moon Empire? And they have also previously sent out invitations to all sects on the continent."

"Then the Noumenal Sect should also go. How about our Haotian Sect also organize a team and let Dong'er lead the team there? This is better than her going to find the Noumenon Sect alone, right?"

Niu Tian frowned when he heard this, then nodded and said: "This is also a way, then I will go and discuss it with Dong'er, hey."

Niu Tian's message came to Wang Dong'er's ears. Not long after, Wang Dong'er came to the top room of Haotian Castle. At this time, Niu Tian was still sitting firmly on the main seat, but Tai Tan couldn't restrain his temper and stood up directly. said.

"Dong'er, I discussed it with Daddy You. Isn't the Sun and Moon Empire planning to hold a continent-wide elite competition for young advanced soul masters recently?"

"What your eldest father and I mean is that instead of covering your head and looking for the missing noumenon sect, why don't your eldest father and I ask the disciples in the sect to form a team, and you will lead the team to Mingdu. Since this competition can inform When it comes to our Haotian Sect, the Noumenon Sect is also a hidden sect, so I guess there is a way to find out."

"According to their arrogant and domineering character, they should also participate, and the person you are looking for should also follow. In this case, wouldn't it be much faster than if you go to find their sect garrison in who knows which corner of the horn? ?”

Wang Donger pursed her lips when she heard this, thought for a while and then nodded and said, "Okay, then let's follow the wishes of the eldest and second father."

Hearing this, Tai Tan seemed to be relieved, and then said: "Okay, I will let the Great Elder organize the manpower to take you to Mingdu. The Great Elder is a super Douluo, even if it is a dragon pool or a tiger's den,"

Niu Tian slapped Tai Tan on the head and then said: "Don't be like a crow here, Dong'er, take the scale I gave you with you and never leave. If you are in danger like this, your second father and I will I’ll have the opportunity to help you.”

Wang Dong'er nodded and turned around to leave the room. Niu Tian saw this and sighed again: "After Dong'er returned to the clan four years ago, I felt that she became taciturn for some reason, and she seemed to be not very close to us. .”

Tai Tan scratched his head and said, "Brother, is that right? Why don't I feel it? Dong'er is still so good."

Niu Tian looked at this idiot and shook his head, with extremely complicated emotions in his heart. He knew what Tang San did to Tang Xiaoqi from beginning to end, but Dong'er was Tang San's child anyway, what on earth was that person thinking? What, he could actually do such a thing.

But now both he and Tai Tai relied on Tang San's divine power to reshape their bodies, and as long as Tang San had a thought, their two bodies would turn into dust like wind and sand, and they would also return to the world of immortality and immortality. In this state, he couldn't take any action against Tang San's will.

Looking at Wang Donger's back as he left, he just silently thought: "The son of fate?"How far can you go when that person spends so much time thinking about you? 】

After Wang Dong'er left Niu Tian and Tai Tan's room, she silently returned to her room. She looked at the cyan dragon scale in the storage soul guide and recalled what Niu Tian said. She clenched her silver teeth and sat on the bed. There was pain and determination in his eyes.

In the past four years, Huo Yuhao certainly did nothing to Wang Donger. Through the power of faith remaining in her body, Huo Yuhao reproduced the memories in Tang Wutong's soul and projected them intermittently to her in the form of dreams. Wang Donger looked at it.

Wang Donger sat on the bed, holding her head with both hands, her long pink-blue hair a little messy, thinking back to the last scene in her dream last night, the painful wailing of the young girl, and how helpless she could do nothing in front of her. Niutian and Titan who didn't do it.

She has now completely sorted out her lost childhood memories and her mysterious 'father'. The sea god Tang San who left various miracles and legends in the history of the mainland was also the one who created her current situation. man.

In the dream at the beginning, it was difficult for Wang Donger to distinguish whether the girl named Tang Xiaoqi and herself were the same person, but as the dream gradually deepened, she also understood that the girl named Tang Xiaoqi could already say is truly dead.

Having lost all previous memories and learned the truth through dreams, I would never be able to regard my 'father', Poseidon Tang San, as a true relative on a physical level, like that girl.

Moreover, even her original respect for Poseidon and Shrek has been completely shattered in the past few years of growth. The victory she wants to win even through cheating, or those high-sounding words of justice, all make her disgusted. .

Even the original loving and generous images of Niu Tian and Tai Tai had cracks in her eyes. Now she even didn't know how to face them, her two 'big daddy' and 'second daddy'. '.

But thinking of the news she got today, Wang Donger cheered up again. After taking a few deep breaths and calming down her emotions, her originally distracted eyes became firm again.

[Mingdu, the continent’s elite youth master soul master competition, Yuhao, you must come! 】

Star Dou Great Forest, the core area.

At this time, the sky above the forest was extremely gloomy. Thunderbolts crisscrossed the sky. The huge pressure was floating between the sky and the earth. It seemed to be accumulating strength. Countless low-level soul beasts were so frightened that they trembled and hid in their lairs. leave.

And those powerful ferocious beasts and 10-year-old soul beasts also dormant their auras, for fear of attracting the attention of this thunder cloud and giving themselves a gift package of thunder tribulation.At this time, in the sky, there was a ten-meter-long creature with eyes like lightning, dark gold scales and golden hair, flowing like a wolf or a dragon, with dark gold horns on its forehead circling to the back of its head, like a strange beast wearing a crown and stepping into the void. The roars raised to the sky were not howlings of wolves, but howlings of dragons, which resounded continuously and continuously.

On the shore of the Lake of Life, the three-eyed golden tiger looked at this scene worriedly, roared in his mouth, and said to Di Tian on the side: "Di Tian Di Tian, ​​why is this catastrophe of Jia so terrifying? Isn't he a genius?" Is it my first time to go through the heavenly tribulation? Why do I feel more terrifying than Uncle Scarlet King’s previous tribulation?”

Di Tian looked at the strange phenomena of heaven and earth in the sky with a solemn expression. Now the power accumulated in that thunder cloud has reached the intensity of the 20-year catastrophe of ordinary ferocious beasts.

Although the intensity of this kind of thunder tribulation is not worth mentioning to Ditian, it is too abnormal in the Star Forest where the power of fate of the emperor's auspicious beast protects him. , generally the intensity of a ferocious beast's 20-year thunder tribulation will be reduced to a 10-year thunder tribulation.

And if the thunder catastrophe that Yi has experienced now would have been comparable to the ordinary 30-year thunder catastrophe in the outside world.

[Is it because Yai quickly broke through to 10 years through the method of devouring?Or because heaven and earth cannot allow our dragon clan to have another strong man who can protect the soul beast for hundreds of thousands of years, that's why we want to use thunder tribulation to wipe out Yai here. 】

[Hey, I hope you can survive this disaster, Jai. 】 Ditian frowned, he also knew that soul beasts that abused the power of devouring would be rejected by the world. He had also advised Yai not to rely too much on the power of devouring, but because he could not watch him all the time.

Moreover, under the protection of the power of fate of the three-eyed golden beast, Yi never became unable to control the power in his body or went insane due to swallowing too much, so he did not control it anymore.

After the thunderclouds in the sky reached their peak, a bolt of thunder suddenly fell from the sky and hit Yai's body hard. His original dark golden scales exploded.

And his elegant golden hair stood up instantly. With the help of the dragon's roar he had accumulated before, he used the dragon's roar to conduct the power of the golden element and deflected most of the power of the thunder power.

However, three more thunderbolts struck down in the calamity cloud, without giving Yai any chance to breathe.

Along with Yai's roar, fine metal shards formed a huge beast-shaped phantom gripping the ground with four legs around him. When the power of thunder fell, a large amount of metal powder was scattered, and at the same time a large amount of The power of thunder was also diverted and directed underground.

Around Yai, he controlled the insulating metal to form a vacuum zone. However, as the continuous thunder fell, the outer metal debris was blown away, and the thunder bombed on the protective layer formed by the insulating metal. In addition to the power of thunder, the destructive power contained in the thunder tribulation also began to wreak havoc.

Not long after, these insulating metals failed to survive, but now that the thunder tribulation has been over for most of the time, the power of the thunder tribulation contained in the clouds above the sky has become much weaker.

At the same time, Di Tian, ​​who was by the Lake of Life, was hesitant about whether he should take action at this time and use the Dragon God Claw to help Jia smash the thunder cloud. However, after hesitating for a long time, he finally gave up the plan.
Using the Dragon God's Claw in the Star Dou Forest is still too eye-catching. After all, if the eyes of the gods in the God Realm are attracted here, it may interfere with the Lord's plan.

At this time, Lei Jie temporarily stopped and Jian fell to the ground. The soul power and rare metals he had stored over the years had been almost exhausted in the previous waves. Next, he could only pass through his body. The strength is gone.

A quarter of an hour later, Yai felt the power of thunder in the thunderclouds in the sky gathering together, and then a huge ball of lightning slowly showed its head and hit him straight.

At this moment, Yai felt that he was so small compared to the huge spherical lightning, but the horns on his head shone with a black luster, and then gradually infiltrated into Yai's body. It was not the power of Yai's soul. The color is not the color of the body.

That is the color of the torn space. This is the use of dark gold terror claws that Yai learned when he went to Xiong Lord's territory before. Through the power of faith, he has been trained by him in the past few years to command like an arm. , but it is different from Xiong Jun’s heaven-searing claws that open and close.

What Yai has understood and learned is to turn himself into a weapon, integrating himself with this attack, condensing the ultimate destructive power, and enveloping the broken space. No matter what enemies and influences are around him, as long as he cannot defeat this attack By itself, it is impossible to break out of this state.

I saw a dark pillar of light rising into the sky, accompanied by the violent roar of the dragon, forcibly dispersing the huge spherical lightning, and then broke away from the dark thundercloud. The thundercloud slowly dissipated. This time 10 The [-]-year catastrophe was finally over, and then Yai emerged from this state.

He was covered in blood. While this move was powerful, it also naturally had great side effects. The effects of force and force were mutual. Yai's current body strength was not strong enough to keep him completely helpless in the broken space. hurt.

Then Yai felt that the power in his body gradually faded away, and he could no longer support his body from flying in the air, and fell straight down.

Seeing this situation, the three-eyed Jin Yang couldn't care less about Di Tian who was standing beside him, and hurried towards the direction where Yai fell with golden flames on his feet.

When the three-eyed golden beast rushed to Yai's side, he saw that Yai's originally beautiful long golden hair and dark gold scales were scorched black, and at the same time, they were covered with smooth wounds, all of which were damaged by space debris.

With her eyes closed tightly and her mental power somewhat sluggish, the Three-Eyed Golden Raider quickly used her soul power to hold up Yai's body. Yai felt the breath of the Three-Eyed Golden Raider and did not resist, and was brought back to life by her. They were cultivating in the lake, while Ditian did not show his body, silently watching over them.

After some days, Yai's body has fully recovered under the treatment of the Lake of Life. After he opened his eyes and looked at the three-eyed Jin Ni who came up to him, the first thing he said was: "I want to go see the human world." .”

"???" Hearing this, Jin Yang with three eyes was shocked.

But Yai's eyes were looking outside the forest. After surviving the thunder tribulation, he once again purified the dragon blood in his body. At the same time, he seemed to feel an unknown thing attracting him from the bottom of his heart.

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(End of this chapter)

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