Chapter 202 No?

When Su Youyue arrived at Fushouyuan, she saw her father looking at Doctor Ji with a look of obsession.

Grandma was also staring straight at Doctor Ji's face, and the mothers nearby couldn't take their eyes away.

Zhang's mother lamented: "How could there be two people so similar in the world? I had never heard of my wife having a separated twin sister back then."

Doctor Ji seemed helpless to the extreme: "In short, I am really a native of Dongrong country, and there is no way I can be the lady you talk about."

Mrs. Su recovered from her initial shock and sighed: "What the miracle doctor Yi Ji said is that you are indeed not Xixue..."

If she was really the daughter-in-law, how could she not come to them for so many years?

Moreover, according to what Ji Shenji said, she grew up in Dongrong Kingdom and had relatives, so it was even more impossible for her to be a daughter-in-law.

"No, you must be Xixue!" Su Zhenyun suddenly stood up and said firmly, "I can't admit my mistake!"

Divine Doctor Ji lost his face and said: "Old madam, I was invited to treat the leg of the eldest lady of your mansion. If your mansion insists on forcing people like this, I will go back to Dongrong Kingdom if it doesn't work."

The atmosphere was a little condensed for a moment, and Mrs. Su quickly explained: "I'm really sorry, Divine Doctor Ji, it's our Su family's fault. My son has lost his wife for many years, and suddenly he saw that Divine Doctor Ji and his late wife were so similar, so much. Abrupt."

"Zhenyun." After saying this, Mrs. Su frowned and looked at her son.

She could understand her son's mood at the moment, but it was wrong. They couldn't cause other people's discomfort because of their own family affairs.

In an instant, Su Zhenyun's eyes turned red again, and he looked at Divine Doctor Ji sadly. Although he did not speak, there seemed to be countless words in his eyes.

Divine Doctor Ji felt uncomfortable looking at him and simply turned away.

It was also the first time for Su Youyue to encounter this kind of situation. She didn't know how to comfort her father for a while, so she could only go into the house first.

"My daughter is here." Mrs. Su was thinking about how to change the subject when her granddaughter arrived, so she called out.

As soon as Su Youyue came in, everyone in the room turned their attention to her again.

Su Zhenyun turned around, not wanting his daughter to see him like this.

"Grandma, does this Divine Doctor Ji really look like my mother?"

Although Su Youyue, who had never seen her mother and could not imagine what her mother looked like, was confused, the main purpose of asking was not to know what her mother looked like. She wanted to confirm as soon as possible whether Divine Doctor Ji had anything to do with her mother or not. Unlock your father.

Before Madam Su could speak, Mother Zhang said, "The eldest lady has never met Madam. Doctor Ji and Madam look exactly the same!"

When Su Youyue heard this, she couldn't help but look at Divine Doctor Ji.

Ji Qingyan was not thin-skinned, but he couldn't stand so many people staring at him. He couldn't help but frown: "Miss Su, you know that I was brought back from Dongrong Kingdom by Mr. Xie, and I am not you at all." A native of Dasheng."

Looking at her appearance, Su Youyue did not feel anything like a mother-daughter connection in her heart, but she said calmly: "Actually, it's very simple to confirm. Grandma, father, you have been with your mother before, so you should know that there is something in her." Don’t you have any special birthmarks or moles?”

"Otherwise, the mother who served my mother back then is still in the house now, so we can ask them to come over and identify her."

No matter how similar two people are, all the moles on their bodies cannot be in the same position, or it may be some trivial things. Someone will always know the difference.

Hearing her idea, Su Zhenyun suddenly regained hope, walked forward quickly, and looked at the end of Divine Doctor Ji's wrist.

However, there was only a piece of snow-white skin and nothing else.Su Zhenyun took a step back in disbelief, as if he had suffered a huge blow.

Seeing his reaction, Mrs. Su had an idea.

So many things don't match up, I'm afraid it's just a coincidence.

But even though it's just a coincidence, it's also a rare fate.

"Doctor Ji, please don't blame me for being abrupt in our Su family. We really didn't expect that there would be such a coincidence in the world, and that there would be people with such similar voices."

Ji Qingyan saw that Su Zhenyun was still staring at his wrist and uncomfortably hid it in his cuff, then he smiled and said, "It's okay! Such coincidences are indeed rare. As long as your house allows me to calm down and give Miss Su just needs to treat her leg."

"Of course, if Doctor Ji needs anything, just ask. As long as he can cure my granddaughter's leg, you can rest assured about the medical fee." Mrs. Su has already made a conclusion.

Not to mention that this miracle doctor Ji could cure her granddaughter's leg. With her face and even voice that were very similar to her daughter-in-law, she couldn't help but give him more benefits.

"In that case, I'll go back and rest first." Ji Qingyan finally showed a comfortable smile on his face, and when Mrs. Su nodded, she walked directly out.

Su Zhenyun seemed to have lost his soul. He stepped forward and wanted to follow him out, but Mrs. Su stopped him and called out: "Zhenyun!"

The man's footsteps stopped in place, but his heart seemed to have left the house, and he looked at the direction the woman left in despair.

Mrs. Su couldn't bear it for a while, but she still had to wake her son up: "This Divine Doctor Ji is not Xixue. If you insist on admitting your mistake, not to mention that Divine Doctor Ji will not be happy, I am afraid that Xixue underground will not be happy if he knows about it."

"But my mother asked just now that this Divine Doctor Ji is not married. If you are really interested in Divine Doctor Ji, you must pursue her with grace. You must not regard her as Xixue's substitute."

Su Zhenyun came back to his senses and said with a wry smile: "Don't worry, mother, my son will not treat anyone as Xixue's substitute."

Madam Su nodded.

Seeing the pain in her father's eyes, Su Youyue suddenly didn't know whether she was right or wrong in bringing Divine Doctor Ji back to her home.

If he had never met Divine Doctor Ji, although his father would miss his mother, he would try his best not to think about her.

Now that there is a person so similar to his mother living in the house, how can he not be upset?
After saying a few words to her grandmother, Su Youyue left Fushou Garden.

Jin'er couldn't help but mutter: "Are there really two people who are so similar in this world?"

Su Youyue thought for a while and found that Chunya next to her was silent, so she couldn't help but ask more: "Chunya, what do you think?"

Chunya seemed to be thinking too much and said cautiously: "Miss, it seems that Doctor Ji really has nothing to do with Madam, but..."

"Just what?" Jin'er asked.

"It's just that it would be too hasty to confirm only one mole or birthmark. I think you should confirm a few more places.

The slave had a mole on his hand two years ago, but one time he accidentally made a cut on his hand, just at the location of the mole. When the scab on the wound fell off, the mole was gone, and because the wound was small , and no scars were left. "

Chunya spoke eloquently and gave Su Youyue some advice: "I think I can send the nanny who served beside my wife back then to take care of Divine Doctor Ji for a few days to make a good identification."

(End of this chapter)

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