Chapter 220 Wait for me to win

Most of the people present were far away and could not really see his expression.

However, when he lowered his eyes to look at the girl, everyone could feel the endless warmth lingering on his body.

The girl was in a state of warmth and seemed to feel something. She raised her little face and whispered something to Xie Yuan.

The girl's profile is infinitely beautiful.

Many people looked at the two of them, and at this moment, a word suddenly appeared in their hearts.

A talented woman.

These two people were surprisingly well matched. The words in the book were said to be a match made in heaven, as if to describe the existence of these two talents.

But soon some people were feeling sour in their hearts, muttering to others: "A traitorous minister with a broken conscience, and a cripple with broken legs, they really match each other."

After the man finished speaking, he chuckled secretly, as if he had said something funny, but he didn't know that he was like a rat in the gutter because he didn't want to see other people's good looks.

The person next to him subconsciously hid further away from him.

Although what he said was not too wrong, he was not willing to associate with such a person.

Hearing what this man said, Qin Yumei subconsciously retorted and defended Xie Yuan. She felt that Mr. Xie was not a traitor with a bad conscience and was not worthy of Su Youyue, a cripple!

Mr. Xie is majestic and handsome, with high power and position. Su Youyue is a useless person, how can he be worthy of him.

Sooner or later he will get tired of her.

When the people's discussion gradually reached Su Youyue's ears, Su Youyue realized that she was actually mixed up with Xie Yuan in public again.

Yes, it seems that I can’t avoid being scolded with him.

After Su Youyuejiao glared at Xie Yuan, she got down to business first: "That Tuoba Xiao is the first warrior of the Dongrong Kingdom. He is many times stronger than the others, and his methods are even more cruel. He might be the best in the competition. If you use the killing move to deal with him personally, you must be careful."

She had thought about it. With Tuoba Xiao's strength, he would definitely face off against Xie Yuan in the end. It would be better to persuade Xie Yuan to face him directly from the beginning, so as not to defeat the warriors of the Great Sheng Kingdom after Tuoba Xiao came up and won every battle. their morale.

Moreover, Tuoba Xiao did not regard the people of Dasheng as human beings at all, and she certainly had no martial ethics on the martial arts field. Naturally, she was worried about the lives of her own warriors.

Xie Yuan lowered his eyes and looked at the girl who was chattering endless instructions to him. A flash of light flashed in his eyes, and he responded, but did not look at Tuoba Xiao, but stared at the girl's little face.

Su Youyue talked for a while and found that he didn't seem to care. She was so angry that she wanted to pinch him: "Xie Yuan! Listen carefully to me. If you lose to Tuoba Xiao... I, we Let’s give up the marriage!”

Apart from this matter, she seems to have nothing else to do with Xie Yuan...

As soon as she finished speaking, the man's pupils shrank, and then after taking a deep look at her, he raised his eyes and stared at Tuoba Xiao in the distance, like a vicious wolf eyeing its prey.

If Tuoba Xiao felt something, he also turned around and stared at Xie Yuan with a pair of blue-green eyes.

This man is strong.

This thought flashed through the young man's mind, but not only did he not feel any fear, but he also felt a little more bloodthirsty and excited.

If ordinary people saw his bloodthirsty expression, they would feel a deep sense of uneasiness and discomfort in their hearts.

But facing Xie Yuan, Tuoba Xiao's eyes were like sharp edges piercing into the endless unknown. It was of no use at all. The man had no reaction to his eyes, let alone indifference. He looked at him as if he was looking at A dead man.The two stared at each other for a long time, until Prince Bei beside Tuoba Xiao seemed to have something to say to him, and Tuoba Xiao first looked away.

Su Youyue whispered: "That's him, Xie Yuan, you must be careful, you know."

Xie Yuan was able to beat Tuoba Xiao in his previous life because he had long known how strong he was. It would be bad if his love rival challenged him in this life.

Seeing that the girl seemed to be several times more patient with him than usual, Xie Yuan looked at her more deeply and his voice was low.

"The eldest lady has even staked her engagement, how dare I not win?"

Seeing that he was interested, Su Youyue was about to breathe a sigh of relief when she saw the man suddenly leaned forward slightly and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Nanny, wait until I win."

After that, he straightened up and headed towards the Dashengguo team that had arrived at the center of the martial arts arena.

Su Youyue was heartbroken when she heard him calling her by her baby name again in such a public place. After hearing this, she quickly looked around to make sure no outsiders saw her, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

Aren't you afraid that these people will hear their gossip?But thinking about what he said about waiting for him to win, she still worried about him unconsciously.

Little did Su Youyue know that the two of them had already been watched by outsiders for a long time. No matter what they thought before, they now reached a consensus in their hearts.

Mr. Xie doesn't seem to be bullying Miss Su... He seems to be very caring.

After Xie Yuan arrived at the center of the martial arts field, he slowly walked in front of the warriors of Dasheng Kingdom. Most of these warriors came from the army. There were only a few children of aristocratic families like Xiao Sanlang and Xiao Silang, so obeying orders naturally did not require much effort. explain.

As soon as Xie Yuan arrived, they all looked at him as if they had seen the backbone.

At this time, compared with the arrogance of the warriors in Dongrong Kingdom, the great morale here is really not enough.

After all, even the ministers and people of the country are pessimistic, how can they have morale?

"Master Xie, why do I look so dejected when I look at these warriors in Da Sheng, who all look like they haven't had enough to eat? Otherwise, we can go back and find some milk from our respective mothers."

Prince Bei looked at Da Sheng and these languid soldiers and felt refreshed and comfortable. He did not forget to mock them in a mean way, which was a good blow to Da Sheng's morale.

When the warriors of Da Sheng heard this, they couldn't help showing angry expressions on their faces, but the people of Dongrong Kingdom didn't pay attention to their anger at all, and instead laughed.

Before Xie Yuan could speak, a minister on the stage beat his chest and badmouthed Baili Hongxuan, who was already present: "Your Majesty, this martial arts competition is really incomparable. I regret it now. It's not too late..."

"Yes, Your Majesty, this Xie Yuan is simply a scourge to Chao Gang. You must not let him destroy our great empire in one fell swoop!"

Baili Hongxuan listened to the passionate shouts of these ministers on the stage, his eyes half-smiling but not smiling: "Wang Aiqing, Li Aiqing, even before this competition, you two already know who will win or lose? I didn't realize that before, you two still have a clue. ability."

The two of them were blocked by the emperor, and they felt even more depressed.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Dasheng cannot win at all. Why is the emperor so confused!

It's not too late to break the contract with Dong Rongguo now and compensate them a little on some terms. But if we really compete, if we lose, it will be all over. Will it be too late to regret it then?

The two wanted to argue again, but Baili Hongxuan suddenly changed his expression, and his face was clouded, as if a storm was about to fall in the next second: "If anyone is so disappointed today and doesn't want to watch the martial arts competition, just leave the venue voluntarily , don’t let me waste my time sending people to throw people out.”

(End of this chapter)

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