Chapter 226 Courage

When Bailiwei heard Prince Bei's roar, she couldn't help but tremble in fear.

After taking a few steps back, as if she could no longer keep her face, she suddenly turned around and ran away.

Seeing the princess of their own country being so humiliated by the prince of the enemy country, for a moment, everyone in Dasheng Kingdom did not feel the slightest humiliation, but felt happy in their hearts.

This is how you should scold the third princess!

They also didn't understand what her brain was made of, and was there nothing growing inside it? What was her heart made of, and was it all black inside?
Looking at the farce in the audience, Baili Hongxuan seemed not to notice it. He leaned against the backrest with a slightly slutty figure and held up a glass of sake in his left hand.

Miss Su is still a little too restrained.

The scolding wasn't harsh enough.

Thinking that the third princess had dared to be arrogant just now, Baili Hongxuan's eyes flashed slightly and he quickly looked at Xie Yuan on the martial arts field.

He promised Xie Yuan that if he won this martial arts competition, he would give Bailiwei full authority to him and kill her at will.

Xie Yuan, don’t let me down.

Baili Hongxuan whispered in his heart, and then drank the sake in one gulp.

At this moment in the martial arts arena, the Dongrong people were obviously very excited after winning the riding and shooting competition. They were all shouting, seemingly extremely excited.

In previous years, people from Dongrong came to participate in Dasheng's martial arts competition, but they had already won the competition and had no interest in Dasheng's martial arts competition. They were all crushing the competition anyway, so what's the point.

But this year's martial arts competition is different. Not only does it have a huge bet, but there are also several characters who can compete with them. Although it is a little more challenging, it also makes them more excited.

The morale of the warriors on Dasheng's side was a little low, but it wasn't too bad. After all, they won the first victory.

It's just one game, it doesn't mean anything.

However, these men in Dasheng Kingdom who were not familiar with each other quickly gathered together and cheered each other up. There was a bit of brotherhood between the men.

"This little brother, you are so awesome!" Xiao Silang didn't know Zhejing's name yet, but when he thought about the scene where he won his first victory at the last minute, he was still indescribably excited.

Zhejing smiled slightly: "I have heard that Xiao Silang is also a good martial artist, but he is not proficient in riding and shooting. Xiao Silang will also have a chance to show off his skills in the martial arts competition later."

"Hey, you know me?" Xiao Silang was happy. Although he didn't know this little brother, he could see that the other person knew him, so he felt a lot closer to him, hehe, he was very happy.

"I am a subordinate of Master Xie. I follow you on errands, so I naturally know a lot of people, including Xiao Silang." Zhe Jing said with a smile.

But he didn't tell the truth.

Although Xiao Silang was also a nobleman, he had no achievements. In the eyes of Zhejing in the past, he was indeed a person whose appearance did not need to be understood and remembered.

But since Madam made friends with the young lady from Jinghaihou Mansion, everything has changed...

His Excellency asked him to search the Jinghaihou Mansion from top to bottom, but he almost didn't find the ancestral graves of more than ten generations above the Jinghaihou Mansion.

It would be weird if he didn't know Xiao Silang.

"It turns out to be Mr. Xie's man, no wonder he's so powerful!" Xiao Silang said in surprise.From the beginning, he felt that although Xie Yuan's bet was a bit reckless, at the time, it should have been something that would bring great disgrace to Dasheng Kingdom.

Dasheng Kingdom has been kneeling in front of Dongrong Kingdom for too many years. How can young men like them not be dissatisfied?

But this voice of dissatisfaction could not be uttered before, nor did it dare to be uttered.

Now that Mr. Xie has become the No. 1 person to stand up and confront Dong Rongguo directly, can he not encourage them?Do they have to kneel to Dong Rongguo for the rest of their lives?

They are all human beings, why should they from Dasheng be inferior to those from Dongrong?
So from the very beginning, he had different ideas from most people and was a supporter of Xie Yuan.

Now that he knew that the person who won the first round was actually one of Xie Yuan's subordinates, his favorable impression of Xie Yuan skyrocketed.

Zhejing secretly thought, this is called awesome. He didn't know how many capable people there were under his command. There were some who even he had to call him "senior", but they had already arrived today and were hiding among the team.

If you don't have full confidence, how can you make a bet easily?

However, the people brought by Dongrong Kingdom this year were indeed somewhat beyond their expectations. The wolf hunting tribesman had clearly not appeared in the city before, otherwise they would not have discovered that there was such a powerful enemy.

Zhejing smiled and made Xiao Silang happy with a few words. She talked like a dumpling and said all the things in her heart.

However, the two games have already ended, and the competition between many people is about to begin, so the two of them really don't have much time to chat.

"Let me do this one!" Seeing Xie Yuan in the distance, Xiao Silang immediately said excitedly and ran to Xie Yuan's side, "Mr. Xie, choose me, choose me!"

Xie Yuan's eyes fell on him, and he saw that although the young man's face was still a bit childish, he was strong and strong, and he had the energy of a newborn calf who is not afraid of tigers, so he nodded slightly.

Seeing that he agreed, Xiao Silang was so happy that he almost jumped up from where he was. He immediately ran to the side, picked out the weapons he had, and then pointed at the people who had been selected by Dong Rongguo and said: "Let me come and meet you." You guys! I can’t help but think that I’ll beat you to pieces!”

Xiao Feiyan in the stands looked at his stupid brother's figure compared to the warriors from Dongrong Kingdom opposite, like a calf against a big tiger, and couldn't help but feel miserable.

This... the fourth brother is stupid. He is obviously not as strong as the Dongrong people, but he actually goes out of his way to provoke everyone on the opposite side.

What if the other side gathers fire and hits him?
If he was the first to be kicked off the stage, she wouldn't want to admit that he was her own brother. At the very least, he would be the second one!

Xiao Feiyan sighed deeply. At this moment, he found an empty gap next to Su Youyue, so he immediately wormed his way towards her like a swimming fish.


Su Youyue saw Xiao Feiyan finally squeezing over and gave her a candy with a smile: "Feiyan, your fourth brother is about to play."

Xiao Feiyan took the candy, but wanted to cover her face: "Why do I feel that my fourth brother is a little embarrassed?"

Su Youyue actually felt that Xiao Silang's behavior was a bit stupid. After all, the two sides were not evenly matched opponents. The enemies seemed much stronger than them, and multi-person fighting required teamwork. If Xiao Silang was attacked by all enemies, he would be beaten first. At the end of the game, if their Da Sheng team has one less person, it will be even more difficult to fight.

But the young man's temperament is understandable. Such a sincere and spirited martial arts young man is rare in Dasheng.

With young men like them, Dasheng can have a bright future!
Su Youyue did not speak for Xiao Silang, but Su Rong beside her retorted: "Sister Feiyan, your brother is fighting for the country, so he is not ashamed. I think he has the courage!"

(End of this chapter)

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