Chapter 237
Kua Su Youyue crossed her arms, shook her head and said, "You don't know this, right? My wife is working as a cook at Su Ji Restaurant. Miss Su is her boss, isn't she half my boss? How could you not know?"

"Moreover, Miss Su is kind-hearted. Before the Chinese New Year, she gave six taels of silver red envelopes to all the shop assistants! Looking at the entire Yanjing City, how can there be such a generous and kind-hearted owner? I heard that after the Chinese New Year, , all Su Ji’s shops will also conduct a donation, and by then, the poor families in the city will be able to drink porridge for free."

"Six taels of silver?" The eyes of those who listened to him were so wide that they almost fell off.

I knew that these guys working in the shops made money, but I didn't expect to make so much money. Nowadays, a family of four in the capital has no shortage of food, drink and clothing. They only spend about one tael of silver a month. These six taels of silver are enough for them. For ordinary people, there are so many!

He was greedy when he heard it. It would be great if some of his family members also worked in Su Ji's shop.

For a moment, everyone around him was filled with envy, wishing he could work in Su Ji's shop.

"Brother, is Suji Restaurant still hiring? If not, there would be a dim sum shop and other shops, and my mother-in-law and I would still have nothing to do."

Seeing the people around him joining in, the man laughed and said, "You are in luck. I heard that the Su family will open a few more shops in spring. They will definitely be recruiting workers by then, but I have already asked my mother-in-law to help." I made an appointment. When the shop opens, I will be able to go in. I will receive two taels of silver for a month’s wages..."

Others were interested, and one by one they crowded forward and asked, "Brother, that shop..."

A group of people discussed it animatedly.

Although the common people were concerned about state affairs, they were more concerned about their daily supply of firewood, rice, oil and salt. Knowing that Su Youyue was going to open a shop to recruit workers again, they all started discussing it on the road.

In front of the cabbage stall on the street, Yun Niang was taking Lu Wen to buy vegetables.

Lu Wen frowned as he watched his mother looking left and right in front of the cabbage stall.

He hated eating such tasteless vegetables the most, especially cabbage buns, which were hard and unpalatable.

Since the incident with the Lu family, Lu Wen had not seen meat or fish for a long time, and his mouth was almost full of food, let alone cabbage that he didn't like.

"Mom, I don't want to eat cabbage."

Yun Niang frowned. Of course she didn't want to eat cabbage, but there was nothing she could do. "What do you want to eat if you don't want to eat cabbage? This cabbage only costs one penny per catty, and the other ones cost three or four penny."

As she said that, she pointed to the two cabbages next to her that didn't look very good and asked, "Auntie, are these two cheap?"

The vegetable seller didn't even raise her eyebrows: "It's not cheap. Don't look at the wrinkled leaves on the outside, but they are all good on the inside. This is already the lowest price."

Yun Niang had not been down for a long time, and her bargaining skills were not very strong. Just for a moment, she looked extremely uncomfortable. After hearing this, she counted the copper coins, and finally bought four cabbages and put them in the vegetable basket.

Lu Wen looked at the cabbage being put into the vegetable basket, his face darkened. At this moment, a strong aroma of braised pork that had just come out of the pot suddenly floated on the street.

The mother and son stopped together, smelled the fragrance, and took a big gulp of saliva.In the past, if Lu Wenshan ate too much delicacies, he would not be interested in a mediocre braised pork. But now, let alone braised pork, he can't even eat pig hair.

Not to mention Yun Niang, she used to think that she was not a food-loving person at all, but now, as soon as she smelled the fragrance, she felt extremely hungry.

At this moment, she vaguely heard someone else say that recruiting workers, even female workers, cost twenty taels of silver a month, and she looked over instantly.

Two taels of silver a month?The salary is so high?

You know, Yun Niang also managed a shop for a period of time before, and the monthly salary paid to ordinary workers was only six to seven hundred cash, twenty taels of silver. I am afraid that this boss has too much money and no place to show his kindness. ?
Although she was thinking this, Yun Niang hurriedly listened carefully. You must know that nowadays, my cousin only makes less than two taels of silver a month for copying books for others, only a little more than one tael.

If I can earn two taels of silver a month, my cousin will definitely think highly of me and treat me well at home, and my aunt, that old man, will never dare to yell at me again!
Yun Niang imagined that scene and raised the corners of her mouth, but soon she could no longer raise the corners of her mouth because someone among those people suddenly said with a smile: "That's not it, Miss Su is kind-hearted, she Of course the shop you open will be good to the clerks and workers!"

Hearing this, Yun Niang felt as if she had been poured a ladle of ice water on her in the dead of winter. She wished she had never heard these people's voices from the beginning.

It's actually Su Youyue's shop!
How could Su Youyue let herself work as a female worker in her shop? Moreover, she couldn't help but look like this in front of her!

Yun Niang's face was gloomy, and she pulled her son and wanted to leave. However, Lu Wen was still looking at the braised pork in a daze, and Yun Niang was not dragged away for a while.

Children of this age, even if their minds are strong, are still the most hungry for food. Lu Wen doesn't want to leave when he smells this smell.

Yun Niang's attention also returned to the braised pork shop. Looking at the steaming pot of braised pork in the braised pork shop, she swallowed twice more.

At this time, another man with a fat head, big ears, and a big belly walked into the store. The man opened his mouth and asked someone to weigh ten pounds of braised pork for him.

The waiter immediately responded and used a slotted spoon to scoop up large chunks of braised pork that were red in color and shiny. After weighing them with a scale, he filled the food box the man brought so full that in the end he almost couldn't even close the lid. superior.

Seeing the men walking out, Yun Niang and her son still didn't come back to their senses, staring at the food box in the man's hand.

The fat man with big ears quickly noticed the sight of the mother and son. After looking at their clothes, his eyes finally landed on Yun Niang's face, and he narrowed his swollen eyes.

Yun Niang noticed his gaze, her face tightened, and she quickly lowered her head, wanting to take her son away.

Unexpectedly, the man caught up with him, with a smile on his face: "Madam, wait a minute, I see that the little baby next to you is so cute, I can't help but like it very much, and I want to give the baby some meat to taste. "

Yun Niang couldn't help but frown. There is no free lunch in this world. She was keenly aware that the man had bad intentions towards her, so she immediately refused: "Thank you for your kindness, but you will get no reward for no merit, so no need."

(End of this chapter)

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