Chapter 249 Wake Up
When Su Youyue opened her eyes again, it was already dusk. The golden and warm sunset light penetrated the windows, and floating dust was swimming in the sunset.

With a gentle scene of time, she was in a trance and didn't know where she was.

It wasn't until she started to move that pain came from her legs and she looked down, that the memories came back to her mind like a flood.

Has Divine Doctor Ji finished treating her?
Her memory seemed to be broken... After three days of drunkenness, she remembered that she glanced at Shen Ji and Chun Yajin'er for a few times, and then she couldn't remember anything at all.

She had no idea how Divine Doctor Ji treated her.

Unexpectedly, these three days of drunkenness could really keep people drunk for such a long time. So how did Xie Yuan endure it in his previous life?

Is he really an extraordinary person?

Su Youyue gently opened the quilt to see how her legs were doing. She saw that her legs were wrapped in clean gauze, which seemed to be filled with medicine and had only a faint smell of medicine.

There seemed to be no pain if she didn't move, which was much better than she had expected.

The door opened with a creak.

Su Youyue thought it was Chunya who had come in. Without raising her head, she asked, "Chunya, how long have I been asleep?"

Looking at the sky now, she almost thought that she was just drunk all afternoon.

Chun Ya's voice did not come, but the man's deep and hoarse voice came: "Five days."

When Su Youyue heard this voice, although she knew it was Xie Yuan, she was still excited and subconsciously wanted to cover herself with the quilt quickly.

Now except for the wide gauze at her knees, the rest of her legs are bare!

The man's originally slow pace quickened, and he grabbed her hand directly, but inadvertently brushed her leg: "Slow down."

After saying that, Xie Yuancai's face didn't change, and he didn't lower his eyes to look at anything. He stretched out his hand to cover him with the quilt.

Su Youyue's cheeks were as red as a peach: "You, why did you come in without saying hello?"

"Definitely next time." Xie Yuan replied, then asked, "How do you feel?"

Seeing that his attitude was as comfortable as when he spoke normally, and that there seemed to be no change at all because of seeing her legs, Su Youyue breathed a sigh of relief, but at the same time she felt a little resentful.

Could it be that my current charm in this life has declined and I am not as good as I was in my previous life?You know, every time a man saw her in his previous life, he acted like a wolf, as if he hadn't touched a woman for decades.

Bah bah bah, what are you thinking about?

Su Youyue quickly pushed all the messy thoughts out of her mind, and then her mind reacted belatedly: "Have I slept for five days?!"

Didn't you say you were drunk for three days? Why did she become drunk for five days?

She now reasonably suspects that the bottle Xie Yuan used on her in her previous life was a fake.

Seeing Xie Yuan nod, she realized that she had really been asleep for five days, but it was because of these five days that she had slept through the most painful days of the wound.

Seeing that she didn't seem to be feeling any discomfort, Xie Yuan stood up again: "I'm going to call Divine Doctor Ji over to see if there is any serious problem after sleeping for so long."

After that, the man walked out again, getting along with her as comfortably as a couple who had been together for decades.

Su Youyue breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. It was good that Xie Yuan was not as enthusiastic about love affairs as in her previous life, and she was still happy. After all, she just couldn't stand it sometimes and couldn't understand why his physical strength was so endless.

In this way, when they get married, she will ask for it. This kind of thing only needs to be adjusted a few times a month to adjust her mood.

Su Youyue's ideals are very full.However, what she couldn't see was that after Xie Yuan walked out of the room, he raised his lowered eyes and looked back at the room again. There seemed to be some raging desire in his eyes that had been suppressed for a long time.

hold on.

Waiting for his daughter to get better...

As soon as Xie Yuan went out, he asked Chun Ya and Jin'er to come in and wait on them first.

The two maids were overjoyed to see Su Youyue awake.

"The young lady finally woke up. When I saw that the young lady was still awake on the third day, the slave girl and Sister Chunya were worried." Jin'er was relieved to see that Su Youyue was still energetic.

Chunya looked at Su Youyue's legs: "Does your leg hurt?"

Su Youyue shook her head: "It's okay if you don't move."

However, I'm afraid she won't be able to walk at all for a long time.

She was also thinking about solving Tuoba Xiao, but it seemed that there was no hope now, and that was right, there was not much hope in the first place.

Soon, Divine Doctor Ji arrived. After asking Su Youyue how she felt, he found that it was pretty much what he had expected. He proudly raised his arms and said, "My medical skills are so advanced, but combining the strengths of the two major medical skills to give If you treat it, I guarantee you will be cured, so don’t worry.”

Jin'er immediately praised Doctor Ji.

"Okay, okay, don't brag. I'm sorry. Just take good care of me. It can take up to three months or at least two months. Then we can see how the recovery goes." Doctor Ji Unexpectedly, Jin'er, that little girl, has a sweet mouth. She can't stand this.

Su Youyue glanced at Chunya, who hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Miracle Doctor Ji, earlier the lady prepared many gifts for the miracle doctor, and also asked the doctor to come over and see this slave."

These gifts to Divine Doctor Ji are naturally generous. After all, Su Youyue is really sorry for others.

After hearing this, Divine Doctor Ji had some satisfaction on her face, but before leaving, she suddenly turned around and said, "Miss Su, please allow me to say one more thing. Although I really hate your little boyfriend, he is really good to you. It’s a good idea, but I’ve been guarding outside your house every day these past few days!”

After saying that, she gave a thumbs up and then slipped out.

Su Youyue was startled, then looked at Jin'er: "Mr. Xie is here at night these days?"

Jin'er hesitated for a moment before nodding: "Miss, Mr. Xie was not allowed to say anything... Mr. Xie has been in our yard day and night these past few days."

"Then where does he live?" Su Youyue asked.

Jin'er whispered: "My servant said that I would secretly make a room for Mr. Xie, but Mr. Xie refused. During the day, he came in from outside the house in the name of visiting the young lady. At night, he came over without anyone noticing, just in front of the house. He would keep watch outside the lady's house, and when the slaves woke up in the morning, he would go back to sleep for an hour or two, and then he would continue to come again."

She suspected that Mr. Xie was made of iron, otherwise how could he survive like this?

Su Youyue suddenly felt enlightened.

No wonder, no wonder when she just woke up, what she saw was not Jin'er or Chunya, but Xie Yuan.

It turned out to be because he had been accompanying her.

This fool, the winter night in Yanjing is so cold, he is not afraid that he will recover. Is he sick?

Just as I was thinking about it, the man came back with a cup of medicine in his hand.

When he first came in, Su Youyue smiled at him. However, the next second, when her nose keenly smelled the smell of medicine, she subconsciously moved her body back and forth.

(End of this chapter)

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