Chapter 255 Rushing to Wencheng
Su Rong, a little girl, learned business management from Su Youyue for a period of time. She is obviously very talented. Now she manages several small shops given to her by Su Youyue in an orderly manner.

When people have money, they have confidence. Gradually, she is not as worried about gain and loss as before, and she is not afraid of the east and the west.

Sometimes she even thought about how she could live her whole life like this and why she would marry a man.

Girls from other families may say this and have little confidence, but the Su family is different. There is no man to inherit the family, so they are more tolerant towards the daughters in the family.

Because she had gained a lot of experience in doing business during this period, Su Rong quickly started chatting with Mei Xue and Wen Qingyu, and they had a great time.

Su Youyue allowed several people to chat in front of her.

In her previous life, she worked hard to do business in order to make money for the Lu family.In this life, she would never be able to spend all her money, and she wanted to spend more time enjoying life.

After chatting for a while, Mei Xue suddenly realized that they were obviously here to chat with Miss Su, but instead they started chatting with Miss Su San, leaving Miss Su in the cold.

Fortunately, when she turned around, she felt relieved when she saw a smile on Su Youyue's lips.

When the two of them left, they still had expressions of contentment on their faces, and Su Rong was the same, and they were all calling her sister.

When Mei Xue and Wen Qingyu arrived outside, they praised the two sisters of the Su family together.

"Sister-in-law, I didn't expect that the two girls in the Su family are both wonderful people. There were some bad rumors outside, and I had many misunderstandings about them."

Mei Xue sighed: "It's not like there are no other sisters in our family. You should be aware of some people's methods. I think the reputations of these two young ladies of the Su family only started to improve after Miss Su was sent to Zhuangzi. It can be seen that what is going on."

Wen Qingyu pursed her lips and nodded, but suddenly remembered something: "Speaking of which, Miss Su San's appearance is completely different from that of Miss Su. She is pitiful and cute. If we walk outside, I wouldn't even recognize them as biological sisters. Woolen cloth."

Su Youyue's appearance was bright, and even when she was squeamish occasionally, she was still charming and naive, but Su Rong was purely delicate and cute, and was indeed completely different from Su Youyue.

In fact, Wen Qingyu still had something to say.

After she took a closer look at Miss Su San today, she felt inexplicably that she looked like someone she had seen before...

In life, although it is rare for two people to have similar looks, it is not uncommon. Moreover, that person was not an important acquaintance, and his life was extremely bad. Now that he is gone, it is not appropriate to talk about it more.

And Miss Su San had grown up in the Su Mansion since she was a child, so there was no way she had anything to do with that person. It was better not to say anything, so Wen Qingyu quickly put the matter behind her.

After the two went back, they each followed the news about Xie Mansion and wanted to see Xie Yuan early. Unexpectedly, news came from Xie Mansion, but it was the emperor who sent Xie Yuan as an imperial envoy to deal with the bandits in Wencheng. Wretched things.

The army of Dasheng Kingdom has been weak in recent years, so bandits and robbers have been very rampant, especially in the Wencheng area of ​​​​the Central Plains. Those villains burned, killed, looted, and committed all kinds of evil. After more than ten years, the local area has been unable to do anything against them.

When the late emperor was still alive, he sent the imperial court to suppress the bandits once, but in the end the government ended in a disastrous defeat with heavy casualties. Since that time, the late emperor never mentioned sending the government to suppress the bandits again. Morale has soared, arrogance has become even more arrogant, and local people are complaining and living in dire straits.

Now, not long after the new emperor ascended the throne, he once again brought up the issue of suppressing Wencheng bandits. At first, the old-fashioned people in the court were stubborn and refused to let go, saying that they were afraid of heavy casualties in the court, so it was better to take action slowly.

But after Baili Hongxuan appointed Xie Yuan as the imperial minister, those old-fashioned people suddenly became silent one by one.

Xie Yuan...

Even the first warrior of Dongrong Kingdom is no match for him, he really has this strength!

Things couldn't be delayed. Every day, people suffered from disasters. The emperor immediately ordered Xie Yuan to be sent as an imperial envoy to Wencheng to suppress the bandits.After Xie Yuan had a secret talk with the emperor in the palace, when he came out of the palace again, the sky was already covered with night. Zheying followed him step by step: "Sir, the manpower of Su Mansion has been arranged now. Brothers are sworn to protect Madam to the death. Safety, what happened last night will never happen again.”

Although there had been secret guards in the Su Mansion to protect Madam's safety, because they had never encountered any trouble before, they could not help but relax their vigilance, and even failed to react when they were lured away, which almost led to a big mistake.

Xie Yuan nodded and looked in the direction of Su Mansion in the night.

"Sir, are you going to see Madam?" Zheying asked subconsciously.

Xie Yuan's eyes dropped: "Let's go again when we come back."

After that, he walked towards the depths of the night.

Orikage seemed puzzled, but did not question his master's decision and immediately followed him.

Anyway, he couldn't figure out what decision the lord made about his wife, so he turned around and asked Zhejing, who was very good at this.

At this time, under the dark night, Zhejing was sitting on the green tile with one leg bent and the other flat, quietly looking at the hazy clouds in the sky.After a moment, a figure flashed in front of him, leaving a low voice saying that "My Lord has gone to Wencheng to suppress the bandits", gave something to his hand, and left quickly.

When Zhejing received the message, he knew that the master wanted to leave him behind and continue to secretly watch over Doctor Ji.

It's just that it will take at least two months for your Excellency to go to Wencheng to suppress the bandits. Why don't you come and see Madam first?
The young man was not confused for too long, and he quickly figured it out. It seemed that the master wanted his wife to know the news tomorrow, so as not to start worrying today.

Looking at the thing in his hand, it seemed to be another bag of candies. Zhe Jing smiled.

Madam looks more mature than other girls of the same age, but adults always treat Madam like a child.

But this seems to have inspired Origami a little bit.

At first, when he saw Jin'er always looking at him, he thought Jin'er was interested in him.

Unexpectedly, after spending the past few days together, he discovered that Jin'er simply liked his face...

Moreover, she is even slower than Madam...

Zhejing suddenly felt that, let alone adults, he suddenly felt that his path to pursue his wife was not any better than adults.

But looking at the sweets the adults gave her, and thinking that Jin'er was just a foodie, Zhe Jing suddenly had an idea in her mind and knew what to do.

Early the next morning, Zhejing informed Su Youyue that Xie Yuan had gone to Wencheng, and then presented the bag of candies.

Su Youyue was originally wondering why Xie Yuan failed to come yesterday despite his promise. When she heard this, she suddenly remembered that in her previous life, Xie Yuan was also sent to Wencheng to suppress bandits.

Although the bandits were successfully suppressed in the end,... Xie Yuan almost lost half his life there.

They did not underestimate the strength of Wencheng's bandits, but they did not expect that those bandits were not as simple as they thought.

Standing behind those people was Prince Rong... who was Su Qian's husband in her previous life.

(End of this chapter)

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