Chapter 275 It may not be her fault
The people of Su Mansion were busy and finally fished out all the people who fell into the water, but no one was happy.

"Pillar! Pillar, for God's sake... Our Lao Yan family only has this one seedling!" The mother with gray hair on her temples cried loudly, hugging her son's body. The sky was falling. How could she care about her decency? .

"How can I explain to my ancestors if you are dead?" The old woman cried desperately, and everyone present felt sad and silent.

Lu Shuangshuang hid in her father's clothes. Although she didn't say anything, she felt no guilt. Instead, she glared at Su Rong, who was wrapped in Lu Lin's clothes.

It's all this little bastard's fault. She just said a few words and he actually wanted to hit her, causing them all to fall into the pond and almost drown!

Su Rong was in no mood to look at Lu Shuangshuang at this time. She looked at the pale young man on the ground with no trace of blood on his body, with a heavy look of guilt on his face.

She pinched her palms tightly, and just as she was about to step forward, she saw the old woman holding the young man suddenly stood up: "The pillar is gone, and I can't live anymore! My son, mother is here to accompany you!"

After saying that, the old woman actually wanted to hit the rockery next to her.

Su Rong had never seen such a scene before, and she was so frightened that she froze on the spot.

The others were not expecting it and were caught off guard. It was too late to stop her at this moment. They were looking at the mother who was about to be hit to death. However, they saw a figure suddenly appear at the entrance of the garden on the other side. With a whip, the old woman was caught by the whip. , staggered and fell to the ground without hitting it.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Nanny... Doctor Ji?" Lu Lin was stunned for a moment when he saw the two people coming.

Ji Qingyan had no time to pay attention to anyone, and rushed directly to the young man on the ground. Without hesitation, he reached out and emptied the sand from the other man's mouth and nose, then pinched his nostrils with his thumb and index finger, and blew mouth to mouth five times. Interlace the fingers of both hands with the palms downward, and use the heels of the palms to press the middle part of the young man's chest.

Seeing her sudden move, Lu Shuangshuang, who was still shrinking, suddenly exclaimed.

" broad daylight, how could she be like this..."

This is too shocking. How could this woman have mouth-to-mouth with a man in public?Absolutely disgusting!

Su Youyue frowned. At this moment, she had no time to take care of the two girls who were already safe. After letting Chun Ya and Jin'er take an eye on the old woman, they quickly rushed to Doctor Ji. But as soon as they saw the people on the ground clearly, she Take a breath.

The skin of this man's body has turned pale as white as snow, and he looks like he is dead. Can he still be saved?

She was still hesitating, but the miracle doctor kept moving, and every thirty compressions, he would re-exhale five times from mouth to mouth.

Gradually, she became obviously exhausted.

Su Youyue didn't know if her actions had any effect, but she knew that if the news spread, Doctor Ji would be criticized.

But she didn't hesitate and folded her hands like Divine Doctor Ji: "Doctor Ji, let me take your place for a while..."

"Miss, no." Chun Ya couldn't help but remind her from behind.

If the young lady did this, I'm afraid she wouldn't even know what would happen if word got out.

Su Youyue didn't seem to hear it, and insisted on taking over the work of Divine Doctor Ji. Unexpectedly, Ji Qingyan had no intention of getting out of her way, and just continued to repeat his actions.

"Doctor Ji?"

"Young lady, you are talking nonsense. It's so noisy. Don't disturb me!" Ji Qingyan said impatiently.

Su Youyue had no choice but to keep quiet for the time being, but she didn't notice that the eyes of the two uncles behind her lit up when they heard Doctor Ji's tone.

I don’t know how long it took, but just when many people started to look at each other, feeling that the miracle doctor Ji was doing useless work inexplicably and didn’t know what to do, the pillar on the ground suddenly choked out a mouthful of water. "This..." Everyone's eyes were as wide as a bell.

Zhuzi's mother was like a wandering spirit returning to her body. After being silent for a long time, she suddenly reacted: "Zhuzi! My Zhuzi!"

She shook Chun Ya and Jin'er away violently. The two girls were also surprised that Zhu Zhu suddenly spat out water, and for a moment she actually ran over to him.

Doctor Ji stretched out his hand to touch Zhu Zhu's nose and neck, and then he breathed a long sigh of relief: "Okay, don't touch him now, let him rest for a while, and then change his dirty clothes quickly, so as not to Catch a cold."

When Zhuzhu Niang heard the word "ok", she burst into tears. She was about to hold her son and stopped quickly. She clasped her hands together and knelt down to Ji Qingyan: "Thank you so much, the miracle doctor. You are truly a living Bodhisattva... …”

Su Youyue couldn't help but take a step forward and saw that although Zhu Zhu's complexion was still pale, it was obviously much better than before, and his chest did have a slight rise and fall...

This is the medical skill that brings people back to life...

She once heard that Doctor Ji could bring the dead back to life, and she just thought it was funny. Now that she saw a life brought back to life in front of her because of his medical skills, she was indescribably shocked.

The name Divine Doctor Ji has never been just a name, but the lives of countless people and the hopes of countless families...

If Yan Zhuzhu really died today, the Yan family's sky would probably collapse.

Su Youyue was silent for a long time, and then began to arrange the follow-up matters in an orderly manner. She sent Lu Shuangshuang and Su Rong back to change clothes and drink ginger soup, and then arranged for Zhu Zhu and Zhu Zi Niang to rest first, as well as a group of servants who went into the water. arrange.

After everything was settled, Su Youyue brought everyone else to the front hall and asked the two girls' personal maids what happened just now.

Before Xiao Xing could say anything, Hong Xiu took the lead and said: "Miss, you have to make the decision for my young lady. My young lady originally wanted to take a stroll around the Su Mansion today, but as soon as she arrived at the pond, she met Gui The third lady of the house.”

"The third young lady seemed to dislike my young lady very much. She was very angry as soon as she opened her mouth. My young lady just retorted a few words, and the third young lady suddenly pushed my young lady. My young lady subconsciously grabbed the third young lady, and the two of them started to fight together. It fell."

Xiao Xing listened to the red sleeve talking non-stop and couldn't get a word in, but the more she listened, the more angry she became.

This person simply confuses right and wrong. It was clearly Miss Lu who was very angry when she first came up. He said some unintelligible words to his own lady, and even said that she was not a member of the Su family at all, so the lady got angry and scolded her.

Then Miss Lu also started to curse, grabbed her own young lady, and pushed her own young lady down. It was the young lady who grabbed her skirt tightly before pulling her down.

As soon as Hongxiu finished speaking, Lu Sen said displeasedly: "Nanny, uncle has long heard that your third sister is indeed of bad conduct. Did she scold you in the house before?"

Su Rong, who had changed her clothes, had already walked outside the hall. When she heard this, she couldn't help but stop immediately, biting her lip, with unspeakable grievance in her eyes.

She knew she wasn't good enough, but could she be blamed for what happened today?
It was clearly Lu Shuangshuang's fault, but for no apparent reason, she began to sneer at herself and call herself a bastard.

She has no mother, but she is a young lady from the Su family, how could she endure such an insult!

So she couldn't help scolding Lu Shuangshuang.

Now think about it, the Lu family are distinguished guests of the Su Mansion. No matter what, it would be wrong for her to cause such a thing... What's more, she almost caused others to lose their lives because of it.

Just as Su Rong was about to go in and apologize to the two uncles of the Lu family, a voice suddenly came from the hall.

"Why did the second uncle come to a conclusion so quickly? Now he just listened to this girl's side of the story. I think what happened today may not be my third sister's fault."

(End of this chapter)

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