Chapter 290 I could do it then, and I can do it now
After saying that, Ji Qingyan ran to the pharmacy in his yard.

Although Su Shangshu said he was fine just now, the fall must have been serious. They might have to kowtow to each other all day long, so they must not suffer!

Seeing that Divine Doctor Ji seemed to be very busy, Jin'er couldn't help but be disappointed and could only shout from behind: "Shenji Doctor, you must remember to watch!"

Unfortunately, as soon as she finished speaking, Ji Qingyan disappeared.

Ji Qingyan went back, and Li Rong had just come out after delivering the prescriptions. As he walked, Li Rong sighed, it's okay that the master didn't come, Doctor Ji was not in the room at all.

He rushed all the way back to Su Zhenyun's residence and saw his master tinkering with the wine again, so he stepped forward and said, "Sir..."

Su Zhenyun looked back, his eyes surprisingly bright: "Uncle Rong, she is Xixue!"

"This..." Li Rong looked puzzled. He was not here for a while. What happened to the master?
Su Zhenyun's face was full of joy: "Yes, Divine Doctor Ji is Xixue, only Xixue can say hello like that!"

Although Li Rong was puzzled, he felt a little more happy when he saw that his master's words were reasonable. If Divine Doctor Ji was really his wife, then he would no longer have to be alone!
"But sir, what should I do if my wife doesn't remember those things in the past and is so resistant to me?"

Su Zhenyun picked up the wine bottle on the table, raised his lips, and said with high spirits: "Xixue can't remember it, so I'll think about it slowly with her."

"If I can't remember it in this life, then she and I...will start over."

"I could make her like me back then, and I can definitely do it now."

After that, he started to pick up the brewing equipment again.

Li Rong almost cried when he saw that his master had finally regained his former grace after so many years.

Yes, if Divine Doctor Ji is really his wife...

Then she will definitely fall in love with you again!
Li Rong's nose was sore and he twitched it several times. This was really good. He had a premonition that good times for the Su family were coming soon.

The next day was another beautiful spring sunny day.

After Su Youyue knew that Divine Doctor Ji did not read those books immediately yesterday, although she was anxious, she could not rush them too much and could only rush to the outing meeting first.

When she was about to go out, she called someone to check in advance. Lu Shuangshuang didn't come out today, so she came out to avoid being entangled by him again.

Now that she knows the purpose of her second aunt and cousin, she is even more displeased with them. However, this time the Lu family is bound to attend her wedding, so they will stay for more than a month, and she can't do it without contact. touch.

"Sister, wait for me..." Su Rong was planning to go to the outing today. When she saw Su Youyue bringing cakes and fruits out, she naturally understood that she was going too, and immediately caught up with her.

This outing gathering is not a formal banquet, and everyone from the royal family to ordinary people can participate, so people from each family are not traveling together.

The two sisters can be said to have coincided with each other.

After taking the little girl into the carriage, Su Youyue asked: "How has your body recovered in the past two days?"

That day, Lu Shuangshuang fell into the water and went back, but nothing happened. However, Su Rong's body was a little weak and she had a slight cold. However, she had been receiving medicines and various supplements in the past few days. It seemed that the little girl had recovered. good.

Su Rong nodded: "Much better, big sister, thanks to your feeding, I have gained weight again!"

Su Youyue saw that her cheeks seemed to be really rounder, so she couldn't help but squeeze them. It felt really good.

"It's okay. I'll give you some weight loss food after a while." Su Rong knew that her eldest sister was following Ji Shen's medical skills recently. She immediately nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, pestered Su Youyue and started asking if she had whitening and slimming black hair gel. Teeth formula.

The two sisters were laughing and joking, and soon they arrived at the foot of the green mountains on the outskirts of Yanjing. At this time, there were many small vendors on the roadside who had prepared in advance, selling kites or various snacks and snacks, as well as some elegant things. , many young men and girls started shopping, and it was very lively.

Under a pavilion in the distance, the atmosphere was incompatible with the lively outing gathering. It seemed to be separated from here, and it was extremely quiet.

However, many little girls secretly looked at the man in the pavilion.

"Is that Master Xie? He seems to have a bad temper."

"Then don't think about it, Mr. Xie is not a mortal, he is someone who can defeat even the people of Dongrong Kingdom!"

"Master Xie is so handsome. He is simply the most beautiful man in Yanjing!"

"No, I think Mr. Hua is the one!"

"It's just that the third son of Hua has not yet settled his marriage, but Mr. Xie is going to marry a cripple! What a pity! I think Miss Su is not as good as us, at least we are strong!"

These girls include ladies from aristocratic families and women from common people. Common women are much more open-minded than ladies from aristocratic families, and they have a stronger market atmosphere.

As soon as the girl finished speaking, there was a burst of laughter, but these girls all understood that she was telling the truth. After all, Mr. Xie is so beautiful and a hero, why would he marry a cripple!
The few of them were murmuring and discussing, when suddenly they saw the man in the pavilion suddenly stood up and walked towards this direction——

"Ahhh! Mr. Xie is coming to us!" The girls suddenly became obsessed with each other. They looked at the man's figure walking slowly and were so happy that they almost fainted.

After all, how can I see such a handsome man on ordinary days?

Unexpectedly, when the man arrived, a pair of deep and handsome eyes swept across the face of the girl who was mocking Su Youyue like a sharp knife scraping bones.

How could ordinary people withstand the aura of a man who had accumulated countless lives in his hands? The girls were already sweating profusely and their legs were weak from fear after just one glance.

A few people were still stunned, not knowing how to react, when they saw that Xie Yuan's footsteps had stopped and he was looking in one direction.

In that direction, a carriage came from a distance and finally stopped in front of him.

After a while, the curtain of the carriage was suddenly opened, revealing a face with an extremely bright smile. The girl's appearance could be said to be alluring. Her bright eyes were as flawless as spring water, and her pink cheeks and lips were just like the peach blossoms blooming in spring. , bright and indescribable.

The moment Xie Yuan saw the other person, it was like an iceberg meeting the spring sun, and the cold aura around him melted away, turning into tenderness like water.

"Who is that?" The girls from before couldn't help but frown when they saw that Xie Yuan was so special to this woman.

At this time, I heard someone next to me say in shock: "Miss Su?"

"Miss Su's leg is healed? My eyes are not blurry, right?"

Everyone was still shocked, but Su Youyue took the hand extended by Xie Yuan and got off the carriage directly.

She asked softly in a voice that only two people could hear: "Does the wound still hurt?"

(End of this chapter)

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