Chapter 605 Tuoba Xiao is back
No one expected that after hearing this, Prince Bei suddenly became speechless and shocked everyone: "If this is the case, I can also marry Miss Shen as my royal concubine!"


Everyone felt like they were numb.

They thought that Prince Bei was going to give up like this, but they didn't expect that he would actually allow Shen Nannan to become his concubine!

This is simply... Absolutely ridiculous. How can Shen Nannan's status be qualified for Prince Bei to be his concubine!
Everyone was in a daze and couldn't help but think about what charm this Miss Shen had that made the two nobles argue so much in front of the emperor.

Su Youyue also fell silent.

She also didn't expect that Prince Bei would suddenly say something like this out of nowhere.

The face I showed in front of him before was indeed unsightly. How did he take a liking to it?
In fact, Prince Bei really didn't like her face.

Just when I see her, I can't help but think of Bai Yueguang, whom I can't forget.

Who knows the lethality of Bai Yueguang?
As long as she stood there and looked three points similar, she would have won without saying anything.

Feeling comes first.

That's why Prince Bei was deeply impressed by Miss Shen, whom he had only met a few times, and he definitely wanted to bring her into his house.

However, he had no intention of marrying her as his concubine before. The reason why he agreed to become his concubine was entirely because of his anger with Helian Lin.

When he was in Yanjing, he and Xie Yuan couldn't rob Miss Su, so he had to give up and went to his own house. He Lianlin robbed Miss Shen again. You have to fight him to the end.

He felt happy when he said it, but he didn't see Emperor Xuanming's face darken.

He had long heard that this young lady brought back by the Shen family had a perverse temperament, acted wantonly, and had no regard for the rules. It would be fine for Prince Bei to marry him back as a concubine, but a woman with such a character should be his The royal concubine will definitely only lead Prince Bei to learn bad things.

So he intended to point out Miss Shen to Helian Lin, but he couldn't help his younger brother, so he was just trying to find an excuse to cover it up in advance, but the excuse came to him.

"Your Majesty, General Tuoba has returned to the capital."

Emperor Xuanming's old, slightly cloudy eyes visibly brightened up a bit: "General Tuoba is back? Where is he? Let him come to see me soon!"

If Emperor Xuanming's tone became much gentler and kinder when he saw Prince Bei, now when he heard Tuoba Xiao, he was even more enthusiastic.

When Su Youyue heard this name, she frowned almost as if she had muscle memory.

"Reporting to the emperor, General Tuoba has just entered the city and has already come to the palace to see him. He will probably arrive in less than an hour of burning incense." Every force in the holy capital city knows that the emperor attaches great importance to Tuoba Xiao, so Every time Tuoba Xiao returned to the capital, no matter where he went, someone would deliver real-time messages.

"Okay, okay, I'm finally back... This Tuoba Xiao is really disobedient. I called him back again and again, but he always refused." Although Emperor Xuanming was complaining, no one could tell that it was an intimate complaint. , not angry at all.

"Brother Emperor..." Prince Bei reminded him loudly.

However, Emperor Xuanming smiled and said, "Brother, we can discuss your marriage later. Today we will take care of General Tuoba first."

Everyone secretly thought that Tuoba Xiao had not returned from a victorious battle. Instead, he had been deeply involved in Da Sheng and was almost unable to come back. The emperor was so troubled that he sent troops to attack Da Sheng. It would be fine if he was not punished. Cleanse the dust for him.

But everyone knows that their emperor treats Tuoba Xiao better than his own sons. He is extremely strict with each of his sons, but he indulges Tuoba Xiao without any bottom line, so no one dares to say anything.

The princes sitting on that seat were all quite old and should have reached a stable age, but when they heard Tuoba Xiao's name, there was obvious resentment on their faces. When Prince Bei saw this, he had no choice but to give up, but before sitting down, he gave He Lianlin an angry look.

However, He Lianlin didn't seem to see his eyes. He directly found a seat and sat down, then looked at Su Youyue.

Su Youyue looked at him, and her chaotic mood stabilized. She was not sure whether Tuoba Xiao would recognize her when he saw her.

But with Xie Yuan here, she wasn't so panicked.

Tuoba Xiao would not arrive for a while, and the banquet continued, with the sound of silk and bamboo playing, dancers dancing gracefully on the stage, and nobles getting up one after another, either toasting each other, or leaving temporarily.

When the palace people came to pour wine or tea, Su Youyue had told her in advance, so when the little eunuch came over, he poured her a cup of hot tea.

She raised her eyes and glanced at the fair-skinned little eunuch.

The little eunuch was stunned for a moment, then immediately smiled at her and retreated.

"Miss, what's wrong?" Qing Luo noticed something strange about her and leaned over to ask.

"Qingluo, wait a moment, go and send a message to Eunuch Xiaoshunzi for me." Su Youyue smiled.

Qingluo immediately agreed, and after a while, she left to look for the figure of Little Shunzi's father-in-law.

Su Youyue sat on her seat, took a sip of tea, and waited for her leisurely.

After half a stick of incense, she came back.

There were many people at the banquet, so her departure and return did not attract much attention.

After a while, a voice finally came from outside: "General Tuoba has arrived——"

Su Youyue paused at the tea cup in her hand.

The moment the young man appeared, she found that she still couldn't be too calm. On the one hand, she was filled with hatred, and on the other hand, she was afraid of the madman who was difficult to control.

There is no doubt that the person who came here is definitely a madman. As soon as he appears, his unstoppable momentum makes people subconsciously avoid his edge. Even when he walks in an ordinary way, he has the feeling of an edged weapon, with a pair of blue-green monsters. Eyes, wherever they go, no one avoids them.

It's just that today's Tuoba Xiao is a little different from the past. He cut off his long hair and no longer wears those iconic braids and silver jewelry. His hair gradually lengthens from his forehead to his neck, and is no longer than his shoulders. It is thick and fluffy, starting from his forehead. Curl forward and backward. Just looking at the hairstyle, this hairstyle looks like a canine with fried hair, and it also has a hint of femininity.

However, there is a wolfish nature in him, which suppresses the femininity of the fluffy short hair, showing a sense of bohemianness.

Regardless of whether they are Dasheng or Dongrong, there is no doubt that they all adhere to filial piety. Their hair, hair and skin are borne by their parents, and their hair is not allowed to be cut.

Tuoba Xiao's hair is cut like this, which is not a very unfilial act. When ordinary people see it, they can't help but frown deeply.

Sure enough, everyone around him started talking when they saw his curly short hair.

But the young man had no consciousness of being discussed. He raised his head in front of Emperor Dongrong like a beast and said, "Your Majesty, I am back."

(End of this chapter)

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