Chapter 639 Calm down

"That's all, go ahead."

Princess Pingyang seemed extremely tired, but there was a slight smile on her lips.

"After developing the antidote, whether you are willing to stay in Dongrong or go to Dasheng, I will no longer control you."

"Your Majesty, I will take care of it for you."


Princess Pingyang glanced sideways at Su Youyue's belly again, but quickly looked away.

She didn't want her son to see her red eyes.

The two slowly retreated.

Just as they were about to leave, He Lianjin suddenly said: "Third brothers and sisters, do you know... how is Miss Mei doing in Yanjing?"

Su Youyue's footsteps paused.

She turned around and saw the deep shame in the man's eyes.

But she didn't feel kindhearted because of this, and replied coldly: "How is Sister Mei? I believe you can't find out."

"Since you have remarried, you'd better let her treat you as if you are no longer alive, and don't disturb her. It will not be easy for her and Sister Wen to get over those sad days."

After she finished speaking, Helian Zhan on the other side also had guilt flashing in his eyes. He hesitated several times before he finally said in a low voice: "We did not remarry, but now we are just..."

"Thanks for the reminder, third brother and sister." He Lianjin interrupted his younger brother, not wanting him to say more about the matter. "Whatever you want to do now, just go ahead and do it. If necessary, my mother, I, and you two will Brother will help."

Watching the two people leave, He Lianjin looked at his younger brother with a bitter taste on his lips: "We were bent on avenging our father and the Xie family, and wanted to get rid of the entire Dasheng royal family. For this, we did not hesitate to be ashamed of A Yuan, your sister-in-law and your sister-in-law. My second brother and sister are really on the wrong track."

"Baili Hongxuan has never had any thoughts about my Xie family. He was also persecuted by Emperor Jing's dog emperor. He even helped the Xie family clear their grievances and asked A Yuan to kill Emperor Jing himself to take revenge."

"He takes more care of A Yuan than we do. How can we have the shame to take his life?"

Helianzhan was silent for a long time, thinking of his former wife, his heart suddenly twisted like a knife.

Why didn't he send someone to find out?

Not only did he know that after his death, Qingyu wanted to commit suicide and not live alone in the world, but he also knew that in order to refuse the marriage arranged by her family, she went on a hunger strike to force her to do so.

It was even known that she often cried secretly alone.

But the more he knew, the more afraid he became, fearing that she would hate him after knowing the truth. Later, he only dared to remember alone and completely lost the courage to find her.

"Now that mother has given up on attacking Baili Hongxuan, you and I don't have to think about it anymore. Now let's find a way to have someone develop the holy medicine antidote as soon as possible."

As Helian Jin was talking, he saw his younger brother suddenly frowning.

"what happened?"

As soon as he finished asking, he saw Helian Zhan's face was in pain and his pupils were faintly red.

"Brother, I seem to have... been tricked too."

"These three younger siblings are so cruel. How come A Yuan likes this?"

"..." He Lianjin felt a sudden pain in his chest, and his eyes seemed to realize something.

When coming out of the palace, the man came back on horseback, and Su Youyue had no chance to take off his mask.

At this moment, the two of them got into the carriage together. As soon as Su Youyue sat firmly, she wanted to take off the man's mask, but she looked at him and said first: "Xie Yuan... I gave your mother, eldest brother and second brother the holy medicine... …Would you blame me?”

In fact, when she decided to release the list of holy medicines, the secret guards below came to ask her. But she got angry when she thought about it. Xie Yuan had been harmed by them in his two lives, so she added a few names to the list.

Why did they make Xie Yuan suffer like this for the rest of his life?

They themselves must also feel Xie Yuan's feeling!

The man lowered his eyes and looked at the uneasiness in her eyes. He suddenly raised his hand and took her into his arms.


Being held in her arms, Su Youyue stiffened, but quickly relaxed. She burst into tears in an instant, wetting the man's shoulders.

Xie Yuan.

Only he has this ability.

Let her shed tears in just one second, and experience all kinds of sadness in this world, and her heartache is so painful that it's hard to breathe.

She was even thinking about why she didn't fall in love with the man in front of her earlier in her previous life. Every minute and every second before she fell in love with him was a waste of time.

And they were deprived of such precious time for four months. She felt that she might have suffered from amnesia again. At this moment, she couldn't remember that when Xie Yuan just disappeared, that day, How did she get here and what did she do?

She cried and wet a large part of the man's shoulders. She reached out and grabbed his mask. She wanted to see him more than ever.

Before her hand was completely attached to the mask, the man raised his hand and untied the long silver cord behind his head, took off the mask and threw it aside.

Before Su Youyue could see the man's face clearly, her face was held in his hands. Thick and turbulent kisses followed one after another, so intensive that it made people breathless. She felt like she had turned into a piece of candy. The man He wasn't kissing her, he was trying to eat her. She almost melted under the man's lips and tongue, turning into a pool of hot sugary honey.

She almost felt a sense of suffocation, but she was reluctant to push the man away. She suddenly understood that those believers who blindly believed in the gods would rather sacrifice themselves without selfishness when dealing with the gods in their hearts.

Finally, the man let go of her and she was able to breathe for a moment.

But then, the man pried open her mouth again.

It was said to be prying, but it was almost effortless, without any obstruction, the tongue roamed in her mouth, invading wantonly, licking and sucking, like a complete lunatic who had lost his mind.

The woman who had always been able to make people angry to death and yet there was nothing they could do to her was now so docile that she had no edges at all. The tips of her ten fingers were glowing pink, and they were clinging to the man's body.

When she finally got free, she couldn't help but shout softly.

"Xie Yuan..."

"Xie Yuan..."

The man was willing to stop for a moment.

Su Youyue finally saw his face clearly.

Those familiar and affectionate eyebrows were undoubtedly her man.

But one pair of eyes was so red that it almost bled.

Su Youyue suddenly woke up and was out of breath. She wanted to pat the man's arm to show that he was being crazy and completely disregarding her own body. But now she just saw this face, let alone patting it, even touching it. I felt a little reluctant to give up.

"Still on the street." She couldn't bear to blame him, so she could only find reasons to appease him first.

But when she said this, she blushed even more, remembering that when they returned to Bai's house, they had to go through the official road with the most people.

Although she didn't know if she was in a crowded place now, Orikage and Qingluo were also outside. If she heard any noise, her master would be too embarrassed to see them.

She blushed, her fingertips were so soft that they were trembling. She kept her voice as calm as possible, took Xie Yuan's hand and gently placed it on her belly: "Think about the baby, it's not okay now, calm down."

(End of this chapter)

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