Chapter 641: Are you here to seek revenge?

Everyone's expressions froze.

Although they know that their current power in the court is definitely not comparable to that of Princess Pingyang's Mansion, they are usually well-known figures in the Holy Capital City. When have they ever been so disrespected?
Marquis Ding'an's face was furious and his breathing was trembling: "Third Young Master Helian, are you going to protect this murderer? I tell you, don't think that you are the Third Young Master of Princess Pingyang's Mansion. I am afraid of you. We share the same hatred for killing your son. Dai Tian, ​​if you want to involve the entire Princess Pingyang Mansion for a woman, I will still seek justice for my son even if I risk my life!"

The officials of Dali Temple also quickly persuaded: "Third Young Master Helian, we took Miss Shen away just to inquire a little bit. If she is really innocent and has nothing to do with the death of the prince of Ding'an Hou Mansion, we will release her soon and return her." I ask Third Young Master Helian to be accommodating."

Xie Yuan's face was expressionless as he looked at the densely surrounded warriors and officials of the Ding'an Marquis Mansion.

"What if it's irrelevant, so what if it's relevant?"

After hearing his words, the faces of everyone in the Ding'an Marquis Mansion, who were still somewhat respectful to him, changed.

"What does it mean to be related? He Lianlin, are you determined to protect this murderer?" Mrs. Ding'anhou couldn't bear it anymore.

Meng Zhiyi also felt greatly humiliated.

After all, they are also the Ding'an Marquis Mansion. Even if the Princess Pingyang Mansion is high in power, if the prince of their Marquis Mansion is dead, is the Princess Mansion still planning to protect criminals and cover the sky with one hand?
What kind of ecstasy did this fake Shen Nannan, a dead vixen, pour into these men in the Holy Capital City? How could she be able to charm them to the point of doing this for her!
Meng Zhiyi had been immersed in the grief of her brother's death these days. When she heard what happened at the door of Bai's house in the morning, she felt both hatred and jealousy of the fake Shen Nannan. While she was hating, Shen Zhuyu came to the door.

This was the first time Shen Zhuyu came to her home after Meng Ziyu died. Seeing her crying sadly, Meng Zhiyi couldn't help but comfort her.

Unexpectedly, while talking, Shen Zhuyu accidentally revealed the news that Meng Ziyu's death seemed to be closely related to the fake Shen Nannan.

How could Shen Zhuyu hold back at this time? Of course, she immediately informed the Ding'an Hou and his wife. With such clues, the Hou and his wife immediately sent people to investigate, and sure enough, they found some clues.

Although there is no conclusive evidence yet, they have almost determined in their hearts that this fake Shen Nannan is the murderer of Meng Ziyu.

At this moment, Meng Zhiyi almost hated this wild woman of unknown origin to the extreme.

How could she swallow her breath when she saw that the man in front of her actually defended him to the point of humiliating their Ding'an Marquis Mansion.

"Shen Nannan, bitch, come out!"

She couldn't help shouting angrily.

But the next second, a strong wind suddenly flew past her face. It wasn't until people behind her screamed in surprise that Meng Zhiyi subconsciously turned around and saw her long, severed hair falling slowly in the air.

After cutting off Meng Zhiyi's hair, a dagger glowing with snow-white light was directly nailed to the handle of the spear in the hand of one of the warriors, and actually completely penetrated the handle of the spear!
Meng Zhiyi suddenly felt warm and stinging on her cheek, and couldn't help but reach out and touch it. When she touched blood, she was so frightened that she screamed: "Ahhh! My face!"

Mrs. Ding'an Hou was also frightened out of her mind. She hurriedly went forward to check. Although the wound was not deep, there was a lot of blood. She was angry and couldn't help being frightened.

This Helianlin really has no scruples!
She didn't even doubt that if they continued to block the road like this, he would definitely go on a killing spree!
"If you scold her again, I will cut off your mouth with the next knife."

The man looked at everyone in front of him coldly.

Repeated a second time.

"Why don't you get out yet?"

The official of Dali Temple was sweating profusely, with a strong intention to retreat in his eyes, and said in the ear of Marquis Ding'an: "Master Hou, this Helian Lin is just like Tuoba Xiao. He is a madman who doesn't care. I think today I will start Forget it, if Shen Nannan is the murderer, can the emperor give you justice to Ding'anhou Mansion?" After that, he handed over and left: "Master Hou, if you go to the palace to complain now, the emperor will definitely make the decision for you? Yes, I will go back and wait for your good news. When the emperor gives the order, I will bring my men and take down the Bai family directly. Are you afraid that Shen Nannan will not stand down at the desk? "

After that, he waved his hand and led the people away.

"You..." Mrs. Ding'an Hou was already weak because of the attitude of the other party. Officials from Dali Temple took away many people at once, causing her confidence to completely disappear in an instant.

However, Marquis Ding'an held her down and his tone was still aggressive: "Okay, Helianlin, since you are so unreasonable, don't blame me for not saving face for you in front of the Emperor and Princess Pingyang!"

After saying that, he also waved to the warrior servants behind him: "You protect the madam and the young lady first and return to the prince's mansion. I will enter the palace now!"

Marquis Ding'an was not angry with the Dali Temple officials, but felt that they were reminding him what to do now.

Although he retreated with his men, he was still full of momentum.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly covered his chest and stopped.

"Master Hou, what's wrong with you?" Madam Ding'an Houfu stepped forward anxiously.

Marquis Ding'an felt a twinge of pain in his heart, but it dissipated quickly, so he waved his hand and said, "It's okay. He must be angry with He Lianlin and that bitch."

Mrs. Ding'an Hou saw that his pupils were slightly red, but she thought it was due to too much emotion, so she nodded and quickly urged: "Master Marquis, go into the palace and tell the emperor that the emperor will definitely make the decision for our house and help us." Take a good breath of bad breath!"

After saying that, her eyes were like daggers, and she cut coldly across the carriage that had left.

In the carriage, Su Youyue was thinking for a moment.

"When you went out just now, I seemed to see a few familiar people among the crowd of people watching."

She has now helped Miss Shen to avenge her. If Ding'an Hou Mansion does not act like a monster, she will not take action against them for the time being.

But if they dared to take action, she would definitely let them know how Meng Ziyu felt at that time.

"Who?" Xie Yuan asked warmly, his eyes were completely different from those just outside the carriage.

Su Youyue replied: "They are from the Wolf Hunter tribe."

Although the carriage curtain was only lifted a moment ago, she could see clearly.

The clothes of the Wolf Hunters are different from those of the people in the Holy City, so they are naturally very conspicuous.

Among them were Tuoba Yi, Nalan and others whom she had met before and even caught.

After they captured these Wolf Hunters, they brought back some Da Sheng prisoners who were captured by the Dongrong people, and they never saw this group of people again after that.

But she still clearly remembered that this group of young people from the wolf hunting tribe had resolutely stood against Tuoba Xiao.

Are these people here in the Holy Capital City to seek revenge on Tuoba Xiao?
(End of this chapter)

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